
The Dragon King's Heart

Having just survived an assassination attempt, attending a Masquerade Ball is the least of Princess Laina's worries! A night of light-hearted fun soon turns into a nightmare when the shameless Dragon King Dante kidnaps her. When she tries to leave, he refuses to let her go! Why would a King kidnap a princess he just met? As Laina gets to know Dante better, she finds herself with more unanswered questions than before. For example: 1) How does he know her favorite color? 2) How did she know the name of the dog in his castle? 3) Why did he call her 'sundrop'? Join Laina as she tries to make sense of her royal life as it spins out of control with the entrance of the shameless King Dante! Will they find happiness? Excerpt from the novel “Dante… My King, we can’t just kidnap a princess!” Marius exclaimed quietly. “Who said this is a kidnapping,” Dante hissed as he folded his arms, “I am simply bringing her back to Dracona.” “Against her will, it is kidnapping,” Marius tried to reason. “It’s not against her will. She’s just asleep.” I do not own the rights to the cover image! Hi reader! This is author ValestriaMoon here! This is my WSA 2021 entry and I am so happy to finally be able to share it with you! If you would be so kind as to add this novel into your library, share it with your friends, and vote your power stones on it; I will be eternally grateful. Special thanks to my editor for editing the book cover for me~ Feel free to check out my two other works: - Completed - Ongoing A huge thank you to @mayofenna and @fishitier for tag teaming and bringing this awesome awesome cover to life!

ValestriaMoon · Fantasy
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351 Chs

You Don't Have To Ask

Laina was at a loss for words. What on earth was going on with Dante today? He went from being cordial and respectful to drunk and playful really quickly and something just did not feel right.

Dante placed her down gently on the bed and straightened his back. Laina was lost in her mind, trying to find a way and plan out her next action. The next moment, when she looked up, she realized Dante was unbuttoning his shirt!

The princess quickly turned her head to the side as the heat in her cheeks rose. But she could not help herself, Laina glanced over as she peeked through her hands. She could see his well-sculpted abs.

But what truly caught her attention the most, was the scar over the middle of his chest. It looked like a stab wound, a deep one too. Laina subconsciously lifted her hand, wanting to touch it. Just as she was about to touch his skin, Dante grabbed hold of her hand.

This action brought Laina back to her senses as she removed her hand from his grasp immediately.

"Sorry, I was just…" she was tongue-tied.

"That's alright," he replied with a devilish grin as he took hold of her hand and placed it on his own chest," If you want to touch, you don't even have to ask."

-What on earth is going on?!- Laina screamed at herself internally.

She could feel his smooth skin, the ridges of the scar. Something about it felt familiar yet she did not know why. Realizing what was going on, Laina immediately removed her hand from his grasp once more.

Dante climbed up on the bed, on top of Laina. But she was not having it. As much as the scene before her was getting steamy, she kept her mind focused. She finally remembered the counter spell she needed!

Just as she was about to recite the incantation, Dante placed his hand over her mouth. Laina was taken by surprise, uncertain of what to do. This man was coming on to her, strong, but all she wanted to do was to lift the spell on him.

As he leaned in closer to her, Laina knew she needed a better plan. She carefully took hold of Dante's hand, which he had placed over her mouth, revealing her seductive smile. Laina carefully placed his hand around her neck as she got up close to Dante.

He was seemingly entranced by her movements, which was just what she wanted. Naturally, Dante wrapped his other arms around Laina's waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck and embraced him as she brought their bodies close together.

She leaned in close to the side of his face and recited the spell into his ear. As she finished the last syllable, the colored glint in Dante's eyes disappeared. He slowly blinked, returning to his senses. He realized he was not in his own room.

But before he could say anything, a wave of fatigue rushed over him. Dante felt his body growing heavy and groggy as he fell onto his side. Sound asleep. Laina, worried that he would hurt his neck, kept her hand around his neck.

The momentum of his fall brought Laina down with him too. She laid down on her side, looking straight into Dante's eyes moments before they closed. In that final moment, she had a feeling that he was looking straight at her.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Laina jolted to her senses, as she quickly sat up on the bed. Before she could even say anything, there was another knock on the door, followed by a familiar voice.

"Princess Laina, Princess Laina. Are you in there?" the voice called out, filled with worry and concern.

It was followed by a few muffled words before the door swung open and Marius rushed in.

Marius scanned the room as he spoke, "I'm so sorry for coming in like this, Princess Laina but…" he stopped just as he set eyes on the bed.

He saw Laina in her nightdress and Dante laying on her bed. Marius panicked as he rushed over, worried that he was too late.

"I must apologize on the King's behalf he's never like this, ever! I'm so sorry, Princess Laina, it won't happen again! What am I saying?! Dante was drinking and he…"

Laina placed a hand on Marius's shoulder reassuringly, "Marius, it's alright. I understand. He's drunk and people tend to do weird things when they are…"

Marius vehemently shook his head. He did not want Laina to get the wrong idea of Dante. The King might have the devilish looks and charm but he was definitely no playboy!

"No, Princess, you've been mistaken. It's not that, he was…"

"Marius, calm down. I know. Someone cast a spell on him," Laina chuckled nervously.

He paused for a moment and looked at her, "You… you knew?"

Laina quickly clarified, "Well, not immediately. At first, I just thought that he had too much to drink. He even came in through the balcony. Haha… anyways, I lifted the spell and he immediately fell asleep."

Marius heaved a sigh of relief as he slumped on the side of the bed, wiping the sweat off his brow, "That… that is a relief. You have no idea how happy I am to hear that."

Laina looked over to look at Dante, he was sleeping peacefully on the bed. Maybe even drooling a little. She smiled as she caressed the side of his face, and tucked the strands of hair that were out of place behind his ear.

Marius looked over and observed in silence. He realized he had never seen Dante sleep so well. Usually, the king had many sleepless nights, tossing and turning. Whenever he woke up the next day, he would be grumpy and irritable.

Sometimes, he would take liquor to help calm his nerves after a long day of work, but that just gave him headaches the next day.

"I don't think I've seen him sleep so well," Marius whispered.

His words made Laina aware of what she was doing. She quickly removed her hand from his face, placing it close to her heart. Marius took note of her flustered expression. When their eyes met, he gave her an evil grin.

"You're beginning to warm up to him, aren't you?" he teased.

"What? No!" she immediately shot him down.

Not wanting him to ask anymore questions about her emotions, Laina switched the topic, "How did he get so drunk anyway? And why was he under a spell?"

Marius bit his lip.

Seeing his reluctance, Laina said, "It's alright if you don't want to say."

"No no, you have the right to know," Marius replied as he turned to look at Dante who was sound asleep, "After all this happened. I think you more than deserve to know what happened."

Crisis averted? XD

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