
The dragon king’s journey

Writing mostly for myself. Don’t like it? Don’t read it! Simple as that. English is not my first language. This is a crackfic with a degenerate bisexual MC! Chapters are released when they are finnished.

MrTacoCat · Book&Literature
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11 Chs

Ch 5

The following months were fun for Harry. He would start the day by drinking his mother's milk and making her cum, something he would do everytime he was fed. One thing Harry found strange was that Lilly didn't seem to dislike it, but enjoy it, sometimes she would even come to Harry seeking pleasure, something Harry was ok with.

A week after his birthday, Harry bought two skill books from the system, namely Occlumency and Legilimency, after acquiring the skills, he immediately started making his defences which, surprisingly only took him three days.

The first defence was a thin unnoticeable barrier that, when walked through, would strip you of all power and transport you to a room with two doors, one going back and ending the attack while the other, going forward deeper into Harrys mind. On the floor was a circle with a diameter of 1 meter. When you stepped out of the circle with the intent to continue the attack, you would inhale a scentless gas that would make you see yourself be assaulted and raped by all types of monsters and creatures. If you somehow made it through the door going forward, the one being assaulted and raped would be transformed into your most loved ones. If you still were sane after the visions ended, you would find yourself back in the room with the two doors. To continue the attack, you would have to go through the door two more times while experiencing two new visions. The first would make you relive all your worst memories, while the second would make all your worst fears and nightmares come true. After making it through the last vision, you would be transported to a new room. This room was simple, walk through a ring of flames that make you feel pain that was 10x worse than the cruciatus curse. After making it through the flames, you would be transported to the last part of the first defence, the colosseum, where you would be given a sword and made to fight through 100 waves of monsters increasing in number and difficulty. IF you survived, you would be transported infront of a wall of infinite height, length and unknown thickness with a massive gate. On the wall, above the gate was a message that read 'CONGRATULATIONS, YOU MADE IT THROUGH THE FIRST LAYER OF DEFENCES! ARE YOU READY FOR THE NEXT?' If you for whatever idiotic reason chose to continue, you would simply have to step forward and touch the gate, then you would be transported back to the beginning. This was the second defence, having to do everything on repeat until you chose to retreat. The only difference would be the message on the wall, with the word 'first' being changed to 'second' and rising with each repeat.

After Harry made his defences, he used the rest of the week to make his mindscape. He decided to make his mindscape into a three story library. The library was filled with thousands of bookshelves and millions of books, all placed randomly and filled with false memories. To get to the real memories, you had to find a hidden door that changed position every minute, and only opened to a password spoken in dragontongue. After getting through the door you wold find a computer that only responded to verbal comands spoken with dragontongue, the real momories were sorted into folders on this computer with everything being written in dragontongue.

After his mindscape and memory sorting was completed, Harry decided to spend time with his mother or practise with his magic.

When James returned from his order mission a month after Harry's birthday, Lilly was furious and demanded that he stayed home with his family.

One morning after Lily had stopped seeking Harry out for pleasure, Harry decided to take action. While the family were eating breakfast, he used his magic to make a plate fall of the counter. While Lilly and James was distracted, Harry slipped a dissolvable pill into James' drink. This was a pill Harry had bought from his system that, when consumed caused impotence, until given the right cure. At the same time, Harry capped James' lust at zero and made Lilly increadibly sensitive and unable to reach orgasm.

The days following this Harry would slowly increase the pleasure Lilly fealt when he drank from her breast, while teasing her nipple and areola. As the days went by, Harry could tell his mother was growing desperate for release.

After two weeks of edging, Lilly finaly broke. After James left for a order meeting, she walked upstairs and into Harry's room on shaky legs. She approached the crib Harry was resting in and picked him up. With Harry in her arms, she turned around and walked into the master bedroom, there she placed Harry on the bed, before she started to undress. The moment her panties were off, she could fell her arousal running down her legs.

Once Lilly was compleately nude, she looked at her son and spoke. "Harry, I don't know what is happening to me, but I need your help, please help me cum. P-please! I can't take it anymore!" Her voice was desperate and filled with need.

Harry took in the sight of his mother, under her beautifel emerald green eyes were dark circles from a lack of sleep, she was biting her plump, pink bottom lip. Her perky C-cup breasts, with pink, erect leaking nipples and small areola, were rising and falling from her heavy breathing. Further down, below her smooth stomach and between her thick thighs, was her swollen, dripping cunt topped with a neatly trimmed red bush.

Looking her in the eyes Harry spoke. "Mama vove?"

Hearing her son speak, Lilly's eyes widened slightly before she responded. "Yes, Harry. Mommy needs your love."

Hearing this, Harry smiled bofore he spoke again. "Mama vove 'u!"

Hearing what her son said, Lilly felt tears welling in the corner of her eyes as she released a happy sobb. Walking up to the bed, she picked Harry up and laid down before speaking. "Mommy loves you too Harry! Now, please give mommy your love."

Hearin what she said, Harry crawled up to her heaving breasts, latched onto her nipple and sucked, pulled and lightly bit it, while at the same time he pulled and twisted her other nipple with his fingers. While doing this, Harry decided to try something new, using his magic, he made the air around Lilly's clit vibrate. The moment he did this, Lilly released a loud moan and placed her hands in his hair.

After a few minutes of this, Lilly was moaning nonstop and begging for release. Harry, hearing her begging, relented. Crawling upwards, he captured his mother's lips in a kiss, which she returned hungrily. Using his magic he created two vibrating fingers that he showed into her sopping pussy and twitching ass, while at the same time allowing her to finally cum. This resulted in an exposive orgasm, Lilly squirted out a jet of juices while shaking and moaning into Harry's mouth.

After coming down from her orgasmic high, Lilly noticed that she was still kissing her son and she didn't mind it at all. After minutes of passionate, hungry kissing Lilly pulled back and sighed in relief.

Looking down into her sons beautiful amethyst eyes, she gave him a loving smile and kissed the top of his head. Reaching her hand to the side, she summoned her wand into her hand and waved it, cleaning the bed and remiving all evidence of what happened.

When James returned from the meeting that evening, he was met with the sight of his wife and son happily playing in the livingroom.

And this was Harry's life until finaly, the 31st of October arrived.