
The Dragon's keepsake

Sometimes, God has chosen the right path for you, but you go against it... ~~ Isabel was a commoner living in the village of the kingdom of Valaraeth, a place where dragons roamed the skies, high and mighty. These untouchable heavenly beings could only be ridden by the royal family and nobles. "Is it not unfair?" she would muse, her pretty eyes shining with awe and enthusiasm whenever she saw a dragon flying over her village. She yearned to be with them, to touch them, and to ride across the beautiful world on their backs. Her dream came true when she discovered she was a royal—the youngest daughter of the King of Valaraeth. But every pretty dream came with a price, one she neglected to consider in her hopeful reverie. Taken to the palace, Isabel's life seemed perfect: beautiful dresses, elder royal siblings, and a loving queen mother. But the facade shattered when she learned the truth—their cruel and twisted personalities lay hidden beneath their beautiful masks. Every member of the royal family had a dragon bonded to them by blood in childhood. Her dragon was the youngest of the Emberstorm clan, an ancient lineage of fire dragons. Isabel was the first in a hundred centuries to be chosen by a fire dragon, sparking jealousy and hatred from everyone. ~~~ Excerpt: "I, Scorvius Drá Ashéncrest XII, Sovereign of Valaraeth, hereby sever all ties between the 6th Princess Isabel Drá Ashéncrest of Valaraeth and the esteemed lineage of Ashéncrest. Let it be known across our realm that she stands alone, stripped of her birthright, for she has committed an unforgivable sin—the slaying of her own dragon, the last dragon of the proud Emberstorm lineage." With solemn resolve, the king decreed her fate, yet Isabel remained unmoved. Her thoughts were consumed by the haunting memory of her dragon's final breath. She found herself thrust upon the platform of condemnation, judged in the unforgiving gaze of the assembled court, denied the chance to plead her case or offer explanation.

Violet_Melody99 · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Priestess Lyanna Voss

A man walked along a dimly lit path. The light from the torches was barely enough, leaving most of the cave in darkness. Yet, he moved forward without hesitation, as if he had traveled this same path countless times.

The man knelt and bowed respectfully. "Priestess," he began, his voice trembling, "they've already entered Shadowmire Forest. It won't be long before they find us. There are so many of them, more than we ever expected." His tone was thick with despair, and it was clear he felt overwhelmed by the situation.

the man's furrowed brow betrayed his concern, not for his own well-being, but for the tiny angel nestled in her mother's arms, oblivious to the danger lurking outside.

It has been only a month that she had lived in this world but still, for a mere month in this world, she had faced relentless pursuit, forcing her to flee for her life. The man's face was etched with guilt, knowing that her innocence will be tainted by the harsh realities of this world.

The flickering torchlight cast shadows across the rough walls adorned with ancient runes, each marking a chapter of forgotten history.

The air was heavy with tension as the priestess, her serene countenance belying the gravity of the situation, fixed her gaze on the kneeling figure before her.

With measured calmness, she uttered the words, "Stand up, Sir Reynard " her voice echoing softly in the cavern's depths, as if carrying the weight of countless secrets buried within its confines.

He gazed up at the priestess, Sir Reynard's eyes, once filled with reverence for the ethereal beauty of their continent and their holy priestess, now held a glimmer of sorrow and confusion.

He watched her, a woman stripped of her title and forced into exile for over a year, fleeing from constant threat.

As he pondered her decision to abandon the prestige and security of her former life, his mind swirled with questions. Why had she chosen to embark on this perilous journey, carrying the child of mysterious origins?

In the midst of his uncertainty, one truth remained steadfast: his unwavering loyalty to her highness. Bound by his solemn oath, he stood ready to support her, to defend her, even as the world around them grew darker with each passing day.

"Aethrael dharo teth'mor, Inrathor kyel, soran'dor. A'nathrael shyrn, ael'maer, Sealyn krystan, power's bane,"

she murmured softly, her voice resonating through the dimly lit cave.

Suddenly, an intense white light erupted, filling the cavern with a blinding brilliance. Reynard instinctively shielded his eyes, feeling the heat and power wash over him.

As the light began to fade, he cautiously uncovered his eyes, his vision slowly adjusting to the returning darkness. He turned his gaze towards the child.

The little one was enveloped in a gentle, shimmering glow that gradually dimmed, revealing a distinct seal on her forehead. The symbol was more familiar to him than anything else—the "Fate Seal," a powerful mark designed to bind and suppress one's magic.

The realization struck him like a blow, and shock rippled across his face, his face turning pale."Priestess! Why... why did you seal her magic?" His voice quivered with a mix of disbelief and desperation. "How will she survive without it?"

His eyes searched the priestess's face for answers, unable to comprehend the gravity of what had just transpired.

"Sir Reynard, I have sealed her magic. If not, they would sense her power every time and chase her to death," the priestess explained, her tone resolute.

"We couldn't hide for long. We must end this and send her far away. The seal will automatically lose its power when she can handle her abilities."

"But Priestess, where will we send her?" Reynard asked, his voice filled with concern.

"Not we, Sir Reynard. You are going to take her to the kingdom of dragons, 'Valaraeth.' I will stay behind to stop them from pursuing you." Her words were firm, leaving no room for argument. Reynard's heart tightened at the thought.

Sir Reynard knelt on the ground with a thud. "Your highness! I can't leave you alone here. I swore to protect you with my life. We will go together to Valaraeth," he declared with determination, unwilling to abandon her to face their enemies alone.

A soft smile touched her lips, but her words cut through him like a knife. The thought of anything happening to her was unbearable, and he knew he would never forgive himself.

"It's an order, Sir Reynard. You must obey it," she said gently, and kissed the child on forehead. The mark disappear from the child forehead.

She placed the child in his arms.

"Go, they will be here soon." Her voice held a quiet urgency, leaving no room for hesitation. Reynard's heart ached, but he knew he had no choice. He would protect the child and fulfill her command, even as it tore him apart inside.

The baby, who had been peacefully sleeping, stirred and began to cry, as if sensing she was being taken away from her mother. Her cries were relentless, filling the cave with a sorrowful echo.

Seeing her daughter's distress, the priestess's eyes filled with tears. She fought the urge to comfort her, knowing that if she took even one step towards the baby, she might never be able to let her go.

"Go, Sir Reynard," she said in a stern voice, masking the heartbreak that threatened to overwhelm her. It was agonizing to part with her child, but she knew she had no other choice. If fate willed it, they would find each other again someday.

A loud boom echoed through the cave, drawing their attention. The barrier protecting them had been breached, and their pursuers were closing in.

Sir Reynard bowed his head. "Rest assured, your highness! I will safely take the princess to the kingdom of dragons. Y... you must stay safe in the meantime," he said, his voice thick with pain. Without waiting for her response, he disappeared into the shadows with the child, his heart heavy.

Both of them knew the truth: their fate, if caught, would be worse than death. The priestess stood alone, her resolve steeling her against the fear and sorrow that threatened to overwhelm her.

A single tear rolled down her cheek, the pain of losing her daughter twisting her heart. Yet, all these emotions paled in comparison to the seething hatred she felt for them—or more specifically, for him. She knew he was the one who had sent wave after wave of pursuers after them.

She flew out from the cave, her eyes locking onto the advancing group. There were more than a hundred of them, but she felt no fear. Instead, a sneer formed on her lips.

As she stood before the assembled army, the priestess couldn't help but feel a surge of disbelief. They had sent an entire army just to deal with a single woman—her. Among them were several archmages and senior mages, individuals she had once respected and even admired.

Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine that she would one day stand opposite them, her former allies now turned against her. Yet, here she was, facing their formidable might with nothing but her own strength and determination.

Descending swiftly, she landed in front of the group's leader, folding her translucent, glowing wings behind her back.

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