
The Dragon keepsake

Sometimes, God has chosen the right path for you, but you go against it... ~~ Isabel was a commoner living in the village of the kingdom of Valaraeth, a place where dragons roamed the skies, high and mighty. These untouchable heavenly beings could only be ridden by the royal family and nobles. "Is it not unfair?" she would muse, her pretty eyes shining with awe and enthusiasm whenever she saw a dragon flying over her village. She yearned to be with them, to touch them, and to ride across the beautiful world on their backs. Her dream came true when she discovered she was a royal—the youngest daughter of the King of Valaraeth. But every pretty dream came with a price, one she neglected to consider in her hopeful reverie. Taken to the palace, Isabel's life seemed perfect: beautiful dresses, elder royal siblings, and a loving queen mother. But the facade shattered when she learned the truth—their cruel and twisted personalities lay hidden beneath their beautiful masks. Every member of the royal family had a dragon bonded to them by blood in childhood. Her dragon was the youngest of the Emberstorm clan, an ancient lineage of fire dragons. Isabel was the first in a hundred centuries to be chosen by a fire dragon, sparking jealousy and hatred from everyone. ~~~ **Excerpt:** "I, Scorvius Drá Ashéncrest XII, Sovereign of Valaraeth, hereby sever all ties between the 7th Princess Isabel Drá Ashéncrest of Valaraeth and the esteemed lineage of Ashéncrest. Let it be known across our realm that she stands alone, stripped of her birthright, for she has committed an unforgivable sin—the slaying of her own dragon, the last dragon of the proud Emberstorm lineage." With solemn resolve, the king decreed her fate, yet Isabel remained unmoved. Her thoughts were consumed by the haunting memory of her dragon's final breath. She found herself thrust upon the platform of condemnation, judged in the unforgiving gaze of the assembled court, denied the chance to plead her case or offer explanation.

Violet_Melody99 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

"Sarcastic Murmurs....."

It contained a shiny blue liquid that sparkled like stars in the night. "This is a potion to neutralize any poison from the dark monsters, whether they are gigantic king lizards or small three-horned rats," she explained. "I've seen too many brave soldiers fall to their venom. Please, keep this with you. It might save a life."

He took the bottle, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of the shimmering liquid. Just by the clarity and color of the liquid, he could tell it was a high-grade potion. Not many could make them in this empire, which is why many sought after it.

He couldn't help but look at her again, but this time in a different light. If she possessed this, then she might not be just a regular healer.

"Thank you. He tucked the potion carefully into his pouch and gave her a grateful nod. "Stay safe, Isabel watched as he mounted Frostwind, her heart swelling with a mixture of admiration and sadness. As the dragon spread its wings, ready to take flight, she called out, "Good luck, I hope we meet again someday.

He looked back, a gratefull smile on his face. "We will."

With a powerful beat of his wings, Frostwind soared into the sky, carrying Alaric away towards the battlefront. Isabel stood there for a moment, feeling the rush of wind from the dragon's departure.

As Isabel turned around to walk back into the tent, she found everyone staring at her, which made her somewhat self-conscious.

She heard someone murmur, "Oh! Did you hear her talking to General Kyriakidis? Do you think they know each other beforehand?"

Another voice added, "Hmm! They are talking for so long..."

Even the general smiled at her. "We've never seen him smile..."

A third person chimed in, "Maybe we're going to have a future Lady Kyriakidis..."

Isabel tried to steady herself, the murmurs around her took on a sharper, more sarcastic tone.

"Did you see her acting all friendly with the general? Guess she thinks she's special," one soldier sneered.

Another voice chimed in, "Maybe she thinks cozying up to him will get her some special privileges. Typical."

"Touching the dragon like she's some kind of princess. What a show-off," a third soldier muttered, rolling his eyes.

"What's next? Is she going to claim she's a dragon rider too?" someone snickered.

"Who does she think she is, prancing around like that? Just another wannabe trying to climb the ranks," a voice said with a hint of venom.

Isabel's face burned with humiliation as she heard these words, her heart sinking. She had never intended to draw so much attention, let alone negative attention. The camp's whispers felt like daggers, each one cutting deeper than the last.

Isabel's face turned pale as the murmurs around her grew louder, their words sinking in. She couldn't believe that the man she had just spoken to was General Kaldor Kyriakidis, the revered General of the northern forces.

Her heart pounded in her chest as the implications of her actions dawned on her. She had approached him casually, touched his dragon, and conversed with him without realizing who he truly was. If she had known, she would never have dared to act so freely.

She took a shaky step back, feeling the weight of the stares around her. Her thoughts raced as she tried to process the situation. "General Kyriakidis... the second highest position in the military," she whispered to herself, her voice barely audible.

The general's smile, something so rare, had made an impression on everyone. Isabel felt a mix of emotions: fear, embarrassment.

Isabel stood in the middle of the quiet chatter, knowing she was a commoner among people who were mostly nobles. She had earned her place in the military through hard work and talent, something she was always aware of.

But now, rumors were spreading that could ruin everything she had worked for — her reputation, her career, her very place in the hierarchy of the military.

Isabel remembered what her grandfather had told her. He warned her about how nobles often looked down on commoners and advised her to be cautious and not get involved in their plans.

She had witnessed firsthand the injustices faced by commoners who dared to cross paths with those of higher station. They were often disregarded, their achievements overshadowed by the privilege of noble birth.

Now, hearing the harsh remarks about her casual conversation with General Kyriakidis, Isabel felt her heart race with worry. She hadn't known he was the General when she spoke to him and touched his dragon. Now, people were saying she was trying to gain favor or special treatment.

Isabel didn't utter a word, quietly retreating towards the healer camp. "I can't say anything now," she thought to herself. "Explaining myself will just make them more curious, more convinced I did something wrong."

Mirael, her good friend who had been searching for her, noticed her subdued demeanor and fell into step beside her.

"Isabel, what's going on?" Mirael asked softly, concern evident in her voice. "I heard what they were saying about you and the General. Are you okay?"

She paused, then shook her head. "It was nothing. Just a misunderstanding."

"But they were saying..."

"I know what they were saying," Isabel interrupted, her voice steady but strained. "It's best to let it go. The less said, the better."


"No," Isabel insisted firmly. "Trust me on this. Just let it go."

Mirael frowned, her concern deepening as she observed Isabel's determined yet troubled expression. Despite Isabel's attempt to brush off the situation, Mirael knew her friend well enough to sense the turmoil beneath the surface. Isabel was not one to easily dismiss such rumors, especially when they threatened her hard-earned reputation.

"Isabel," Mirael began cautiously, choosing her words carefully to avoid escalating the tension further, "you can't just let this slide. They're spreading lies about you, and I won't stand by and watch them tarnish your name."

Isabel sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly as she glanced at Mirael with gratitude mixed with apprehension. "Mirael, I appreciate your support, truly. But confronting them won't help. It might even make things worse."

Mirael's jaw clenched, her hands curling into fists at her sides. "They have no right to treat you like this, Isabel. You didn't do anything wrong. I can't just stand by and let them get away with it."

Isabel placed a gentle hand on Mirael's arm, meeting her friend's fiery gaze with a look of pleading understanding. "Please, Mirael. Trust me. I need to handle this my way. I don't want you getting into trouble because of me."

Mirael hesitated, torn between her instinct to defend her friend and Isabel's earnest request. After a tense moment of silence, Mirael reluctantly nodded, though her expression remained resolute. "Okay, Isabel. But promise me you'll keep me updated. I won't let this go completely."

Isabel managed a small, relieved smile. "I promise, Mirael."

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