
The Dragon keepsake

Sometimes, God has chosen the right path for you, but you go against it... ~~ Isabel was a commoner living in the village of the kingdom of Valaraeth, a place where dragons roamed the skies, high and mighty. These untouchable heavenly beings could only be ridden by the royal family and nobles. "Is it not unfair?" she would muse, her pretty eyes shining with awe and enthusiasm whenever she saw a dragon flying over her village. She yearned to be with them, to touch them, and to ride across the beautiful world on their backs. Her dream came true when she discovered she was a royal—the youngest daughter of the King of Valaraeth. But every pretty dream came with a price, one she neglected to consider in her hopeful reverie. Taken to the palace, Isabel's life seemed perfect: beautiful dresses, elder royal siblings, and a loving queen mother. But the facade shattered when she learned the truth—their cruel and twisted personalities lay hidden beneath their beautiful masks. Every member of the royal family had a dragon bonded to them by blood in childhood. Her dragon was the youngest of the Emberstorm clan, an ancient lineage of fire dragons. Isabel was the first in a hundred centuries to be chosen by a fire dragon, sparking jealousy and hatred from everyone. ~~~ **Excerpt:** "I, Scorvius Drá Ashéncrest XII, Sovereign of Valaraeth, hereby sever all ties between the 7th Princess Isabel Drá Ashéncrest of Valaraeth and the esteemed lineage of Ashéncrest. Let it be known across our realm that she stands alone, stripped of her birthright, for she has committed an unforgivable sin—the slaying of her own dragon, the last dragon of the proud Emberstorm lineage." With solemn resolve, the king decreed her fate, yet Isabel remained unmoved. Her thoughts were consumed by the haunting memory of her dragon's final breath. She found herself thrust upon the platform of condemnation, judged in the unforgiving gaze of the assembled court, denied the chance to plead her case or offer explanation.

Violet_Melody99 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

"Fortune's Foul Turn"

Minutes passed like agonizing hours until the monster finally appeared below them. It was a colossal wolf, its horned head held high with menace. Its eyes glowed like fiery embers in the darkness, and venom dripped from its jaws, ready to tear flesh.

Isabel's blood turned cold as she look at the creature's sheer size. She had faced many dark monster in her life, but never had she confronted such a formidable dark monster. Yet, her resolve hardened. She tightened her grip on the dagger, knowing it was now a matter of survival—kill or be killed.

Isabel's breath came in ragged gasps as she clung to the tree branch, watching the horned wolf's deliberate approach below. Phex nestled against her, his tiny form trembling with fear. She whispered soothing words to him, though her own uncertainty threatened to overwhelm her.

"Don't worry, Phex," Isabel murmured, her voice barely audible over the rustling leaves. "We'll find a way out of this."

She watched the wolf cautiously sniffing the air, tracking her scent with deliberate slowness. It was playing a deadly game of cat and mouse, and Isabel knew she had little time before it discovered her hiding place.

Gathering every ounce of courage, Isabel prepared to strike. Her hand trembled slightly, not from fear but from the weight of the responsibility resting upon her. If she failed, not only would Phex and she perish, but the Divine Flower would fall into the hands of this relentless predator.

The forest held its breath as Isabel position herself, waiting for the perfect moment to unleash her lethal strike.

With a deep breath, Isabel steadied herself. She waited for the perfect moment as the wolf drew closer, its massive form casting an ominous shadow in the moonlight. Every instinct screamed at her to run, but she forced herself to remain still, focused solely on her target.

As the wolf passed directly beneath her perch, Isabel leaped from the tree with a silent grace, dagger poised to strike. The wolf sensed her movement and whirled around with surprising agility, but Isabel was already in motion. With a swift, precise motion, she drove the poisoned dagger deep into the wolf's head.

The creature howled in agony, thrashing wildly as the lethal toxin took effect. Isabel staggered back, heart pounding, as the wolf collapsed to the ground, its growls turning into desperate, rasping breaths. She watched, breathless, until the massive form lay still, the red eyes dimming.

Relief flooded through Isabel as she realized the danger had passed. She carefully retrieved the dagger, wiping it clean before sheathing it back in her boot. Phex chirped softly, nuzzling against her hand, and Isabel smiled weakly, relief and exhaustion washing over her.

"We did it, Phex," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "We're safe now."

After all the exhaustion, a booming smile crept across Isabel's face. After surviving this ordeal, she scooped Phex into her arms and kissed his little round face hard.

Phex chirped loudly, trying to push her face away. Seeing his reaction, Isabel only kissed him harder and laughed heartily. "Why are you behaving like you've been kissed by something disgusting?"

Phex's eyes widened, almost resembling an owl's. "What, did I say your inner thoughts?" she teased. His expression grew more dumbfounded, and Isabel realized her guess was spot on. This little creature really despised her kisses.

She pretended to be angry and tossed him aside. "If you despise me, then go on your own. Who wants to carry a fat beast anyway?"

Phex rolled in the air before stabilizing himself, chirping loudly in protest. His small round face grew even rounder with anger.

Seeing this, Isabel tried hard to resist the urge to pinch his angry little face. Instead, she turned her attention to the dead horned wolf. Its huge body lay listless, and her eyes fell on the horn on its head.

It was a valuable material, used in potions and amulets. The price of one horn was almost 1,000 gold coins.

Isabel couldn't contain her happiness. Just the thought of 1,000 gold coins made her envision buying various expensive herbs. She quickly grabbed her dagger and attempted to cut the horn off.

However, after trying hard, she managed to make only a small tear. "Damn, this is really hard to cut. What is this made of?"

She took a deep breath, frustration mounting. The horn was incredibly tough, more than she had anticipated.

As Isabel struggled with the horn, she heard a rustle in the distance and became immediately alert. She had almost forgotten that aside from dark monsters, many people would also be seeking the divine Nightbloom. The forest was likely teeming with hunters.

She couldn't risk being found, knowing it would be hard to explain herself and, more importantly, she couldn't afford to lose the Nightbloom.

Isabel guessed it wasn't a dark monster making the noise; it was too quiet. Dark monsters weren't light on their feet.

She glanced at the horn one last time, her eyes filled with reluctance. She knew she had to leave it behind. Any greed would risk losing the Nightbloom, too...

She caught Phex, who was blissfully flying around, oblivious to the danger. She admired his courage but lamented his dim senses. Perhaps he had become too reliant on her for survival.

With a sigh, she made her decision. She ran away from the scene, carefully removing any traces of her footsteps so no one could track her.

Isabel moved quickly and quietly through the dense forest, her senses on high alert. Phex chirped softly, sensing her tension and staying close. The forest seemed to close in around her, the darkness becoming almost suffocating.

She heard the rustling grow louder, closer. Her heart pounded in her chest, but she forced herself to remain calm and focused. She knew she had to find a safe place to hide until the threat passed.

Isabel spotted a thick cluster of bushes up ahead and darted towards them, pulling Phex with her. She crouched low, peering through the leaves, her breath shallow and quiet.

Minutes passed, each one feeling like an eternity. The rustling continued, but now it was accompanied by muffled voices. Isabel's heart sank. It wasn't just one person; it was a group. She couldn't make out their words, but their tone was urgent, insistent.

She held her breath, praying they wouldn't find her. Phex nestled close to her, his tiny body trembling. Isabel reached out and stroked his head gently, trying to soothe him.

The voices grew louder, and she could see the flicker of lanterns through the trees. They were getting closer. Isabel's mind raced, trying to come up with a plan.

Dear Esteemed Readers,

It has come to my attention that my latest masterpiece (if I may be so bold) has been stealthily lurking in the shadows of obscurity. It seems my words are like ninjas—silent, swift, and apparently invisible to most of you. ᕕ(ಥʖ̯ಥ)ᕗ

Now, I’m not one to beg… Okay, maybe just a little. But consider this a humble request from your favorite wordsmith: give my book a little love! Imagine it's a houseplant—water it with your likes, comments, and shares, or else it might wither away (and by it, I mean my fragile writer’s ego).

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make some noise! Tell your friends, tell your pets, heck, tell your grandma (she’s always on Facebook anyway)! Every bit of engagement helps. Plus, think of the sheer joy and relief you'll bring to this desperate author.

Let’s make this book go viral—not in a flu way, but in a "Wow, I can't believe how amazing this is!" way.

With eternal gratitude and the promise of more bad jokes,

[ Violet_Melody ]

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