
The Dragon keepsake

Sometimes, God has chosen the right path for you, but you go against it... ~~ Isabel was a commoner living in the village of the kingdom of Valaraeth, a place where dragons roamed the skies, high and mighty. These untouchable heavenly beings could only be ridden by the royal family and nobles. "Is it not unfair?" she would muse, her pretty eyes shining with awe and enthusiasm whenever she saw a dragon flying over her village. She yearned to be with them, to touch them, and to ride across the beautiful world on their backs. Her dream came true when she discovered she was a royal—the youngest daughter of the King of Valaraeth. But every pretty dream came with a price, one she neglected to consider in her hopeful reverie. Taken to the palace, Isabel's life seemed perfect: beautiful dresses, elder royal siblings, and a loving queen mother. But the facade shattered when she learned the truth—their cruel and twisted personalities lay hidden beneath their beautiful masks. Every member of the royal family had a dragon bonded to them by blood in childhood. Her dragon was the youngest of the Emberstorm clan, an ancient lineage of fire dragons. Isabel was the first in a hundred centuries to be chosen by a fire dragon, sparking jealousy and hatred from everyone. ~~~ **Excerpt:** "I, Scorvius Drá Ashéncrest XII, Sovereign of Valaraeth, hereby sever all ties between the 7th Princess Isabel Drá Ashéncrest of Valaraeth and the esteemed lineage of Ashéncrest. Let it be known across our realm that she stands alone, stripped of her birthright, for she has committed an unforgivable sin—the slaying of her own dragon, the last dragon of the proud Emberstorm lineage." With solemn resolve, the king decreed her fate, yet Isabel remained unmoved. Her thoughts were consumed by the haunting memory of her dragon's final breath. She found herself thrust upon the platform of condemnation, judged in the unforgiving gaze of the assembled court, denied the chance to plead her case or offer explanation.

Violet_Melody99 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

"Cheerfull Isabel (04).."

As they packed up the last of their things and headed home, Isabel's heart was full of anticipation.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the fields,

However, as she approached the cozy cottage, she noticed Phex squatting at the door, his tiny wings drooping and his usually bright eyes filled with sadness.

Isabel's heart sank. In her excitement about the market, she had completely forgotten about her little friend. Rushing forward, she knelt down beside Phex, her voice filled with remorse. "Oh, Phex, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to leave you all alone."

Phex looked up at her, his expression one of gentle reproach. He turned his head away, fluttering his wings slightly but remaining resolute in his disappointment.

Isabel gently reached out to stroke his iridescent feathers, her voice soft and pleading. "I promise, I didn't forget you on purpose. There was just so much happening at the market and then with Aunt Elara. Please forgive me, Phex."

But Phex remained stubborn, refusing to meet her gaze. Isabel's heart ached at the sight. She sat down on the ground next to him, trying to think of a way to make amends.

"I brought something special from the market," she said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a small bundle of the spiritual flowers they had been selling. "These are your favorites, remember? I thought we could share them together."

Phex glanced at the flowers but still didn't budge. Isabel sighed, realizing that a simple gift wouldn't be enough to make up for leaving him behind.

"How about we play your favorite game?" she suggested, her voice hopeful. "We can chase the fireflies in the field, just like we always do."

Phex twitched his wings slightly but still didn't respond. Isabel's shoulders slumped, but she wasn't ready to give up.

"You know, Phex," she said softly, "when I see delicious snacks in the market, I thought about you and brought it for you. You know, You're my best friend, and I never want you to feel left out."

Phex's feathers ruffled slightly, and he finally turned his head to look at her, his eyes softening just a bit.

Isabel smiled, sensing a glimmer of hope. "How about this—we eat it together she said and showed him a package of pastry. Just you and me."

Phex's wings fluttered, and he finally hopped closer to her, his eyes brightening with interest.

Isabel smirked seeing his little reaction, what a little gluten. Her smile widens after realising her tactics work on him. And she started her ploy again..

Isabel gently lifted him into her arms, cradling him close. "I promise, Phex. I'll never forget you again. Let's go inside and eat this.

As they entered the cozy cottage, Isabel's grandmother looked up from her knitting, smiling at the sight of the two friends reunited. "Welcome back, Isabel. I see Phex is with you."

Isabel nodded, her heart light once more. "Yes, Grandma. We're going to eat pastry that grandpa brought us. "

Her grandmother's eyes twinkled with understanding and her little tricks were not unseen by her at all. "That's wonderful, dear. I'm glad to see you both so happy."

Isabel and Phex settled at the table, the small beast's wings fluttering with excitement. Isabel carefully laid out the pastry she had brought from market and give half to phex.

As they start eating, Isabel's grandfather entered the room, smiling at the sight of the two friends so engrossed in eating, looking like a two gluttons baby. "Looks like you're both busy," he said warmly.

Isabel looked up, her face glowing with happiness. "Yes, Grandpa. Phex and I are eating pastry you brought. It's amazing and very delicious!"

Thomas chuckled, his heart full of pride and love. "I'm sure it will be, sweetheart.."


The next day, after their usual morning routine at home, Isabel eagerly made her way to Elara's cottage with her grandma. Her gradma left after dropping her there.

The little house was nestled in a grove of trees, surrounded by a garden filled with herbs and flowers. Elara welcomed her with a smile, guiding her inside.

The cottage was cozy and filled with the scent of dried herbs hanging from the ceiling. Shelves lined the walls, holding jars of various ingredients and bottles of potions. Elara led Isabel to a large wooden table where she had laid out a selection of flowers, herbs, and other materials.

"We'll start with something simple," Elara said, her tone encouraging. "Today, we'll make a basic fever-reducing potion. Remember those flowers you picked yesterday? We'll use them as our main ingredient."

Isabel listened intently, her excitement palpable as Elara began the lesson. Under Elara's patient guidance, Isabel learned to grind the flowers into a paste, mix them with other ingredients, and carefully heat the mixture to create the potion.

As the potion simmered, filling the cottage with a soothing aroma, Isabel felt a deep sense of accomplishment.

When the potion was finally ready, Elara poured it into a small vial and handed it to Isabel. "You've done wonderfully today, Isabel. This potion is ready to help someone in need."

Isabel held the vial carefully, her heart swelling with pride. "Thank you, Aunt Elara. I can't wait to learn more."

Elara smiled, her eyes filled with warmth and encouragement. "And I can't wait to teach you, Isabel.

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