
The Dragon in my body

"In the Dark Ages, Magic was a Weapon. Love was a Mystery, adventure was everywhere, and DRAGONS were real." Irie lives with her grandmother in the kingdom of Haimon she has only one dream and that is to explore the world and go on adventure, though she has a little secret with in herself what will her fate waits for her in the future. things always not goes the way you want in life. but you have to stick to it. that's what will keep her going her "never giving" up attitude.... I hope you read and find it out yourself!!

Esha_Toppo · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Hamon is a very beautiful and prosperous kingdom though once there was bloodshed years ago but now a new heir is on throne and kingdom is in prosperity, and far away from the main capital in the village lives our little Irie.

Irie with brown hairs and shinny black eyes got from her father, bangs in her sides is very cute and curious little girl, she lives with her grandmother her only family.

Irie's day starts with strict morning practice and ends with grandmother's fairy tale about the war and contribution of their family and about 'the dragons'

Grandmother never leaves a chance to teach her something new each passing day because she knows days are short for her with little Irie, and each second counts for her.

On the other hand Irie have only one dream to run away from there and explore the world she even asked her grandmother's permission and she said she can go once she is ready.

Following day, "Irie come here!"

"yes grandma"

"come sit here I will teach you something new today"

"okay..?" she sits besides her grandmother and stare at a bundle of papers and heavy books, scattered drawing only with a candle in the centre of table lighting up the whole room, nights in the villages are usually quite that quite that you can hear neighborhood talk or fight.

"here...this and this" her grandmother pass her some papers in which there were drawings of dragons the one that look more like a big snake but with wings and claws and long whiskers looks in rage and in between war splitting fire from mouths.

"ah! so this is what you called a dragon a mythical creature that was used by our ancestors to rule the kingdoms and all.."

"it's not just a myth my child" she smiled

"well then what are they have you seen one?" little Irie's excitement is always above the moon

"heh! yah I have not just seen one but I have taken a good ride on them" she laughed

"no way...where when how?"

"now now....cool down and listen to me very carefully about what I am going to tell you, okay?" she sigh

"as you know each living things have his own life force that helps them to move around talk etc, and from very old time people are able to use that life force for not just daily work but they have mastered the method of cultivateing them to gain more power then normal beings, there might be people out there who has mastered it and now are very strong like the present king and his subordinates, where as we are among normal beings"

"why can't we do that? is it like a super power then does they have all kinds of like fire, ice and..."

"shh! let me complete, then....everyone can do it they just need proper training.."

"you mean I can learn it and...ah! sorry" Irie can never have enough of asking this and that from time to time.

"hmm..yes you can but you should try only to learn one element for the time being ofcourse you can learn types of them but I think you should learn one but be the master of it"

"wow! cool you will teach me right.." lrie shouts in excitement

"Irie...now let me tell you the important thing that I actually wanted to tell you"

"yes?" she quietly settle down

"listen my child, normal beings take a long time to cultivate the energy but you are special you have a gift"

"a gift?" Irie look confused

"yes..it's inside you 'a dragon' that lives within you from the day you were born he was born with you your soul and body are same, he is asleep inside you at the moment but he might be wake up soon and you have to be prepared for that"

"really?! but why me?"

"because you mother was a dragon master and she passed it onto you"

"my mother? you said she was very brave and also my father..they were cool, not that I could remember anything"

Her parents passed away the day she was born and Irie is strong enough to accept the truth, her grandmother adors her more because even after knowing all this she never cried a single day.

Irie feels proud of their parents that sacrificed their lives to save thousands of people, that's what her grandmother told her. she want Irie to find her own purpous in life.

"I will surely teach you the method of cultivateing and how to control the dragon within you"

"I will not controle him, I will be friends with him we will be best friends"

Grandmother could only feel sorry for her innocence because Irie doesn't know the hardships and sacrifice that's awaits for in future and she could just watch for the time being.

"then what type of dragon is he?" Irie couldn't help asking

"We don't know that yet and one thing never took off that necklace it is for good"

"this one you said it will bring good fortune...wait is this related to the dragon?" she touches her blue pendant

"yes, it controls the over flow of dragon force within you so that no one could sence it that's why never took that off ok

"okay..." she holds the pendant tightly

At that moment Irie promised herself that she will practice harder and learn how to cultivate so that she can be friends with the dragon.