
Newlywed and Honeymoon?

Karena was approach by a little cute chubby guy. Who are you part of?

Little seven look nervously at her then has take courage to hold her hand.

The little boy has a pair of beautiful hands which remind her of Jun.

Little seven finally manage to see her new royal mother Karena and get to hold her hands.

Actually, most the royal family members did not live together often and might know who is relate to whom. It was a that full of unknown and question mark.

Little seven did not know who his mother is and did not get the chance to know.

He did not think about it further so he just ignore it and move on.

Only meeting his new royal mother that made him realize that he is actually yearning for the familial love of a mother. He like to be care and teach by a mother.

Mother Karena,I was little seven and my full name is King Harry!

King Harry huh ?Are you and King Jun has a father son relationship?

I was his seven child and his youngest son.

Karena smile and greet him with an hug.

Nice to meet you little and in the future we are family then we has to be get along with each other together okay?

Karena want to has a unharmful and symbolic pinky promise with this cute chubby litttle guy.

Little seven nodded and has a pink promise with Karena. Then they smile at each other.

When Jun woke up and heard from his subjects that seven prince went to see mistress Karena, he quickly dress up and go to meet his dear girl Karena. He is worry his son might cause nuisance and broke the happy mood of Karena. But when he arrive, he see them treat each other very well and very good with friendly atmosphere. Jun put his heart down after seeing this.

Royal father you came!Mother Karena is not angry at you right now! You did not has to use your charms to seduce and conquer her at the wedding night!

Jun froze and did not expect to see this happening.

Son,the words you said before is good but please can you take back the last sentence..

Everything is okay until you say the buttom phrase then things goes off ah!

He did not want to see the expression of Karena. It is so hard to get her happy but now this turn to a long great sound story. The sound might be came from his beating by his dear. Jun though his life is very hard.

Karena was confuse by what little seven say you about the plan of Jun but then she realize this thing might make her angry again so new venge and old hatred together that made her turn to the a mother of tiger.

She pull the ear of Jun and ask him if he ever back talking about her?Jun qukckly shake his head as his life depend on it.

If you dare to did so then soon will know the consequence of it!

Notice the situation is not right, little seven want to escape but he was caught by his close dad?

Son, this is cause by you so has stay with me as so too.

Littke seven regret his impulsive early actions.

After of while,Karena let them go.

Both Jun and little seven release a breathe.

During this period, they were horrified by the scary aura from the body of Karena.

Jun ask Karena for forgivenesss.

I already forgive you!

Jun was happy about that.

Jun, did you plan our honeymoon for us as newlywed couple?

Jun forget this because he was so in to the wedding?

Jun,what did you say about this a little more fun than anything?

No,I did not mean that Karena. I was sorry Karena. I was totally and fully forgot the honeymoon of newlywed couple.

Karena was completely helpless of Jun but she did not lose all her hope about him.

She still believe and trust the promise of him. She was sure that he will bring happiness and made her life much better full of joy without any consideration and trouble.

Karena gently pat the head of Jun with care and tolerance to the show that he did has tire himself out just for her. Jun get her hint and release an smile that was full of charm.

Karena almost captivate by this successful tactic of Jun which she did not plan to continue so she get up and walk toward her bed to sleep. Never expect that Jun came to the bed and get in to the with me.

Did he want to sleep together with me so badly?Or he just felt very lonely sleep by his self?

Seeing he did his best for me and try to make me then I will just him do as he wish as a good onel little time of day.

I really tardy and need to sleep first so you self play.

Jun hug the sleeping Karena then fall to dream fragrance.

My creativity and spirit was about restrict by noisy environment. Hope I had more content and survive this !

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