
Hostile Takeover.

(I have Edited a few early chapters to fix the inconsistencies with Maulketh's personality.)

Maulketh took a deep breath as he wrapped his arms around his harem glad to have them back.

"You girls do not know how much I missed you."

Just as he was about to enjoy it a little while longer, Ares called out to him.

"What about me?"

Maulketh rolled his eyes behind his sunglasses.

"Ares, I forgot you existed."

"Fuck you too. Welcome back, bro."

"Glad to be back."

Meanwhile, his harem all smiled to have their lover back with them. Akeno who was directly up against him felt his entire body felt different. It was much stronger and the pressure he released was releasing was quite scary.

"Why do you feel way stronger than before?"

With a smirk on his face he gave her the answer.

"A healthy diet of Alien, Metahuman, and Demigod DNA, a Warlock, and a witch."

Runeas was the only fan of DC among them so she asked him about it.

"What Warlock and what Witch?"

"Enchantress and some guy named Dr. Gotham."

Runeas realized who Enchantress was, but not the latter.

"Sad. She was hot. And who is the second guy?"

"Some Warlock to Barbatos or something"

Runeas instantly paused.

"I have no idea who that is."

Maulketh shrugged.

"Oh well. I already made him mad anyways. Now, to get some things out of the way before we settle in. Astrid, Celestine, you two are about to explode."

Maulketh turned to Astrid and Celestine who had been silent this whole time. The rest of the girls all turned to the both of them shocked. They had been silent about this issue and none of them had any thought about them.

But through their soul link, they had been getting stronger way too fast because of Maulketh's rapid feeding. But with their links so weak, they had no way to safely adapt in Maulketh's Familiar Space.

But now, he was back and he just had to fix that. He walked over to them and hugged them personally.

"Next time don't stay quiet about things like this. We are all family after all."

Astrid nodded as she held him tight.

"We did not want to worry the others. And considering you were the cause, you are also the solution.

Celestine also agreed.

"We could not become Dragon Gods without a Principle or a Concept of our own. So we just kept on getting more energy which he could barely use. But I am glad you are back now."

"I get it."

Maulketh placed his hands on their heads and brought them back to the Soul Pact. The moment they were here, the Soul Connection he shared with them was back to full strength which instantly caused them to begin their long overdo evolutions within his soul pact.

Feeling their pacts return to full strength made him feel a sense of relief he had not had for a time.

"It's really good to be back. Now, I hear some of you have almost become dragons. How did you do it and where is my son?"

Valina explained.

"Yup. We have been training as we all want to get stronger and that caused your blood to begin to fuse with our Devil Blood along with the Dragon Hearts you helped us make. And Ingvild has activated her Ancestor's power. As for Marcus, he wanted to come, but he stayed in the training Dimension saying he would bring you back himself."

Maulketh chuckled.

"He takes after me doesn't he?"

Runeas shrugged.

"He does because you infected him with your personality."

"More like improved. I don't have to remind you that I still have memories of the original Issei. Now that was a creep let me tell you. Now, mind showing me your special power Ingvild."

He affectionately touched her cheek making her smile as she stepped away from him.

"Sure. Watch this."

With a burst of Demonic Power Ingvild's form changed into that of a Leviathan. She looked like a giant black and blue Draconic Serpent and she coiled around them in the air. She flew close as Maulketh patted her on the nose making her smile.

But it just looked scary, but she looked small compared to Maulketh.

(Image here)

"How did you do it?"

She returned to her human form and explained happily as she looked up at him.

"My Longinous kept on bringing out my strength and eventually I figured it out. Cool right?"

"Very cool. The stronger you girls get the better. Rias, how about you? Found any cool skills or powers?"

Rias nodded with a big smirk.

"I can also take a unique form. I ended up looking similar to your first Dragon Form as my bloodline is still kinda impure. But in that state, my flames contain my Energy of Destruction."

Runeas also had something similar.

"I will show you later as it is kinda cool."

He turned to everyone else.

"Tiamat, Athena, Calypso, anything to add? I want to know what you girls been up to." "

Calypso had some things to tell him.

"Two things. I have been training with my father, and most importantly, the new hybrid fruits are ready. We have been growing them, but no one has eaten them yet. We wanted you to try them first."

That got his attention as he had left a few of the fruits of Life and Knowledge so they could be crossed with Persephone's Pomegranates and Nyx's Despair Apples. And they had success? How could he not be excited?

As for Tiamat, she explained what she had been doing.

"As for me, I have been keeping as much order as I can in your territory. It's not really needed as Ophis and Great Red have been helping us out now that they are supporting us fully. Right big guy?"

She referred to Great Red who began to walk away.

"I am leaving. Goodbye."

Ophis waved her hand at her brother while Maulketh gave a nod to Great Red which he returned. With that, he returned to the Dimensional Gap through a giant gate. But seeing Great Red and Ophis made him think.

If the Omniverse was real, didn't that mean there were alternative worlds of this world? Each one with different versions or even new Dragon Gods? Dragon Gods he could recruit or eat? He would have to experiment with that soon.

As for Athena, she explained what had happened.

"While we were trying to build a gate to you we found a weaker world which we conquered. It was full of wizards and magic creatures, but they were weak. As for the dragons they had they were all just Wyverns, but they had a few interesting creatures. Currently, the order is being kept by the Dragons we left there."

"Consider me impressed. I will check it out very soon. For now, make sure this gate does not close at all."

Azazel nodded as Trihexa, Grimnar, and Leman walked through it. He looked at the three of them for a time before nodding.

"Got it."

As for Beelzebub, he checked the gate that was working still impressed at the marvel they had made.

"We can even work on improving it now that you are back. And stronger than ever."

Maulketh had some ideas.

"I will soon give you access to much better metals to be ready to upgrade the gate with those."

He stopped mid-sentence as he saw Ophis and Trihexa looking at each other. Ophis pulled back from Maulketh and walked toward Trihexa. Ophis in her adult form was only 5'5 while Trihexa was 6'8 so it was funny to look at them glaring at each other.

Trihexa smirked and hit Ophis where it bothered her.

"I got him first."

Ophis' right eye began to twitch as Trihexa hit her swore spot. As for Maulketh, he sighed.

"Trihexa, stop causing trouble."

Trihexa rolled her eyes.


As for Ophis, she decided to ignore Trihexa.

"Anyways, what are you going to do now that you are back?"

Maulketh smiled as he had plans for this world. Bit plans.

"Take over."

Athena instantly began to plan things as she was his personal secretary. She wondered if he ever wanted to role-play in their office. She shook her head to focus.

"How will we take control?"

Maulketh just leaned down and kissed her. Athena cleared her voice as she was now being stared at while he explained.

"Might as well show you all what my Concept of Tyranny can do. And the biggest ability of it will shock you all. For now, I will explain what I will do. I will fuse the Continents back into one giant Super Continent and take control over each Pantheon in the world.

I am stronger than every being in this world, and I shall take my rightful place."

Maulketh did not explain as his Divine Domain fell on the entire planet. Every being felt this and that was just the first step. Every Mana Vein that ran through the world became many times stronger and they spread through every continent.

Mana in the air began to rise and it was starting to be visible. His Concept made sure that his signature was on each Mana Vein. That was just the first step as his Domain fell on each continental plate under the ground and began to slowly move them. Each continent began to drift towards each other as he started the process.

This was his planet, his home base, and if anyone had issues, they could take it up with him. But that was just the first thing he planned to do. His Domain fell on the Core of the earth and began to saturate it with his Conceptual Energy at the same time.

The World had a will, and he felt it fighting against him, but it was far weaker than he was. He shattered the will of the planet before he reworked it into something stronger, and loyal to him.

When he completed this, the new will of the planet spread through the Mana Veins as if stretching out. But suddenly, the new Wil felt resistance from Gaea the Protogenos of the Greek Pantheon.

Every Pantheon had a being who spawned it in and she was the one for the Greeks She could feel her control over what she considered her body being taken away from her rapidly.

She did everything she could to push against Maulketh's Domain and the Will of the Planet. She resisted only for a moment before she began to lose aspects of herself starting from the core of the planet. It was like she was losing parts of her being that were being devoured by this new Planetary Will.

She wanted to scream and beg, but Maulketh's Domain fell on her and began to crush her resistance as he helped the Will of the Planet devour her. Her echoing death scream caused those who heard it extreme feelings of dread.

As for Maulketh, his eyes were unsympathetic and cold as the Will of the Planet integrated Gaea who was a Protogenos. The first Divine Race of the Greek Pantheon. Maulketh felt the Will of the Planet reach out to him once it had done so.

'Master, what are your orders?'

"Nourish the planet and keep it strong. I will soon be growing you so be ready."

'Of course.'

Once that was completed Maulketh turned to everyone.

"Done. With the Mana Veins and the Planetary Will under my control, I am pretty much in control."

Athena smiled as he with that one move crushed any resistance that could be done against him. The Devils and Grigori were his allies, and the Greek gods, the Norse gods, and Shiva were his allies. The Dragon Gods were on his side and he was a Dragon God.

"I will ready the troops."

Maulketh decided to allow her to do as she pleased.

"Alright. I will be staying for a time to ensure that things go smoothly. But for now,I will be playing catch-up."

Runeas decided to remind him.

"Don't forget about Kuroka. She has been staying with us this whole time and she had been training hard."

He raised an eyebrow as he had been forced to leave before he could make it official with her.

"How is she? I was getting close to her, but I got into a fight with Trihexa before I could answer her."

Rias gave him a thumbs up.

"No worries, she was patient and we worked her to the bone. AND, Kimmi, and Koneko have also been training hard."

She winked at him, but he sighed.

"You are still stuck on that?"

Akeno nodded.

"She has been filling their heads with nonsense. But Kuroka has been the one pushing Koneko to train with her. And they really are sisters."

Akeno motioned to her breasts as Koneko had done ALOT of growing. He rolled his eyes as he opened a portal to his original Volcano. He was probably going to fuse both to get a stronger Volcano as he liked both.

Maulketh, Trihexa, Ophis, Grimnar, Leman, and the rest of his lovers walked through the gate with him to his castle. When he laid eyes on it he felt a sense of fulfillment.

"It's good to be home. Now, to find those cat girls."

Next chapter