
The Dragon God of Tyranny(DxD)

“Why did I start killing?” Once asked this question by a associate, Mark Nathaniel Anderson, Grand Master Assassin had a few answers. “Anger at the world? Revenge for what happened to me? Because I am insane? Because I am a twisted monster? All are correct, but most importantly because it’s fun.” When it was finally his turn to die, by a stroke of luck, he was reborn in a new stolen body that had a treasure in the form of Ddraig. His new friend and mentor. His new path, the path of Dragons and Tyranny was set in stone. (MC is a ruthless hypocrite and a womanizer.)

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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115 Chs

Divine Dividing Is Aquired and New Apprentice.

Once Ares and Mark left Stockholm after speaking with Odin, Mark teleported them to the Underworld at the border of the Devil and Fallen Domain. Ares crossed his arms as he looked at him.

"How are we doing this? We rush in sword and flames blazing or more diplomatic?"

Mark jumped away from Ares and turned back into his true dragon form.

"Both. Hope on my head and look intimidating."

Ares did not have to be asked twice. His biker clothes turned into a set of black and red Greek armor. His sword was on his back as he lept on Mark's head. Once Ares was in place Mark's giant wings spread out wide and he blasted into the sky.

His body weighed nearly 1,000 tons, and yet he could still move like a cat and fly faster than any human missile. As they were flying Ares crossed his arms as he looked down at Mark.

"So when are we making my new Symbols?"

"Today if nothing goes wrong. How many do you want?"

Mark would help make as many as his friends needed and Ares was his bro. Ares already had a Symbol of Power in his sword, but he needed more.

"As I said, an armor matching who I am, a new weapon, and a shield why not? But unrelated to that, I recommend spending more time with my sister and my aunt."

Mark's eyes looked up, but could not see Ares on the top of his head.

"So you want me to court both?"

Ares nodded.

"Yes, it is better for them to be with you than anyone else. And besides, you heard what my sister wants from her husband. Save her mother, make her those weapons she wants, AND not be a total dumbass. As for my aunt, she is easier. Just give her a good home and love her."

Mark laughed as if that was true.

"I already planned on it."

Ares looked down and asked his next question.

"Care to add one more?"

Mark perked up.


Ares laughed as he pointed at himself.

"Why not me? I happen to be able to turn into a very hot chick you know."

Mark instantly lost control of his wings and began to plummet to the ground. Ares did not trip as Mark righted himself in the sky.

"You better be joking."

Ares nodded.

"I was, I was not lying about the chick part, but I ain't going to do that. I meant my other sister, Artemis."

Mark was still focused on the chick part.

"How does that work? Why would you do that?"

Ares shrugged.

"I am pansexual and we Greek gods are horny almost all the time for everything. Why do you think Zeus fucks others as animals or why he even did it with pretty men."

Mark shivered.

"No shame to you, just don't do that shit with me."


For the rest of the flight, the two flew in silence as they reached Fallen Angel Territory. Now that Mark knew who had Vali, he just had to follow the smell of Azazel. Deep in the Underworld wilderness, Mark found the main base of the Fallen which was a massive mega fortress that also spread underground.

Mark landed around 1,000 meters away before he started to run toward the fortress on 4 legs. Instantly the defensive runes and magic circles lit up as swarms of Fallen Angels rushed out of the fortress. Most were worthless foot soldiers with 1, 2, or 3 pairs of wings.

Only the ones with 4, 5, or 6 would be worth anything and Azazel was the only 12-winged Fallen Angel in existence. Mark stopped running as he noticed thousands of Fallen Angels filling the sky.

He saw just who he was looking for as Azazel surrounded by Baraqiel, but the rest he did not know. There were around 6 Cadre, and only around 200 angels with 4 pairs of wings and they were all armed to the teeth.

They did not yet know he was a Heavenly Dragon and even if they sent their entire army they would be killed.

'Ares. If you will.'

Ares looked up as a massive stream of Divine Energy radiated from his body.

"Curse of Weapons. Wrath of War."

Instantly all the Fallen Angels felt their weapons even their light ones become ungodly heavy. They were forced to drop them and this went for even Braqiel who had to drop his greatsword. Azazel looked at the rider first and then the dragon.

'Ares? When did that guy raise a dragon this strong?'

He thought that the blessing of Ares was burning hot right on Mark's chest. He looked to his second in Command Shemhezai.

"Stay here, I will see what he wants."

Shemhezai instantly rejected that notion.

"No, we cannot lose you at this stage."

Azazel shook his head.

"Does not matter if we all die. Now follow my orders."

Mark squinted his eyes as he saw Azazel fly toward the two of them. Mark stayed on the ground as he was just that gigantic. Meanwhile, Ares stayed silent the whole time as Azazel floated 50 meters away from the both of them.

The first to speak was Azazel.

"I come in surrender. Ares, why are you doing this? Grigori has never offended you or your Pantheon."

Mark raised his head a bit as he began to walk in circles around Azazel causing the ground to tremble.

"You have something I need?"

Mark's speaking caused the very air to quake causing Azazel to raise his arms in defense. Mark may not yet host the Principle of Domination, but it had already begun to become his. He dominated the very air with his words causing Azazel to feel pure dread.

"Of yours dragon? What could we possibly have that you want?"

Mark came in closer and looked Azazel in the eye.

"I am the heir to the Dragon of Domination and I have come to face the White One in battle. Bring him out."

[And make it snappy.]

Hearing Ddraig speak from the dragon's left hand was shocking enough. Ddraig looked at Mark's left hand shocked.

"How does a dragon have Sacred Gear?"

[Simple, my heir is a former human who became a dragon. Now hand over the White One Azazel.]

Azazel cursed as now he had not just a dragon, and Ares, one had the Boosted Gear. And they wanted Vali, someone who he considered his own son. He did not speak or do anything for a few tense moments before he spoke.

"I won't hand him over."

Hearing that made Mark squint his eyes his aura of a Heavenly Dragon which caused the underworld earth to quake. Many of the Fallen passed straight out while Azazel was forced to create several shields to endure.

"You won't? Why? You know we are fated to fight? Or are you saying he is a coward?"

Azazel grit his teeth as he stared Mark in the eyes.

"I won't hand over my own son just for him to die."

Mark stopped looking at Azazel and looked toward the fort. He saw a white-haired teenager who was around 16 walking out unfazed. Seeing him made Azazel almost burst a blood vessel.

'Damn it Vali. You should have fled.'

The Divine Dividing spread out from his back as he flew past the army of Fallen Angels and met up with Azazel. He looked Mark in the eyes with no fear in sight, but it was fake. He was afraid, deadly afraid.

"I am here heir to the Red Dragon Emperor. Do as you will?"

Mark looked him in the eyes and read his memories as he had done so many times before. From the moment he was born to this very moment which made him close his eyes. When he finished he nodded.

"You pass."

Hearing that made both Vali and Azazel confused.

"Pass? Pass what?"

Mark scoffed.

"I had hoped the White Dragon Emperor was a worthless waste so that I could take it for myself easily. I plan to be the heir to both Ddraig and Albion so it seems I will have to get creative as I am letting you live."

From the Divine, Diving Albion spoke.

{You wish to become my heir as well? That is madness, you would die for trying.}

Ddraig responded back.

[You will know that this host of mine is full of surprises. He is already a Heavenly Dragon and Ophis herself said as much.]

Vali stared at who his rival was and he was shocked. How could he call himself Mark's rival? Even Albion had not expected that last bit and now he felt for the first time totally eclipsed by Ddraig.

Ddraig even bragged as he was soon to be free.

[Oh and did I mention that very soon I will be free? I will no longer be trapped in The Boosted Gear while you will White One. Such a shame that while I am free you will still just be a weapon. Hahahahha.]

{Ddraig you fucking-}

[Fucking what? The superior teacher? In a short amount of time I trained him up to be a Heavenly Dragon and your host is not even in the Ultimate class. I must be superior in everything and once I am free I will become even stronger. While you will still be stagnant. Ha.]

Mark looked at Vali and spoke to him.

"I won't kill you. I think you just might be someone worth teaching. Oh and you over there, Baraqiel. I know your daughter and if you are open to it, I would ask you to meet with her once more."

Mark was about to turn around when Baraqiel flew over instantly.


Mark looked at Baraqiel.

"What is it?"

"My daughter, how is she?"

Mark answered honestly.

"Not great really. If you want to know more, come to the Gremory Domain. I am close with them and I can guarantee you no harm. But I still am here for you Vali. I don't plan to lose out on the powers of Albion and my plan to kill you won't work so I have to do something else. But what?"

Albion had an idea.

[I have one.]

Mark was now listening.

"Go on."

[Heaven. When I and Ddraig were killed God took our bodies and souls. I am almost sure that they will have at least some of our bodies left. Vali, I have an idea that you might not like.]

Vali looked at his wings confused.

"What idea?"

[One that will bring a great risk for yourself. He will have to take the Divine Dividing for a time and hopefully, you won't die. Once he has both our powers, he can go against Heaven without worry to reclaim our body parts.

Once he reclaims them and my powers, he can then give you back the Divine Dividing along with any body parts we find that he does not need.]

Mark also added something else to the offer.

"I can also help you kill your grandfather if you want. And I can help you get stronger and teach you how to become a true Heavenly Dragon as I did."

Azazel shook his head at the idea.

"No, it's too risky. Sacred Gears are connected to the soul taking it will kill him."

Mark rolled his eyes.

"Who do you think I am? Vali, are willing?"

Vali did not want to lose the Divine Dividing or die, but he trusted Albion.

"Can you guarantee I won't die?"

"99.99% sure."

"Then do it."

Mark bit his tongue causing a drop of his blood to float toward Vali. He drained it of all his elemental powers leaving just a drop of pure dragon blood. He forced this into Vali's open mouth and instantly with the help of Ddraig began to Boost.

Now that he himself could use the Boost and Ddraig did it at the same time his power quadrupled each time so just once was enough.


Just one Boost caused his power to rise to be 4 times stronger. That was enough for this so he gathered this power and sent it into Vali's body. He saw the connection the Divine Dividing had with Vali's soul which he carefully severed while not damaging his soul.

The damage he did cause he repaired with his Dragon Mana along with the power of his blood helped. After 5 tense minutes, Mark separated the Divine Diving from Vali without killing him or damaging his soul and he even got stronger through his blood.

Once the Divine Diving was separated from Vali, Mark instantly absorbed the Sacred Gear into his soul. While Albion and Ddraig expected a backlash, there was none whatsoever.

The blessing in Mark's soul lit up and assimilated the Divine Dividing into Mark's body. Instantly Mark felt the power of having both the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing in his body making him feel complete at last.

As for Vali, he both felt stronger and weaker. He felt bitter, but Mark reached out and grabbed him holding him in his giant hand easily.

"Come on, you are now my apprentice. Be thankful."

Mark then warped away using his mastery over Spatial Magic. As for Azazel, he clenched his hand hard as he felt so weak. Once a dragon or a god came around he was helpless.

He looked at Baraqiel who patted him on his shoulder.

"He will be fine. I am sure of it."

Azazel nodded.

"I hope he is. That dragon said he is going to make Vali his apprentice. Hopefully losing the Divine Dividing won't hold him back. Now let's go and deal with the mess he caused. And if you want to see your daughter do it."

Baraqiel felt happy to have a friend like Azazel, but first, he had to help out here. As for Mark, he appeared inside his flaming volcano where he let go of Vali.

"Welcome to my territory. The Yellow Stone Super Volcano, your new home for a while."

Vali sighed.

"You have the Divine Dividing? Why not kill me?"

Mark laughed.

"Because I know you can also become a dragon like me. Though you won't be as strong as me, and very soon I will return the Divine Diving to you. I only need it for a time. Once I gain mastery over the powers of Albion, I will force Heaven to hand over what they have. In the meanwhile, I will train you as I train these new powers."

[Good idea. Just having the Divine Dividing won't help you at all. Right Albion?]

{Correct. I will teach you all I know. What was your name again?}

"Mark, my name is Mark. Now that we are here, welcome to the team. Vali."

Vali sighed as he did not get much choice, but to join. Now that he was here, Mark was going to but him through the wringer.

Divine Dividing acquired.

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