
The Dragon Emperor with her Mischievous Empress

Beast and humans always had a conflict and war until a human was chosen by the dragon emperor to become his Drayeen. Draquons are the dragon who owns the pearl and used it as a token for their lifetime commitment to their partner. Rae Gu, a woman in her early twenties, a well-trained military doctor, and a heiress of one of the biggest company on country A. Though she was from a rich family, Rae Gu still wants to follow her passion and make a name for herself. Rae Gu had her vacation on one of their family's villa, when she stumbled upon a secret passage that leads to a cave where she found a fist sized golden pearl. When she touched the pearl out of curiosity, it suddenly glowed a bright golden light and cause her to passed out. When she regain her consciousness she found herself on a different era or even a different world. Worst of all, she found herself naked besides a sleeping man. Rae Gu: Gosh! A yummy man. (While tapping her red cheeks.) The man: Stop staring at me like that or I will you eat up again. Thus, this starts the new life of Rae Gu's, in an unfamiliar world. ............ This is my first time writing novel. If i have some grammar error, please do give me a heads up. and i hope you to bear with me. thank you! Disclaimer: "I do not own the cover page. All rights belong to the original owner." Heads up! This story is about family, friendships and lovers. So I'm not only focusing on the main lead development but also the side characters. ~(^~^)~

cherane · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

The fate intertwined

In the middle of the dark forest, a golden palace could be seen. Inside one of the rooms, a girl was sleeping on the bed. It was high noontime when her eyes trembled as she slowly opened her eyes.

As Rae Gu looked around her surroundings, she was jolted at the fact that it was not her bed. She was lying on a mattress that was so big and comfy. The bed can fit for atleast three people and it was covered with a white muslin curtains on all sides.

Rae Gu decided to get up to see where she was but stop when she felt a heavy thing around her waist. She prayed and hoped that it was not what she was thinking.

She slowly lifted the quilt and tried to peek inside to see what it was, she sighed with relief to see an arm instead of a snake. Then suddenly, her whole body trembled after realizing the fact that she was naked with an arm around her waist.

Rae Gu looked down and followed the arm upward to see the owner. She gasped after seeing a handsome man sleeping beside her. His face was flawless with a kissable pale-pink thin lips; pointed nose; thick dark brown brows that was well shaped; and those curve and long eyelashes in his eyes was so attractive.

What she admired the most was that silver long silky hair that complemented with those perfect facial features.

[Ghad! Did I just have my first night with this man? I guess its worth it.] Rae Gu chuckled and mused to herself. She likes handsome man and she also had a lot of collections of those men's magazine.

Rae Gu licked her lips and tried to reach out to that face when her immoral self was aroused after seeing those perfect features, But her hand stopped on mid air before she could touch his face as her rationality wins against her lustful thoughts. And that if she touched his face it might startle him awake.

Rae Gu shook her head and took a deep breath to calm herself. She looked at the sleeping man again and thought to herself that she needs to get up and escape from here.

Though the man was handsome and he was the very first man that she had an intimate contact with, but still not knowing the man's background made her cautious and raised her guard up.

Rae Gu lifted the quilt and slowly removed the arm from her waist to avoid waking up the man. But unfortunately the man was sharp, and those movements wake him up.

Then, the man caught one of those small hands that was holding his arm to stop her from moving.

"Ahhh!! Let my hand go.",Rae Gu shriek as she was startled by him. She shoved his hand and push him out off the bed.

The man was aghast by her sudden screamed and before he could react he was pushed down from the bed and with a thud,he hit his back on the ground.

He hissed from the pain and looked at the girl who pushed him. He wanted to scold her but instead he was stunned silly by the view in front of him.

Rae Gu followed his eyes to see what he was looking. So, she looked down and saw her naked body.

Rae Gu remembered that she was completely naked when she peeked inside the quilt earlier and totally forgot about it when the man scared her after he suddenly grabbed her hand. When she got up from the bed after pushing the man, the quilt slid down from her body and now her gifted mounts was displayed in front of the man.

"Ahhhh!!! You pervert!!!", Rae Gu grabbed the pillow and throw it to the man's face. She then grabbed the quilt and cover herself with it.

The man caught the flying pillow before it hit his handsome face."Tsk! What are covering for? I already saw it all when we did the deed."

"You... You..." Rae Gu was speechless after hearing those shameless words. She wanted to get up from the bed and beat the hell out of him.

The man laughed at her and got up from the floor and because he too was also completely naked like her, his perfectly shape muscled body was laid in front of her.

Rae Gu stared wide-eyed with her mouth half open. She looked at his well toned muscles from the chest down to his waist, and before her gazed stop below his waist, she heard a husky voice above her head.

"Seen enough? Wipe your mouth. You're drooling." The man smirked after looking at her lecherous eyes and Rae Gu instinctively wipe her mouth but realized that there was no drool and he just made fun of her.

"...", Rae Gu coughed to hide her embarrassment after she was caught staring at him, "You cover yourself." She then covered her eyes with both of her hands.

"Oh? You don't want to look at my body anymore?", The man opened his arms and turn himself around for her to see every inch of his body.

While the man was doing that, Rae Gu sneaked a few peeks between her fingers to see the man's muscled body.

Her hands was itchy as she wanted to touched those well toned muscles. Even though she saw a lot of hot men during the time she served as a military doctor.

The specimen in front of her was still the best she had ever seen. She could only bit her lips at the thought of how the muscle felt when touch.

After seeing her fantasizing face, the man could guess what she was thinking and he could only shake his head at this lecherous woman, and if it wasn't for the blood on the bed cover, he can't believed that it was her first time.

"You want to touch?" The man teased her but Rae Gu genuinely nodded her head, but after three nods she stopped and chided,

"Hmp! Who would want to touch your ugly body." but even after saying that, she still stole a glance on his perfectly shaped body.

The man was amused with her. Her eyes betrayed her mouth as she was saying the opposite of what her eyes desired to do. He tilted his head to looked at her face. As he was just standing two steps from the bed, and she was on the edge, he vowed down, and their nose almost touched as he looked straight into her eyes and smile.

Rae Gu was dazed after seeing that mesmerizing smile and his sudden action shocked her to the core and made her frozen stiff. Seeing her frozen, the man snorted and moved his face beside her and whispered to her ears,"Hey! This ugly body belongs solely to you. Remember that!". The man slowly get up and let his lips brushed to her ears before he walk to the closet to dressed himself.

That touched tickles Rae Gu, and his hot breath made her face flushed. She did not know what to say after hearing those words. She never had a boyfriend and never had any experience on flirting with a man even when she live in the barracks full of men.

Rae Gu was still frozen on the bed when she heard him said.

"Stay here. I will order someone to serve you and help you clean up." Before she could answer, the man went out of the room. Rae Gu could only looked at his back while he close the door.