
The Dragon Emperor's Rising

The Dragon Empire is one of the biggest powerhouses on the continent, keeping the other countries in line. Noah lives in a small village in the country with no name. He has lived his life there but after losing his father at a young age a family friend offers to teach him once he becomes an adult and he only just turned 16 now. Follow Noah as he starts his journey to become a knight but ends up much, much more.

Falling_Silence · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter Forty One - To The Keep

Taking his time to walk back towards his makeshift camp with Fiona and her Dragon, Uni. Letting his magic aura circulate his body and try and push his own limits; Noah didn't notice that his feet had started to make indents into the floor.

His body becoming denser and stronger with each step, the magic particles in the air vibrating with each step. not only becoming deeper into the ground but letting him step larger ground with each step too.

Within just seconds he was at the camp with Fiona staring at him with her mouth open as she stared at him, seeing the magic particles vibrating with every step he took. She had never seen such power over them.

Noah let go of the magic aura and released it back into the world the grass and ferns all blew in the opposite direction of where he was standing.

Fiona's dragon, Uni, opened her eyes and let out a growl at the release of so much slowly raising its head and curling her head and tail around Fiona to protect him from Noah's magic.

Laughing at the dragons first reaction as he didn't plan to do anything, his magic aura had just made it easier to cross from the few hundred metres in just seconds. Something that he had never done before.

Taking a step forward he collapsed, his legs had turned to jelly. "Whoa!" Using his hands to stop himself from hitting the ground completely. Letting out a soft yelp as his hands were grazed from landing hard.

Fiona patted Uni's head and told her it was fine, walking over to Noah and helping him get back up. "You really are bad at using your aura properly." Giggling at Noah's failure.

"Well, I am glad you enjoyed watching me fall. I've decided that I should come with you to the Dragon Keep, my mother should be there and I can try and find my Master through there." Managing to hold himself up just with Fiona's help.

"Oh? Okay, we will go straight away. I need to complete my mission anyways." They both slowly walked towards uni, Fiona got onto the saddle first and then Noah joined her from behind.

Uni was not the biggest dragon, she stood at 2.4 metres [7.8 Ft] but had managed to gather a lot of strength just from the deep rest through the night she had. It was early morning but with the sky being covered in smoke there was no way to truly see the sky, either clouds or smoke covered it.

She lifted her wings into the air and pushed down, slowly lifting them off the ground and flying slowly towards the Dragon Keep, across the plains and forest that Noah had walked from. It was a steady flight but Noah noticed that along the back of Uni's wings were deep cuts and slashes.

They flew in silence across the Sil zone calmly. Only the beat of Uni's wings made noise, no birds, no other dragons just the beat of the wings.

The closer they got to the dragon tower the colder it felt, he could feel Fiona start to shiver so he did his best to keep her warm by moving closer to her and sharing his warmth. His face starting to burn from embarrassment but knowing it was better to share heat so they didn't go into hypothermia.

Fiona wriggled and felt even more embarrassed than Noah, she was from a noble family and the only contact she had with men had been when she was with her father at the noble balls. The school and Dragon Troopers both separated the men and women into different squads to avoid relations through missions or through the school term.

Uni felt the rush of embarrassment through their bond and let out a roar to make sure Noah knew that was as close as they were getting, turning her head and roaring one more time. All that did was make both the two turn redder.

They soon saw the spires that would take them from the Sil zone to the Edgur zone. From grass to dirt just like his memory. The Dragon Keep tower standing tall but unlike last time there were only a few dragons flying around it.

Booth Noah and Fiona's faces were grim, neither knew if the news of what was happening in the Phili ring had made it back to the keep but just by looking at how few dragons were out they both had a gut feeling that the news had made it back.

As they got closer Noah felt the ring against his chest warm-up, pulling his neck down and towards the right. Following its guidance, he saw the emperors home again recalling what had happened last time he stared he closed his eyes.

He heard a dragon's roar in his head but when he looked around to find it he couldn't find any other dragon it could be from and neither Uni nor Fiona seemed to have heard it. He felt his ring burn more and the roar of the dragon get louder.

It felt like with every roar his head would be hit with a hammer.

He eventually gave in and opened his eyes while looking at the Emperors home, he was worried he would get knocked out from it again but instead of feeling the danger he had last time the mansion wavered.

Flickering in the distance.

He suddenly saw a rainbow of colours before it disappeared again along with the dragon's roar and the ring burning against his chest. It instead had gone cold to the touch.

The roar still felt fresh in his mind, feeling like it was very close to being just like Aurelius' roar before he ate his food. He couldn't help but wonder what he was doing right now and how he was right now, the dragon had become his best friend over the nine months they were left alone together.

In all his life Noah had managed to make a few friends but the village he had grown up in only had a few children and they were all typically a few years older than himself which seemed to make a barrier between them.

He grew up fast having to mature sooner than most due to his fathers passing as well as just making friends in general. He was only close to the adults in the village his closest friend would have been Elder Yuric who used to be an adventurer, he would listen to all his stories he had to tell when he had time to visit him.

Having the bond with Auleric made him feel like they were already closer than most, he also spent all his spare time in the nine months he was in the splintered dimension telling Auleric everything about his life or playing different games with him.

Noah turned his gaze back to the Dragon Keep. The Keep represented so much to the empire, strength, power and wisdom. No other Kingdom or Empire had such a dominating symbol to show their countries best qualities.

As they got closer two large dragons dropped from the sky above both of them a maroon red, levelling out in front of them.

"State your name, rank and reason for visiting the Keep!" Called out one of the two Dragon Troopers in front of them...

Hi All, sorry for the later update. I will be posting the first volume of DE on Amazon with an additional 4 chapters, if you want to support me please buy a copy it should only be £5 - essentially £1 per extra chapter and an extra £1 for support.

It is my birthday aswell tomorrow and will be taking the day off so I am sorry for no extra chapter or possibly a shorter chapter.

Falling_Silencecreators' thoughts