
The Dragon Awakes

A Highschool DxD series featuring a hung Issei working his way through some of the sexiest, bustiest women around, starting with Rias.

GRZG12 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 8:The Dragon and the Goddess

Chapter 8 - Chapter Eight

The Dragon and the Goddess

With all that had happened in the past few months, among them Rias becoming acknowledged as Issei's consort as well as Issei being acknowledged as the leader of the Youkai in Kyoto with their former queen Yasaka now just one of the many playthings in his harem, Issei Hyoudou had become quite famous. So famous in fact that Gods and Goddesses from far-flung lands had heard of him and his growing influence. So it had been decided that Issei and Rias would lead a small delegation of Devils to the realm of Mount Olympus, in order to strengthen ties with the powerful beings who dwelled there.

"Well, this is really something, isn't it?" Issei asked as they arrived. Rias was next to him and just behind the pair stood the three other members of their delegation: Ingvild Leviathan, Asia Argento, and Ravel Phoenix. Like Issei they seemed impressed by their surroundings: a city carved of white marble standing atop a mountain peak that reached so high it was surrounded by nothing but clouds stretching out in every visible direction. Clusters of grey and white buildings in the classical style stood in a roughly semi-circle shape, leading to the staircase that Issei and the others had ascended-a staircase that had no bottom, but simply served as the stepping off point for those who traversed to this realm. Streams of crystal clear water flowed in a series of constructed canals, all disseminating from a waterfall located on the largest peak, where a mighty palace stood.

"Amazing~"  Asia said, nearly breathless at the splendor of this place. Even the air smelled different than the mortal realm, cleaner and crisper somehow.

Rias cocked an eyebrow at the pair of them. She was impressed as well, but European style architecture had never been her thing. The busty redhead cleared her throat, making sure Issei and the others were paying attention before she spoke.

"Alright then Issei, why don't you go and explore, while I handle the actual meeting with the Olympian representatives. I'll come and get you when we're done, or if something comes up. Girls, you're with me."

Ravel tchhed at that, as she'd been looking forward to getting some time alone with Issei. Ingvild just nodded sharply while Ravel moved to follow Rias, waving a slow goodbye to Issei.

"Works for me, I suppose. If there's any trouble, just let me know, I'll always be around to protect you ladies." Issei winked with an almost audible sound, his eyes gleaming with mirth. He knew better than to think any of them really needed his protection, especially in a place like this where there wasn't likely to be any trouble. He just liked reminding his harem that he would keep them safe because, after all, they were all his.

Though, as he walked through the grand city, Issei did spy a few women he wouldn't mind adding to his little impromptu peerage. Exotic in their looks with bronze skin, strange forms of dress (Issei took careful notice that many of the women didn't seem to be wearing anything at all under their flowing robes-togas, he thought they were called) and clearly very beautiful with a variety of injuman features-dappled skin like leaves for some, eyes that flashed like flame for others, and a few who stood out due to their sheer size-goddesses and spirits that stood tall as a doorframe, as well as many diminutive yet alluring sprites and other strange sights beyond. One thing was for sure, this place was clearly never dull, and Issei found himself happily wandering throughout the cobbled paths and between ancient buildings, content to just soak things in for the moment.

After fifteen minutes or so, Issei rounded another corner, catching sight of a woman turning down an alley ten or so yards in front of him-just a glimpse, really a flash of long, gorgeous red hair that Issei recognized in an instinct. He smirked to himself, brown eyes narrowed as Issei realized Rias must  have finished her boring diplomacy stuff early, or else pawned it off on one of the other girls and was now enjoying the city sights herself. Most likely she was looking for one of these gorgeous Greeks (though Issei wondered if any of them really counted as Greek) for Issei to try out. Rias seemed to beckon him for an instant just before she went out of sight, a seductive and playful smile on her lips.

Issei chuckled. If she wanted him to give chase, she barely even needed to ask. He followed closely behind, letting Rias set the pace-as he got closer, she would always speed up a bit, ducking down corners and turning through nearly hidden bends in the road like she knew they were coming. It was almost as if she was very familiar with the area, and Issei wondered if she'd been here before and not mentioned it.

Eventually, Issei followed Rias into what seemed to be a large temple of some sorts, dashing up a flight of stairs and past a series of decorative pools to find a long walkway that led to a large throne with an elaborate back in the shape of a seashell. The ceiling had an oval shaped mirror set into it, and the walls of the rounded building had many more besides, so that one was sure to catch a glimpse of one's self from countless angles, no matter where a person might stand.

Rias was sitting on the throne like she owned the place, back straight and legs crossed as she absently smoothed the front of her clothes, fidgeting with perceived imperfections here and there, straightening out her hair. When she saw Issei, she opened her mouth to speak, the corners of her lips upturned as though she had a secret to share. Just before she could speak, Issei blurred into motion, disappearing from sight and then reappearing in front of Rias. This little game was over, and Rias knew full well that when she made Issei chase after her, things were going to be worse-and thus better, to the eager masochistic slut-for her in the end. His hand didn't even seem to move, simply hanging at Issei's side at one moment and then crashing into Rias delicate cheek the next, while Issei stood with an air of complete composure.



The force of his blow was enough to send Rias tumbling from the throne, landing in an undignified heap on the floor, her legs splayed out in opposite directions. Rias looked shocked, not only at this sudden harsh treatment, but also from the sheer speed Issei had moved. She should be used to it by now really, but then Issei was getting stronger and faster all the time. Rias opened her mouth to speak again and Issei cut her off once more by casually grabbing her hair, hosting her up as Issei sat casually on the throne. She mewled pathetically, one hand weakly grabbing his wrist.

"You know, you really shouldn't act so high and mighty, Rias, not when there's no one else around to impress. After all, we both know who's really in charge here. Or is this your way of asking for a reminder? Well, I can certainly do that." 

Issei grinned wickedly before he reached down with his free hand, unzipping his pants and pulling out his rapidly hardening cock. Even slightly soft, it was thicker around than a can of beer and longer than Issei's forearm, with angry red veins pulsing along the underside of the swarthy, heavy shaft. The scent of his balls washed out, a powerful musk that made Rias' nostrils flare at the pungent yet undeniably arousing scent.

Whap! Whap! Whap!

Gripping his dick at the base like a whip, Issei proceeded to smack Rias in the face with it, hitting her in both cheeks and leaving large red marks on her pale skin. If Issei hadn't been holding on to her hair, she likely would have been knocked over by the sheer size and strength of his crude dick-slapping.

"Ah! Oh, ouch! Holy shit...so huge!" 

Rias was in utter cock shock, her eyes goggling even as Issei painted her face red with his dick. After a half dozen or so slaps, his dick was nearly fully hard, so Issei pulled Rias over by the hair until she was directly in front of him. Not waiting for her to get comfortable, Issei pulled down on her scarlet tresses, impaling Rias' throat on his cock. 

Hmm...that's strange, Issei thought. Something wasn't quite right here. He thrust a few more times into Rias throat, almost experimentally,  as she gagged on his cock, coughing heavily and splashing out thick ropes of cloudy drool all over his shaft, even though she'd barely taken more than Issei's massive cocktip in her mouth.

Issei suddenly pulled out, glaring down at the gorgeous girl, her blue eyes already welling up with tears.

"Who are you?" Issei asked, his tone wary, even as he continued to smudge his bellend, leaking off-white precome, over this slut's bee-stung lips. As her mouth opened her tongue darted out from between her lips on sheer instinct, slurping along the underside of Issei's dicktip for just an instant as she struggled to come out of her cock-inducded stupor.

"Huh, hah, ah...what do you mean? I'm Rias, of course." She smacked her lips together, the taste of Issei's cock still coating the inside of her mouth, sounding unconvinced by her own words.

"I've fucked the real Rias' face so many times that her throat can take my cock a lot better than you can. But you, you're different-you're not a woman I've been with before. So who are you?" Issei absently jerked his cock as he spoke, casting the imposter's face into shadow as her gaze was torn between staring up at Issei's eyes and that dominating shape of the hard, swollen cock, the tip flaring in front of her larger than a man's fist.

"Very well, then, Issei. I suppose you have proven yourself worthy." The woman giggled, her voice higher-pitched than Rias as her true pitch shone forth. 

She stood up, a shining light enveloping her body, her clothes fading away along with her appearance as Rias, which had clearly been an illusion. Her hair flowed down her back in long, voluminous waves, bouncing above the small of her back in vibrant pink hues, seeming to twist and turn of its own accord, forming vague heart shapes at the ends. Bracelets of gold jingled on her wrists as she rose to her full height, making her nearly eye level with Issei, and her lightly tanned skin nearly shone with a light of its own. Her breasts stood high and perky on her chest, each one as large as Issei's head, and Issei thought if the other members of the Pervert Trio were here they might have passed out from the sheer perfection of her massive, soft jugs, with small pink nipples standing out in obvious arousal, pert and eye-catching.

"I am Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and beauty. Also war, though Athena might quibble about that. And you are Issei Hyoudou, I've heard all about you, building a little harem for yourself in the mortal realm. Taking the part of your lover was just a bit of fun." Aphrodite giggled again, walking around Issei in a slow circle, sizing him up, draping her lithe arms over her throne. 

Her step was completely confident and poised, very at ease with being naked here in a temple dedicated to her honor and glory. In turn, Issei made sure to watch her progress in the various mirrors that adorned the temple's walls, catching every angle of her sensual form, the way her calves tensed with natural athleticism, how her ass jiggled with each step she took, a massive shelf of booty that nearly made Issei's mouth water just by staring at it. Her body was almost impossibly sexy, with curves in all the right places, with a flat, tongue-traceable stomach a narrow waist and wide hips that nearly exploded out of her midsection in an exaggerated heart shape, with thighs that could probably snap a man's neck if she were so inclined. Her pussy was wet and inviting, hairless and smooth, almost dripping already, as Aphrodite's base state was on the height of arousal few human women could stand for more than a few moments.

Eventually Aphrodite stood in front of Issei again, her alluring, large eyes flashing, a slightly darker shade of pink than her hair. Her hands rested on the arms of the throne, leaning down till her breasts nearly draped across Issei's throbbing cock.

"I was delighted to see that you'd come today, with your little retinue. A man like you, well I wanted to test you in person. I can already see you're very...impressive, for a mortal. All that's left is to see if you're truly worthy of being a part of my collection. You should be honored-lesser men have killed themselves in the past just to catch a glimpse of my divine beauty, and made no end of messes in the mortal realm vying for my affection." 

Aphrodite's mouth turned up in a sultry smile, her voice a whisper that sent tingles down Issei's spine before he composed himself. But the young man was no stranger to boasts and so often a moment, he simply snorted, sitting up more straightly in Aphrodite's throne, already accustomed to the seat. 

"I'm no one's property, even a sexy Goddess like you. But I'll make you a little counter offer, Aphrodite. Submit to me, and you'll never have to worry about going to other men for pleasure again." Issei smiled broadly, keeping his gaze locked on Aphrodite's as a slight charge seemed to run through the temple, a moment of tension that was clearly building rapidly.

"Many men, and women have tried throughout the years, little boy. But none have succeeded, not for long. Why should I, the most beautiful of all the gods, accept such an offer?" Aphrodite brushed a hand across Issei's cheek, her skin warm to the touch and smelling of some unidentifiable yet intoxicating natural aroma. 

Issei's smile only grew wider, his canines seeming to glint in the air with a hint of wickedness. Aphrodite pulled her hand back at his change in demeanor, already surprised by this young human's bold nature. Issei stood for just a moment, getting undressed as Aphrodite watched, her eyes goggling in her head as he pulled his pants down and revealed the fattest, heaviest pair of nuts she'd ever seen in her life, each one larger than one of her fists and swinging lewdly between Issei's legs. He was more toned than he looked, with firm arms and lightly defined abs, a body of lean muscle and the way he carried himself, he was clearly experienced sexually. Despite herself, Aphrodite felt herself getting lost in lustful thoughts, and she brought one finger up to her delicate, painted lips, abesntly sucking on it without even realizing.

"You don't get it, Aphrodite. It was never an offer, I was only being nice. But to put it bluntly, you will submit to me, and join my harem, once I'm finished breaking you in, here in your own temple. I've always wanted to fuck a Goddess, I just hope you can live up to your own reputation." Issei's eyes narrowed as he made his declaration, and Aphrodite swallowed nervously. 

She was shocked into silence at his bold, crude words. She flushed deeply, her thighs rubbing together, feeling her body start to get turned on despite herself. In the past all her lovers had treated her like the goddess she was, and never had been bold to do anything she hadn't told them to. But this young man, his confidence and shocking lack of respect...it turned Aphrodite on more than she would have thought, her chest rising and falling with quick shallow breaths. Strange thoughts ran through her mind, as she realized Issei's size wasn't the only impressive thing about him.

I've...never felt like this before, about anyone. This Issei is really something else!

Issei went on, having laid down his challenge as Aphrodite realized something else about him, making her eyes narrow-his cock was still growing, already longer than one of Aphrodite's forearms, and starting to swell up thicker than her toned bicep.

"I want you to use all your divine powers to resist me, don't hold anything back...because I won't. After all, it wouldn't be as much fun turning you into my newest harem bitch if you just rolled over without putting up a real contest. But I promise you, Goddess of Love and Beauty when I'm done with you, you will be carrying my children."

Aphrodite wanted to laugh at that-a lowly Devil, not even in his twentieth year of life, born as a regular mortal, impregnate her? A divine being and one of the oldest, most powerful Goddesses that had ever walked the Earth, it was an absurd idea. Yet...Aprhodite didn't feel like laughing, not as she watched that dick reach its full length, stretching out like the prow of a ship. Even sitting down, Issei's dick was so large that it actually stretched up past Aphrodite's face, casting a shadow over her as she stared at the massive bellend, her eyes wide as she experienced what the humans would call "cock shock"-something that had never happened to Aphrodite, not in thousands of years.

Issei's dick seemed to flex in the air, his shaft so large that his piss-slit dilated, wider around than one of Aphrodites's delicate fingers. As she watched, it leaked drops of precome onto her hair, and Aphrodite jerked back, startled...but only for a second. She should do something she knew, say something or make some demonstration of her power to show this upstart brat who he was dealing with and where he was-her temple, the seat of her power. Yet for some reason, she didn't move, except to flare her nostrils as the scent of Issei's sweaty, veiny shaft hit her brain, a more powerful sensation than bathing in ambrosia itself. His drops of precome were as large as fair sized pebbles, cloudier than a normal man's issue, and Aphrodite felt a pulse of heat flare up from between her legs, her body temperature rising as her arousal grew. 

Hnng...this stench, it's overwhelming! My head is all fuzzy, and warm. Is this the power of Issei's huge cock?

Aphrodite's mouth opened wide, gasping for air with a slight note of panic in her actions. Despite her desire to breathe something more sweet-smelling than the aroma of Issei's cock, wafting up from those massive balls which smelled even more pungent, she ended up just inhaling his musk with every breath. And with a gorgeous, busty, long-legged slut like that just staring in front of his cock with her mouth hanging open, Issei saw his chance. 

Reaching forward, Issei grabbed Aphrodite's soft, luxurious hair, which felt smoother than silk in his hands and thrust his dick forward, slamming into Aphrodite's throat. Her neck bulged out to an almost comical degree as Issei pulled her down, his hips thrusting with practiced, confident force. He didn't waste any time letting Aphrodite get used to his size, he simply shoved his cock forward, slamming past the soft, wet seal of her lips, moaning as her tongue was pressed flat against the underside of his shaft, bathing his veiny dick with her saliva as his cocktip punched past her uvula and then speared down into her gullet.

"Glaggh, glacch, glawwck!" Aphrodite squawked and gagged pathetically on Issei's dick, unable to believe he was treating her so roughly. 

He's fucking my face like it's a whore's cunt! This taste-it's so powerful, he's making my eyes water, but it feels so good! He's just using me like a cock sleeve, his dick is making my jaw ache...ummf, but I have to resist. I can't let this cocky bastard win!

There was a sudden flash of pink around Aphrodite, as she called upon her divine powers. A lesser woman would have been passed out by now from how fast and hard Issei was shoving his cock into her throat, gripping her hair hard enough to nearly pull it out by the roots. But she was Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty, she had been with countless lovers over the millenia, and in the end she had humbled them all. Aphrodite put her hands on Issei's thighs and pushed, not wanting him to stop, but trying to get him to slow down, so that she could show him how a Goddess could truly suck cock.

Issei grunted above her, having buried more than half of his colossal dick down Aphrodite's throat, with his shaft glistening wetly whenever he withdrew it. Smudges of Aphrodite's lipstick colored Issei's dick, along with the bubbly clouds of spit hanging down from her mouth to splash on her large, perfectly shaped breasts. Yet to her shock, even as Aphrodite struggled, Issei didn't slow down at all. He was still overwhelming her with dick, and he gave a few hard thrusts, his dick disappearing down Aphrodite's throat as her swan-like neck bulged out. Her hands slapped at him weakly now, growing clearly fatigued as her eyes watered, before her pink orbs rolled back into her head, making her look utterly fucked stupid as Issei pushed deeper. 

With a sick, wet warbling cry, Issei's cock disappeared another six inches down Aphrodite's grasping wet gullet, and she realized that his dicktip was pressing against the back of her stomach. 

"Fuck, you've got a tight throat, Aphrodite. Not bad for a slutty Goddess like you-clearly it's been too long since you've had a real dick!" Issei crowed, exulting in his dominance over the stacked, sexy Olympian. Her throat was milking him with a velvety, wet suction, even as her eyes crossed, her cheek swallowed out in an embarrassing dick-sucking expression.

To her shame, Aphrodite's pussy grew wetter and wetter as Issei fucked her throat, and with each thrust, her arousal grew. Until after over twenty minutes, his balls smacked off her chin, as he'd managed to hilt his cock all the way inside of her mouth. Groaning openly and crudely, Issei ground his dick against Aphrodite's lips, his dark curly pubic hairs pressing into her nostrils. She tried to glare up at him, but as she huffed his musk straight from those massive sperm tanks, Aphrodite's body shuddered as she struggled to breathe, and then suddenly she came, hard enough to make her entire body shake as though having a seizure. With a heavy, splattering sound, her pussy tightened and then gushed, squirting in an arc of divine pussy juices all over the floor as Issei sat in her throne, dominating her throat with his massive bitch breaker.

I'm coming just from getting my face fucked, like a shameless slut! Issei is fucking my face like he owns it, and it's turning me on so much! I feel like I''m going crazy...oh fuck, I'm gonna come again...HNNG!!

"Hu-warrk!" Even as her body retched around the massive dick that was invading her throat, coring her stomach out and reshaping her to be a better cock sleeve, Aphrodite came again while Issei moaned above her. Issei reached down, grabbing her breasts and palming them as best he could, despite their enormous size. Even this simple touch, full of rough squeezes and lewd groping fingers made Aphrodite's face flush, her body coming alive for Issei in embarrassing ways, turned on beyond belief.

With a sudden wet noise like someone emptying a barrel of wine, Issei's dick seemed to grow even stiffer in Aphrodite's throat, clearly visible from the outside. She felt his seed splash into her stomach, and her body slumped forward, almost swooning at his massive load...he was so strong, so virile. Issei pulled out quickly, letting Aphrodite breathe properly for the first time in a long time, her mind cloudy from lack of proper oxygen. She looked up at him, hair plastered to her sweaty forehead, just before Issei jerked his cock openly in her face, covering her gorgeous, sensual face with his thick, off-white sperm. It was so heavy it felt like Aphrodite's face was caked in mud, obscuring her from sight as she let out a low, embarrassing noise, cooing for Issei like some bought and paid for sex slave.

As she tried to recover, Issei leaned back in the throne, resting his muscled back against the carved seashell's ridges. Aphrodite was panting for breath, having just had two of the strongest orgasms of her long life, with a bellyful of Issei's intoxicating, hot sperm and wearing his issue on her face like a cheap prostitute, but she wasn't done just yet. Maybe this was her chance-she knew men who often took a long time to recover from their orgasms, and as a divine being practically built for sex, Aphrodite's own stamina was legendary for a good reason.

She smirked at Issei, even as she slowly wiped his jizz off her face. At first she went to flick it away from her fingers, perhaps summoning a divine rainstorm to rinse her face off, yet instead she had a chance of heart. Soon Aphrodite was sucking the tacky, almost chewable sperm off of her fingers, her thighs splayed wide as she rested on her knees, moaning and gasping at the intoxicating flavor of Issei's semen. It was all Aphrodite could do to keep from gulping it down piggishly, and when she was finished she shot Issei a playful, cool glance.

"Well, I must say, you do live up to your reputation, Issei. But though that might be impressive to the Devils and Fallen Angels you're used to, here on Olympus you might be considered something of a quick shot." She simpered at him, even as she had to blink her eyes rapidly, clearing them of the last remnants of his comeshot.

Issei laughed once, a quick barking sound that showed little mirth. His dick was as hard as before, maybe even more as he stroked it with long, slow strokes.

"Don't kid yourself Aprhodite-coming from getting your face fucked like a slut! I know a dozen girls who could swallow that much dick without even gagging. Besides, that was only my precome, I have much more where that came from." 

Issei's intention was obvious but his words still did the job of cutting at Aphrodite's notoriously fragile ego. Aphrodite couldn't let slander like that stand, but even as she opened her mouth to respond, Issei cut her off with a challenging tone in his voice.

"I'll give you a chance, Aphrodite-why don't you come ride this cock while I sit on your throne. Maybe you can show me what you can really do." Smugness radiated off of Issei as he sat back in the throne, while Aphrodite rose to her feet. Her hands writhed sensually around her body as she stepped closer, tossing her hair and letting her jewelry jangle on her wrists and ankles before she stepped up to the throne, her face composed again even as her eyes burned with lust. 

"Fine, but don't beg me for mercy when I've finished draining your balls, Issei. You still have a lot to learn before challenging a Goddess, here in my place of...power?" Aphrodite's tone grew puzzled as she stepped closer to Issei, realizing with a sudden cold chill down her spine that his cock had grown even larger. She couldn't even ride Issei like this, as his dick towered between them like some obscene conqueror's flagpole.

"What's wrong, Aphrodite? Having second thoughts. It's not too late to back down...maybe I can see if that sister of yours is around somewhere-Athena, right? I've heard she's even more gorgeous than you, and she probably doesn't even need shapeshifting magic to help." 

Aphrodite bit back a curse as her eyes flashed, but she tried to rise above the bait. Instead she stepped forward, her lithe body moving with practiced ease and grace as she stood up on the throne, having to spread her legs wide as she brought her divine pussy in line with Issei's massive dick-despite her exterior boldness, she wondered how this monster would even fit inside her tight little pussy. Slowly she ground her pussy lips against Issei's dick, trying to relax her body, even as she bit her plump lower lip, turning her head to one side and hiding her face from Issei under the curtain of her hair. She'd show him who the best lay in all of Olympus was, even if it took her all day.


Aphrodite jerked up as Issei smacked her ass, his voice full of impatience. 

"Don't just stand there, Aphrodite. Get to work, you little slut." 

"Ah...ooh, it's so fucking big!" Aphrodite moaned as she grabbed Issei's dick by the middle, unable to reach down far enough to grab his base, as he was simply too large. Her pussy seemed to stretch impossibly wide as she slowly inserted the tip of Issei's cock, feeling like she was trying to stuff a boulder into her pussy, as his cocktip flared, seeming to pulse with a heartbeat of its own and spreading her wide open even as her juices leaked down his cock openly, as Aphrodite's arousal only grew by the second. 

Aphrodite slowly worked her hips from side to side, leaning forward to press her breasts against Issei's face. He sacked on her huge tits eagerly, seeming to forget his sense of confidence as he got his hands on Aphrodite's divine, perfect jugs. She gasped as he sucked on her nipples, letting out a breathy, soft moan.

"Oh yes, just like that, Issei...right there." Her body trembled, even as her legs remained taut, having only managed to fit the head of Issei's cock-which was larger than the average man's entire manhood, and so wide Aphrodite felt like some prize brood mare about to be mounted. She concentrated even as Issei practically attacked her tits, trying to keep herself from losing all control-if she wasn't careful, that huge cock could really fuck her insides up and-

Breaking his face free of Aphrodite's massive, smothering tits-which wasn't easy even for him, Issei smirked, playfully. 

"Well, I'd say you've had enough time to adjust, Aphrodite. Let's see about giving you a little help, eh?" 

His hands grabbed Aphrodites' ankles, and she realized what he was going to do just a moment before he did it, too fast to do anything but open her mouth in a protest that never came. Instead, as Issei yanked her legs out from under her, Aphrodite fell down onto his cock, landing on her knees as her legs were splayed on either side of Issei, those fat tits actually landing on his head as he slowly pulled her down onto his cock. Her pussy made lewd, wet noises as her body was given no choice but to stretch, and Aphrodite cried out incoherently, feeling her womanhood get absolutely wrecked by Issei's massive cock.

"Ooo-waaahhh!" Her body trembled and the temple itself seemed to sympathize with Aphrodite's plight, actually shaking as she began to come her brains out. Her hips inching closer to Issei's as she glanced down and saw the massive outline of Issei's dick through body, bulging her out lewdly. She could no more resist Issei than she could resist gravity, and slowly she felt herself getting impaled more and more by that dick, her body tensing up and climaxing in several harsh, powerful orgasms, each one cycling faster and faster into the next.


With a final harsh slam, Issei's dicktip punched against Aphrodite's cervix, making her moan and shake. His arms had come up from her legs now, and were encircling her wide, fat ass as he squeezed, making Aphrodite feel like a weak, soft girl in his hands. His dick felt like it was lodged between her tits now, stretching her out so wide that if Issei went any deeper, the massive bulge in her body might hit Aphrodite in her pointed, dainty chin. 

"Soo...huge. So full." Aphrodite moaned, the sudden impact jostling her back to reality. If she let Issei have his way like this, at this rate she would definitely end up pregnant, just as he'd promised. She felt a shiver run down her spine, just before she concentrated, gritting her teeth through the immense pleasure that threatened to drive her crazy. Issei's dick was rampaging in her womb now, hitting the back of her uterus with enough force that Aphrodite gasped, drool leaking down her chin. She couldn't believe she'd taken that cock so far inside her body-it felt like she was going to break in two, but somehow she held on despite the minutes dragging on and Issei's dick hammering away inside her.

"Ah fuck, here it comes, Aphrodite. Take it all you fucking slut, I'm not gonna stop till your pussy is absolutely stuffed with my come!" Issei groaned, thrusting up madly, making Aphrodite's body bounce on top of him. 

She leaned against him, her arms wrapped around her shoulders and holding on for dear life. The sound of his orgasm filled the temple, as Issei's fat nuts seemed to pulse, blasting Aphrodtie's pussy with powerful, hose-like jets of sperm, each shot triggering her own orgasms, as her eyes screwed up in lust, temporarily losing her mind. At least, she hoped it was temporary.

Spllrt! Spllrch! Spllrt!

Just in time, she'd used a small scrap of her divine powers-finding it harder and harder to access them as her mind simply couldn't focus on anything other than the feeling of that massive cock practically fucking her pussy inside-out. Conjuring a barrier around her womb, Aphrodite was sure she was save from getting knocked up by Iseeis' massive load, even as her stomach seemed to inflate, getting absolutely filled up like the walking sex toy he was using her as.

Issei held her close, happily motorboating her fat tits as Aphrodite leaned against him. For a second, the pair lay in bliss, their bodies slowly grinding against one another as Issei took stock of the situation and Aphrodite struggled to come back to her senses, her eyes glassy and unfocused. Issei realized what Aphrodite had done, using her powers in such a fashion, and that only gave him an idea.

"Well, Aphrodite, I think it's time to take things up a notch." 

Aphrodite moaned softly, wondering what Issei could possibly have in mind. Her hands fell to her stomach, which was now slightly bloated by his sperm, feeling it trickle out of her pussy despite the almost air-tight seal her overstretched pussy lips made around the base of Issei's gargantuan cock. Just by moving slightly she could feel his sperm sloshing inside of her, but she could tell the barrier she'd made around her womb was still intact, even though the poinding Aphrodite had just endured had left her light-headed and barely able to feel her legs.

Issei pulled Aphrodite off of his cock, having to press down with his hips as his flared cocktip nearly remained lodged in her tight pussy, which even now was struggling to return to some semblance of its normal size and shape. Without that massive dick speared inside her, Aphrodite could barely support herself and she fell backwards, landing heavily on the floor-though after the fucking she'd just gotten, the impact barely registered. 

"If you're gonna use your powers, it's only fair that I do the same." Issei said, before there was a flash of red and green light around his arm. Using his Boosted Gear like this had taken a bit of practice, but it was worth it. 

As Aphrodite watched, the veins on Issei's cock seemed to swell and expand, becoming larger and thicker. The head flared up as the skin around it became more segmented, dense and hard looking like the scales of a dragon. Aphrodite's breath caught in her throat as she realized that Issei's dick-which had already fucked her nearly to her breaking point, was noticeably thicker and heavier, seeming to bob in the air under its own weight. Even more worrisome, there was a noticeably knot at the base, a swollen bulb of flesh that wouldn't have looked out of place on one of the many monsters Aphrodite had seen in her time as an Olympian Goddess. 

"Wai-wait, you can't possibly think that I could-ah!" 

As Aphrodite babbled, very clear now that she was in over her head, if she had ever doubted it before, Issei walked up to her and grabbed her by the hair firmly. Dragging along the leggy Goddess like she was a disobedient pet, Issei walked towards the closet mirror, an elaborate affair of gilded metal that nearly stretched the entire height of the wall. Acting with precise yet rough force, Issei dragged Aphrodite to her feet, as she weakly struggled against him, knowing that if she let him control the momentum of their fuck fest, she wouldn't be able to handle it. He had already fucked her so hard and deep, now this enhanced cock of his looked like it would absolutely demolish her.

"I've never had a Goddess in my harem before, you know. You should feel honored to be my first, Aphrodite." 

Aphrodite could only moan as Issei pushed her up against the mirror, forcing her face to one side as the mirror rattled in the frame, hard enough to jostle Aphrodite's head as her fat, sweaty jugs pressed firmly against the glass. Even as she reeled from the impact, Issei grabbed her leg by one large, shapely thigh, hoisting Aphrodite's leg in the air and forcing her to balance on one foot. Caught off guard in this position, Aphrodite was helpless to do anything but get railed as Issei slammed his hips forward, his new cock sliding inside of her with almost painful force.

"Ahhh! Oh fuck...it's too fucking huge! My tiny little pussy can't handle this fat fucking dragon cock!" Aphrodite yelled, as her vaginal walls were practically gouged by Issei's large, impossibly rigid dick-she could feel every scaled ridge on his dick, the way his veins stretched her out, and his head seemed to slam past her cervix with such force that Aphrodite wasn't sure it would ever close all the way up again.

Issei moaned behind her, still holding her hair firmly as he rocked his hips forward, admiring the view of Aphrodite's lithe legs and her fat, jiggling asscheeks.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna come Issei, I'm gonna come on your big fat cock! Oh fuck, you're splitting me open!!" Aphrodite wailed as she orgasmed again and again, feeling pleasure more powerful and overwhelming than anything she'd ever experienced before. It was like an electric current was being run through her body, radiating out from her sorely overstuffed pussy in massive waves. Her hands slapped the mirror as her toes curled, body straining as Issei rutted into her hard enough to make her hips ache and her leg creak as it was forced up at an extreme angle.

Wham! Wham! Wham!

Aphrodite panted, sweat pouring down her curvy body as she was pushed to her limit and then beyond it, not sure how-or if-she'd ever recover from this. After ten minutes of brutal pussy pounding, Issei slowly withdrew, having managed to fit his entire length inside Aphrodite's body but leaving his knot out, for now. As Aphrodite shuddered in place, barely able to hold herself up as her one foot on the ground nearly slipped in the massive puddle of juices she'd squirted all over the floor, Issei decided he was done playing around. 

"Eh...Issei, what are you doing?!" Aphrodite asked, feeling a tremendous pressure against her body, specifically from Issei's massive bellend pressing against her tiny asshole. While the Goddess of Beauty and Love was no stranger to anal sex, she'd never had anything even close to Issei's size in her tight little ass, and that was before he'd enhanced his cock. 

"Oh, don't be dense, Aphrodite. I know you have more tits than brains, but you can figure it out. I'm gonna fuck this big fat, juicy ass of yours. And you're gonna beg me to do it." Issei smirked, looking at Aphrodite in the mirror as he slowly ground his cock between her thick asscheeks, which were so large they nearly enveloped his massive dick, hotdogging him with sinful pressure and heat.

"No, never! I...I won't beg! Your cock is too big...it would never fit in my ass and even if it did...I, I couldn't handle it, I'd probably never walk again. Please just...just fuck my pussy some more, ok-I'll do anything you want, I'll even let you put that big fat knot in me." Aphrodite rubbed her hips back at Issei, unable to believe how whorishly she was acting. 


Issei slapped Aphrodite's ass, making her firm, fat rump jiggle as she jumped in place, toes curling. 

"Beg me, Aphrodite. You know you want to." Issei smirked, slowly prodding her asshole with his cock, the difference in size between his flared tip and her tiny, pink asshole unspeakably lewd. 

"Nuh, no...never!" Aphrodite said, even as her will was slowly splintering. Little did she know, Issei wasn't as demanding as he seemed. Like a crooked card dealer, Issei knew he would win no matter what. Shrugging his shoulders, Issei dropped Aphrodite's legs, leaving her bent over and leaning firmly against the mirror for support.


With a single drive of his hips, Issei's cock slammed into Aphrodite's ass, making her eyes cross as her mouth opened in a silent scream. For a moment, Aphrodite cursed her divine powers. Her body seemed to bow to Issei's demands no matter what, as her rampaging lust made her ass stretch impossibly wide, even as her mind couldn't handle the pleasure. Even as her ass was being cored out, the sheer size and weight of Issei's cock lifted Aphrodite off the ground. That one mighty thrust had buried over two feet of cock in her gaping asshole, and Aphrodite could do little more than drool against the mirror. Her hard nipples rubbed against the glass as Issei's dick slowly forced its way inside of her, even as her knees knocked together weakly, legs completely limp.

Issei grabbed Aphrodite's lush hair, tugging it hard enough to bring her teary, red eyes back into focus. He forced her head back just enough for her to look into the mirror, exulting in the sheer control he had over the sex on legs Goddess.

"Get a good look, Aphrodite. Getting assfucked like a cheap whore, right in your own temple. If the other Gods could see you now, they'd know what a slut you are."

Aphrodite's eyes went wide as she stared into the mirror, barely recognizing what she saw. Even in the throes of passion during sex before, she had always had a hidden reserve of composure, able to outfuck any man easily. But now, she just looked like some brainless fuck doll bimbo, completely driven mad by lust and pleasure. 

"This is what your life is going to be from now on, Aphrodite. Get used to being part of my harem for the next thousand years!" 

Aphrodite howled as Issei picked up the pace, really fucking her ass up with enough force to make her entire body shake and flop on top of his massive cock, her body held completely aloft by Issei's dick. With each thrust his cock slammed deeper and deeper, and soon Aphrodite could only watch in the mirror as the huge bulge of Issei's cock went deeper and deeper, pushing her tits out until she was practically giving Issei a lewd titfuck from the inside out. With a few more deep, body-stretching thrusts, Aphrodite felt a massive pressure spread in her neck, until she realized she was gagging on Issei's cock all over again.

"Hu-waark!" Fucked beyond her limit, Aphrodite realized Issei had completely dominated her once again, and this time she couldn't even say anything in protest, not that it would have done her any good. Stepping forward, Issei reached down, grabbing Aphrodite's thighs and hoisting her legs up, until her ankles were forced up past her head, holding her in a rough full nelson as his cock finally slammed all the way inside Aphrodite's ass. He lifted her jiggling, curvy body up and then dropped her back down, his dick spearing out of her outstretched throat, nearly dislocating her jaw as Aphrodite was fucked all the way through.

"You have a new job now, Aphrodite. No more worrying about your responsibilities as a Goddess. Instead you're going to be my new cock ornament. And I'll wear you whenever I want from now on."

Hearing this, and knowing deep in the depths of her divine soul that it was true was simply too much for Aphrodite, she was being pushed to her breaking point mentally and physically, unsure how much longer she could hold out. She came hard, her body clenching around Issei's cock as her pussy squirted, hitting the mirror, obscuring the image of Aphrodite in a layer of her own nasty juices. Milking him for all she was worth, Issei began to come as well, pulling back to bury his dick in Aphrodite's stomach. With his knot plugging Aphrodite's ass like the bitch in heat she was, her stomach began to inflate, as Issei used the sexiest Olympian as nothing more than a living condom.

Desperate, Aphrodite's body flashed with a pink aura, as she tried to simply absorb Issei's sperm, letting it dissolve in her body-a trick she'd used in the past to keep her fuckholes cleaner and tighter than a young virgin no matter how hard she was plowed. It worked...at first, but with a sudden sick realization, Aphrodite felt her stomach expand again, slowly at first but inevitably, starting as a small pooch that grew rounder and rounder like Aphrodite was an over-full water balloon. Issei had bested her again, with nothing more than the sheer volume of spunk in his fat, dragon-sized balls, and that pushed Aphrodite over again, her eyes tilting up in her head as  her tongue stuck out, having a brainless ahegao orgasm, feeling like her brain was short circuiting. 

Aphrodite was coming her brains out as Issei slowly finished his orgasm, with her spasming body wringing even more jizz out of him. Even as her mind was fried, possibly beyond healing, she was using her body to pleasure him, having had her own goals and motivations overridden by the desire to be as much of a slut for Issei and his dick. As her legs went stiff in his grasp, Issei could tell that the magic barrier Aphrodite had put up earlier was fluctuating. As before, Issei saw an opportunity and seized it. 

He pulled out of Aphrodite, as jizz slowly poured out of her ass, which tried to close but remained gaping, looking large enough for a man's entire fist to be swallowed up easily. Acting mercilessly, Issei slammed back into Aphrodite's pussy, his dick slamming against her cervix once more. This time, with his dragon enhanced cock and her magic fading, Aphrodite's barrier began to splinter almost instantly. With a sudden slam, Aphrodite's head rolled around limply on her neck, her sopping wet cunt gushing in orgasm with every inch of Issei's dick that slid up into her distended pussy. 

Her divine barrier shattered as Aphrodite felt her magic fading under the onslaught of Issei's dick, as he overpowered her brutally. This only made her come harder, while Issei decided to give Aphrodite a glimpse of her future as his cock ornament. He walked around the temple, and as Aphrodite's head tilted straight up, she was forced to stare into the mirror on the ceiling, watching her body get wrecked even harder by Issei's monstrous cock. Each step Issei took shook Aphrodite's body up, shaking her entire frame and making the busty pink haired slut come again and again.

Soon Issei walked back to Aphrodite's throne, while she babbled weakly, drool leaking from her mouth as jizz ran down her thick, sweat-slick thighs. Slowly he pulled out of Aphrodite's pussy, which was now nearly ruined, gaping wide.He placed Aphrodite down on her throne almost reverently, while her chest slowly rose and fell.

"I've heard stories about the gods of Olympus, Aphrodite including one I'm quite interested in, the ability to split. So now I want you to show me how that works, as obviously one of you isn't enough for me." Issei smirked, watching as Aphrodite slowly rubbed her stomach a few inches above her belly button, still bloated with his jizz and feeling completely vulnerable now that he'd broken her womb-barrier. 

"Yes...Issei, what-whatever you say." Aphrodite couldn't even conceive of not obeying Issei in that moment, but some small part of her, what little rational mind she had left, hoped that she could turn the tables on him in this way. As she closed her eyes, concentrating with some of the few traces of divine power she had left. With a glow of pink and gold, several duplicates of Aphrodite appeared, though Issei noticed they had changed somewhat, a change that happened to the original as well. Ten at first, then twenty, and finally over fifty clones appeared, filling the entire temple.

The duplicates were all even bustier than Aphrodite, with tiny waists, enormous breasts so large it would have taken two men to hold even one of them up, large enough to be seen from behind her, while her ass stuck out so far it would have made her taller sitting down compared to standing up. Aphrodite's last vision was of the bimbo clones going through one final transformation, their hair streaking through with blonde as well as her natural pink, completing the brainless sex toy appearance. To her shame, Aphrodite normally kept her massive breasts and ass shrunk down for day to day operation so that people would take her status as a respected Olympian and sometimes god of war seriously. 

But with her powers drained, there was little she could do but pass out while her clones simpered around the throne, cooing and blowing kisses at Issei. He smirked, arrogantly jerking his still-hard cock. 

"Well, it's a start." 

A few hours later, Aphrodite regained consciousness, her body feeling sorer than it ever had before, making the various trials and divine conflicts she'd been through in the past seem like pleasant memories. She was still leaking jizz, looking around to see that out of all the clones she'd made, only six remained, the rest having dissipated once Issei wore them out. They all had bright pink hearts in their eyes, and five of them were cheering Issei on as he fucked a sixth all the way through, her fat ass nearly wrapping around Issei's hips as he hilted himself in her again and again.

"Oh wow, he's really railing her! You're so strong, Issei!"

"So amazing!" The five spoke as one, while the sixth one simply moaned and mewled, her body being stirred up horribly by Issei's cock, barely able to stay conscious while she was plowed.

Noticing she was now awake, Issei walked around back to her.

"Look who's finally awake." Issei chuckled, while not missing a beating in fucking the busty clone. 

"Here, why don't you make yourself yourself and make out with my cock. I'm sure your little double here won't mind." 

Before Aphrodite could even move, Issei simply shoved his hips forward, making his cock smear against Aphrodite's plump lips. She opened her mouth wide, body acting on instinct as the smell of Issei's cock drove her wild. Her tongue lapped out, sliding inside Issei's dickslit. Her eyes still burned at the taste, but now it drove her more wild than before, as Aphrodite could now think of almost nothing but that cock and how it turned her on. 

With a grunt, Issei began to come, his final few thrusts overwhelming the clone. She dissipated in a cloud of pink sparkles. His jizz splattered all over the original Aphrodite, who gulped it down happily, wrapping her lips around Issei's cocktip even as her face was distended into a lewd, blowjob expression. Loud, wet swallowing sounds filled the temple as Aphrodite gulped down Issei's thick, porridgy jizz, drinking so hurriedly the off-white jizz leaked from the corners of her mouth, splashing onto her new, massive tits. This dick-draining slut was a far cry from the composed, refined goddess Issei had met earlier, utterly mindbroken by his cock and in love with his dragon-sized endowment.

"I haven't forgotten what I promised you earlier, Aphrodite. Before I'm done, you will be pregnant with my children, your perfect Goddess womb will be nothing more than an incubator for my superior, Devil children." 

Issei pushed Aphrodite back into the throne, levelling his dick at her pussy, which had only tightened back up slightly. Despite her weakness, Aphrodite protested weakly, her voice high-pitched with worry. 

"Wait-wait, Issei, you don't need to knock me up! I...I could be a much better member of your harem not pregnant...just think of what pregnancy would do to my body." Aphrodite was babbling, even as she knew there was almost certainly no way out of this. Issei had already beaten her at every turn, and Aphrodite was barely going through the motions.

"Oh, don't listen to her, Issei. Any woman would be happy to bear the child of such a big, strong man." One of Aphrodite's clones leaned behind Issei, draping a hand across his strong pecs even as her breasts rested heavily against his back.

"Deep down, she really wants you to pump a whole litter of kids into her pussy, she's practically dripping just thinking about it."

Condemned by her own words, after a fashion, Aphrodite could only watch as her duplicates fawned over Issei like a king, two of them dropping to their knees to suck on his fat balls while another began to lick at his sweaty asshole, lewdly slurping and making out with Issei's ass and taint like she was kissing the love of her life. The final two clones grabbed Aphrodite by the ankles, pulling her into a spread-eagle position with one hand as they hoisted up the original's massive jugs as Aphrodite quite literally offered herself up to Issei.

Wham! Wham! Wham!

Issei's first thrust made Aphrodite's spine stiffen and her toes curl, his second made her gasp and moan as her nipples became almost painfully erect, and after his third she was already orgasming openly, her hands reaching out and groping the plush, enormous tits of her clones, writhing against the firm stone throne.

"That's right Issei, fuck this little slut! Knock her up and chain her life to yours, forever! Breed her, breed her, breed her." The clones chanted in an eager chorus, taking turns speaking when they weren't busy pleasuring Issei with their whorish mouths.

One of the clones holding onto Aphrodite smiled up at Issei, her voice sickly sweet. "Oh just so you know Issei, this busty bitch still has protective spells over her ovaries, you'll have to do something about them if you want to get her pregnant." 

Issei snorted, already well aware of Aphrodite's last ditch effort, even as her cervix was wrapped tight around his cock, the back of her womb having been reshaped by his dragon dick to better serve as a slick wet fuck tunnel for his cock. 

"That won't stop me. Use your own powers, as the goddess of fertility to make sure this bitch is as fertile as possible. The same for me too, I want to make sure Aphrodite gets the biggest load I've ever blown in my life." 

Aphrodite moaned at this, delirious with pleasure as Issei talked about her like she wasn't even in the room, just using her gaping, wet pussy to get off. So strong, so manly, so forceful...she had been a fool to think she could ever compete with Issei. 

"Anything you say, Issei~" The two clones blew kisses at Issei, with pink hearts pulsing in their eyes. Aphrodite and Issei were soon enveloped in a pink glow, enhancing them to superhuman levels of fertility. As Issei's thrusts grew faster and faster, his orgasm swiftly approaching, Aphrodite felt like her brain was leaking out of her ears, her body pushed past the point of no return.

This is it! This stud, this brute of a man is going to knock me up, right in my own temple like a cheap slut! My days as the most sought after Goddess are over...from now on, I'll just be a sex toy for Issei to use whenever he wants!

Aphrodite moaned as she came, her heart beating so fast she was worried it might burst, pussy clenching around Issei's cock, as though she never wanted to let him go. It was too much for her, and after nearly a day of brutal rough fucking, Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Beauty had been finally broken once and for all. 

As Issei watched Aphrodite's mind break in one powerful, eye rolling orgasm, he reached his hands out to her stomach, hovering above two specific spots. He was going to truly ruin her now, using a technique he'd never tried on any of his other sluts for fear that they might never recover. 

"Your final task is to swear on your immortal life, Aphrodite, that you're going to marry my cock. I have no use for a wife myself, at least not a brainless slut like you. But I could always use a sexy cock warmer like you."

Aphrodite nodded her head so fast her chin smacked into her enormous breasts, babbling like a retard. "Yes, Issei, whatever you say! I'll marry your dick, I'll suck your cock and balls every day. You can fuck my ass as much as you want, all of my little fuckholes are yours, you can do anything you want to me! Ooh-mmmph!"

Growing tired of her voice, one of the duplicates sat on Aprhodites' face, burying her head under her colossal ass and grinding her dripping wet pussy on the original's mouth, which she began to eagerly lick and suck at. She was acting on base instinct now, nothing more than an eager to please sex toy who had once been one of the most powerful goddess in all of Olympus. The clone leaned forward, kissing Issei deeply, their tongues dancing and sliding against one of each other as Issei's knot slid into Aphrodite's dripping wet pussy.

Now that Aphrodite had obeyed, Issei decided it was time to finish wasting time. He clenched his fists tightly, grinding them into Aphrodite's stomach, knowing that a goddess like her could survive this rough treatment even if her mind didn't. Red energy flashed around Issei's hands as he squeezed, using sheer force and a bit of his own vast powers, dominating Aphrodite's body in a vicious show of sexual aggression. Like the barrier she'd put around her womb earlier, the spells protecting Aphrodite's ovaries broke, and suddenly the busty slut felt like her eggs were practically squirting out, her entire womb becoming nothing more than a fertile ditch for Issei to fill with his hyper-virile sperm.

As one, the clones moaned and gasped, their bodies trembling as they felt the original's powerful orgasm, coming all at once. Issei slowly broke his kiss with the clone squatting on Aphrodite's face, who only reluctantly let go of his tongue, happily slurping up a string of his spittle as their mouths fell away from each other.

"Tell me what she's feeling, I want to know exactly what she's going through as her life as anything other than a come dumpset is over." Issei began to come harder than ever before, the enhancements that the duplicates had given him making him more full of sperm than ever before. 

"Oh fuck...I can feel my ovaries being squeezed. Fuck Issei, you're so strong, I can feel my body giving in to you. It feels like my womb is being forced into submission-my pussy belongs to you, always! My body is yours, more, more more! BREED MEEE!!"

As she was finally fucked into true, permanent submission, Aphrodite's throne began to crack behind her. Each thrust caused stone to flake away and chip away until finally Issei fucked Aphrodite right through her throne as it collapsed behind her, a symbol to her final and lasting defeat at Issei's hands. As she passed out once more, Aphrodite knew her womb was packed full of Issei's sperm, and she was fully pregnant with at least four of Issei's bastard children.

When Aphrodite finally returned to consciousness, unaware of how much time had passed, she realized Issei was fucking her again, his cock spearing her all the way through once more. They were in front of another mirror, as her tits clapped against one another from the force of Issei's frenzied thrusts. Beneath her enormous udder-like tits, Aphrodite's stomach looked like she was already nine months pregnant, and she realized that between her own fertile divine body and Issei's own enhanced sperm, that her pregnancy would no doubt be a very short term-probably no more than a month or two. 

She had a golden collar on her neck that simply read "Property of Issei", and her face was warped into a blissed-out, maddened expression of lust. Even when she had been unconscious, Issei had still been using her body like a toy, and now branded her as another one of his harem bitches. That made Aphrodite come again, her tongue sticking out as she gasped, licking along the mirror in a foolish, dick-drunk display of shameless orgasm. 

"Ah, you're awake again. Well that's good, because now that the warm up is over, it's time to really get into fucking you. It's time you accept your place as my bitch, no matter how long I have to teach you."

The sounds of fucking filled Aphrodite's temple over and over again, though as Issei continued rutting into Aphrodite's gaping asshole, he realized that when he was finished with her-in a week or so-they'd have to rename this temple. Maybe he could give it to Rias as a gift, while he went and found the other great beauties of Olympus. 

The End...