
The Dragon and the Huntress

The last known Descendant of both the Vanishing Dragon and the Holy Dragon which Ascalon was forged from. Issei is hunted by the three factions for his unique Bloodline. After a party and an unwanted prophecy, Artemis may have found the one male in existence who doesn't repulse her. Issei x Artemis Harem? We'll see...probably.

Zero_Hand · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Running away

The Greek island of Delos, was a small and nearly uninhabited place, except for little more than a dozen humans. It was seen as a historic place for greek history and mythology. However, unknown to the human world, it was still home to one of the beings said to have been birthed there.

Artemis, the Greek Goddess of the hunt, still called this island her home. She had a large wooden home built ages ago, after the attempts of multiple Gods to reap her of her virginity. And so she spent the majority of her time here instead of Mt. Olympus.

Her house stood stood in the forest at the base of Mt. Kynthos, a barrier placed around it to avoid any human eyes from seeing into the supernatural world.

It stood 3 stories tall, a marvel of wooden architecture at the time it was built. It had a large foyer with a chandelier made of antlers hanging from the raised ceiling. The inside was lit with magical torches that would never burn out, nor would they damage the wooden walls.

The inside of her home was laced with dozens of goddesses from various mythologies. Norse, Greek, Shinto, Egyptian, Hindu and surprisingly, one of each from the three factions that held prominence in todays world. This was an annual gathering the Greek Goddess liked to hold, as a way for them to get together and enjoy each others company without the politics of who came from which faction being a hinderance.

Artemis stood at the railing of her third floor, gazing down at her guests, a small smile crossing her face at the pleasant atmosphere permeating her home.

This gathering would be considered impossible by most men of each of their respective factions, thinking of only finding a way to display dominance over another faction. That was the major problem with these deities...Their egos. Of course their were some exceptions, but the majority had lived their lives in a time where women were considered nothing more than servants to their husband or male superior.

Artemis glanced to her right, at the mirror beside her, checking her appearance before returning to the party. Her 5'7 frame made its way halfway up the mirror hung on the wall. Her Long silver hair that reached the middle of her back still held in its loose ponytail at her shoulder blades. Her bangs swept to the right side. Her deep blue eyes peering over the rest of herself.

The whitish blue dress she wore was fairly tight against her slim figure, the shoulders slightly uncovered, revealing her slightly pronounced collar bones. A result of her being in an area where she hunted her own food each day. Artemis ran her slim hands across the front of the dress, as they ran across her chest, she felt a tinge of jealousy at the lack of size compared to some of her guests. Her arms were slim and uncovered by her dress, no excess fat anywhere to be seen on her body.

The dress ran down to mid calf, revealing a similar colored pair of heels, giving her an extra few inches to her height.

Nodding to herself in the mirror, feeling satisfied with her appearance, Artemis made her way down the staircase to converse with her guests.

"Gabriel! How are things in heaven?" She said to the first guest who wasn't already in a conversation.


Under the cover of the night sky, two figures were trying to outrun a group of five that had been chasing them. The taller of the two was a hooded woman, the brief glimpse of moonlight showed that she had emerald green eyes, and light blue hair. Her left hand was holding onto a small boy, no more than 7 years old, trying to keep up with her.

The boy had Silver hair, and light blue eyes that shined as the moon graced them with its presence. He stood at half the height of the woman who was dragging him through a forest on the outskirts of his hometown in Japan.

"Run faster Ise!" The woman said as she tried to pick up the pace, weaving around trees and bushes in front of her.

Both the woman and the small boy were sweating from the exertion they had to endure. The group chasing them all wore white robes with teal highlights, and gold trim accents, signifying them as members of the christian church. Dragonslayers to be specific. They each held a longsword in one of their hands, the only type of weapon readily provided to the members of this particular faction.

The womans pale face was far lighter than what could be considered healthy. Her chest heaved at each breath she took, trying to find the energy to get this boy out of danger.

"AH!" The young Issei yelled out, as he tripped over a tree root, and fell face first onto the ground.

The woman stopped in her tracks immediately, and tried to help him up to resume their escape. Her eyes lifted towards their pursuers, only to see them quickly closing in. She withheld a gasp of dread as she saw them almost within striking range.

Quickly thinking of a way to give them more time, the woman lifted her free hand, palm faced upwards. 10 feet in front of the duo, the ground shook before a wall of solidified soil and rock shot up, blocking the immediate route of the church members.

"SHIT! Quick! Run around and grab the boy!" The man leading the church group yelled out.

The boy, now being back on his feet, quickly resumed the running pace they had set.

"Auntie Gaia run!" The young boy shouted to the woman who quickly made her way back to his side.



Artemis was talking with the Norse Goddesses she got along with the best. Frigg was the Goddess of wisdom, marriage and motherhood. Nanna of joy and peace. These were two of Artemis' favorite Norse deities, always pleasant to hold a conversation with, due to their warm demeanor.

"Artemis, thank you for holding this wonderful event once again. I always enjoy when we can get together like this, and not worry about the politics." Nanna said with a warm smile towards the Greek Goddess.

Nanna was a shorter Goddess, standing at only 5'3. She had light pink wavy hair that reached down to her shoulders. Her Darker pink eyes matching the color of her full lips. She wore a black mid thigh length dress that contrasted well with her physical features.

"I agree, if only we could do this more often." Frigg said, holding the same smile as Nanna.

Standing next to Nanna was a tall brunette at 6 feet even, her long braided hair cascading down the front of her left shoulder. Her light blue eyes glancing from Nanna to Artemis. Frigg wore a long and conservative dark blue dress that came down to her ankles, with the same colored gloves, reaching up to her bicep.

Artemis returned the friendly gesture of the two Goddesses she would readily call friends. These two had always been some of the most welcoming Goddesses among all mythologies. Only a few matched their calm demeanor.

"One day, perhaps we can all gather without the stigma of not talking about or respective factions problems without an argument breaking out." Artemis said, as the three of them laughed, recalling the first few times they got together without that solid rule in place.

A few of the women that had gathered, had gotten into an argument over which of their husbands could overpower the others. It became so bad, that Artemis had to proclaim that she would withhold wild animals from appearing in their factions area of control if they didn't calm down. And ever since then, they all agreed to leave their political ideals at the door, and just enjoy the party.

Artemis excused herself from the conversation as she saw a number of her guests walking towards the front door to head home. They needed to walk through the barrier to allow themselves to teleport themselves, a measure that Artemis felt absolutely necessary to place around her home, to ensure no unwanted guests could sneak up on her.

Artemis approached the front door to see her guests off. Standing at the side of the front door, she offered her goodbyes. Those she was close with would come in for a hug, others a handshake, and a mere nod to those who came only to seek a gathering without worrying about which mythology they were a part of.

With most of the supernatural women now returned to their homes, Artemis turned to see that the few that remained were the ones she was closest to. They were sitting on the couches surrounding the fire pit in the center of the first floor of her home, laughing as they carried on with their talk, probably about some romantic issues, seeing as more than one was a goddess of love.

Walking towards the group of 5 women still present, Artemis sat on the couch facing the door, in case of someone entering. Sitting next to her was red-haired goddess of her own faction, Eos the goddess of the dawn and hope. Her mind calmed after seeing her guests off, she came into hear what they were talking about.

"You still haven't forgiven Krishna?! It's been over a century, surely it wasn't that bad.." The surprised voice of Nanna was directed towards the Hindu Goddess of love and devotion, Parvati.

Parvati narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms, giving a huff of annoyance.

"If I hadn't stopped him, we both could've been killed by Kali, she doesn't take to being scared very well. So until he comes to apologize, I avoid him completely."

A light chuckle came from a woman sitting with Nanna, her hand covering her mouth to hide her obvious amusement. Opening her violet eyes, the eastern beauty removed her hand from her mouth to brush some her white tipped raven black hair behind her ear. Kishimo, The Japanese Goddess of children, childbirth and compassion always loved to tease the Hindu Goddess about her request to bless her with a child from a union with the Prankster among their ranks.

"I suppose I should hold off on that blessing then?" Parvati's darkened complexion gained a hint of red, as the female deities laughed at her expense.

"I'm sure if you just ask him to apologize, he will." The small voice of Eos came into the conversation for the first time, she always was one of the less talkative goddesses they'd ever come across. Her words were few and far between, but they always radiated that which she stood for, hope.

Hearing the soft spoken Greek goddess, the laughter died down, and the other women all smiled towards Eos. Her voice always made you believe her words, no matter how outlandish they may have been.

"I agree, given enough time, i'm certain he will realise his mistake and apologise. Just as I am sure that our dear host will find someone special." The words of the Norse Goddess of wisdom turned the attention towards Artemis, who had yet to actually participate in their conversation.

Artemis held an embarrassed smile at being the center of her friends attention. She waved it off as the blush crossed her face.

"Frigg, I think the three powers would come to peace before that happens."

Artemis made eye contact with the Norse Goddess of wisdom, thinking it was only her way of teasing her for the way she shut herself from others, until she saw the white glow in her eyes. At seeing that, Artemis felt her pulse rise, whatever prophecy Frigg was seeing...She wanted no part of it. All men of the supernatural were the same after all...Just horny brutes with no care for their actions.

"Life has a way of surprising even the skeptics my dear. I only hope that you learn to love him in the same unyielding way he will to you."



A bright flash of light filled the forest that Gaia and Issei were running through, still trying to escape the 5 dragonslayer exorcists. The light came as a thick cloud of gas was ignited in a wide diameter in front of the church members, its bright golden white light halting their advance.

Issei dropped his arms that sparked the blinding light, turning to continue his escape. Trying to run his fastest, he felt as though he was being dragged down, like the wind was pushing him backwards. Turning his head to see behind him, he saw his two silver wings still stretched out, a habit of whenever he used his abilities. Folding them back into his back, he felt the resistance go away, and he could run easier.

"Let's go!" He yelled, grabbing the tired hand of Gaia, and sprinting towards the deepest part of the forest.

After another ten minutes of sprinting, the yells of their pursuers could no longer be heard. Taking shelter in a shallow cave at the base of a small mountain, the woman and young boy stopped to catch their breath, and check the wounds they'd gotten.

"Ise, come here, let me see those cuts." Gaia beckoned him over to her.

Issei stood in front of the woman, both were still panting heavily from running. Gaia grabbed Issei by the shoulders, moving him into the moonlight so she could see where the light bullets had grazed. As they were running, the exorcists seemed to lose interest in capturing Issei, and decided it better to end his life than let him escape.

Luckily their bullets weren't dragonslayer based as well, or they may have succeeded. She ran her hand over the bloody part of his shoulder where the light round had grazed passed him, she released a sigh in relief at seeing that it would heal just fine, maybe a small scar but nothing more.

"I'll be okay Auntie Gaia. But...where do we go now?" Gaia felt her heart sink at the quiet question. Where could they go? There weren't many places that the christian faith hadn't infiltrated. Issei's bloodline made bringing him to the underworld impossible, he'd be killed on the spot. Heaven was the one that was pursuing him, and she wanted to be sure that she could keep tabs on him, in case he needed her later...So they needed to find somewhere on earth where he'd be safe. After all Issei had lost, she owed him that much.

Somewhere...Secluded. Where no unexpected visitors popped up. The Greek personification of the earth could only think of one person who had such a safehouse. But it would be a gamble.

Kneeling down to the boy in front of her, Gaia placed her hands on Issei's shoulders, making him look up to her with slightly teary eyes. She wiped the tears out of his eyes and smiled, wanting to brighten his mood.

"I know of a beautiful place, and you'll be safe there. Hold on to my hand, and I'll bring you there." Standing up, Gaia offered her right hand for the boy to hold on to.

Issei sniffled once more, clearing his tears away and grabbed the hand of the one person left he knew he could trust.

Gaia closed her eyes, focusing on the location she was about to bring them. A green magic circle spiraled out from beneath her, preparing to transport her along with Issei. She could feel the resistance of the barrier placed around her destination, and as the complex barrier felt that her magical signature was related to that of its creator, it allowed her to enter. The circle shined brightly as it encompassed them, they faded away in a quick flash.


Artemis stood in her home, swirling a glass of wine in her hand, feeling content at how her party went. These parties always put a fair amount of stress on her, wondering if it would end up in a fight that could affect future relationships. Artemis downed the last bit of her drink and set her glass down on the countertop.

Just as she released her hand from the glass, she felt the familiar sense of someone asking for entry into her barrier, she tilted her head back with her eyes closed as she tried to sense who it was. 'Gaia? It's unlike her to visit me so late.' She thought.

The eyes of the Huntress shot open in a glare of borderline hatred as she felt a male signature along with that of the Earth Goddess. Focusing solely on the male's energy, her face contorted in rage as she looked at it further, noticing that it wasn't human nor god..But that of a creature that had caused mass destruction on multiple occasions. they were about to be let through the barrier, Thinking quickly Artemis allowed both to enter, however she forced Gaia to appear at the edge of the barrier. She would "greet" this man just in front of her home, and end his miserable existence for trying to force his way here.

With the changes to where Gaia and the man she brought with her done, Artemis magically changed into her hunting apparel. A tunic that ended just above the knees that was green in color, her braces on her forearms and shins. Her quiver full of arrows appeared on her back with her silver bow coming into her left hand.

Running out of the front door, the green magic circle she was waiting for appeared. Raising her bow with an arrow pulled back and at the ready, the light died down to reveal a small boy with silver hair much like her own. Her narrowed gaze was locked onto the boy that was turned away from her. 'What is a small boy doing here?'

The boy turned his head from left to right, looking for the woman that was just beside him. He turned around, still searching and froze with wide eyes when he made eye contact with Artemis, and seeing her aggressive gesture.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" She asked the boy, her voice laced with hate and suspicion.

The boy made no movements, she couldn't even see the rise of his chest from breathing, She was growing impatient with the child. Artemis wanted to put down her weapon, but several times now she'd nearly been sexually assaulted, and any contact with the male gender now filled her with rage to the point of being completely irrational.

The first sign of life from the boy was something she never expected, although if her head was clear, it would have been an obvious result. The boy sank to his knees, his eyes glazed over as tears formed at the edges. His head hung down in surrender, and the clear lines of tears fell from his face to the grass below him.

Not deterred by the silent sobbing, Artemis released her arrow, aiming at the ground just in his sight. The arrow sped to the ground, the child only slightly flinched as it almost hit his knee, but he kept his head down.

Artemis heard him mumble quietly, just loud enough for her to hear, but the tension on her newly placed arrow still remained.

"Why..(sniff) Does everyone want to hurt me?" Issei's head lifted to make eye contact with the woman he'd been told could keep him safe, his light blue eyes bloodshot.

The Huntress pulled more tension onto her arrow, not wanting to fall for any tricks, for all she knew, this boy could be a shapeshifter that used Gaia to get to her.

Quick footsteps could be heard approaching from the distance by Issei, the boy turned his head to look where they were coming from, his eyes gaining a little life to them. Artemis only looked towards her peripheral, not wanting to move her head, in case this was a trap. Artemis assumed that Gaia was approaching, but due to the runes she placed in the barrier, no locating spells could be used other than the one to allow beings into her home.

"ARTEMIS STOP! Don't hurt him!" The blue-haired Goddess yelled out, Causing Issei to seize the opportunity to flee. Artemis turned towards the running Earth Goddess briefly, to see a fear stricken look on her face.

The 2 silver dragon wings appeared out of his upper back, his head quickly drew back as he took in a deep breath. Issei released his breath, a dark cloud of gas quickly filling the area, then bringing both hands towards each other quickly and clapping them together as he yelled out a command.


The sound of his clap, was quickly followed by an explosion and a blinding white light, making both Greek Goddesses cover their eyes.

His cover made, Issei quickly got from his knees and sprinted with what little energy he had left away from the two women, wanting nothing more than this game of cat and mouse to stop. As the light began to die down, Issei was gone in the cover of the darkened forest.

Removing her hands that were covering her eyes, Gaia felt absolute fear crawl its way into her heart. Issei was nowhere to be seen, and couldn't be found because of the magic in place here...Where she told him he'd be safe. And where he'd just been threatened once again.

Losing herself to the emotions quickly swelling up inside her, Gaia fell to her knees, clutching her chest with both hands. She knew better than anyone, that if Issei didn't want to be found, there was little she could do while he was still inside Artemis' barrier. Her only hope unfortunately, was if he ventured outside of it. And for the second time today, tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

Artemis was both shocked and confused at what she had just felt and seen. That small boy, had just combined two elements she never knew could coexist. And at such a young age. Within the matter of 2 or 3 seconds, he expended enough gas to cover a 25 foot line of gas, and ignite it. But the more surprising part was the attribute of the spark and resulting flame once it burst into flames. It was of a holy nature. Not divine like most mythologies had access to. Holy, and in the purest form she ever experienced. She didn't understand how a being like that could exist and not be known to all major supernatural entities.

Turning towards her fellow Greek Goddess, Artemis saw Gaia on her knees sobbing, clutching her chest as if her heart was in intense pain. 'So this boy is important to her?' Artemis thought as she placed her bow on her back, and placed a hand on the shoulder of the Earth Goddess. Feeling as though, she had just made a big mistake in attempting to attack the boy.

"Gaia, who was that-" Her words were cut off by the swift hand that slapped across her face. Artemis' head turned with the direction of the contact, her eyes wide open in shock that the normally passive and compassionate woman had just physically assaulted her.

Gaia's eyes were narrowed and locked onto Artemis. Her hand still raised in the air in the position it released contact with the Huntress. She quickly rose from her knees.

"How dare you...Attacking a mere child for doing nothing other than accompanying me. Are you so fucking broken that you'd kill a 7 year old boy who wants nothing more than to live in peace?" Her voice was low and venomous, a tone which hadn't been heard in more than a millenia.


Issei ran through the forest, his chest burning from the physical exertion. He'd long since gone passed his limit, but he ignored the burn of lactic acid built in his small muscles in favor of trying to run to salvation. The trees were thinning in front of him, a sign that he was almost at the edge of the forest. Issei's ears picked up the sound of ocean waves crashing against rocks in the distance straight ahead of him. His thoughts were stuck on one thing as he ran. To end this pain, it had spread throughout his entire being over the last 48 hours. Everything hurt, his muscles, his head, his heart….everything.

[Issei….Don't. Don't do this.] A deep powerful voice rang inside of his head.

Issei shook it off, not wanting to listen.

'If my life...is going to be like this...Than...I don't want it.' He answered back cryptically.

The last of the trees came into view, and a cliffside just behind it. Just as he came to the treeline, he felt as though he had walked through a spider web that covered his entire body. Issei came stopped running, and figured he was far enough to just walk to the edge.

[What would your parents think? What about Gaia? Hell..What about me, doesn't my opinion matter?]

Issei kept walking to the edge of the tall cliff, images popping into his head as the people his companion mentioned them. The memories only brought the tears he'd been trying to hold back since he started running.

'Why does it matter Albion? Just about everyone wants me dead or in pieces. My parents are dead, Auntie Gaia brought me to another woman who wants to kill me. There isn't a place for me anymore.' Issei's thoughts were far clearer than any 7 year olds should be after the last few days. A normal boy would be cowering in fear and listening to whatever he was told to do. But that was never the way his parents raised him, instilling a sense of free will and making his own choices as far back as he could remember.

Albion had to pause to think of his next words, his host...no. His Grandson was walking towards his own death, to avoid giving someone else the satisfaction of ending the last of the Vanishing Dragons descendants. Quickly collecting his thoughts, and trying to find the right words to at least get Issei away from the edge of the rocky cliff, he spoke.

[I know how you feel. In my younger days, when the dragonslayers first came into existence, I thought myself along with the rest of dragonkind had no place in the current world. But...Dragons are strong, and resilient. We made a home for ourselves. I'll help you do that, we'll make a home for ourselves, if you'll only let me.]

Issei was standing at the edge, looking over the cliff, and down the 100 foot fall into the jagged rocks that were splashed by the oceans waves. Albions words brought forth the pleasant memories of his mother, and how she spoke so highly of how she was the direct descendant of one of the heavenly dragons. One that fought tooth and claw to secure his own place in the world, until the welsh dragon had the misconception that he'd been the one to attack his mate and child. But not even those warm thoughts would change his stubborn young mind at the moment.

With both his feet planted at the very edge of the ground before the fall, Issei took a deep breath, hoping this would be over soon he took the final step.


Artemis had never seen nor heard Gaia like this in person before, only mere tales of the darker side of her personality remained, as there were very few that had encountered it and lived to tell about it. Gaia had ended her tirade a few moments ago, and took a stance to sense the exact millisecond that the boy touched the ground outside of her barrier, but unfortunately had no luck thus far. She opened her eyes and gave Artemis a look that left no room for argument.

"Release the barrier."

"WHAT?! Do you have any idea-" Artemis was once again cut off by her elder deity.

"Let me make myself perfectly clear." Gaia began with that same cold, dark tone.

Artemis felt an ominous shiver attempting to make its way up her spine. Her eyes locked onto Gaia's narrowed green ones.

"If anything happens to Ise. You won't survive the night."