
The dragon and I have a baby

Jack was supposed to spend the rest of his life comfortably and happily within his own estate. Until that day. The dragon flapped its membranous wings and descended from the sky, leaving behind a dragon egg to give to Jack. Jack: Hey, hey, hey, why are you letting me raise your own kids? Chiron: Just my child? O irresponsible human, don't you know what you did that day! Jack: Just being a Dragon Rider ...... Not so much, right? ...... To earn formula money for the child still in the shell. Jack has to revert to his old ways and set out on another adventure as a middle-aged older man. The sun is about to set, and the afterglow is just right. Though youth is gone, the fervor remains. This time, since the comeback has been made, the young warriors are invited to move back a little. The light of the setting sun has not yet faded, so leave such trivial matters as saving the world to the more reliable middle-aged men!

bing_zhao · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 7 - Cliff Chase

Before Jack could pick it up, Ian, who had been educated as a nobleman from a young age, adhered to the gentleman's style and took the map with a smile.

"Ms. Flan, you're going to Lake Wynnor, right? Let me take a look ..."

Unfolding the map, Ian's hand seemed to touch something.

A tattered figure with its mouth sewn shut with needle and thread falls out of the map.

As the figure landed on the floor, a dreamy blue powder suddenly filled the compartment.

Realizing something was wrong, Ian was about to raise his voice to warn his teammates.

But to his dismay, he realized that he couldn't make a sound out of his throat.

In vain, the somewhat dry mouth made a silent opening and closing.

Flan laughed softly, pulling away from the carriage with a stranglehold on the reins.

Those blue powders are not toxins.

Instead, it's a curse that can put people in a state of silence.

After learning that Jack's group of people had a potion in their hands that could cure high-level poison,

Poisoning becomes the least considered option.

And the best target for the Curse of Silence was undoubtedly Catherine, who was also a spellcaster.

"O darkness that lives forever beneath the abyss heed my call ... Chaos Spell!"

Fran recited the incantation.

Two miniature spells symbolizing the power of darkness emerged within its pupils.

Ian and Catherine's pupils steepened at the sweep of Fran's eyes.

Thoughts fall uncontrollably into confusion.

But soon enough, Catherine, who was also a Law Cleric, relied on her outstanding mental strength to force her way out of the control.

Ian also broke out of his muddled and confused state after taking a slap from Jack.

Judging from the effect, it was only a beginner-level confusion spell.

While it didn't affect the three adventurers much, the driver and the horses were also swept by Flan's sight.

Instead, they will inevitably fall into the abyss of chaos.

The coachman's body lurched, and he briefly forgot to grab the reins.

He tumbled off the wagon and fell off the cliff with a scream.

The consequences of equine chaos are more frightening compared to people.

The horse's eyes turned red, and its nose snorted.

The four hooves swung rapidly, dragging the bumpy, swaying wagon wildly forward, not knowing when it would plant itself off the cliff.

Ian's forehead was sweating nervously.

He knew that Catherine mastered magic with purifying effects.

But under the Curse of Silence, he couldn't even put that will into words.

"O fire elemental that tumbles in flames! Obey my call ... Fireball Spell!"

Flan casts a spell with one hand.

A ball of fire shot out from the magic formation in her palm.

It came whistling down towards where the carriage was.

Jack silently yanked Ian behind him, the brand-new kite-shaped shield toppling forward.


In the midst of the fire, one of the carriage walls was directly blown to pieces.

The dust and smoke cleared, and Jack stood with his shield.

A fireball spell that was close to an advanced level couldn't shake it in the slightest!

Seeing this, Fran's eyelids fluttered slightly.

And then he remembered the feeling of powerlessness he had felt last night in the dungeon when he had faced Jack.

And this guy has a new shield?

Without further hesitation, Flan removed a bulging money pouch from within her traveling bag.

Shouting, he said, "My friend across the street, as long as you don't intervene again, these eight hundred silver coins will be yours."

Jack's pay for their trip on this mission was only nine hundred silver coins.

At that, Jack craned his head to glance at Ian.

The young blonde swordsman hastily opened his hands and gestured the number "ten" with his fingers, even turning his palms over.

Oh? Is this going to raise my price to 2,000 silver coins?

Jack nodded in satisfaction and, with one hand, removed the universal potion from his traveling bag and tossed it to Catherine.

Actually, even if Ian doesn't raise the money.

Jack would never sit on his hands, either.

Whether this woman across the street is an assassin or a robber.

It doesn't matter if you do your business.

But to achieve his goal, he casually killed an innocent car driver.

This had been an intolerable evil for Jack.

Catherine took a shallow sip of the universal potion and felt a coolness slide down her throat, and before it could pass through her esophagus, the potion was already incorporated into her body.

The effects of the Curse of Silence dissipated instantly, and there was even an additional temporary curse resistance in Catherine's body.

This is definitely an all-purpose potion that goes beyond premium quality!

Catherine also had no time to experience more, quickly chanting and casting spells to purify the silence for Ian and Jack.

"Sorry about that, there's more money given over here ..."

Without waiting for Jack to finish his sentence, Flan, who had already taken in his opponent's behavior in his eyes, slammed another fireball spell ferociously.

Jack raised his shield to block, and this time, the fireball collided directly with the shield.

Blazing streamers of flame ignited the curtains and carpets.

The shockwave from the blowup lurched the body even more violently.

One side of the wheel nearly went askew off the cliff!

Catherine, who was about to cast a spell to counterattack, stumbled and fell.

It was good that Ian was quick to grab the former's arm.

That's what saved Catherine from rolling off the cliff.

"What should we do, O'Shield-senpai? Should we jump out of the car?"

Tension was written all over Ian's face.

Wandering off the edge of a cliff is not a good taste.

Even adventurers don't want to try it easily!

Jack shook his head.

It's definitely too late to jump out of the car at this moment.

Inertia can cause the body to roll uncontrollably.

As to whether it was an unfortunate roll off a cliff or a lucky fall with serious injuries.

None of it was on Jack's mind.

Jack glanced at the woefully out-of-shape law girl.

The heart secretly said: whether it is the speed of casting spells or the power of spells, Catherine was fully crushed by the opponent; counting on this woman to counterattack is hopeless.

"Catherine, apply purification magic to the horses; Ian, you drive the horses. I'll handle this woman."

Jack calmly assigns tasks to his teammates.

At this point, he was both a solid and reliable front shield and the tactical center of this makeshift squad.

Hearing Jack's calm and collected words no matter what.

Ian and Catherine's inner panic subsided a bit, and each carried out Jack's account.

After resisting a fireball spell hard, Jack's kite-shaped shield could no longer be described as brand new.

The shield surface, which was originally shiny, was now tinted with a layer of scorched black.

"The quality is better than expected, huh? In that case, there should be no problem using that move either."

Jack shakes the black ash off his shield.

Looking at Flan with a provocative expression, the Shield Guard's Taunt skill triggered on its own.

Flan, who had planned to attack the wheel directly with her next fireball spell, had a surge of anger rise in her heart for no reason.

His own companion was right; no human could survive the explosion of a fireball spell unscathed!

All he needed to do was to put in a little more effort, and he could definitely blast this damn shield guard!

Mobilize all of your mental energy.

Flan sketched out a crimson magic formation several times the size of the previous one.

She's going to gamble all her mental energy for the price.

Duel with Jack with this fireball spell!

"Come on, useless woman! Let's see if your little fire can hurt my fingers!"

Jack flexes his shield guard's talents to the fullest.

Drawing Flan's hatred firmly to himself.


A fireball up to half a meter in diameter angrily rushed out of the spell.

Trailing an orange-red tail flame, it crashed into Jack.

The fireball was fast, and the forward momentum, coupled with the high temperatures, wrapped around it.

The threat of death posed is enough to send shivers down the spine of any human being.

There was no fear or flinch in Jack's eyes.

His eyes were like torches, searching for the right distance, a subtle moment ...

As the fireball swept into position.

With a deep gulp, Jack voluntarily swung his shield to meet the tyrannical fireball!