
The Dragon's Shadow

In the church's prison, a man looked at his shackles. 'Little girl... is this the ending you wanted to see?' Thinking back to that resolute and pretty face in his memory and that golden hair like the blooming sunset, Lister sighed. 'If I had known that my end will be like this, I might as well have abandoned that little useless princess, opened a small tavern, and found a woman to spend my life with.' "Man, how unlucky am I..." Lister remembered that while he was playing with these little fluffy monster girls, he used to often tease a certain witch that she would accidentally end up on the stake, making her puzzled, but he didn't expect that he would be the one to go up first. "If all this could start over... I should have chosen the monster girls after all." "Oh? Really?" A cold yet teasing voice sounded beside him. As he turned his head to look, powerful magic energy gathered and swirled, and finally, a tall female figure walked out of it. She wore a tight black dress that showed off her curvy, mature figure. Lister knew her... or rather, should have known her. 'The Sinful Dragon Demon Lord, Priscilla' "Did you really mean it when you said you'd choose monster girls?" "...I wonder if the mighty Demon Lord has decided to grace me with a heart-to-heart in this cozy little prison." "As expected of the mastermind who single-handedly helped that incompetent woman to the throne. Even now you have the energy to crack jokes?" "You flatter me. I think it's quite humanistic for a Demon Lord who has children for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to chat with a dying man in prison." "Tsk, getting upset over a little teasing already?" "Sigh, alright, I don't have much time either. Let me get to the point with you. What are you still waiting for here, waiting to die?" "I don't know, maybe waiting for a female Demon Lord to come swoop in and save me?" "You know Aurola has abandoned you. What are you still hoping for?" "...So what does this have to do with the Demon Lord? We only have a very shallow cooperative relationship; I don't think it matters if I die or not." "Of course it does." Priscilla smiled and pressed the blunt end of her dragon horn against his forehead. "Because I want you, but I'm different from Aurola. What she gave you, I can give. What she couldn't give you, I can also give. Didn't you want to choose monster girls? In the Demon Capital, there are all kinds of monster girls. You can pick whichever you like." "Then, are there fluffy and warm ones?" "...I think the ones with hard scales and slender, elegant physiques are not bad either." "Ahem, I digress." "Anyway, I understand you better than you think. As long as you come with me to the Demon Capital, I will satisfy your everything within my power. As long as you promise me one thing..." "I know." Lister picked up where Priscilla left off, smiling back at her. "You want me, right?" "What a smarty~. So, you agree?" "Mm. I'll go with you." 'And come on, it's fluffy monster girls' 'I can't refuse.'

haytham_ · Fantasy
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260 Chs

Chapter 19: The Demon Lord's Omnivorous Appetite

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The update schedule will be 1-2 chapters daily.


It's really quite thought-provoking.

The previously somewhat dull and clumsy Crimson Claw actually became a mighty Demon Lord and even turned the tables, bringing Lister to the Demon Realm. One can only say this is also a kind of boomerang.

"Lister, do you still remember what I told you before you left?"

"Of course."

Lister replied.

"You told me that you would stand at the pinnacle of the entire Demon Realm and then come find me."

"That's right. Now, I've done it."

Priscilla's current excited appearance was like a student waiting for the teacher's praise. Lister smiled and stroked her tail.

"Yes, you did it... You did very well."

After saying this, Lister stood up and took a deep breath.

"Speaking of which, since you've gone through the coming-of-age ceremony, it means you've found your suitable mate. But I don't seem to have seen him... Is he not in the Demon Lord's Castle?"


For some reason, Priscilla did not answer this question.

Lister turned his head and saw Priscilla tilting her head, looking at him as if seeing something incredible.

"...You should have found a suitable mate, right?"

"That's right."

"...Not convenient for me to know?"

"Not really. More like, I don't know how to let you know about 'him'."


This answer made Lister feel a bit dumbfounded instead.

The "suitable mate" of dragon people can be simply understood as love at first sight. Generally speaking, it's a process where a female dragon person suddenly becomes enlightened one day, senses the pheromones from her beloved male, and her body rapidly begins to grow and starts to frantically pursue the male. Occasionally, there are also cases of males taking the initiative, with an overall ratio of about seven to three.

This "heart-throbbing feeling" cannot be forced, and a suitable mate dragon person will only encounter it once in their lifetime, so the marital relationship between dragon people can be said to be as solid as a rock.

However, after all, Priscilla had ascended to become a true dragon, so there might be special circumstances. Hiss, this is another topic worth researching...

As he thought about it, Lister gradually fell into a state of contemplation.


Seeing Lister go from looking dumbfounded to deep in thought, Priscilla was first puzzled, then had a sudden realization, and finally a hint of an unfathomable smile appeared on her face.

"Lister, you want to see my suitable mate, right?"

"Not really, just a bit interested..."

"Hehe, it's okay. There will be an opportunity soon. However, you remember that I wanted you to accompany me to the upcoming conference, right?"

"I remember. But what's the connection between the two?"

"Of course there's a connection. Because the theme of this conference..."

Priscilla paused, then leaned close to Lister's ear and whispered:

"Is to announce my suitable mate... to the representatives of the major demon races."


Although there are numerous and diverse magical creatures in the Demon Realm, under the collection and organization of the new Demon Lord Priscilla, they are roughly divided into the following four types—

The first type, beasts: Represented by cat people, dog people, wolf-headed people, and giant trolls, this type of magical creatures mostly have complete social forms and reproduction procedures, and are the most numerous and abundant type of magical creatures in the Demon Realm.

The second type, reptiles: Magical creatures with reptilian characteristics, with representatives including snake women - lamias, lizard people, and dragon people. Many species in this category of monster girls have habits different from beast-type monster girls. For example, the entire lamia race only has females and they are ectothermic, and there are also aquatic variants.

The third type, demons: This type of magical creature is relatively small in number in the entire Demon Realm, but generally has a higher status. They mostly have innate magical or combat talents and are often referred to as "Milligan's favorites". Representatives include the well-known succubi, vampires, imps, and so on. It is worth mentioning that although imps belong to the demon category, they do not have any notable talents, so they are not considered high in the entire Demon Realm hierarchy.

The fourth type, undead and others: This type of magical creature is the rarest type in the Demon Realm. They are mostly composed of rare undead creatures of various types and more difficult-to-classify magical creatures. For example, the eye demon, which has a transparent appearance, is ghost-like but has a physical body and possesses a penetrating magic eye, as well as some extremely rare plant spirits that have gained intelligence.

Although this classification list appears to be quite rough, when Priscilla released it from the Demon Lord's Castle, the listed races still had a length of several pages, which shows how chaotic and difficult to manage the Demon Realm is, accommodating so many different races.

Even before Priscilla, no Demon Lord had ever considered understanding what lives existed on this land they ruled—because for them, enjoying tributes and preparing for plunder were the real important matters.

As for how the demon people lived?

None of their damn business.

And it was precisely on the basis of this list that Priscilla's system of magical creature representative conferences had even a slight possibility of implementation.

The upcoming conference had even a slight possibility of being held.

Outside the council hall of the Demon Lord's Castle, a black-haired, black-eyed succubus wearing a luxurious and elegant noble attire pushed open the door with a playful and bright smile.

"Yahoo~ How have you all been lately, young and old of the demon races?"

She greeted casually while scanning her gaze over the several magical creatures already inside.

"Cinderella, you're late."

The first to speak to this succubus named Cinderella was an old lion-headed man wearing simple linen clothes, with uneven fangs and mottled fur. His originally golden lion's mane had become withered and pale, and his turbid eyeballs reflected the slender figure of this seemingly very casual succubus.

He was the representative of the beastmen, Akarin.

"Ahaha, it's fine. The Demon Lord hasn't arrived yet, so it's not late, not late."

"If you wait until the Demon Lord arrives, I'm afraid you won't even dare to say an extra word, Cinderella."

The other voice that sounded was weary yet magnetic, but if one listened carefully, one would find that there was an unshakable stickiness in this voice, as if an inch of a tongue with blood was sliding across your neck.

Cinderella looked over and saw a mature woman who had wrapped her entire body in a black robe, lazily leaning on a chair and looking at her.

A complexion pale to the point of being sickly, pupils that seemed to captivate one's soul, long outer ears, and the fangs protruding from her lips proved her identity—the mysterious and noble vampire.

She was the representative of the vampires and also the current Vampire Queen, Elizabeth.

"The air in the Demon Lord's Castle is a bit too damp, it's really uncomfortable..."

"Yeah, you gloomy folks should just rot away in caves."

Cinderella casually pulled over a stool and sat down, while smiling at Elizabeth.

"A b*tch who mingles in the human world has no right to criticize me."

"Come on, succubi haven't sucked humans for many years. On the contrary, after being beaten to a pulp by the last hero, what do you suck on to survive now? Why not try going vegetarian and suck some tree sap?"


Elizabeth's blood-red eyes flashed and she looked coldly at Cinderella. Cinderella also looked back unyieldingly, the pink heart in her eyes now flashing with a cold light.

"You two can resolve your conflicts in private, no one will interfere, but this is the Demon Lord's Castle."

At this moment, a dull voice interrupted the confrontational succubus and vampire representatives.

The speaker was a burly dragon man covered in scars all over his body, his towering dragon horns representing his absolute status among the dragon people.

He was the representative of the dragon people and also the representative of the reptiles for this conference, Goodrey.

"Ah, Uncle Dragon, it's you this time?"

"Enya is currently handling important matters within her own clan, I'm replacing her for once."


Goodrey slowly answered Cinderella's question, sitting on the chair like a boulder.

"For the sake of the Demon Lord, I'll let you off this time, Cinderella."

"Heh, still playing your tune of being the nobility among demons even in this state... Elizabeth, this is what I despise most about you vampires. I'm telling you, even if the Demon Lord is here today..."

"What if the Demon Lord is here?"

Suddenly, a cold and majestic voice came from behind Cinderella.

Cinderella's eyes instantly became clear, she walked over with a bright smile and gave Elizabeth a big hug, her peach-shaped tail wagging, and was immediately pushed away by Elizabeth the next moment.

"Of course it's to give her a hug representing friendship and unity~"

"Stay away, stinky succubus."


Cinderella snorted disdainfully, then turned around and saw the tall Priscilla, as well as Lister beside her.

A glint flashed in Cinderella's eyes.

"Oh my, this is really a... rare, scarce, and at the same time somehow familiar-feeling guest."

She bent down, her tail arching into a heart shape, biting her slender fingers and gradually bringing her devilish yet seductive face closer to Lister...

Then she was blocked by Priscilla.

"Return to your seat, Cinderella."

"Hehe, as you command."

Cinderella returned to her seat with a playful smile.

Priscilla led Lister to the main seat, invited Lister to sit beside her, then crossed her arms and looked around at the few people below.

Many magical creature representatives did not come, but she had expected this. After all, this was the Demon Realm. As long as these few representatives, who had the will of nearly 70% of the demon people, could attend and stabilize the foundation, it was enough. The rest could be done slowly.

Moreover... she was still an illegitimate Demon Lord.

But none of this mattered now. What mattered was something else.

Priscilla cleared her throat and spoke:

"As you all know, before I became the Demon Lord, I was a dragon person, and dragon people find a suitable mate when they come of age. Today is the day I announce his existence to you and request that you notify all the magical creatures under your leadership of the establishment of my suitable mate, that is, the Queen."

At these words, the expressions of the four people seated varied, but none of them spoke.

Lister, on the other hand, stared straight at the door, waiting for this legendary suitable mate to appear.

"Well then, he is right here. Please remember his appearance well."



No one came in!

Lister scratched his head in confusion, then looked elsewhere.


Why are these four demons all looking at me in unison?

Lister's heart turned cold, then he looked at Priscilla beside him. Priscilla was also looking at him with interest.


Something's wrong, this is wrong, this is very wrong.

How could it be me?!

I'm a pervert who likes different species, but how could you be too?! We have reproductive isolation!

How could you, as a dragon person, have FQ for a human?!!!
