
The Dragon's Shadow

In the church's prison, a man looked at his shackles. 'Little girl... is this the ending you wanted to see?' Thinking back to that resolute and pretty face in his memory and that golden hair like the blooming sunset, Lister sighed. 'If I had known that my end will be like this, I might as well have abandoned that little useless princess, opened a small tavern, and found a woman to spend my life with.' "Man, how unlucky am I..." Lister remembered that while he was playing with these little fluffy monster girls, he used to often tease a certain witch that she would accidentally end up on the stake, making her puzzled, but he didn't expect that he would be the one to go up first. "If all this could start over... I should have chosen the monster girls after all." "Oh? Really?" A cold yet teasing voice sounded beside him. As he turned his head to look, powerful magic energy gathered and swirled, and finally, a tall female figure walked out of it. She wore a tight black dress that showed off her curvy, mature figure. Lister knew her... or rather, should have known her. 'The Sinful Dragon Demon Lord, Priscilla' "Did you really mean it when you said you'd choose monster girls?" "...I wonder if the mighty Demon Lord has decided to grace me with a heart-to-heart in this cozy little prison." "As expected of the mastermind who single-handedly helped that incompetent woman to the throne. Even now you have the energy to crack jokes?" "You flatter me. I think it's quite humanistic for a Demon Lord who has children for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to chat with a dying man in prison." "Tsk, getting upset over a little teasing already?" "Sigh, alright, I don't have much time either. Let me get to the point with you. What are you still waiting for here, waiting to die?" "I don't know, maybe waiting for a female Demon Lord to come swoop in and save me?" "You know Aurola has abandoned you. What are you still hoping for?" "...So what does this have to do with the Demon Lord? We only have a very shallow cooperative relationship; I don't think it matters if I die or not." "Of course it does." Priscilla smiled and pressed the blunt end of her dragon horn against his forehead. "Because I want you, but I'm different from Aurola. What she gave you, I can give. What she couldn't give you, I can also give. Didn't you want to choose monster girls? In the Demon Capital, there are all kinds of monster girls. You can pick whichever you like." "Then, are there fluffy and warm ones?" "...I think the ones with hard scales and slender, elegant physiques are not bad either." "Ahem, I digress." "Anyway, I understand you better than you think. As long as you come with me to the Demon Capital, I will satisfy your everything within my power. As long as you promise me one thing..." "I know." Lister picked up where Priscilla left off, smiling back at her. "You want me, right?" "What a smarty~. So, you agree?" "Mm. I'll go with you." 'And come on, it's fluffy monster girls' 'I can't refuse.'

haytham_ · Fantasy
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249 Chs

Chapter 15: Demon Representatives Conference

Ai seemed very happy when she realized that Lister remembered her. Usually expressionless, she immediately broke into a big smile and threw her arms around Lister's neck, nuzzling him with her warm cheeks.

In fact, Lister couldn't quite remember what Ai looked like back then, as he might have had to take in hundreds of patients a day at the demon realm border. It was impossible to remember every single one. However... this didn't stop him from enjoying the warm snuggles with Ai now.

"How have you been since then, Ai?"

"Very well, except that my sister is a bit silly."



Lister reached out and pinched Ai's cheek, trying to save a little face for Airu.

"What about you, Mr. Lister?"

Ai looked into Lister's eyes and asked.

"Me? I've been... doing quite well too."

Lister patted Ai's head.

"How long will Mr. Lister be staying at the Demon Lord's Castle?"

"I'm not sure... Maybe, perhaps for the rest of my life."


Hearing Lister's answer, Ai nodded and once again contentedly rested her head on Lister's shoulder.


Watching Ai comfortably wagging her tail back and forth, Airu stood aside, constantly tugging at the hem of her maid's skirt, making discontented noises.

Usually, Airu always found her sister's straightforward personality a bit annoying, but now, she began to envy Ai.

Damn it... I want to get along well with Lord Lister too!

But, but how should I do it? Lord Lister seems to really like my ears. Should I consider tying a cute ribbon at the base of my ears next time...

While Airu was still brainstorming, Lister had already imperceptibly put Ai down from his body.

Since the normal body temperature of the cat people is usually above 38 degrees Celsius, and the normal range can even reach 40 degrees Celsius, which is a bit higher than that of normal humans, Lister was already feeling a bit too hot to continue enjoying the snuggles, even though he still wanted to.

At the same time, there was a polite knock on Lister's door.

With his keen observation, Lister could tell from the calm knocking that it should be the steady succubus clan leader: Miss Anko.

Opening the door, sure enough, Anko, wearing glasses and white gloves, stood in front of his door with a calm expression.

"I apologize for disturbing your rest, Mr. Lister."

Seeing Anko's arrival, Airu and Ai quickly stood up straight and found something to do. Especially Ai, who even smoothed out the wrinkles in her clothes caused by snuggling against Lister in this short time, looking as if nothing had happened.

This little one... has great potential to be a cheating cat.

"No worries, please go ahead, Miss Anko."


Anko responded, then continued:

"Mr. Lister, the Demon Lord wishes for you to accompany her to the upcoming demon realm conference. She is currently waiting for you in the garden outside the main entrance on the first floor."

"...Demon realm conference?"

Lister was a bit confused as to why they would call a human like him to attend such a conference.

Seeming to sense Lister's confusion, Anko continued to explain:

"Mr. Lister, the demon realm conference was initiated by the Demon Lord after she took office, and this is already the third one. During the conference, the Demon Lord invites representatives from various races and clans to participate, discuss their respective needs and situations, and explore how to better develop the demon realm."

...So it's basically a representatives conference, huh.

Although he was inwardly commenting on the terminology, Lister still had some admiration for Priscilla's foresight.

This move showed that she had not completely handed over the grassroots to local nobles or other organizations like a feudal monarch, but instead intentionally wanted to maintain her influence while also planning to do some practical things that aligned with people's livelihoods.

Of course, whether such a measure would be effective in a demon realm the size of a fist remained to be seen, but being able to think of this point was already quite remarkable.

This actually piqued Lister's interest.

"Since it's representatives from various tribes... does that mean Miss Anko will also be on stage later?"

Faced with Lister's question, Anko calmly adjusted her glasses and then replied:

"It seems the Demon Lord has told you some things about me. Unfortunately, I am now just the Demon Lord's head maid, and the representative of the succubi is someone else."

"Is that so..."

"So, what do you think?"

"I will go, if you don't mind."

In addition to satisfying his own curiosity, Lister felt that he also needed to learn more about the land beneath his feet and the demons living here.

The research he had done at the university before was ultimately too superficial, and most of it was about individual physiology. He actually didn't know much about how the people here really lived.

After all... he would also become a part of this place in the future, right?

"Alright. Then, please."

Anko made way for Lister and extended a hand.

"The Demon Lord is waiting for you downstairs."


Arriving on the first floor, Lister saw Priscilla standing in front of the door, gazing into the distance.

She was still wearing the previous gorgeous red and white dress, her majestic black dragon tail now steadily resting on the ground.

Her ferocious dragon horns, mixed with crimson in the black, would remind people of a fiercely burning old tree, but on her delicate face, they appeared mysterious and noble.

Lister looked at her as she gazed at this land where shadows and scorched earth had never left.

Looking at this silhouette, Lister couldn't help but sigh,

And she was the king of this hot land...

After bringing Lister to the spot, Anko quietly left.

Lister walked up and stood half a step behind Priscilla's side, accompanying her in observing this land.

"What do you think of this place?"

Suddenly, Priscilla asked Lister beside her.

"A group of lovely lives surviving on a land of suffering."

Hearing Lister's answer, Priscilla smiled at him.

"In the whole world, you might be the only human who likes to interact with demons and finds them lovely."

"That's why I have the right to say they are lovely, don't I?"

Lister paid no attention to Priscilla's gradually swaying dragon tail and continued:

"Whether human or demon, lives that strive to progress for survival... are all very lovely."

"Is that so."

Priscilla replied faintly.

"I think this place is terrible and will continue to be terrible."

"So, under someone's guidance, I decided to do something to make this place a little less terrible."

"I find it hard to imagine that this would be the thought of a Demon Lord."

"To the residents here, the Demon Lord is just a symbol. Whether there is one or not doesn't make much difference... Sigh, why am I telling you this?"

Priscilla suddenly remembered the purpose of this trip and quickly interrupted the topic, smiling as she extended her hand to Lister.

"Would you like to accompany me for a while?"


Looking at Priscilla's fair and slender palm, Lister was silent for a moment, then took it.

"It would be my honor."
