
The Dragon's Rose

"In your eyes, I am nothing more than a plaything, an insignificant pet. Not more than a bar of refined gold, your accessory as an Emperor. Isn't that what you take me for? Just your female prostitute." --------------- Celestine Schleifer, in her whole life, has trained to be a courtesan. Finally, at her coming of age ceremony, she was appointed to be part of the Celestial Roses at the House of Amora. However, on her first night, due to unforeseen circumstances, her peaceful life has been shattered, with everything going against her beliefs. With no other choice, Celestine chose to go against her values, and when it seemed like all hope was lost, light once again surfaced-the Emperor. The Emperor has graced her life with his presence, providing her with light amidst her life's darkness. Yet, will all remain the same? For it turns out, the sun that has shined her life with light and warmth was actually as cold as the wind in the dark night, illuminated by the proud and round moon-as ruthless as an errant dragon.

sweetenedromance · History
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20 Chs



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Celestine breathed heavily as she can feel and hear her loud heartbeat. All of her senses were the sharpest at the moment. Her eyes can clearly see the little movements that the people are making behind her veil. Her ears, seemed like it was ringing due to the loud buzzing created by the chatter of the people on the other side of the stage. Lastly, her heart, because of the adrenaline, beat in excitement.

Today, in all of her eighteen years of life, was the day that she has been waiting for.

The loud cheering of anticipation created by the male customers made Celestine smile even more. Her face, even though covered by a thin red veil, beamed with pride, which was evident as it resonated more with her aura.

Ever since her awakening when she was a child, she did everything in order to learn the things that she has been lacking. By displaying her brilliance, in various areas such as dancing, and even as a woman, having the knowledge in swordsmanship, made others sigh in awe.

Despite the disapproval of her adoptive mother, Celestine continued on her journey to be a courtesan. As she grew up, she slowly understood the real meaning behind their job, which her mother has sheltered her from during her early years.

She finally understood the reason of the angry wives that came to cause a commotion during their banquets; it was because their husbands have been spending, not only their time but money as well towards the services that their house has been providing.

But there was one thing that she hated the most, and it was the option to sleep with men. Seeing the devastated faces of the wives, Celestine cannot help but sympathize. It wasn't theirs, nor the courtesan's fault that their husbands have the audacity to sleep with other women despite being married.

However, this realization failed to faze her. She was proud of the job that her mother and sisters have been doing. Besides, it's not like all of their customers are married. There are those who genuinely seek either entertainment or attention, and those types of gentlemen are what pushed her to continue her chosen path.

Thus, with a new objective in mind, Celestine steeled her resolve to be a courtesan, one that provides adequate entertainment, not one that is deemed as a prostitute.

She wanted to show everyone, that her family is not one that should be dragged to dirt, just because they have been caught up in an unfortunate position in society.

Clenching her fist, Celestine patiently waited for the right moment to present herself. Throwing her eyes around, she could see all of her sisters having the same excitement and determination as hers in their eyes.

"And now, I present to all of you, Celestine Schleifer, the new Celestial Rose of the House of Amora!" Tanith happily announced in the middle of the stage.

Celestine took this as the signal. She stepped up, as the loud cheers, not just from the customers, but from her sisters as well, erupted. The house was bustling with excitement despite it being so deep in the night.

A mellow, yet tantalizing music has resonated throughout the hall.

Her beautiful sisters dressed in white dance apparel poured out from the back of the stage, joining her in the middle.

The men watched in awe as Celestine has started dancing lightly and gracefully along with the music. The lights dimmed and focused on the veiled girl in red. Her skin seemed to shine and glitter as it continues to be illuminated under the light.

As the pace of the song progresses, her dancing seems to highlight more of her alluring features. She was as lithe as a swallow bird, her waist seems as delicate as the willow, and yet, she excluded more power than any of the other dancers.

The men watching deeply admired the woman who was excluding a mystical alluring charm. Her long black hair flowed through the air along with her movements that seem to be as fluid as water.

Alas, the melody of the music suddenly changed. Celestine spun her body swiftly, and for a fleeting time, it seemed like she was flying. She stretched out her arms, as the extension of her robe's ribbon touched a guest's cheek, causing the man's heart to skip a beat.

Celestine threw her sight towards the crowd. Her eyes meeting with several men who seemed to gasp at the sudden eye contact. Their souls seemingly have been pierced by the sharp look that Celestine has sent them.

As the music was slowing down near the end, Celestine removed the veil that was covering her face, and showed a lopsided smile, enamoring her audience, before ending the dance with a graceful bow.

As she finished, Tanith once again came on stage and gave her an encouraging smile, in which she replied with a slight nod.

"As a celebration for my daughter's appointment as a Celestial Rose, the House of Amora once again will be offering a quarter discount for services that involve the appearance of the Celestial Roses for a limited amount of time!"

The crowd cheered as Tanith announced the good news. All of the guests quickly ran towards the reception area, wanting to take advantage of what seems like a once in a lifetime opportunity,

As she left the stage, she was immediately greeted by one of her sisters, "There is a guest, wishing for your appearance, Celestine." Corvina informed. "You did so well." She congratulated, smiling.

"Thank you, big sister." Celestine answered, returning her sister's warm smile before proceeding to the room that was designated for her and her guest.

Celestine tried her best to collect herself. She was excited, yet at the same time, nervous, for this man will be her first customer. She heaved a long and heavy sigh before shaking her head and lightly slapping her cheeks.

'This is it. I can do this.' Celestine thought to herself as she opens the door towards the private room.

She was welcomed by the wonderful aroma of roses, her clothing complimenting the gold and red ornaments of the room.

Her eyes met with the eyes of a gentleman at the opposite side of the room. He was sitting at the edge of the luxurious settee, his eyes fixated towards the young lady. Celestine walked slowly, analyzing the features of the man.

It seemed like the man was a bit older than her, but not to such a big extent, as he possessed such young yet already defined features.

"Greetings, esteemed guest. I am known as Celestine, a newly appointed Celestial Rose of the House of Amora. It is a pleasure to be providing you service." Celestine said as she gracefully bowed at the man before flashing a smile.

The man's sudden change in expression did not escape her eye, from one of shock, it soon turned calm as he got up from his position and held Celestine's right hand. "It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Celestine. My name is Jean Albert. Please don't bother with the meddlesome courtesy, let's treat each other as friends, shall we?" The man said with a slight smile as he kissed the back of her hands.

Celestine then felt relieved, as it seemed like the man was not hard to deal with after all. She was happy to have such a nice customer as her first.

"Thank you for your kind words, Jean." Celestine smiled. Jean let go of her hand as he got back to his position earlier.

Celestine then proceeded to pour her guest a glass of red wine.

"So, Jean, what are your interests? Do you have something in mind that you want to do tonight in particular?" She asked as she sat near Jean at the settee.

"I do like red wine, thank you for that, however, I believe talking about myself first and not about the lovely lady that I am facing right now doesn't feel like the right thing to do. What are your interests, Celestine?" Jean answered back.

Celestine inwardly smirked. This man seems like an intelligent one, he knows how to flatter a woman. However, it is already in her contract that nobody can touch her body, as a part of a service.

"Well, I like to dance, as well as practice my swordsmanship." Celestine answered truthfully. She eyed Jean's reaction, his eyes seemed to lit up in delight.

"I saw your dance earlier. I was honestly enamored. You danced so beautifully, so graciously. It wasn't just me who was bewildered with your performance, I believe it was all of the other men who were also watching." Jean said, praising Celestine.

Celestine smiled towards Jean. "Thank you." She said, sincerely glad for the compliment.

'Thank heavens.' She thought. 'I worked really hard for that piece.'

As they continued to converse, Celestine noticed a sudden flash of light on the left hand of Jean. Looking closely, she realized that it was a ring, a wedding ring in fact, as it was placed at his ring finger.

"You're married?" Celestine said, trying her best to hide her disbelief.

Jean looked shocked for a while, before slowly nodding his head.

"I see." Celestine nodded her head.

Due to the sudden revelation, the light atmosphere that has been building up inside the room crumbled. Awkwardness can be felt between the two.

Celestine inwardly shook her head. It seems like what she has taught about Jean being different was wrong. He was like any other man that she hated, despite having a wife, is continuously seeking the attention of other women. What a shame.

Trying to lighten up the mood, Celestine was the first one to break the silence. Despite disliking the actions of the man in front of her, it was her duty to properly serve as a companion, for she was paid for the time that they are currently spending.

"How are you and your wife?" Celestine asked, trying to play it off lightly.

Jean looked a bit skeptical but in the end, answered her question.

"We're fine." He answered, looking down at the glass that he was holding.

Celestine tilted her head to the side. "It doesn't seem like that though." She commented.

After a short silence, her statement seemed to have some impact on the man in front of her.

Jean smiled sadly. "Honestly, we're not fine." He said as he looked towards Celestine. "This is the real reason why I tried my best to choose your services today. Please do forgive me for not being honest." He continued.

Celestine nodded her head in understanding. Looking at the man's face, she knew that he was not lying, for there was an evident sadness that can be seen through the man's glossy eyes.

"You're a newly appointed Celestial Rose, right? And you're young, possibly not even tainted. I needed a fresh mind to be able to advise me for I have no one to talk to in my estate." Jean admitted.

Celestine did not say anything, looking encouragingly at Jean.

"My wife has been having an affair. As a man, I know that I may have been lacking at some points, but never have I expected her to commit adultery. I love her, I love my wife, but I don't know what relationship has become. In our four years of marriage, never have I turned my head towards any other woman, I was mortified as I knew the truth of her infidelity." Jean explained towards the younger lady.

Celestine once again learned a piece of new knowledge about the hardships of reality. Growing up in a house providing services for men, most often, those who are married, it was new for her to hear a circumstance that is the exact opposite of what she has been used to seeing. A woman, committing infidelity towards her husband.

But then again, she understood where Jean was coming from. It was indeed hard, to face such a problem, as marriage is one that needs the cooperation of both parties to stay alive. It doesn't matter who the man or woman is in a relationship, for it is one that is equal.

"It really is hard, Jean. I greatly appreciate you wanting me to advise you, however, as I have not been in any relationship, I can only speak for my mind, is that alright?" Celestine asked Jean, in which the man nodded.

"The thing that you must do is to talk to her, do your best to communicate. It might be hard, setting aside your anger nor fear however, it is the only way for the both of you to achieve something that both of you can accept." Celestine said, looking at Jean.

She then asked, "I will be assuming that perhaps, you have been quite busy with your job?" Jean answered her with a nod.

Celestine nodded, creating a small hum of understanding.

"I see. That may have been the reason." She said.

"But why? I was working to provide for her and our future family. I wanted to ensure our lives, and gather enough wealth to be able to give her happiness." Jean said, shaking his head.

Celestine held Jean's shoulder.

"You're wrong, Jean. For her, it may have seemed like you have left her, that you have more care in wealth rather than her, thus, giving her the conclusion that she may have been free to do what she wants, of course, it was wrong of her to quickly assume. It seems like your feelings have failed to transcend towards her, and she failed to interpret and understand, resulting in the current state of your relationship." Celestine explained.

She gave Jean a light pat on the back before standing up.

"You see, Jean, wealth doesn't necessarily mean happiness, and loneliness doesn't bear freedom." Celestine said, looking at him in the eyes.

She was glad to have read some books about romance. She never thought that there would be a time where the words from the book would actually come out of her mouth.

Jean stood up, walking near Celestine. "Then, what am I supposed to do?" He asked. His face, a mirror of a man that is genuinely trying his best to keep his relationship intact.

"Like what I have said earlier, the only solution is to talk. Do your best to communicate, say everything that you want to say, but listen to her too, do not close your ears and pick only those that you want to hear. Try to understand, and for sure, she'll do the same." Celestine said, smiling tenderly.

Jean heaved a sigh and smiled back at her. "It feels a little embarrassing, asking someone younger for advice about a man having a problem with his relationship with his wife." He said, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Don't mention it, Jean, and besides, we're supposed to be friends, right?" Celestine let out a little chuckle, which Jean responded to with a smile.

"Thank you, Celestine. I honestly am afraid, but then again, I know that fear will bring nothing but misery to my already miserable state. I guess all I have to do is take action and try my best?" Jean said.

"You got that right, Jean! I'm proud of you! And I sincerely wish you and your wife the best." Celestine answered.

The two of them continued to talk about various topics and as their time ended, both of them bid goodbyes to each other, with Celestine accompanying Jean until the exit of the house.

With a sigh, Celestine let out a satisfied smile. It seems like her first customer was a success. Though he was brought upon by sadness, she was glad that she could be of help to him.

Hearing the loud melody of the music, as well as the chatter of the people, Celestine couldn't help but think, it is true that despite what people look like, there will always be problems that they carry, hidden behind their façade.

As Celestine was going towards the changing room, she bumped against a man. The both of them collided and fell towards the ground.

"Are you okay, Mister?" Celestine asked as she noticed the man, not moving from the ground. However, the man did not respond to her.

Looking around, Celestine tried to get help but since it was already the peek of the night, everyone has their own businesses to attend to.

With a sigh, Celestine carefully got the man up, and lead him to a private room. The man smelled like alcohol, indicating that he was most probably drunk due to his unable to move state.

Celestine struggled to help the man walk, but was finally able to put him on a bed. She looked at the man's face, it seemed oddly familiar, and yet she cannot exactly pinpoint who he is.

As she was about to leave, she was shocked when suddenly, she was grabbed from behind, resulting in her lying on the bed. The man was on top of her.

The man gazed frigidly into Celestine's eyes, which is full of flickering disbelief.

Forcefully arresting his captive's wrist in one hand, and with a shove, he then pressed Celestine down onto the bed. "Celestine, my lovely Celestine. What did you do with that man, huh?" The man slurred.

The candlelight by the bed illuminated Celestine's soft facial contours and her rousing brilliant eyes which was glossy with fear and anxiety.

The man's eyes were full of thirst and desire, as well as anger and vengeance. "That wretched man. I was supposed to be your first! I waited. I did everything that I could, and yet, you got snatched away from me!" He continued, his other hand, heavily caressing Celestine's figure.

"Who are you?! Ah! - What are you doing?!" Celestine trashed against the man, however, her hands have already been violently pulled against the head of the bed.

Celestine let out a shriek, as the man ripped her robe, exposing her legs up to her thighs. "Stop! Whoever you are! Stop what you're doing, now!" Celestine demanded in alarm, almost in hysterical panic as the unknown man continued to rip off her clothes.

"This skin, this beautiful skin is mine! I saw your dance earlier, my lovely Celestine. You even dared to touch my cheek with this cloth, and yet... and yet!"

Celestine felt horrified.

Frightened by his behavior, Celestine screamed, "Please, stop! Help me! Help" She was scared to the point that she could only repeat her words, screaming, begging for the man to stop.

The man continued to caress her legs and thighs, and finally, squeezed her buttocks.

"You're mine!" The man shouted, trying to kiss her.

Celestine, however, tilted her head to avoid the man's advances.

"Why are you avoiding me?!"

Suddenly, Celestine could feel her right cheek stung, and later on, be numb. The man slapped her. She felt dizzy, and because of the actions of the man, even has the urge to vomit.

However, she fought with all her might. With her senses taking over her body, she gathered all of her strength to knee the man's crotch.

"Arghhh!" The man shouted. The excruciating pain causing him to abruptly remove his hands that were pinning Celestine down to the bed.

Taking her chance, Celestine ran, as quickly as she could out of the room. In the halls, she shouted for help, the guards, hearing her shout, immediately coming to her aid.

"A man, there's a man that has assaulted me. Please, get him!" She shouted, pointing at the room that she ran away from.

Breathing heavily, Celestine felt a surge of relief taking over her stinging body. She wiped the trail of blood that came from her wounded lips.

The guards were able to apprehend the man, that was now shouting like a madman. As they were nearing the main hall, people have started to notice the commotion. They all gathered to see its source.

"You're mine, Celestine! Every one of you, all of you will pay for this!" The man continued to scream, thrashing around like a madman, pointing at everyone around him.

People started murmuring, loudly, and yet, the man seemed unfazed, most probably because of the influence of alcohol, or maybe, he simply did not care.

Gritting her teeth, Celestine ordered the guards to bring the man into the judicial prison. "We'll deal with him later, for the meantime, please do file some charges for assault." Celestine waved her hand towards the guards, signaling them to go on.

Tanith and her sisters, later on, rushed to the scene.

"Celestine! Dear child, what happened?! Where is that wretched man?!" Tanith came, screaming while checking at her daughter's body.

"I'm fine, Mama. Don't worry, it's just a little scratch." She said, trying to calm her mother down, but to no avail.

"What do you mean by scratch?! Look at yourself!" Tanith shouted at her and pointed at her body.

"Your mouth is bleeding, your cheeks are swollen, and even your clothes are torn. Tell me, what exactly has happened?!" She continued to demand.

Celestine looked around the room, noticing the still watching customers because of their curiosity, while the few, are genuinely concerned.

Getting her concern, Tanith proceeded to apologize for the commotion as she was escorted to her chambers by her sisters.

As she was nursed by her sisters, she cannot help but feel thankful, as there are many people who care for her. Tanith then, later on, arrived at her room and ordered the others to leave, joining her daughter on the edge of her bed.

Feeling the warm presence of her mother, Celestine suddenly felt her tears starting to fall. Tanith held on to her dear child. Caressing the back of her daughter to ease and soothe her feelings.

"I-I was so scared, Mama." Celestine cried, showing her vulnerability, the complete opposite of the mature facade that she has been showing.

Despite the aura that she has been excluding, Celestine is, after all, still a child who just turned eighteen. Seeing her like this, for a while, Tanith remembered the times that she has seen her daughter crying. How she hated those moments, for all she wants for her child is to smile.

Tanith tried to keep her urge to talk. She did not want Celestine to go into the same job as her and her other sisters, yet, this child's skull really is thick.

She inwardly questioned herself, 'To who did this child's thick-headedness even came from? Certainly not from me.' Tanith thought.

Noticing that her child has been slowly regaining her calmness, "Do you still want to continue?" Tanith asked softly. Celestine was quick to face her.

"Yes, Mama. I will not back down just because of this. This is just the beginning." She replied, clenching her fist.

"Well then, I know that I can do nothing to change your mind." Tanith lightly joked before turning serious, 'However, that man certainly has to pay for the things that he has done."

Celestine nodded in agreement, her mother is right. Not only did he ruin her first night as a Celestial Rose, he actually dared and went ahead to assault her.

Thinking about her experience earlier, Celestine, once again, steeled her resolve.

The man will pay the price for his actions.

Remember: Nonconsensual is not okay. Regardless of gender; a man doing it to a woman or vice versa, it's never okay. Do not be hindered by fear nor appearances, do what you can for it is your right to be safe.

Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it!

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