
The Dragon's Return

A Race has fallen. Emerging from the shadows, many races have come forward and human race suffered at the hands of those that were heard of in myth. They had skills that were unimaginable, abilities that played with laws of nature but human race prevailed. The Human race started to rise and restore the balance that has been destroyed by the death of the race known as DRAGONS. After 100 years, Karl locklan, a 16 year old boy will bring the change in the society; he’ll be the return of the race long forgotten, he’ll be The Dragon’s Return.

HansSilver · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Weak leader

'I think he is unconscious, I didn't actually fight him but got the exp?' Karl thought while sitting with knee bend and jerking the person to get a response, after trying for a bit more Karl gave up and sighed.

"What is going on here?" Karl said as he stood up and saw two people holding a black haired boy with bruises all over his face.

The shocked expression from their faces recovered. "W…We are just leaving." Four people said in a union, two holding the injured person and two behind them, they quickly dropped the injured boy and run away.

"Hey wait why are you running away?" Karl said to them but that made them run faster. 'What is going on?'Karl thought.

"That was awesome man; you noticed it before me and diffused the situation in seconds."Austin said as he looked at Karl with shining eyes.

'What is he talking about?' Karl thought and opened his mouth to speak but another voice interrupted.

"Thank you for saving us "the boy with the bruises said as he walked up to his unconscious friend, took her exam badge and broke it.

"What is he doing?" Karl asked to Austin.

"Don't you know about how to back off the exam? Anyway, soon there will come a person to pick her up and take her to safety." Austin said"there was a sign about it at registration center."

While Austin and Karl were talking a person in a plain uniform with the same symbol they had on their badge cam and took the girl to safety.

"Thank you again" the black haired boy said as he bowed to Karl. Karl again opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted.

"We got attacked by those people, they were trying to pass this exam by defeating smaller groups and stealing their points…" the black haired boy got interrupted by Austin.

"First of all tell us your name? Austin said. "It's max and I was not talking to you." the black haired boy said.

"What did you say? Beat up boy" Austin said which made max angry and they started to argue.

Karl didn't interrupt it and started to think back. 'I was trying to use that technique and accidently used it in one move and then I got a message of defeating an opponent and a new skill was added to my skill tab.' Karl opened his status.


<User: Karl locklan>

<Race-Human (Dragon blooded)>

< Level-1 >

< 40/50 exp>

<HP 10/10>

<MP 1/11>

<Strength 5>

<Agility 5>

<Stamina 5>

<Defense 5>

'Only 10 exp points until next level up' Karl thought 'what? 10 MP were used for the skill' Karl then opened the skill tab and tapped on his new skill.

[Body Strengthening Lv.1]

[The skill has three options to use:

1. The skill can increase 20% of a single stat for 15mins OR

2. 100% of a single stat for a minute OR

3. 100% of all stat for 1 second]

[MP cost: 15]

'What, it doesn't make sense?'Karl thought as he saw the MP cost of the skill. 'Does it mean that while I used the breathing technique an extra 5 MP was used directly from the environment, if I could do this I will be able to use higher level mana cost skill too."Karl thought with a glimpse of hope.

Karl then noticed that max and Austin were about to fight. "Hey, stop it. What are you guys doing?" Karl said.

"This annoying brat is pissing me off, Karl. He should be grateful that he was saved."Austin said.

"Hey! Who are you calling a brat, and I am grateful to him not you, you meathead." Max said.

'what did you say!" Austin said as anger filled his eyes, and he put his hands on the handle to draw his sword.

"Come on, stop it" Karl then stopped them and tried to understand why they were about to fight.

After talking further Karl found out that max wanted to join their team and Austin had a problem with that just because they got in each other's nerve.

"We don't need you, okay." Austin said "and you were defeated earlier so, you are not that strong either."

"That was because of my teammate, she didn't tell me that she was only a level 1 mana wielder "Max said "I am level-3 mana wielder and was cornered just because they threatened to beat her to death."

"Fine!" Austin said and turned towards Karl.

"Why are you both staring at me for?" Karl said. "Of course you will be one to finally decide if this moron join us or not" Austin said to Karl.

"Why me?"Karl asked before max lashed out on Austin.

"Because you are the strongest in our team, I am just level 4 and you are probably level 5 or 6 from single handedly defeating that guy "Austin replied pointing at the body lying on the ground.

'I am just level 1 though' Karl thought, he wanted to tell them that they were mistaken but decided against it as they would not believe him, he himself had hard time believing that he will walk the path of from being weak to strong, he wanted to be strong. 'luck has been on my side but it can betray me, I have to become strong.' Karl thought.

"Max can join the team" Karl said acting as a leader for their little group. 'I can't become strong by myself or at least that what I was taught' Karl thought remembering what his parents had taught him, it pained him thinking about them but got distracted by the verbal abuse he heard by Austin and max for each other which gave a smile to his face.

_ _ _

"Very few candidates had made it to third sector and of them all none had formed a perfect team, I don't think they can pass the exam." Said a lady looking at a big screen which showed many white dots on the map which showed the area exam was held and white dot represented the examinee.

"That is because you had to hold such a complex exam, didn't you?" said a big muscular bald man with a tan skin "Nowadays earth has very little to offer, all the great Elementalist and Conjurer come from the ancient families who enjoy their stay at big planetary systems, who would want to stay at a broken planet with very little to offer."

"You may be right but remember that those families all started from one place and that is earth, and who can rise to power from little and so resources are the true gem." The lady said.

"Hah, someone just formed a perfect team and at sector 2, they will have to pass the 3rd sector and that is a difficult job, time will tell if they can do it or not." said the bald man looking at the women he accompanied to conduct the exam and got a single reply.

"Difficult indeed"

i have not been able to update because i use to write only once a day but soon will be starting to write 2-3 times through out the day which will help in regular updates.

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HansSilvercreators' thoughts