
The Dragon's Return

A Race has fallen. Emerging from the shadows, many races have come forward and human race suffered at the hands of those that were heard of in myth. They had skills that were unimaginable, abilities that played with laws of nature but human race prevailed. The Human race started to rise and restore the balance that has been destroyed by the death of the race known as DRAGONS. After 100 years, Karl locklan, a 16 year old boy will bring the change in the society; he’ll be the return of the race long forgotten, he’ll be The Dragon’s Return.

HansSilver · Fantasy
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17 Chs

New Skill

At dark cloudy night, two figures could be seen running on the roof top of building, they jumped from building to building on a particular direction which let them out of the moonlight city.

Karl kept running toward the location he could see on his badge, after forming a team with Austin Karl noticed changes to his badge, a white dot on the rim of the circular badge represented the end location of the exam, at the centre of the badge a green dot represented Karl's location and at slightly left of it another dot represented Austin's location, Karl eyes fell at the corner of the badge that showed their total points.

'After forming the team, we had to collect 40 points but after adding the remaining stickers Austin gave me we still have collect 28 points.' Karl thought as he saw 12/40 sign on his badge with 2X sigh beside it. 'After adding the remaining 6 stickers 12 points were added, I guess it really multiplied by 2' Karl thought.

"Hey, Au…Austin, right? Why is there no attacker after all this time, we have been running for 20 minutes." Karl asked looking around.

"As I said earlier, many people started this exam before you and many attackers are already defeated, thus we will only see other teams and attackers after we enter 2nd sector." Austin said.

"What are you talking about? What 2nd sector? After forming a team we still didn't get the same information?" Karl said.

"You didn't receive further information on the exam?" Austin said. 'Strange, why are we getting different information after forming a team, is it a clue for something?' Karl thought.

After discussing further Karl came to know that Austin got the information about three sectors surrounding the end location, and they were in first sector in which the attackers only had 1 point sticker but 2nd & 3rd sector attackers held 3 & 5 points stickers respectively.

"My badge only shows how much points we have and three concentric areas which represents different sectors and the end location at the middle, it only has my location in first sector." Austin said after Karl told him about his badge.

'It seems that the end location before was in first sector but after completing the first part of the exam the end location had been changed to the centre of the third sector.' Karl thought 'I get the feeling that there are still some parts missing for passing this exam.'

After running for another 20 minutes Austin said "we are soon going to cross 2nd sector."

'I am feeling exhausted after running for only this much time but he isn't even sweating a little 'Karl thought 'maybe he is using a technique for all this, I guess that skill will come in handy now…'

[Dragon's Eyes Lv. 2 activated]

A glow spread on Karl's blue eyes and his perception of the world changed as he activated the dragon's eyes skill, thin layer of mana swirled around them as they kept running towards the end location, Karl could see mana surrounding in the radius of 5 meters.

'It time test out the new level of the skill' Karl thought looking at Austin. As his eyes fell upon Austin Karl didn't just saw his body but mana inside him moving in specific movements.

'Why is his mana concentrated on his chest?' Karl thought as he saw a bright ball of mana inside Austin's chest but soon his attention went on Austin's legs.

'The mana from his chest is travelling through his body to his legs by multiple thin mana lines and vanishing?' Karl looked at it multiple times trying to figure out what was happening.

"Hey! Stop looking at me like that, we are almost entering the 2nd sector so get ready." Austin said to Karl.

"Yeah, sorry for that." Karl said with an embarrassing look. 'Maybe his legs are absorbing his mana for his speed and not getting exhausted for running this long.' Karl still thought about Austin's skill.

Karl tried to do same as Austin but failed. 'My mana is already circulating throughout my body due to the mutation of the blood but I can't seem to be able to absorb it in the rest of the body.' Karl thought.

While running Karl tried many times but he continued to fail and got more and more exhausted. 'If I go on like this, I will be in no condition to fight; at least I can remove my exhaustion.' Karl thought as he used his breathing technique to recover.

'wait…maybe' Karl noticed something, his breathing technique enabled him to absorb mana from the surrounding and major part of mana absorbed was by breathing but some amount of mana passed through Karl's skin to enter his body which gave Karl a certain feeling as it passed through his skin. 'If I concentrate on that feeling then maybe I can do it.'

_ _ _

"Hey! you are going too far, It is only an exam" a voice said to the back of a figure who held a person by the neck "let her go, you can have our points but let her go!" the voice pleaded and struggled to be free from the hands of the subordinates of the person in front of him.

"Hey shut up, we will do as please" "yeah" said the people holding the person who seem to be looking at the back of a person holding a girl by the neck.

"If you had complied with us earlier, nothing would have happened but you had to fight didn't ya" said the red haired figure as he threw the girl on the ground.

Austin had stopped from a distance away as he saw this happening "some people are just power drunk, maybe we should help them…" Austin said but stopped as he saw five of them 'there only two of us and five of them. It is not a fight we could win easily' Austin thought and then looked at Karl 'what is he doing?'

Karl had stopped before Austin did but he didn't notice the people ahead but was rather focused on something else, Karl's eyes were closed as he focused on the feeling when mana passed through him.

Suddenly Karl eyes opened and a smile spread on his face as he heard a robotic voice in his head. "Now I have new skill, let's try it" Karl said he started running but as soon as he took a step to move forward his body shot up the sky in an arc and landed on something soft.

"Oh man, what was that?" Karl said as he stood up and dusted himself.

"What a...are you doing?" a shocked voice said to Karl, Karl looked and said "what do you mean?" Karl then noticed that his soft landing had caused someone to suffer, Karl then quickly stepped off a red haired body on which he had landed "oh, I am sorry, are you ok?" Karl said but no response came.

[You have defeated an opponent]

[10exp obtained]

[A New skill has been created]

[Body Strengthening Lv.1]


<User: Karl locklan>

<Race-Human (Dragon blooded)>

< Level-1 >

< 40/50 exp>

<HP 10/10>

<MP 1/11>

<Strength 5>

<Agility 5>

<Stamina 5>

<Defense 5>

The update are a little inconsisted so from now on i will try to update a new chapter daily and thank you for reading the story and i hope you like it.

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