

The {Lunaria Empire} is soon to meet its doom. With the advances of the {Dragon Hunter}'s descendant, most of the dragon races have gone to extinction. Furious, the survivors of the dragon people waged war with the human race. They aim to eradicate all humans; man and woman, young and old, none forgiven. Same goes to the humans, they wish to slay all dragons for their own selfish desires. What should the young dragon, Hestia, do now? Save both races or leave it all behind along with her precious family? Follow Hestia and her soon to be companions as they embark on their newfound journey and figure out the mystery behind Hestia's origin and past...

V_Andrei826 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter: 7 Ice Mages

<Thana's POV>

"Anyway, about the Ice Mages extinction, what happened?" I then went straight to the point. I didn't want to wait any longer than I could. i want to know how my family died, even if I might regret it.

Seeing my expression, Fabian spoke up and told me, "Well...as you already know, Ice Mages are humanoid beings who specialize in Ice-attribute magic. They are nomads who wander the wintery regions of the continent of {Mystiriodis}. Because of this, they have become isolated to the world around them, making them a mysterious tribe, piquing the human race's interest."

"Yes, that I know much..." I answered. I remembered my grandma used to tell me that we Ice Mages are blessed by the God of Winter, {Cheimónas}. Because of that, we kept to ourselves as to not reveal this secret. So that humans wouldn't come to bother us. All of the elders said that we were better off left alone from the outside world. And of course as a young child I believe their every word, but I don't think so anymore.

Fabian then continued, "Anyhow, now you're wondering why they are extinct. That would be because an anonymous man appeared in the palace of the Eagle Owl Empire...."

--6 years ago--

<Narrator's POV>

Once on a stormy night, it was the {Banquet of Castor}, a banquet where the citizens celebrate the founding of the Eagle Owl Empire. The Imperial family stood proudly over the chattering crowd. Everywhere they look, there were people laughing, dancing, drinking to their hearts' content, or simply mingling with others. It was surely a joyous event for all of them. Then out of nowhere, a booming sound was to be heard at the Banquet Hall's doors, all of the Imperial guards lay motionless, and a man in a cloak came clapping his hands.

"My, my. What an extravagant celebration this is. I wonder how much these would cost?" the cloaked man commented, as he looked around the Banquet Hall's decorations.

"Who dares disturb this jubilant occasion!?" the old emperor demanded in anger, "State your name and I might spare you!"

"Hm? Well that's one way to welcome a guest." the cloaked man joked with dark humor. He then recollected himself and faced the emperor menacingly, bowing as he did so, " I come with many names, but I'd prefer it if you'd call me Sir Odio."

"What brings you here, peasant?!" the Crown Prince spat harshly.

"Oh nothing really, just here to give you a warning that's all." Sir Odio said slyly, glancing at the emperor.

"Warning? What did he mean by that?" the crowd murmured as they watched the mysterious man. The buzzing continued until the emperor couldn't take it.

"Silence!" the emperor roared. He then looked at Sir Odio and asked, "What warning do you mean to tell us, Sir Odio?"

Grinning widely, Sir Odio announced the warning to the curious crowd in a hysterical cry, "In the northernmost region of the Eagle Owl Empire, resides a dangerous tribe known as the Ice Mages!"

A disappointed silence followed. Everybody was expecting a more perilous threat. The murmurs like 'Are you kidding me?' or 'Seriously? Is that really a warning?' were to be heard within the crowd.

Hearing this, Sir Odio continued, "Unbelievable it may be, it is true. For Ice Mages worship dragons!"

A collective gasp were to be heard, however most of the crowd remained unbothered.

The emperor spoke up in a matter-of-fact tone, " Ahem, as you may know Sir Odio, the Eagle Owl Empire is an empire of knowledge. We don't believe such things unless they are verified by facts." He then asked, "So on what basis have you made on this 'assumption'?"

While hearing this, Sir Odio's face darkened. "What I've said isn't merely an assumption, your Imperial Majesty. It is a fact and I shall prove it to you." Sir Odio stated in a threatening manner as he glanced upon the emperor and the crowd around him.

"Show me." the emperor ordered.

"With pleasure." Sir Odio bowed and a dozen of people in cloaks appeared in the shadows, surrounding Sir Odio. "Why don't we continue this in a...more private place." Sir Odio said as he glower at the emperor, his gaze comparable to that of a lunatic's.

--Back to the present--

<Thana's POV>

"So...in summary my entire family was murdered because of a man?" I asked in a shaky voice, "Why in the world would the human race take that man's word in consideration? I mean, was he really that influential?!"

"No. But the Eagle Owl Empire was." Charlotte said in a low tone.

Grit*, darn it! Just why...why does it have to be my family!? That jerk! One day, I will find you and I will avenge my family!

Charlotte, who was watching me, reached out and pulled me into a hug once again. Drip*, argh...who am I kidding. I just cried earlier and now I'm crying again. Meanwhile, Hunter was there, eyeing me with pitiful eyes.


<Hestia's POV>

Now this is awkward...What did they talk about that made Thana have such puffy eyes?!

Currently, we were nearby the cliffside. I told my mom and dad that I was going to show Thana around. Mom actually agreed, which is kinda shocking, since I was just scolded last night for staying out too long. And because of this, Chiyo threw a fit since she wasn't allowed to go out. However I noticed that there seemed to be a hint of pity in her eyes when she looked at Thana.

"Um, Thana? Are you alright?" I asked worryingly when I looked at her. She seemed to be in a daze the whole time I showed her the village, I simply wanted to make sure if she's alright.

"Hm? Oh! Yes, I'm alright." Thana hurriedly replied.

Liar. I can tell just from a glance that you're lying to me. After all, I myself have been doing this to my family. If I'm being honest, I don't even know when it started.

I feigned a frown and said, "Really? Are you sure?"

With a nod, Thana replied, "Yes I'm sure."

"Would you look at that? If it isn't the freakshow, Hestia." a mocking voice then came. Oh great. Of all times, why did he show up now?!