
The Dragon's Kiss

WARNING: This novel is unfinished The first time she saw him, he was surrounded by flames. She couldn’t clearly see his eyes, but his gaze burned every part of her skin it lingered on. Surely if the legendary beasts ever had existed, he would be one of them—one of the dragons. **** Kel has spent her life as a palace guard, hiding her mysterious ability. When sent in the princess's place to form a marriage alliance with a neighboring kingdom, she is captured by enemy soldiers and taken to the Serin Empire. The ruler of Serin is a terrifying and coldhearted man, but he seems to have taken an unusual interest in Kel. How long will she be able to keep her identity and abilities a secret under the constant gaze of the Dragon Emperor? ---------- !!Slow burn romance!! ~I own no rights to the cover image~

Currer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
251 Chs

FORTY FOUR: The Emperor’s Bath Time pt 2


Kel released a contented breath as she emerged from the water.

The river's water was cold from snow runoff but clean and refreshing.

Bending down again, she dipped her head in the water, using her fingers to dislodge as much dirt from her scalp as she could. For a moment, she wondered if she should just untie her hair and wash all of it.

"The maids in Mevani would scold me if they could see me now," she giggled to herself. "Bathing with my hair tied up and my undergarments still on."

When Taegus first suggested the idea of sneaking off to take a bath, she rejected it immediately. How could she possibly slip away in the middle of a patrol and expect nobody to notice?

Taegus assured her he was prepared, however. He'd even produced a pair of fresh undergarments that had been hidden under his tunic.

"Eh? W-what.. Where?" Kel questioned awkwardly as the boy extended the underwear toward her.