
The Dragon's Kiss

WARNING: This novel is unfinished The first time she saw him, he was surrounded by flames. She couldn’t clearly see his eyes, but his gaze burned every part of her skin it lingered on. Surely if the legendary beasts ever had existed, he would be one of them—one of the dragons. **** Kel has spent her life as a palace guard, hiding her mysterious ability. When sent in the princess's place to form a marriage alliance with a neighboring kingdom, she is captured by enemy soldiers and taken to the Serin Empire. The ruler of Serin is a terrifying and coldhearted man, but he seems to have taken an unusual interest in Kel. How long will she be able to keep her identity and abilities a secret under the constant gaze of the Dragon Emperor? ---------- !!Slow burn romance!! ~I own no rights to the cover image~

Currer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
251 Chs

[Bonus chapter]FIFTY FIVE: Playing Soldier

"He took you away from me."

The emperor's voice was filled with quiet fury. The kind that results from seething endlessly over a single event, like a festering wound.

But Dash wasn't the one at fault.

There were a lot of things that were his fault--a lot of things that no apology could ever be enough for--but at that time, all he had done was extended his hand. Kel was the one who chose to accept it.

"Dash was just trying to protect me," Kel insisted firmly, her own fiery gaze burning against the emperor's.

"Yeah?" the emperor lowered his voice. "Is that why he hid you away in some obscure village, making himself the only person you could rely on?"

"He only did that so you couldn't find me!" Kel retorted, instinctively repeating the same explanation she'd heard from Dash over and over again.