
The Dragon's keepsake

Sometimes, God has chosen the right path for you, but you go against it... ~~ Isabel was a commoner living in the village of the kingdom of Valaraeth, a place where dragons roamed the skies, high and mighty. These untouchable heavenly beings could only be ridden by the royal family and nobles. "Is it not unfair?" she would muse, her pretty eyes shining with awe and enthusiasm whenever she saw a dragon flying over her village. She yearned to be with them, to touch them, and to ride across the beautiful world on their backs. Her dream came true when she discovered she was a royal—the youngest daughter of the King of Valaraeth. But every pretty dream came with a price, one she neglected to consider in her hopeful reverie. Taken to the palace, Isabel's life seemed perfect: beautiful dresses, elder royal siblings, and a loving queen mother. But the facade shattered when she learned the truth—their cruel and twisted personalities lay hidden beneath their beautiful masks. Every member of the royal family had a dragon bonded to them by blood in childhood. Her dragon was the youngest of the Emberstorm clan, an ancient lineage of fire dragons. Isabel was the first in a hundred centuries to be chosen by a fire dragon, sparking jealousy and hatred from everyone. ~~~ Excerpt: "I, Scorvius Drá Ashéncrest XII, Sovereign of Valaraeth, hereby sever all ties between the 6th Princess Isabel Drá Ashéncrest of Valaraeth and the esteemed lineage of Ashéncrest. Let it be known across our realm that she stands alone, stripped of her birthright, for she has committed an unforgivable sin—the slaying of her own dragon, the last dragon of the proud Emberstorm lineage." With solemn resolve, the king decreed her fate, yet Isabel remained unmoved. Her thoughts were consumed by the haunting memory of her dragon's final breath. She found herself thrust upon the platform of condemnation, judged in the unforgiving gaze of the assembled court, denied the chance to plead her case or offer explanation.

Violet_Melody99 · Fantasy
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69 Chs

A fate worse than death..

Her wings shimmered with a translucent glow, their ethereal beauty captivating even amidst the chaos of the moment. Delicate and yet resilient, they seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly energy, casting a soft radiance upon the rocky ground below.

As she folded them gracefully behind her back, their iridescent hues shifted subtly, hinting at the vast depths of power she possessed. With each movement, they whispered tales of ancient magic and untold mysteries, a symbol of her divine lineage and unwavering resolve.

The group leader was none other than Cedric Marlowe, the fiercest general of the Labyrinthia realm. Known to the world as an unyielding warrior and the king's most loyal servant, few knew the true depth of his relationship with the monarch.

She, however, was well aware that Cedric and the king were more than just leader and subordinate. They were half-brothers, bound by blood and an unbreakable bond forged in their childhood.

Their friendship and loyalty to each other surpassed that of any siblings of the late king of Labyrinthia, willing to go to any lengths to protect and ensure each other's happiness.

Seeing Cedric standing before her, leading an army against her, her expression became complicated. She had never thought in her life that she would have to face him like this.

"Greetings, Priestess Lyanna," he said in a gruff voice, demanding her attention.

Lyanna looked at him and, with a sweet smile, replied, "To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting General Cedric Marlowe?"

His eyes instantly sharpened. "It would be wise for the priestess to hand over herself and the bastard child to the kingdom."

Her eyes turned bloodshot at his remark about her baby, but she held her anger in check. She knew she couldn't afford to lose control now.

Trying to soothe her rage, she spoke in a trembling tone. "How about I surrender myself, and in return, you let my child go?"

"Impossible. The king has demanded the presence of both you and your child," Cedric said angrily. "Lyanna Voss, it would be good if you don't play any games. Just come with us. Or we have plenty of methods to deal with you."

Using her full name, an act that would have been considered a crime in the past, only emphasized how drastically their relationship had changed.

"Hmm! I am trying to be reasonable, General. It is you who is making things difficult," she replied with a small smile. Then, without hesitation, she raised her hand and began to chant a spell:

"Mortis Atrum Tenebris, Vita Exspirare Intra Muro, Claudere Nexus Ultimus, Perire Omnes Captivi."

As the incantation echoed through the cave, the air around them began to shimmer with radiant energy. A blindingly pure light enveloped the space, ready to unleash her power against those who threatened her and her child.

A shield rose from the ground, surrounding their entire group. No one had expected this move from her.

They had been trying to talk the matter through, with neither party wanting bloodshed. So why had this suddenly happened?

Instantly, everyone in Cedric's group became alert and began attacking the shield with all their might, trying to break it down. But every spell and strike they cast backfired with double the intensity. Realization dawned on them:

this was the Ancient Spell of Doom.

Rage filled the general's face. "You are going too far, Priestess Lyanna!" he shouted, but his words couldn't reach her. His face grew pale as he watched her angelic form floating above, murmuring another spell.

She was only one, and they were many, yet they were losing without a fight. The shame of it gnawed at him.

Suddenly, he remembered the king's words: "Never fall for her tricks and sweet talk. She has a devious mind behind that flawless face."

As her translucent wings fluttered gracefully in the air, casting a soft glow around her, Priestess Lyanna's body began to emit a gentle, dim golden light. Her chants grew in intensity, echoing throughout the entire forest.

In response to her incantation, intricate runes began to materialize at everyone's feet, glowing faintly with ancient power. The general, unfamiliar with such spells, furrowed his brow in confusion, unable to understand the nature of the magic unfolding before him.

However, the senior archmage's voice cut through the tension like a wake up call of warning. "It's 'Eternal Frost Stasis'!" he cried out, his tone laced with urgency. "It will freeze anyone within its radius for centuries. Quickly, tear down the shield, or we will all be doomed!"

His words sent a chill down the spines of those assembled, their faces turning pale with dread. Ignoring the consequence

of the shield's backfire, they redoubled their efforts, channeling all their magical might into breaking through the barrier.

Each strike was fueled by a desperate longing to escape the impending fate of being frozen in time—a fate that, though not immediately lethal, filled them with terror nonetheless.

General Cedric observed the frenzied crowd before him, knowing that their panic would only lead to more suffering. As a powerful fire spell backfired towards him, he raised his artifact-laden arm to deflect the flames, the magical artifact shimmering with intensity as it absorbed the impact.

Then, without hesitation, Cedric retrieved a small, intricately designed device from his pocket. Its surface gleamed with ancient symbols, hinting at its formidable power. With a practiced motion, he hurled the device into the air, the air crackling with energy as it activated.

Lyanna, engrossed in her spellcasting, was oblivious to Cedric's actions. However, a sense of unease washed over her as she felt the subtle fluctuations in the space around her—a sign that someone was opening a portal. But who?

As she pondered this question, a heavy metal cuff suddenly clamped around her wrist, binding her hands together with an iron grip.

The unexpected interruption shattered her concentration, causing her to recoil in pain as she spat out a mouthful of blood, the backlash of the disrupted spell coursing through her veins.

She looked at the man who had placed the cuffs on her hands, feeling the color drain from her face as she met his bloodshot eyes. A sense of dread washed over her as she recognized him, his expression twisted in pure rage.

the flawless man standing before her, his features so angelic yet twisted with anger, a stark contrast that sent shivers down her spine. His bloodshot eyes bore into hers, filled with a mixture of emotions that tore at her heart.

As he spoke, his voice laced with venom and grit, she could feel the pressure of his grip on her chin, pinching it harshly, causing her to wince in pain. The intensity of his gaze was suffocating, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable.

"You really got the guts to use this deadly spell, didn't you?" he said through gritted teeth, his grip on her chin tightening painfully.

Unable to utter a single word in his presence, she felt trapped, her magic blocked and her feet rooted to the ground under his oppressive gaze.

The emotions swirling in his eyes—anger, betrayal, rage, and hatred—sent her heart racing, her condition only worsening in his close proximity. She longed to flee from his presence, but she was powerless to do so.

The man summoned his ancient artifact, and it surged with crimson fire, as if hungry to consume the entire world.

"Ahhh!" A shrill cry filled with agony reverberated through the forest. Lyanna couldn't believe her eyes; tears streamed down her cheeks as she choked back sobs, her voice trembling with disbelief.

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