
The dragon's heirs

After hundreds of years since the time when the people of Thrakia last joined forces with the dragons, an egg started to hatch. Five young nobles are called to the capital to try to tame the dragon but the royal court is not an easy place to navigate. When one of the canditates shows a different position that expected and is even able to use magic having their one purposes, the task becomes even more challenging.

Cristina_5911 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 5: Cecilia

A fortnight after she arrived at the capital, an invitation to a ball came. It was to be a welcome ball for them while publicly announcing the finding of the egg in the eastern territory.

After the invitation's arrival, her days went by, filled with lectures about dragons and the history of their kingdom. The day of the ball came by in a heartbeat.

That day was reserved for preparations, no meetings were scheduled. Cecilia started her day with a late light breakfast followed by a warm bath prepared by her maids. The smell of scented oils filled the room and she could smell the lilies in them.

It took hours for her to be ready. From makeup, to hair and to dressing up, everything was done impeccably by her maids who then rushed her out the door into the carriage outside.

Her favourite maid, Alice, who would accompany her for the night, could not stop fretting and fixing her dress and hair. Though the way to the ball was not long, the young girl must have fixed something in her lady's appearance at least ten times.

"That's enough, Alice. I'm sure everything looks fine!"

"I'm sorry, my lady, but everything should look perfect, not just fine," she protested, inspecting her with her keen dark eyes. "You're so beautiful, my lady. Every young unmarried man will be begging for a dance."

"There is no need for every unmarried man to pay attention to me," Cecilia answered.

On her maids face, a knowingly smile formed, "Maybe just one then?"

Cecilia felt her cheeks burn and she was sure the redness could be seen even under so many layers of makeup. "One is enough," was all she could say and watched as the other girl giggled and stretched her hands for Cecilia to grab them.

Not only was she her favourite maid, but also her best confidant and childhood friend. They practically suck on the same breast, and were raised by the same woman. The difference being that Cecilia was born from the ducal family and Alice from the nanny and her husband.

She smiled back at her and squeezed the softness of her maid's hands.

When the carriage stopped in front of a generous stairway, a footman came to their carriage and opened it while offering the lady his hand in help. Cecilia took the helping hand and caught a glimpse at the man who was there, squinting her eyes against the bright sun still hanging in the sky.

He was young and pretty handsome and was staring at her, unable to articulate a word. A cough could be heard from behind her where Alice was preparing to come down as well which woke the man up, making him let go of the hand he was clutching to.

Cecilia could swear she heard her maid giggle again, but when she turned, she looked unhinged, prepared to go in from the side door, the one for servants.

"See you inside, my lady," the maid said before leaving her in front of the long stairways where she made her way to the ballroom.

As she ascended the stairs, the sound of music and laughter grew louder. When she finally reached the top, Cecilia was awestruck by the sight before her.

The ballroom was nothing short of magnificent. It was adorned with chandeliers, each one sparkling with a thousand lights. The walls were decorated with golden sconces that flickered like tiny flames, casting a warm glow over the room. The floors were polished to perfection, reflecting the light from above like a mirror.

Cecilia's eyes swept over the sea of guests, all dressed in their finest attire. The men wore suits of silk and velvet, while the women were clad in gowns that glittered like diamonds. The air was thick with the scent of perfume, and the sound of chatter and laughter filled the room.

As Cecilia made her way into the ballroom, she caught a glimpse of Lady Ivalyn standing by the refreshment table. The two women had met at every lesson, but Cecilia couldn't help feeling a little nervous around the lady. She approached her with a smile and a curtsy.

"Good evening, Lady Ivalyn," Cecilia said, trying to sound as polite and gracious as possible.

Lady Ivalyn looked at her with cool hazel eyes evidentiated by her smooth makeup and returned the curtsy with a small nod. "Good evening, Lady Cecilia. I hope you are enjoying the ball."

Cecilia felt a pang of disappointment at Lady Ivalyn's reserved demeanour. She had hoped they could become friends, or at least get along well. But it seemed that Lady Ivalyn was determined to keep a distance between them.

Despite her disappointment, Cecilia kept her smile in place and replied, "Yes, it's a lovely ball. Thank you for asking."

Lady Ivalyn gave her a polite smile and turned her attention to the refreshment table. Cecilia took the hint and excused herself, feeling a little deflated. She couldn't help wondering if there was something she had done wrong, or if Lady Ivalyn was simply not interested in getting to know her.

Cecilia made her way to the side of the room, where a group of people had gathered. As she approached, she realised that they were discussing the recent discovery of the dragon egg. She listened intently as they debated the implications of such a find, and felt a surge of pride knowing that she had played a part in it.

As the guests continued to mingle and dance, a sudden hush fell over the crowd as the trumpets sounded. The doors at the end of the ballroom opened, and in strode the king, accompanied by his entourage. All eyes turned towards him and the crown prince a step behind. Cecilia could feel the tension in the room rise.

"Good evening, my esteemed guests," the king began, his voice booming through the room. "I am delighted to see so many of you here tonight, and I hope you are all enjoying yourselves."

There was a polite murmur of agreement from the crowd, but everyone was on tenterhooks, waiting for the announcement they knew was coming.

"As you know, we have been eagerly anticipating the hatching of a dragon egg, which was discovered in the eastern territories. I am pleased to announce that the process is going smoothly and a new dragon will soon enter our world for our young nobles to tame!"

The room erupted into cheers and applause, and Cecilia could see the excitement on everyone's faces. Even Lady Ivalyn looked intrigued and somehow pleased, her icy exterior cracking for a moment.

The king continued, "This is a momentous occasion for our kingdom, and I believe it marks the beginning of a new era. Dragons have always been a symbol of power and strength, and I am certain that this dragon will be no exception."

He raised his glass in a toast, and the guests followed suit. Cecilia could feel the warmth of the champagne in her belly as she drank, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what was to come.

Many lords and ladies came to hear her story about the dragon egg and she was enjoying herself when a movement caught her eyes. It was Lady Ivalyn who slipped away, unnoticed by the other guests, accompanied by the crown prince, Magnus.

Her curiosity piqued, Cecilia wondered what they could be talking about. She excused herself from the small group she was chatting with and followed them.

"Would you allow me this dance, my lady," a deep voice interrupted her advance.

A gloved hand was offered to her and she was surprised but pleased to see Lord Daemon being the one to stop her. She smiled at him and took his offered hand.

"It is my pleasure, my lord," she accepted with a sweet smile.

As they danced, she couldn't help but wonder about Ivalyn and Prince Magnus. Were they just talking or was there something more between them? She pushed the thought aside and focused on the dance.

Lord Daemon was a good dancer and a pleasant conversationalist. They talked about the weather, the latest news from the kingdom, and even a little bit about dragons. Cecilia found herself enjoying his company even more than she expected.

As the dance ended, Lord Daemon bowed and thanked her for the dance. Cecilia curtsied and smiled at him, feeling a bit lightheaded.

Before she could catch her breath, someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and saw her father, the Duke, approaching her.

"My dear daughter, may I have this dance?" he asked, holding out his hand.

Cecilia smiled and took his hand, feeling grateful for the distraction. As they danced, she tried to put Ivalyn and Prince Magnus out of her mind, but she couldn't help stealing glances at the place they disappeared.

"I hope your stay here has been pleasant," her father inquired.

After a moment of thinking of the past weeks full of lessons and royal meetings, she finally answered. "It has been, father. Everyone is nice to me and, although a little tiresome, everyday has been eventful."

A smile lit up the duke's face. "I'm glad. Most important is your well-being, my dear. Nothing else."

She nodded before he added. "I'll leave the capital in a few days to handle some business home and come back for the autumn hunting."

"Nothing serious, I hope."

"No, not at all. But when I come back, I'll bring your mother as well."

The thought of her mother remaining home to help take care of her first grandson made her feel warm. "I guess my brother won't be attending."

"Of course not. The best place for him to be is with his wife and newborn. The first days will never come back again."

He looked gently at his daughter's face, seeing more than the beautiful facade. She knew he went back in time when he himself took his children in his arms for the first time.

After a few more dances, Cecilia excused herself to get some fresh air. As she walked outside, she spotted Lady Ivalyn and Prince Magnus standing in the shadow of a tree, deep in conversation.

Cecilia hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should interrupt them. But then she decided against it and walked back into the ballroom where she spent the rest of the night without knowing how much their encounter would bother her later.