
The dragon's heirs

After hundreds of years since the time when the people of Thrakia last joined forces with the dragons, an egg started to hatch. Five young nobles are called to the capital to try to tame the dragon but the royal court is not an easy place to navigate. When one of the canditates shows a different position that expected and is even able to use magic having their one purposes, the task becomes even more challenging.

Cristina_5911 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 11: Daemon

The horse voice of the High Chancellor resounded deeply, echoing through the expanse of the otherwise silent library. The rich timber of his voice reverberated off the walls, commanding the attention of all five nobles gathered in rapt focus.

As the Chancellor spoke, his words weaving a tale of dragon eggs and their inherent magic, the scent of aged parchment and ancient knowledge permeated the air. The library's hallowed space, adorned with towering bookshelves that stretched towards the lofty ceiling, created a sense of reverence and awe.

Sunlight streamed through the tall, arched windows, casting long beams of golden light that danced upon the polished wooden floor. The rays illuminated the particles of dust, giving them an ethereal glow as they swirled in the air, adding a touch of magic to the solemn ambiance.

Daemon's gaze wandered amidst the shelves, his eyes tracing the spines of weathered tomes and newly bound manuscripts alike. Each book seemed to hold the promise of untold wonders, a gateway to realms of imagination and knowledge waiting to be explored.

The old man's voice was the only thing that perturbed the silence. "There is magic in every dragon egg that both protects it and helps it hatch into a healthy and powerful dragon. When they have just left the shell of the egg, the newborns are still vulnerable and the little magic they still have will not be able to protect them against a powerful mage or spirit user. Most people think that this magic is a reminiscence of the gods that created the dragons, but the true faith has proven many times that all magic comes from nature as God intended."

A long sigh disturbed Daemon's concentration. When he turned his head to the one behind, she could see Lady Ivalyn slightly shaking her head almost disappointedly. It seemed that not for the very first time she did not agree with those teachings, yet she did not interrupt the chancellor since the day the prince was cursed.

Since that day, subtle changes had taken place. Lady Ivalyn, though still reserved and aloof, had begun to display a newfound sociability, particularly with Cecilia. The two now engaged in lively conversations before and after each lesson, much to Markus' displeasure.

Since that day, Markus hadn't said anything more to Lady Ivalyn, deciding to ignore her completely which made Daemon's job much easier as he didn't have to intervene or warn him about anything. It was by the prince's command that he took her side last time as his cousin told him the night of the ball to watch over her until everything calms down.

Prince Magnus had shared few details that night, cryptically alluding to a plan in motion and something terrible that was to happen to him but he was ready for it. He told Daemon that whatever he heard, he shouldn't worry.

Without realising, Daemon was still looking at Lady Ivalyn who stared back at him with eyes that scolded him for not paying attention. With a hint of amusement, knowing that it had often been her who bore the Chancellor's reprimands, he turned his attention back to the unfolding lesson.

Without hearing her, or possibly just ignoring the lady, the chancellor went on, telling them about the dragon in his deep voice. "Creating a bond with the dragon even before it hatches is important because, depending on the power of the person it bonds with, it may come out much earlier. If all persons around him are weak, then it will take a long time to hatch," he explained.

"How long can it take for such an egg to hatch?" Markus interrupted him much to the old man's dissatisfaction.

"It can take from a month to ten years, like I said depending on the power of those around them. The dragon will also bond with the one that had the most power in this group," the chancellor continued.

"What kind of power?" Markus interrupted again.

"Magic. It is magic that the dragon can feel and no spirit user will ever be able to tame it. As well as no spirit user has any chance to win against it."

"But High Chancellor," the soft voice of Cecilia interrupting him this time, "no one here can use magic."

"That is correct, my lady. The ability to use magic has almost disappeared, but all the children of the five dukes have the potential of using it, that being the reason why you five are here. And to start creating a bond, all of you will spend time in the egg chamber. Everyday, one of you will be in that room for an hour and try everything you can to feel the creature inside."

"To feel the creature?" Allan asked, half disgusted.

"Yes, my lord. You have to try to make contact with it so that the creature will be able to respond to it," the old man told him before adding. "Well, that is all for today and tomorrow one of you will go see the dragon egg."

As soon as the old man finished what he had to say, Markus went to Lady Cecilia's desk, covering her with questions and telling her all he knew or suspected about magic and spirit and dragon. The poor lady didn't even have time to turn to where she wanted to go, to Lady Ivalyn who was gathering her things before she left the room without a word.

Daemon, however, had different intentions. He approached the Chancellor, who was still sorting his papers, signifying his presence nearby. "High Chancellor," Daemon announced respectfully, seeking the old man's attention. "I heard that the prince has begun receiving visitors. Is this true?"

The Chancellor regarded him with suspicion, studying Daemon's face as if trying to discern any ulterior motives. After a moment of scrutiny, he nodded and confirmed, "Yes, my lord. The prince appears to be in good health, with no significant harm to his body. However, he is currently bedridden and will remain so for the next week to receive the necessary care."

Curiosity brimming within him, Daemon pressed further, his voice lowering, "Is it true that the prince has lost the ability to use his spirit?"

The Chancellor's lips pursed, displaying his reluctance to discuss such sensitive matters in the present setting. Leaning in, he whispered, "This is not an appropriate subject to broach here. You will soon find out the truth when you visit him."

Acknowledging the implied conclusion of their conversation, Daemon nodded, his gaze fixed on the Chancellor for a moment longer before he turned to depart. Leaving the library behind, he made his way towards the Silver Wing of the palace, where he intended to find his friend and cousin, his comrade from the war and his sovereign.