
The Drafted Page

Beyond the Ocean floor rests capsules of eras forgotten. Surface of things have come rusty and broken from kisses of salt waves and sea. In it's cold embrace is where I find warmth, and a simple question comes across my mind Shall I become part of it's collection too? People tend to lose the things that matter to them far too quickly, but never the ocean. People lose some things to the ocean, but the ocean has never lost anything. Inaya, whom should have been an eighteen-year old Highschool graduate suddenly finds herself as a fourteen year old kid in her favorite BL novel after dying from drowning in the ocean. What should have been an exciting experience would quickly turn into a devastating situation as soon as she realized the book was discontinued before the main characters even get together. No matter! She was just going to have to get the main characters together by her own hands, and the story would end. Or that's what she thought would happen...

Granny_Jellyfish · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter III

Finding the way around the residence was fun and easy. One way in became another way out the other. A flawless structure of architecture like this made it seeminglessly easy to navigate. It was similar to following a stream of water flowing towards an ocean, or towards a waterfall. In this case, Inaya was lead towards a waterfall. She recognized this place. Now to venture further and she should soon find it.

"It should be around here somewhere..."

Right. Within the entire estate, there was a secret garden with a small resting area that His Grace often leisured in. And earlier, Hera went to see His Grace.

"Then they should be-"

Inaya stopped in a corner behind the rose bush wall. Two voices coming from the other side. Sure enough, it was Jayus and Hera. Just when she leaned closer towards the bush wall, they had unfortunately ended their conversation. Sounds of shuffling coming from the other side as Inaya stood still.

Then a moment of silence passed.

"Did they leave already?" Inaya wondered outloud, before her eyes drifted towards the bush wall. Then something flashed in her eyes. A hole. There was a hole on the bottom of the rose bush. Lucky! Inspecting the rose bush hole, she could easily fit through no problem. She sneaked a look on the other side, hunching down on the ground, dirt now on her hands, she looked through the gap. Eyes wandering around aimlessly through the hole.

Ugh, I can only see the ground from here. Then there it was, a pair of shoes. Aha! It was definitely Hera. It was too bad that she didn't get the chance to see Jayus up close but there's always another time. Now that the cost is clear, and seeing as though no one else was coming out soon, she crawled through the hole. Perhaps she rather clueless of the thorns on rose edges that lightly grazed her skin and clothes, and the soil on the ground that stuck to her hands and knees, or perhaps she did not pay it any mind, but she came through and stood up immediately.

Wow, some Ex-Prince you are. Can't you even notice me sneaking behind you? Inaya shook her head before walking up behind him. She didn't say anything, only staring at the deserted table with Hera staring at the direction where Jayus most likely went. This poor lovesick dog. Inaya quietly cried, punching the imaginary wall in her head.

If only they could get together in the end. The novel never got to the part where they got together, it was left hanging after all, which is why Inaya wondered to herself quietly. If she had found a way to have them get together, would the story then write itself? Or will it erase everything? She didn't know what would happen in an unfinished story, and the risks rpfedmon to her fears. Her shoes seemed to become more interesting than the rest of the world as she fixated her gaze on them. Eyes lowered.

Oh well. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

"Where is his grace going?" she spoke up, like a cat caught off guard, Hera was startled back into his senses as he turned to the shorter girl beside him. How did he not notice her approach him? How long was she there for?

"Why you...! It's a crime to be here in his Highness private place. I could have you killed for infiltration," Blue eyes darkened as he lowered his eyes at Inaya, hand already placed on his sword as he spoke with danger laced on every word he uttered. He seemed angry to be disturbed so casually like this. This was definitely a bad sign. Inaya laughed nervously. In all the heaven's fairness, this man could kill her for absolutely no reason at all, and nothing could have stopped him. That's what Inaya knew. So she did what she always did when confronted with a dangerously nerve-wracking situation. Flattery.

"A-ah! Come on now, Big Brother. Our young and handsome big brother, I only wanted to talk to you. Please don't brandish you glorious sword so generously to such a humble me. Haha..." She stammered, holding her hands up to show she meant no harm. It was quiet before Hera decided to let her go with a deep sigh "Whatever, just get lost,"

"But brother, I actually-"

"Stop calling me Brother, hearing it from you is gross,"

"Brother, I want to help you with your unrequited love!" Inaya smiled. A wide smile plastered on her face, in comparison to Hera's own dumb-founded look.

"What?" Was the only thing the poor guy could stammer out.

"You know, your unrequited love-!" Inaya repeated before a hand by a rather embarrassed Hera covered her mouth. "I heard you the first time, you fool!"

How did she even knew of his feelings? Hera began to question himself, before a breath got caught in his throat. Oh no, was it truly that obvious? Does the whole estate know? No... Does Jayus know? If a girl this simple-minded could tell, then Jayus might as well have read a huge billboard of Hera's honest feelings.

"I...I might have screwed myself before I got the chance," Dramatically, he fell with a thud on the ground. Placing a hand on her mouth, Inaya stared at this pathetic man on the floor in front of her. He really thinks a lot. No, he thinks quite a lot. One could say he even over thinks things.

Poor Hera. But it's a good thing sister Inaya is here now to help you turn you're whole life around.

She kneeled beside him, placing an supportive hand on his shoulder, prompting him to look up at her with confusion and lose written all over his face. It was as if the sun had been paid to shone light through curtains of plants, a holy light casting upon her face of enlightenment.

"I will help you, child." Inaya patted his shoulder.

At the sight, one would feel relief, but only one thing crossed Hera's mind in that moment.

I'm doomed. If there's a god up there, please save me.