
Chapter Two:

I sat against the outside wall of the Urahara Shop watching Jinta swing around his broom while Ururu swept up his mess.

'That kid never changes' I sighed heavily and pulled out my purple notebook.

"Jinta-kun. Tessai-san and Izumi-chan will be angry that you aren't sweeping up." Ururu urged quietly trying not to catch my attention while I wrote in my notebook. I smiled slightly. She's such an adorable little girl.

"Shut up Ururu! I don't care if they're angry! I'll clean up when i want to clean up! I'm not afraid of them!!" Jinta swung the broom at her face making her squeak and hold her own broom tightly.

I slammed my notebook shut not catching their attention.

'Good, surprise attacks are my favorite with him.'

"But you're cleaning because you are scared of them aren't you?" She squeaked out. I slowly got to my feet and stood stretching my legs still not being noticed.

"I'm not scared! You're as annoying as ever! You're below me!!" He started hitting her with the broom over her head.

"That's not right! Im-" she didn't get to finish because I cleared my throat loudly.

"Oi! Brat Jin-Jin. What do you think you're doing?" I questioned while cracking my knuckles and smirking evilly. He gulped and raised his broom again about to drop it when it was grabbed from behind.

He quickly spun around to see who it was. "W-who's there?!" I slowly drug my eyes up to the figures face. I felt my mood darken.

"Tch. What're you doing here." I questioned putting my hand on Ururu's back. I've grown protective of these children, they're pretty much my family. She simply stared at Jinta.

"You're the same as ever shorty." She mocked and ripped his broom away from his hand before looking up at me and tossing it towards my face. I caught it easily and swung it around with one hand like a skilled performer with a baton. Jinta ran to my side and stood slightly behind me while Ururu clutched the side of my school uniform.

"I'll ask again, what are you doing here?" She stared into my eyes and we glared a moment.

"Is the manager in?" Rukia questioned.


Opening the door we were met with the sight of Tessai walking passed with too many boxes for him to carry himself.

'At least in my opinion.'

"Hey! Izumi! Jinta! It's still too early for opening hours!" He began to scold until I walked forward and took three smaller boxes off the top of his pile and began to walk to storage.

"Had no choice old man, she insisted on being a pain in the ass." I grumbled over my shoulder continuing to walk away.


"You're buying Ichi a Gikongan?! That's crazy! He's not ready for that!" I yelled as Kisuke continued to explain to Rukia about the merchandise. They all simply ignored me while in my rage I destroyed one shelf earning a glare from Old man. Kisuke sighed heavily and rubbed his hat.

"Tessai can you deal with that?" He grumbled glancing at me.

"Yes sir!" And suddenly I was lifted off my feet and carried away from the action.


'I'm so late for class. I don't even know why I have to go.'

I sighed heavily dragging my fingers through my dyed hair. Because of the school I had to dye my naturally purple hair to black. I hate it but I had too.

Just then Ichigo passed me with incredible speed.

"Aye! Ichi! Slow down I wanna talk with you!" I called after him but he simply ignored me. Then right behind him ran both Rukia and Ichi in his spirit form.

"Oi?!" I called to them as well.

They completely ignored me and rushed after his fleeing human body.

"Sigh. I told her it was crazy. Knowing Ichi's luck he most likely found a Mod-soul and now lost his body." I laughed slightly and stopped my walking.

"They can handle it I think." I looked up towards the sky thinking of my grandfather and my home. The wind blew slightly moving my hair around my face. I sighed.

"I'm not going to school today." And with that I turned around and headed to my house with the faces of my loved ones running through my mind.

'I wonder what they're up too.'
