

A mysterious island with 10 stone gates emerges in the Pacific Ocean, revealing doorways to different dimensions upon investigation. In 1992, one of these gates opens, plunging the world into chaos and altering its landscape. The narrative unfolds through the life of Airen Altrof, exploring the profound impact of the dimensional doors 40 years later on both his personal journey and the fate of the world.

Victor_Hannibal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


The black Audi A8L came to a graceful halt in front of Altrof Mansion Airen Altrof, a new student with bags in tow, emerged from the mansion, only to be met by the silent efficiency of the driver, clad in a sleek black uniform that belied his age. The heavy luggage, seemingly weightless in the hands of the seasoned driver, was deftly placed in the trunk of the car. Airen attempted to assist, but a firm smile silenced his attempt.

Seated in the back of the luxurious car, Airen gazed out of the window as the vehicle turned onto 8th Avenue. The sight of Selcar Academia unfolding before him left an indelible impression—a seamless blend of innovation, sustainability, and aesthetics. The sprawling campus, a testament to cutting-edge design, promised an environment where the pursuit of knowledge and defense against the elusive "slicks" would thrive

As the car approached the entrance, the colossal gates bearing the metallic inscription "Selcer" and the academy's logo came into view. Airen stepped out, the weight of his decision and the significance of the moment hanging in the air. The old driver handed him his luggage, and with a nod, Airen prepared to embark on a new chapter, haunted by the specter of past mistakes.

Airen's solitude was interrupted by a strong, yet gentle voice, belonging to a boy named Zeckry Philur. Clad in a white coat adorned with golden piping, Zeckry introduced himself as the president of Selcar's student council. With a firm handshake, the two exchanged pleasantries, and Zeckry took charge, guiding Airen toward the Altron auditorium.

The black Audi A8L came to a graceful halt in front of Selcar Academia, the imposing architectural marvel that stood as a beacon of knowledge and innovation. Airen Altrof, a new student with bags in tow, emerged from the mansion, only to be met by the silent efficiency of the driver, clad in a sleek black uniform that belied his age. The heavy luggage, seemingly weightless in the hands of the seasoned driver, was deftly placed in the trunk of the car. Airen attempted to assist, but a firm smile silenced his attempt.

Seated in the back of the luxurious car, Airen gazed out of the window as the vehicle turned onto 8th Avenue. The sight of Selcar Academia unfolding before him left an indelible impression—a seamless blend of innovation, sustainability, and aesthetics. The sprawling campus, a testament to cutting-edge design, promised an environment where the pursuit of knowledge and defense against the elusive "slicks" would thrive.

As the car approached the entrance, the colossal gates bearing the metallic inscription "Selcer" and the academy's logo came into view. Airen stepped out, the weight of his decision and the significance of the moment hanging in the air. The old driver handed him his luggage, and with a nod, Airen prepared to embark on a new chapter, haunted by the specter of past mistakes.

Airen's solitude was interrupted by a strong, yet gentle voice, belonging to a boy named Zeckry Philur. Clad in a white coat adorned with golden piping, Zeckry introduced himself as the president of Selcar's student council. With a firm handshake, the two exchanged pleasantries, and Zeckry took charge, guiding Airen toward the Altron auditorium.

Amid the sprawling campus, Zeckry explained the impressive efficiency of automated luggage transport, showcasing two colossal cubes that swiftly took care of Airen's belongings. "Fast, aren't they?" Zeckry remarked with pride, promising to show Airen to his dorm later. He revealed the Professor of Psychoanalysis of Slicks request to look after Airen, and with a hint of curiosity, inquired about Airen's connection to Professor Amber.

Airen shared that Professor Amber was an old friend of his parents, instrumental in bringing him to Selcar Academia. Zeckry acknowledged their close relationship as they approached a grand building resembling a mansion. Zeckry, using his ID card, ushered Airen inside, revealing a vast, luminous auditorium that was nothing short of a marvel.

Within the auditorium, Airen beheld an ethereal sight. Organic architecture seamlessly integrated with holographic displays created a symphony of elegance and innovation. Towering crystalline pillars suspended from a celestial ceiling, casting a mesmerizing glow over cascading water features. Futuristic, ergonomic seating awaited, promising an immersive experience in the pursuit of knowledge

As Airen and Zeckry navigated through the auditorium, the ambiance became a reflection of the academy's commitment to pushing the boundaries of education and research. The holographic displays flickered to life, showcasing the rich history of Selcar Academia and its contributions to the defense against the mysterious "slicks" that had appeared.

The duo finally reached a designated area where Dean's message echoed, urging students to embrace the challenges and opportunities Selcar Academia offered. The journey had only just begun for Airen Altrof, but within the hallowed halls of Selcar, a tapestry of knowledge, friendship, and self-discovery awaited him.