
The Door of Secret

Hidden somewhere among the lush, green forest lies a secret door that holds untold mysteries awaiting discovery. For years, its secrets have remained unravelled, shrouded in enigma and mystery, beckoning the most intrepid souls to uncover the stories that lie beyond. Take a step through the unknown, and embark on a captivating voyage of discovery, as you uncover the unknown secrets of the "Door of Secrets" in this incredible saga full of suspense, drama, and intrigue.

TheCameran · Horror
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1 Chs


Push! Push!"

The nurse's words echoed in Marlena's ears as she cried out in pain. Struggling through each contraction, she could feel the head crowning, a sign that the baby was close.

"I can't do it!" Marlena shouted.

The nurse took her hand and encouraged her with a smile. "Come on, Marlena. You can do this. Just one more push!"

With a final burst of strength, Marlena pushed and the baby emerged into the world, and Marlena burst into tears as she finally held her precious baby in her arms.

The nurse gently took the baby and cleaned up the umbilical cord, while Marlena breathed out a sigh of relief. The journey had been long and difficult, but it all felt worth it to her as she now had her child in her arms.

Throughout this story, Marlena learned that even through the hardest times, there is always hope. And despite the challenges she faced, it was all worth it to have the chance to meet her beautiful baby.

It was a beautiful and healthy boy, but suddenly, Marlena's joy turned to horror as three armed henchmen appeared and ripped the baby from her arms. Marlena begged and pleaded for them to return her son, fighting desperately to reclaim him, but she was overpowered and injured. Finally, the henchmen escaped with the baby, leaving Marlena heartbroken and alone. This was only the beginning of her journey. What will Marlena do now? Will she be able to find her son and bring him home?

Marlena knelt at the cross and cried, begging for God's help finding her son, a pain that had consumed her since the day the henchmens stole him.

"Oh Lord, please help me find my child!' She prayed, 'It's been a harrowing day and I've been grieving his loss. Please forgive me for my sins and guide me to him."

But Marlena's husband Larry was not so forgiving. "I can't forgive you, Marlena," he shouted, tearing their wedding photo in two.

"You stupid woman, how could you let them take our child?" Larry exclaimed, his voice rising with each word. "You've destroyed this family and our marriage is over!"

"Larry, please, don't say that!" Marlena pleaded, her heart shattering at the thought of

losing her son and her husband. "I know I made a mistake, but I'm so sorry. We can rebuild our lives together if you'll only give me another chance."

"I can't do it anymore, Marlena. You've ruined everything..." Larry hissed, tearing their wedding photo in two. She grabbed his phone and she caught him texting with another woman.

"Who is this?" she asked. "Oh, it's nothing, just a friendly kiss emoji." Larry lied, and tried to play it down. But Marlena wasn't fooled. After all, she knew what a kiss emoji meant, and this was clearly more than just a friendly exchange between coworkers.

"You lie. It's not just a friendly kiss emoji. You have been cheating on me with her, haven't you?" she pressed. But Larry had no choice but to admit the truth. "Yes, I have," he finally agreed. "I've been seeing her for a few months now."

"How could you do this? You set up my son for kidnapping! Our son!" Marlena angrily shouted. "I'm sorry Marlena," Larry apologized. "Things have changed. I don't love you anymore. I only love her." "What??" Marlena gasped. She couldn't believe what Larry was saying. She felt betrayed, hurt, and enraged. With all her might, Marlena picked up the nearby flower vase and bashed it into Larry's head. He collapsed to the ground and Marlena ran out the door.

Marlena frantically searched for a way to escape her husband's violent outburst. She desperately tried the main door, but it was locked, so she hid in the closet, her heart pounding and breath coming in quick, shallow gasps. Trembling with fear, she tried to control her breathing, hoping that nobody would find her. She knew that she had to stay quiet, or else her husband might discover her hiding place and hurt her.

She trembled as she heard her husband searching for her, frantically checking every place in their home. Fearing for her life, she quickly scanned her surroundings and spotted a kitchen knife on the countertop.

It was sharp and brand new, something she could use as a defense if she was attacked. She quietly grabbed it, heart racing in her chest, praying that her husband would not find her. Meanwhile, Larry was determined to hunt her down. He grabbed the shotgun hidden under their bed, loaded it, and prepared himself for a deadly standoff.

She felt her options ran out and decided to face her husband head-on. Larry searched everywhere for her, firing his shotgun into suspected hiding places and reloading it quickly. Suddenly, Marlena appeared behind Larry and stabbed him in the back, but he managed to shoot her as well, though not vitally. The two played a game of mouse and cat, with Marlena hiding and Larry searching. Finally, he spotted a trail of blood that might lead him to Marlena. "Come on, come on whatever you are," he said. As Larry searched the basement and found the trail of blood once again, he quickly reloaded his gun and prepared for a deadly confrontation. But he felt something dripping blood on his head, and she was there, waiting to kill him. She jumped at him and he fired three times.

Do you know what happened to them? Well, well, this whole marriage has been ruined because of Larry's secret. The set-up kidnapping was also Larry's idea.

He broke his own marriage just for a girl he met at work. Okay, let's go back to the story. How did Larry fall in love with the girl he met at work? It was 10 months ago that he got the job and started working there. The manager and Larry hit it off, and they often went into the office together. But everything changed when the manager confessed her love for Larry. In that first moment, it may have seemed like a normal thing, but as time went on and she became more and more smitten with him, he became attracted to her as well.

Larry and Marlena should have communicated their problems instead of resorting to violence. However, Larry had been cheating on Marlena for many years, which might explain why he didn't want to have a discussion. Perhaps he knew that she wouldn't take it well and didn't want to argue with her. Whatever the case, their relationship was already broken by that point, and they couldn't move forward together

Larry's and Marlena's marriage has been fraught with conflict for years. Larry has cheated on Marlena multiple times, and his infidelity has taken its toll on their relationship. Finally, Larry met the girl from work. At first, the two were just innocent co-workers and friends. But as time went on, the girl became increasingly attracted to Larry and decided to confess her feelings to him. Larry, in turn, found himself drawn to her and the two had an affair, which broke Marlena's heart.

Now, let's get back to the story. Larry's affair repeatedly called him, but Larry didn't answer. The affair became worried and decided to visit Larry's home. When she arrived, she noticed the main door closed and decided to break the glass door with a stone. The glass broke, allowing her to enter the home. She was shocked and terrified to see a trail of blood as she headed upstairs. There was blood on some of the walls, and she continued following the trail to a room.

She walked further into the room and spotted a broken flower vase, which further reinforced her suspicions that they had gone to the basement. As she descended the stairs and arrived in the basement, she was greeted by a haunting image. There, she found Larry, his neck stabbed by a knife, and Marlena, shot in the head and upper chest. The horror of what she saw was almost too much for her to bear.

She quickly exited the basement and called Larry's henchmen. They were the ones who kidnapped Marlena's son. Upon arriving at the house, the henchmen were disgusted by what they saw. Larry was dead, having been stabbed in the neck. One of the henchmen vomited, clearly horrified by the sight. The henchmen followed Larry's affair's plan, and buried both Larry's body and Marlena's in a secret location.

They arrived at a location that they thought was a secret. There, one of the henchmen noticed a house. "Wait! Hold on!" he said. "That's my house. Nobody knows about it," Larry's affair responded.

Her location covers more than 4-6 hectares, allowing them to bury the body everywhere. residence had a gate that required a ticket and passcode. Her home was also incredibly spacious and luxurious, suggesting that she were very wealthy.

"Stop here," Larry's affair said, as they entered the forest. "I think we should bury them here," she suggested. The henchmen carried Marlena and Larry's bodies.

The henchmen spent hours digging, finally burying the corpses. Once they finished, they introduced themselves to Larry's affair. Their names were Mike, Jun, and Mich. She was pleased to meet them. Afterward, they all headed home. Once they arrived, Larry's affair was greeted by her children, who hugged her and excitedly said, "Hi, mommy!"