
The donor of dream

Believing in miracles, does it comical? stubborn woman Resi, believes in miracles. She has get into her mid 20s without happening miracles in her life. Trouble doesn't stop stalking her. Renting her womb get her into another trouble. Her doctor cheats on her! The time she stopped believing miracles, finally it happened to her! An amazing donor appears in her life............

S_Zuairia · Urban
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13 Chs

Silly survivor......

Hey buddy! Resi feels enargetic after seeing Denia.

"Dude! you silly, I'm waiting for half hour," Denia is sweating, she's quite heavy though.

"haha, you piggy, sorry then, I can't get earlier even wish," Resi knows Denia can't stand by heating weather,

"Sorry! gosh, sorry for what?,"

"Tell me how are you, are you okay?, you look so dizzy," Resi truly feeling so dizzy. Denia truly rushes fast cause she's tense about Resi.

"let's go inside," Resi can't stand, she have to take a sit.


"By the way, what's going on buddy?" Denia keep asking.

"I can't understand actually, am I the worstest?"

"if I not, then why everything worst keep happening with my me?" Resi feels her eyes watery.

"buddy don't be faithless....." for the first time Denia lost her word, she feels Resi is suffering seriously because of her health issues.

Health is the greatest gift from our creator. After getting pregnant, Resi visually become so dull, but the large portion of money make her energetic. But how long, the happiness turn into biggest regret.

"Doctor thinks I'm seriously ill, also I shouldn't got pregnant with this kind of health issues. But after calling doctor Grace, she turned into evil. She even did cut my call!,

how strange! she might did everything on purpose, she knows my health situation!" Resi break into tears.

Denia truly don't like Resi's surrogacy, it's seems too hurry than as usual. But a true friend can't insult a heart broke friend.

"Res, please clam yourself, did you check your health again?", She asks.

"Yeah, the results will come yesterday, who knows what happend!", Resi can't stop crying.

"Stop crying, don't be sick while thinking upcoming incident!", Denia put's hand on her back.

"it's okay, you should eat healthy for fight against the spirit. Who knows, did you eat properly bro?", Denia knows Resi always unaware of her foods.

"Okay, okay!, you hungry?," Resi feels her friend is hungry.

"hey, I'm tense about you", Denia won't say that she's hungry.

"a bit hungry, ha ha, you really are!", Resi loughs after a long.


"What should we eat, it's obviously abusive to stay hungry", Denia can't wait.

"I'll cook some porridge, as I'm sick today," Resi always eats instant noodles as well.

"Bro, you want some instant noodles?", she asked her.

"Okay, buddy there you are"


Girls already have there dinner. Den didn't go home today. Resi's test report will come yesterday, who knows what will happen?

unknown tragic situation can come after that, what will happen to this silly doomed survivor?

why this world is so painful...

it's already morning, it's a sunny day. Resi can't recite " good day"

she feels so hyper tense. Goodness! it's 8:30 am. Den is still drooling!

"hey buddy! won't you woke up?"

Denia truly something!, she can sleep well in this kind of situation!

" We have to go, why am I still in bed, go go! get ready!"

Denia woke up like a storm.


taxi, taxi, goodness! they are late!

"we have to reach there before 9:00 .

Resi can't talk at all. she shakes her head. Denia put's her hand on her back. "Buddy, don't be over anixious. don't blame yourself. Incidents aren't accident at all. There's always something good hide behind bad situation. Every thing will be okay."

A drop of tear fall into Resi's lap. An lifeless taxi window only see that....

"Miss Resi, there you are," Doctor Kelly isn't that much enargetic today. Kelly always keep her patient cheerful. But Resi's case is hyper abnormal. She feels like this girl is on her death row...

"Doctor, sorry, we're late",

"no problem, you are welcomed", Doctor asked Resi for having a sit.

"Miss Resi, as you are living alone, I have to say you something. The thing we have to share with the patients guardians, we have to discuss that with you.

first of all, you have to relax yourself, and have to think disease can be rescued but not your week mind. So be prepared, no matter what kind of issue came up, you have to fight against it. Then you can be give back your health."

"Okay then, there's your test reports, look carefully.".....