

The King of Dragons said words engraved on the necks of slaves: [Either you are strong or you are crushed underfoot.. there is no other choice in the world, but After hundred thousand years ... a man he will come and makes slaves to kings, and kings to Slave ]

Yag_Ami · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 4 parallel universe. part 3

After the storm of knives calmed down and waved, she put the knife back into a hidden pocket in her clothes where she had kept it, to protect herself from troubled men, and, in particular, a man who had gone crazy with dozens of women.


Only then did she look at Salem, imagining that the man had urinated on himself laughing, but the man was staring at the sea, narrowing his eyes. She tells him she'll clean herself up quickly, and come back to finish the interview. Salem did not respond to her with anything, and it seemed that he did not hear her speech, as he was looking at the sea with concentration, as if examining a painting in the air.


 She went to the women's baths nearby, knowing that these days Salem is long at sea. However, I left Khaled by his side to prevent him from going elsewhere.

 She needed this interview no matter what the cost. She came back and found it as it was.

When she inquired about the man, Khaled told her , he did not move a single movement, nor did he even sit down. I told him that he is crazy, and that crazy people have no cure, and asked him to start shooting.


But Salem did not respond to her, until she stood before him defiantly. Only then did he tell her to leave him alone, but Salwa was an expert in her field, and knew how to make her prey respond to her when she said:

"You raped them, didn't you?..Be beautiful girls, and you are a lonely mangy dog..In your house, anything is possible isn't it?" Salem said rubbing his eyes:

- "I ask forgiveness of God Almighty..patience, O Lord." He leaned over to her, staring straight into her blue eyes, which seemed frightened. And he said:

- "More than seventy women..seventy women..you tell me, that I raped seventy women? Do you think I am a superman? Do you like me like this?"

Her eyes narrowed and she said:

"You men are disgusting.. you always like to brag that you are stallions.. sick sheep!"

"Are you disgusting?"

- "I'm not talking about Khaled .. I'm talking about you!"

"Why am I disgusting, and he's not, huh?... He must be handsome."

"Leave Khaled alone, sir!"

"Leave me alone..."


 He looked at his watch to check the time. Then he turned back to the woman, who seemed upset for some unknown reason. Perhaps because he spoke to Khaled in this way and said:

"Let me give you some advice..." She waved her hand, as if to drive a fly off her face.


"Pardon me of your advice, stallion!"

- "It is true that you do not need this advice... you are a spinster anyway." And he smiled and said:

"What do you think about marrying a resident of Gog and Magog?" He threw a heavy slap, in the face of the skeleton . Before the slap reached his face, the skeleton opened its mouth and bit Salem 's hand at a lightning speed. Salem screamed in terror.

 But the scream, made by Salwa. It looked as if it would awaken the dead in the graves. She fell to her knees and groaned:

- "No. No. I don't like these jokes!!!... Ah, my heart!!". She began to choke as she put her hands on her chest.

The camera fell off Khaled's shoulder , and Khaled kept staring at the skeleton , eyes wide like plates. He burst out laughing as he saw the gigantic blue flames.


Salwa turned to Khaled inquiring, but Khaled merely extended his hand to the sea. Salwa moved her head, to the place he points to, and gasped. Then she started laughing in a mixture of laughter and hysterical crying. 

"Let me!" Salem screamed , trying to free himself. His blood was dripping inside the skeleton's jaw, the scene was frightening. The skeleton did not move , like a giant wall.

And suddenly..


Salem turned to the ground as a strange ball rolled next to his feet, and his eyes widened, as it turned out that it was Khaled 's head . He looked at Khaled, to find that he was dancing, and blood was flowing from his neck like a fountain, as another skeleton appeared , and Khaled was brutally decapitated .

Salwa sobbed as the skeleton grabbed her by the hair, as if asking his companion, who was biting Salem , to cut off her head. He imagined to Salem , that the skeleton is smiling and his eyes are laughing like a demon.  


 Salem cried . He tried to free himself. To remove the skeleton from her. But he was slow as a turtle.

Blood erupted from her throat like a fountain, in Salem 's face . Salwa was dancing under the skeleton's fist , and Salem was screaming, blocking the blood from his face with one hand. However. The blood flow was incredibly profuse. Salem 's face sank , drinking massive amounts of hot blood with a shriek. He never imagined that a person would possess this amount of blood. In his heart, he realized that he had seen this fountain, in a horror movie.

And on these ideas.

He had a crazy fit of laughter. He collapsed on his knees, helpless, and began vomiting blood. If the skeleton , held by Salem 's hand , was not in his mouth, Salem would have fallen on his face.


The skeleton opened its hands, and Salwa fell on the sand, like a doll whose tendons had been severed.

There was a strong sound. It sounded like a strange gurgling sound. The skeleton let go of Salem 's hand , and the skeleton began speaking in an ugly gurgling voice, as if responding to the gurgling sound coming from the sea.

Then they took the two bodies, and ran into the burning sea. Khaled and Salwa, swaying behind the skeletons like rags, faded into the blue of fire.


Everything seemed terrifying, like embodied nightmares. But the most terrifying thing was that everyone on the beach paid no attention to the scene, and no one paid any attention to them.

Salem held his breath as everything turned into a shimmering blue. All life disappeared, and no one remained in this bluish world. Only Salem .

And from the blazing fires over the sea, a woman appeared. I stood in front of Salem .

She was an enormous woman, almost five meters tall.

A demon, or a genie, did not know its reality, but he realized to his core that the one standing in front of him is a mythical creature that no one has ever heard of.


She was the woman, or the mythical creature, with eyes as glowing as the tongues of fire behind her, and bright blue lips. Even her hair is blue.

However, her blue hair, it was massive, was wavy all over.

 And what is beyond doubt. That her hair was made of fire behind her, or perhaps the opposite was true


However, he didn't understand what kind of clothes she was wearing as they were shining with all the colors. It was constantly changing. As if her clothes were alive. The woman knelt, on one knee, as if in the presence of the King.

 However. It was enormous. Salem was raising his head to stare at her face, and the woman was lowering her head to stare at him..

She was incredibly beautiful. Even the beauty of the moon and the twinkling stars paled before her. Salem stared at her beautiful face, in a mixture of astonishment and fear. He felt that this beauty, absorbing his soul to the end. At that time, the woman smiled sweetly, curing chronic diseases, and her hair glowed with a strange blue. She said, in a voice befitting her beautiful appearance:

"It's time... remember who you are."

-"Who are you?... a demon or a genie?...".

"I am what my master wants me to be."

Is he the accursed Iblis? The beauty waved in confusion and said:

- "I don't know this person...is he one of the servants?" Salem 's bloody brow swelled with sweat as he felt strange horror at this answer.

- "You don't know Satan... one of the servants?... Who is this who bit me?... is he one of the infidels of Quraish?"

Salem thought of running away, but, he did not think, that he could escape from this thing, and where it would go. Salem did his best to control his fear .

-" it's time..".


- "The time has come. Are you going to kill me? .. Or will I be a sacrifice to a miraculous ritual? .. Will this be painful? .. Did the two people before me feel pain?"

Pain is the companion of living things. Salem 's tears fell from those words, and he understood from her words, that he would suffer terribly.


But he shivered, when she wiped his tears with her huge finger, tenderly, and what puzzled Salem the most, were her falling tears, as she looked sad as she looked at him. Her tears, twinkling, slid from her eyes, rolled down her ivory cheeks, and evaporated in rainbow colors as they hit the ground.

-"Remember who you are..you were created to be a great king...". Salem grabbed her big finger, ignoring her words, stared at it, and started fiddling with all of her fingers as if a child was watching a strange game. Then he raised his eyes to her and said in a trembling voice:

"You are not real.. this is a dream, an illusion, or maybe a hallucination, isn't it?"

-"Dreams and illusions are two sides of the same coin...a coin whose title is life."


"And what does this life want from me, because I am tired of it?"

"Life does not desire, but who should it desire.. So who are you?"

- " Salem .. I am Salem .. from human beings." The woman smiled , her teeth gleaming under the light of her blue hair. She said: 

- "No.. you not.. Who are you?" Salem replied angrily at this smile, lacking only illusions to make fun of him:

- " Salem .. my name is Salem Salt .. my father's name is Salt, and my grandfather called him this because he loves salt in a strange way.. Since then, our lives have become salty, even the house itself has been eaten by salt.. and you have completed the rest of this day, what do you want from me? !"


The woman bowed her head submissively, placing her right hand on her left chest, and said:

-"Your wishes are the reason for my life..but..forgive your faithful servant for transgressing them..why do you ask such a question?..you will no longer exist in this world." Salem found himself strangely calm. Maybe he got tired of this miserable life or maybe he felt peace from this threat that would end his life or maybe it was courage or maybe some pride, or maybe he lost his mind. In fact, he did not know anything, but he asked his question with strange confidence and fortitude:

"If you're not some kind of hallucinator, why would you want to kill me?"

"I will never kill my master... my master is the reason for my life."

"Then I am your master, as you say?" She shook her head in agreement.

"This is beyond doubt."

"No. You're wrong. I've never seen you. What madness is this?"

"This is beyond doubt."

"There's something wrong with you.. Maybe you're looking for a genie, and not a rotten man like me?" She brought her beautiful head close to him, and stared with her big eyes at the eyes of Salem, who was refreshed by her scent, which seemed like a garden of flowers. She said as if she were speaking of an absolute truth:

-"You are a great man.. you are the embodiment of yourself in another world..maybe it was a mistake or maybe it was a wish you made in your heart that day..but you slipped out of your world, to be born in this boring and boring world..it hurts that my master was subjected to laws Humans.. "


-"You are a strange creature..maybe beings like you can talk about these crazy things..and maybe there are other worlds really..God creates what he wants..but..you came from another world, and you were born here..maybe you are talking about someone of your kind." I read a lot of ridiculous novels... I must have completely lost my mind... ..".

- "Are you sure of that? Didn't you feel that you belonged to another life?...Didn't you see with your own eyes the truth? Didn't you see yourself flying in the sky on a red night?"

- "How did you know? .. They were dreams.. Who are you for the sake of God?!!".


But what happened next was pure madness.

The woman's hair multiplied until the world was swept away like glowing ocean waves.

Salem shivered like a sheet of paper at this scene, and before he could say something, her huge hands grabbed Salem's head, raised it to her eye level and said:

-"Remember who you are...you are LINIAS Vintos  ." She placed her blue lips on his forehead . Salem started smoking as if he were a smoker. He felt a horrible, blinding pain.

Memories flowed into him, like hundreds of thousands of pictures... Pictures of flying blood passed through him. swords; monsters. wars. A girl was burning kneeling in front of him. And he mumbled saying

- " Entus  ...". His eyes turned to the color of molten gold.

His black hair turned into enormous white hair. His body began to change. His clothes were torn, and with a confused look, he said:

-" who am I ?!". The woman stared at him fondly, as if she liked this new form:

"You are my first and only master..."

-" I..Vintos ..Who are you?!"

"A being made of human bodies, out of a blue night and a man's wish..."

- "My head will explode.. my head!!".

-"Remember who you are...you are LINIAS Vintos  ." Blood flowed from his eyes. Blood was boiling from the heat of his body.


Salem raised his hands in front of him, and stared at them with his golden eyes:

- "I... LINIAS !".

Salem died of severe pain as his body melted like hot butter. All that remained of him were polished white bones, and the woman carried his skeleton with love and tenderness .

From her lips, hot air leaked, melting bones and steel, and as soon as her breath touched Salem 's skeleton, it evaporated into the air, and the blue flames engulfed the woman until they turned into huge fires. And the blue world faded in the blink of an eye.

The blue of the sky returned, the laughter of children, the chatter of families, and the balls flying


The seashore is back as it was. Another girl, perplexed as she picked up a bloodstained microphone , looked at a still working camera in the sand.