
The Dominus Blade

They were created to be as one. Fate bound them together across time. They have found one another again -- will destiny keep them together or tear them apart?

DaoistI42fqo · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter Eighteen: Riding Lesson

 At six o'clock in the morning, Katherine's eyes popped open. The dream was still fresh in her mind. She could still feel his touch. She sat up and rubbed her hands over her face to clear her mind of the dream. She could hear birds singing and from very far off, she could hear a tractor or large mowing machine in the distance. Katherine plopped back into the pillows and stared up at the drapes over the tester. They looked like the cloud banks she had flown through in her dream! She had thought a different environment would reset her dream mind and the odd dreams that had started several years ago would stop. They had not and Sauvageon had told her plainly that these dreams were prescient, and she was tapping into some fount of knowledge. 

 The last twenty-four hours had been unbelievable! She still had the feeling that any second she would wake up and find it all a dream to write down in her notebooks for her psychiatrist. She looked around the room and saw where she had left her laptop sitting on the reading table. She had forgotten to get access – but in the rush of everything and her meeting with the wizard Pierre Sauvageon and her first taste of the Sept, who seemed very upset that Sauvageon was acting as her 'wizard tutor.' She scoffed at the ludicrous ideas she had been introduced to the day before. She surely must have been dreaming and today would be completely different! She looked over at her cell phone. She had spoken to her benefactor at length, and she had been introduced to a castle full of men and women who ran the place! Yesterday happened! Her phone buzzed and she jumped at the sound, her heart leaping into her throat. She reached for her phone and saw the text message icon blinking. 

 "Good morning, Katherine. I hope you enjoy your day!"

 She smiled at the message and then felt a creeping fear prickle down her spine. She looked around her room; were there cameras secreted in the bookcases? As she sat there her phone vibrated in her hand and she squeaked and dropped the phone in the folds of the sheet and comforter. She dug around and found it to look at the message that popped up in a blue bubble, "Is everything all right?"

 If there were cameras in her room, then someone already knew she was awake and looking like an idiot. She thumbed the text app open on her phone and quickly tapped a reply: "Yes, I'm fine! Enjoy your day as well."

 Before another text came, she got up and went to take a shower before Collette arrived. She was still new to having someone draw her bath or lay out her clothes. She walked into the bathroom and found everything waiting for her. She kicked off her slippers and found the floor tiles in the bathroom were heated! She looked at herself in the mirror, she could see that it was an ornate framed mirror and wondered if she could lift it away from the wall. She peered behind it and found nothing but expensive wallpaper. She was paranoid! She took a hairband and pulled up her hair then stripped off her pajamas and reached in and turned on the shower. It was nice and hot when she got in and began to wash away the night dreams and the feelings of otherworldliness. By the time she had emerged and toweled off, she was feeling on solid footing again. She slipped into her bathrobe and stuck her feet into her slippers. She walked out into the bedroom to find Collette had arrived with morning coffee and a muffin. "Good morning, madame!" Collette cheered as Katherine came out of the bathroom. "Did you sleep well?"

 "I did, thank you, Collette," Katherine said. 

 "Good!" Collette replied. "First you eat and then you dress for riding. Etienne is coming up. He is going to give you your first riding lesson. But first, he is overseeing the move of Gregor to the near pasture. He will call for you when that is done."

 Katherine was looking forward to her first riding lesson. She had ridden when she teenager but that had been ages ago. She sipped her coffee and cut and buttered her muffin. She was too nervous to eat it all, but she ate all of the melon slices. While Collette laid out her riding outfit, she brushed her teeth and brushed and pulled her long hair into a low ponytail at the back of her neck. She walked to her dressing room and massive closet and looked at the items laid out on the bench. Everything was so close-fitting! Katherine was a bit uncomfortable wearing such form-fitting items. She slipped on her undergarments and a sports bra that held her comfortably but allowed freedom of movement. She picked up the dark tan breeches and held them up in front of her to inspect them. They were made of a compression-type material with suede of the same color, which ran along the inner thighs and rear end. She guessed this leather material would make her stick to the saddle better than bouncing around and getting saddle sore. She sat down on the bench and slipped one leg into the breeches, at first she thought they were going to be like putting on a girdle, but they fit perfectly. She zipped the fly and smoothed her hand over her hips and rear. There was a full-length mirror on the door of one of the cabinet doors and she took a look at herself. The breeches fit but they fit nicely. Collette came in, "Oh, madame you have a lovely figure!" 

 Katherine laughed, took the navy-blue long-sleeved riding shirt, and pulled it on over her head, it was of a lighter compression material and had a zipper front with dark tan piping along the stand-up collar and zipper. Collette was ready with the belt, "Madame, you must tuck your shirt in for a clean line."

 Katherine sighed and did as she was told. Collette threaded the belt through the loops and buckled it. Katherine noted the touch of gold on the buckle. Then came the boots. They were dark brown leather. Collette handed her a pair of socks that came up to her ankles and the legs of her breeches came down over the socks, then she slipped her foot into the boot which was like a shoe with about a two-inch heel. The top of the boot was wrapped around her calf and a heavy zipper enclosed her leg in the leather boot at the back of her calf. When she had both boots on she flexed her ankles and stood up. Collette grinned. "Take a look, madame!"

 Katherine was almost afraid to look but what she saw standing in the mirror looked unfamiliar. She hardly recognized herself. She started to laugh, "All I need is a riding crop, tallyho!"

 "You will need a hunting outfit for that!" Collette told her. "Come we are almost ready."

 "What else could I possibly need?" Katherine asked following Collette out of the dressing room. Walking in her new boots gave her about two inches more and she felt majestic and taller than her normal five feet five inches. Collette handed her brown gloves which Katherine was instructed to tuck into her waistband. It was how Etienne kept up with his riding gloves. She had Katherine sit while she tied a navy blue grosgrain ribbon that matched her shirt over the hair band. 

 "Now you are ready!" Collette announced. 

 They walked together down the hall and paused at the top of the stairs, where Vincent and Etienne waited below in the entrance hall. Vincent laughed at something Etienne had said but when he caught sight of Katherine he grabbed Etienne's arm. "Do you see it?"

 Etienne turned and looked up just in time to see the halo of light flare around Katherine's head. "Oh, my God!"

 Katherine did not notice anything but felt the heat rise in her cheeks as both men gaped up at her in amazement. She carefully descended the staircase, the heels of her boots tapping against the stone treads of the stairs. Vincent reached out, took hold of her hand, and pressed his lips to her knuckles. "You look marvelous, Katherine!"

 Etienne came up to Katherine and made a short bow. "Are you ready for your first riding lesson, madame?"

 "I am!" Katherine declared. "I am certainly dressed for it!"

 They made ready to go with Etienne opening the door and Vincent draping Katherine's hand on his arm. The blue ATV was waiting at the bottom of the steps. Katherine was tucked into the front seat and Etienne hopped into the back. Vincent drove at a gentleman's pace, avoiding the puddles and the uneven ground. They pulled up at the stable and Katherine climbed out and tugged at the collar of her shirt. Etienne pointed to the nearest pasture. "You see Gregor? He's most unhappy at being moved in closer to the other horses."

 "He should not be unhappy," Vincent commented. "He has plenty of mares and no competition."

 The big black Friesian paced the back side length of his enclosure. Then roared his displeasure. "Maybe that is his problem!" Etienne said and threw Katherine a mischievous wink.

 Katherine watched Gregor for a moment longer, he was not angry, he was scared. She turned and followed Etienne and Vincent into the stables. Etienne went into the equipment room and came out with a sleek-looking helmet. He placed it on Katherine's head, adjusted the chinstraps, and then clicked the buckle under her chin. "There, now you are ready! Come and meet your mount!"

 "Good luck!" Vincent called as she followed after Etienne. She glanced back over her shoulder at Vincent, and he nodded his encouragement and stepped out of the stables with his phone in his hand. 

 Katherine entered the massive arena and spotted two horses that were already saddled and waiting with two stablemen. Etienne signaled to them, and they brought the horses to the entrance. One horse was a dappled grey, a much smaller version of the Sun King, and the other was a dark silvery grey horse with a dark mane and tail. "Madame's choice," Etienne said.

 Katherine looked at both animals and stepped closer. The darker horse stretched its neck out toward her, and the dappled grey horse tossed its head and stepped toward her. "It appears your choice has been made for you. This is Athos, your mount, madame." 

 The darker grey came to nuzzle Etienne. "Porthos will have to wait until the next lesson."

 Katherine grinned as she put her gloves on and pulled the strap snugly around her wrists, "Is there an Aramis and a D'Artagnan somewhere?"

 Etienne nodded, "Indeed, Aramis is a favorite of the Dominus. You will meet them all, I am sure." The lesson began. "First, how to approach mounting," Etienne showed her how to gather herself for mounting, "Without a mounting block, I will assist you." He told her. "Now face Athos and take the reins and a chunk of mane in your left hand above the withers."

 Katherine reached up and did as she was told. "Good. Now take hold of the cantle in your right hand, stand close to Athos, and bend your left leg at the knee."

 She did and Etienne stepped in next to her. "I am going to take hold of your left leg at the knee and ankle, and I am going to boost you up high enough for you to put your right leg over the saddle and sit astride, yes?"

 Katherine nodded silently. Etienne counted to three and then he lifted her. She was sitting in the saddle. She grinned in triumph. Etienne placed her left foot in the stirrup and clapped her boot, "Heel down and the ball of your foot in the stirrup!" He walked around to the right foot and adjusted the stirrup. "Now the hard part. You are not a dead weight perched on Athos, you are a participant. Sit up straight and distribute your weight in a triangle for balance. You will be using your legs, thighs, buttocks, and hands to communicate to Athos what you want of him, understand?"

 Katherine nodded and made her body conform to what Etienne told her. A stableman brought out a long lead and Etienne draped it over his shoulder. He looked up at Katherine. "Now ease your grip on the reins, when you want to go forward you need only lift your hands a bit, Athos' mouth is very sensitive, and he will know what you want to do. If you want to turn left or right, let your thigh and calf muscles tell him. When you want to stop, let your hips tell him. And most important of all," Etienne said, "Remember to breathe!"

 She smiled and let the breath she was holding go out slowly. Athos' ears perked up and Etienne stepped away, "Now take a slow turn around the arena, beginning on your right."

 Katherine pressed her right thigh and calf against the saddle and lifted the reins slightly. Athos' ears twitched and he moved out and to the right at a slow walk. Etienne walked to the center of the arena and watched. Athos and Katherine walked around the arena and then when they got back to the spot where they started, Etienne told Katherine to turn left and make a left-hand circuit of the arena. Athos seemed to be listening and feeling every move Katherine made. Etienne had them do this circuit several times. When they had reached the starting point, Etienne watched them standing still. "Now you will begin to post. Athos will pick up his speed this time, at a trot, he will be moving at a one-two count when the inside hind leg and outside front leg are moving forward rise enough to clear the saddle, using your thighs and ease down when the outside hind leg and inside front leg are moving forward."

 This time when Katherine and Athos began moving on the right side of the arena, Etienne called out to Athos who snorted as he recognized the command. Katherine could feel the moment Athos moved from a slow walk to a trot. Like a metronome, the one-two-one-two- one-two-one-two had her posting the trot! She grinned as Athos continued around the arena. Once around the arena, she applied equal pressure against his sides and he slowed, and she automatically turned to the left. As Athos moved to the left she initiated the command to go into a trot. Etienne smiled and nodded his head, "Excellent!" 

 Once again, she caught the one-two-one-two-one-two-one-two beat and was on her way around the arena once again. As she passed the doorway of the arena she spotted Vincent who gave her a grin and a thumbs-up sign. She reached her starting point and slowed to a walk. Etienne nodded. "Very well done. Now come here to me, we will do figure eights, this will be more of a challenge for you!"

 Katherine urged Athos to the center of the arena where Etienne stood. "When you reach me, continue on past, half turn right around the arena, back to me, and left turn around the arena." 

 "You heard the man," Katherine whispered to Athos, "Figure eights and at a one-two beat." 

 Athos and Katherine were centered and focused. So much so that she did not see another figure come up to stand next to Vincent. Etienne spotted Vanderau and nodded acknowledgments. He returned his attention to Katherine who was about to begin her pass on his other side. "Very well done, madame. Continue once more."

 Katherine grinned as she rode past Etienne. She completed another pass and Etienne called them to him. As the horse and rider stood in front of Etienne calm yet alert, Etienne gave them both a great smile. "Now your first lesson is completed."

 "Thank you Etienne and thank you Athos," Katherine said and patted the dappled grey shoulder. 

 Etienne showed her how to dismount and he was right there when her boots landed on the ground. Every muscle in her legs and thighs burned! Etienne took hold of her elbow. "You will be sore, but that will soon pass. Take a turn around the arena with Athos, it helps to keep moving."

 Katherine nodded. She removed her gloves and tucked them in the waistband of her breeches, she took the reins in her left hand and rested her right hand on Athos' muscled shoulder. "Let's take a stroll, shall we?"

 Athos dropped in step beside her, his head down in a relaxed position. He whickered softly and Katherine laughed. Even Athos was encouraging her to keep moving! Etienne watched them for a moment longer. For a second time, the woman had surprised her, the power she radiated was something he had never encountered before. He was used to the powers of the Dominus, but this woman had a power that was as natural as summer rain! He watched Katherine and Athos for another minute then signaled for the stableman to come and collect Athos. Katherine walked back to Etienne with a happy grin on her face. He looked down into her deep blue eyes, "Caught horse fever have you?"

 Her sparkling laughter made everyone feel good in the stables! Vanderau felt it wash over him and he glanced over at Vincent. They moved away to Etienne's office and Vincent peered out the louvered window as Athos was led off and Katherine spoke animatedly with Etienne. 

 "You feel it?" Vanderau asked Vincent.

 "Oh yes, and I've seen it, Dominus! It is magnificent!"

 "When did you see it?" Vanderau demanded. "When?"

 "When she was standing at the top of the stairs," Vincent said, "Etienne saw it too!"

 At that moment, the door opened, and Etienne walked in. He bowed as he shut the door behind him. "Dominus."

 "Etienne," Vanderau said in greeting, "How was Katherine's first lesson?"

 "A natural, Dominus."