
Meet the Godfather

Two days later.

Harry and Iris Potter looked up to their mother, Lily Potter. They don't exactly call her "mum" but have decided to settle with "Lily". Today is the day they will get their school things and Lily was the one who will pick them up and return them to their home afterward. The custody agreement was finalized. Magic made it faster to process which is odd in Harry's opinion. He has learned from their uncle Iggy to never trust the ministry as it is very much corrupt. The issue is that most of the magical world, in Britain actually, was unwilling to admit that it is happening.

Their aunt has full custody and both James and Lily Potter are currently on probation from the CWS. However, this information is not public as per the agreement to protect the Potter image, and Harry and Iris do not want the hassle of dealing with public questions. They don't exactly have the time to spend with each other either since there is less than one month left until they enter Hogwarts.

Iris was looking forward to meeting the rest of the family. Harry not so much. He was still wary of Lily but he would not deny his sister the chance to form relationships with them anyway. It's not like he is worried he would lose his sister to the family who abandoned them but he does know if they do something wrong, Iris will be heartbroken and Harry doesn't like that. They will be meeting with the rest of the family after shopping for their school supplies.

"Harry? Is there a reason why you are wearing a hat? And where are your glasses?" Lily asked looking at the two in confusion.

"Isn't my brother famous?" Harry stated as he adjust the white beanie on his head to cover his hair and scar. He isn't wearing his glasses today but his contact lenses. "You told me I look like him and I don't want to be mistaken and want to go shopping in peace."

"I see," Lily said and looked at Iris. "Is there a reason why Iris is wearing the same?"

"Solidarity!" Iris yelled with her fists up in the air.

Lily chuckled. "Alright."

"Bye Aunt Petunia! Bye Dudley! See ya later!" Iris waved at her aunt and Dudley who was waving at them at the door. Dudley is pouting. He wanted to come but Aunt Petunia told them that this is for them and he can visit some other time. Harry just waved quietly as they walked away.

"Sooooo...." Iris looked at their mother. "How do we get there?"

"You haven't been to Diagon alley?" Lily asked. Knowing that the children are aware and have access to the magical world for a while, she assumed that they had already been there. She is still getting used to Iris' more Yank accent than the British one.

"No," Iris answered directly. "Uncle Oggy told us our first time should be during our trip to buy school supplies because it is quote and quote magical."

"Well, it is for first-timers and many muggle-borns it is a spectacle."

"You were a muggle-born right?"


Apparating to Diagon alley is too risky and there isn't a viable floo connection to the place as well. Aunt Petunia refused to have their fireplace be connected. This is mostly because the fireplace is too small to carry a large human being and she didn't want to rearrange the place to accommodate a larger one. Plus she heard it's messy so she didn't want any of it.

The trio has to use public transportation. Harry and Iris have to help Lily as it has been a while since she's been in the muggle world and was surprised by the advancement of the underground train system.

"This is it. The leaky cauldron." Lily introduced the place. "It's a popular location to enter Diagon alley."

"A pub?" Harry looked at it hesitantly. "Are we even allowed in here? Won't people ask questions?" Harry looked around and noticed most people who were passing by didn't even glance at the place despite its aesthetic being different from the rest of the neighborhood shops. He is going to guess that the place has anti-muggle wards around it.

This famous place is dark and shabby. Harry and Iris wondered if this is a common theme in magical worlds. In the U.S., their aesthetics does look like it was back in the 50s and with Britain having a much longer establishment in the wizarding world, Harry had expected a castle. Iris just rubbed her nose and glared at the beers. She never liked the smell of alcohol.

"Lady Potter. It's nice to see you again. Are you guiding some muggle-born children today?" A man greeted their mother who also looked eagerly at the two of them.

"Just passing by Doris and no. These are my other children, Harry and Iris Potter. They'll be starting Hogwarts this year." Lily said.

Harry turned and noticed a lot of the people seem to be keenly listening to them.

"Wait, you have other children?" this man named Doris said loudly. "Are they squibs? Where'd they been?" the man gave them an odd look.

Lily just smiled weakly. "Living with relatives and they are not squibs. They have their Hogwarts letter and everything."

"Well, I see. Welcome back Potters." the man smiled widely at them before Lily grabbed the two and pushed them forward to another door that lead to an alleyway.


Diagon Alley is wonderful. Even Harry could not help been look around with awe. Their uncles were right. This is worth the wait. It is different than the commercial lots in the U.S. The ones they've been through were in Louisiana, New Orleans, and New York. Harry is going to guess that it is maybe due to the historical significance of the place. It distracted Harry to think about meeting their dad and their brother and sister.

Harry and Iris couldn't stop themselves from looking around. They went to Gringotts first to get their money which only made Harry roll his eyes and almost scoff. The Potters have money but they didn't bother to give Aunt Petunia at least child support. Although the CWS has made them pay and backpay to Aunt Petunia thankfully. He has to salute their uncle Oggy. That man always finds ways for children like them. He heard about the number of squibs their uncle was able to help, most of them were kicked out of their own homes. Harry was against that. While he believed in the preservation of their culture, he also believed that the wizarding world needs some progress towards the 21st century because there hasn't been in a while. Gringotts was fun. Mostly because Iris keeps asking to speed up which the goblins seem to find amusing but Lily did not seem happy about it.

They arrived at Madam Malkins first for their school robes.

"I have something to do but I'll be back before you are finished," Lily said as the two entered the shop to be fitted. Harry recalled something about the school robes from Blaise and asked the woman regarding Acramantula silk. The woman gave them a raised eyebrow but told them those are expensive but Harry has enough money (he and Iris also have their account under their magical guardian, Ignatius Peverell). Harry said it is no problem and requested a catalog for future purchases.

Standing still is very difficult for Harry. He found it odd that the woman has to measure him by hand. Doesn't magically do something about it? He's been stabbed by the needles three times already! Iris is much calmer and has only been stabbed once. He had an odd feeling that this was intentional. Is the owner of the shop a sadist?

He noticed a lot of youth roaming around Diagon Alley. This must be the time most of the Hogwart students purchase their supplies. He wondered if he could see Blaise. He did inform him that they will be doing the shopping at the agreed date but has not received a return mail. This is what Harry doesn't like about the mail in the magical world. They were too slow. It's one of the things that makes muggles way better in this area.

"Up here, lad. There you go." Madam Malkins, whom Harry and Iris found out to have an odd addiction to the color purple (there is purple in varying shades everywhere in the shop), is escorting another child the same age as them with pale gray eyes, and skin and ice blonde hair. The hair was very unique and distinctive it is hard to not look at it.

The blonde-haired boy stood beside Harry when one of Madam Malkin's assistants put on one of the robes and started pinning.

"Hi. Hogwarts too?" the blonde haired asked. He has an air of aloofness and pride when he talks. Harry thought he might belong to old rich families.

"Yes," Harry answered.

"My mother's at the book store and my uncle is inside, probably talking to Madam Malkin about fashion. I swear a man like him should be talking about quidditch not the different types of robes worn by men!" the boy started to ramble.

Iris chuckled, amused at the thought. Harry simply stared at the boy. "I still can't believe that first years aren't allowed brooms. I wanted to try out for quidditch. I'm a great flyer. Maybe I could ask my father to sneak one in, don't you think?" the boy continued.

Arrogant and a bit spoiled. Harry thought while rolling his eyes.

Quidditch is a fun sport. Harry likes to alternate between seeker and chaser. Iris on the other hand prefers to keep her feet on the ground and occasionally play keeper in quidditch or fly with Dudley behind her.

"It's not like they check your trunk of something. I don't remember reading it in the Hogwarts student handbook." Harry said. "Why not ask your, parents, to shrink the broom and put it in your trunk?"

The boy paused. "Never really thought about it. That's an interesting idea. I'm Draco Malfoy by the way."

That took Harry by surprise. He recalls the many letters Blaise has sent him the many letters of someone named Draco Malfoy who is the heir of one of the most ancient and noble houses in Britain and is also very very rich. Didn't Blaise say that this kid is a prat yet Blaise also mentioned how he needed to get along with him politically wise?

Harry shrugged. "Nice to meet you, heir Malfoy. I'm Harry and this is my sister, Iris."

"Hi." Iris greeted.

The boy only raised his eyebrows. He noticed that Harry and Iris didn't share their surnames. "At least you know your manners." He commented haughtily.

"That's an odd hat," Draco said looking at his white beanie.

"Yes," Harry answered.

"You have weird eyes." Draco blurted and was surprised that Iris gave her a wide grin. Harry laughed at the inside joke while Draco gave a confused look.

"She gets that a lot," Harry replied.

"You two have weird accents too," Draco commented.

"We grew up in America, we kind of pick it up from there," Iris replied.

"Oh. I've never been to America. But I've been to France, Germany, Russia, and Switzerland. Durmstrang is said to be located in Bulgaria but no one knows exactly where it is. My father wanted me to go there but my mother insisted she wants me near." he said very proudly.

"Our aunt has the same issue. I wanted to go to Ilvermony but it's in America and she wanted us to stay close." Iris said.

"Durmstrang is a nice school. I heard they have really good magical research application and focuses on dark magic." Harry stated.

Draco looked surprised at this. He never expected someone would talk about dark magic casually. "...but Castelobruxo is known for its obscure magic too and elemental magic is very common in many Asian and Oceanic magical schools. Shame Hogwarts doesn't teach elemental magic."

"Well, at least we'll be in Hogwarts. What house are you planning to get into?" Draco asked. "I'm planning on Slytherin. All my family has been a Slytherin for centuries."

"I don't know," Harry replied.

"All the houses sound alright to me." Iris piped.

"If I would choose, I'd rather be Ravenclaw or Slytherin," Harry said.

"I don't mind any of them," Iris said.

"Even Hufflepuff?" Draco asked.

Iris glared at the blonde. "What's wrong with Hufflepuff?"

"Er, nothing," Draco said quickly looking warily at Iris' glare and the glare on one of the girls who was pinning Harry's robes who he assumed was a Hufflepuff. "Where are you going after this?"

"We're going to the bookstore to buy our books..." Harry started.

"...and a few references on the way..."

"...then the potions ingredients..."

"...we'd rather handpicked it ourselves..."

"...and the other school supplies..."

"...I can't believe you guys still used parchments and quills. Have you heard of fountain pens?..."

"...and our wands..."

"...looking forward to that one."

Harry wanted to give Draco kudos for not batting an eye. Harry and Iris rarely do this because Aunt Petunia gets dizzy but they do enjoy the occasional, twin-way communication. They can't exactly read each other's minds. Harry and Iris are just so familiar with each other that it was so common to finish each other's sentences.

"Alright," Draco said a little bit warily. "Maybe we should go together?"

"Sure." Harry and Iris replied.

"Draco, are you finished?" A calm voice asked behind the curtains.

"All done, dear." The woman who is fittin Draco said.

"Yes, Uncle Siri!" Draco said and the curtains opened revealing a very handsome man with long black hair tied in a ponytail and grey eyes. He has this slightly spoiled and haughty look but with his outfit, Harry could best describe him as dashing. He could be prince charming if he wants to.

The man looked at Harry and looked taken aback. "Jam-Harry?!" he sputtered.

Harry gave him a calculating look of suspicion. "Yes?"


Sirius Black felt like his feet is collapsing. It's Harry. He recognizes those eyes and faces anywhere even if he is wearing that weird-looking hat.

Iris didn't know what happened. They just finished getting their robes pinned and were surprised that they made a friend their age. Harry, Iris, and Dudley were not social outcasts. Everyone in school likes them. It was just; that they rarely have interaction with magical kids their age. All the magical people they met were older.

Then this tall handsome man who looks like he is in his early thirties in black robes came looking for their new friend and just blurted out Harry's name. Iris doesn't like strangers. He doesn't like it when people know who they are and they don't. This man is a stranger and he's going to hug Harry.

"Oh no, you don't!" Iris glared as she grabbed her older brother away from him. "Stranger! Before we talk to you, identify yourself!"

The dark-haired man blinked at her and Iris could feel Harry rolling his eyes. He knows how paranoid Iris can be sometimes.

"Iris?" The man said, startling the girl. "You've grown so big." Why do adults always say that? "Today's August 5th! I missed both of your birthdays! I never thought I could see you again!"

Harry and Iris looked at each other and then looked at the man.

"Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that you two are Harry and Iris Potter. The squib siblings of the boy who lived, Godric Potter?" Draco asked incredulously. This raises the ears of many of the women in the store who are curious about what is going on. Witches don't have a lot to do for entertainment but gossip.

"We are not squibs," Harry answered. "We have the Hogwarts letter after all."

"Of course you do. I told your parents to keep you even if you are squibs and now look, you missed out on a lot of opportunities because of their stupidity! I tried taking you but wherever you were, you were warded." The man growled. "If I see James again, I'll smack him on the head."

"You still haven't told us who you are," Harry said.

The man looked shocked, realizing his mistake. "I apologize. I would have thought that your parents at least told you who I am even though we haven't talked in a while." He mumbled. "I'm Sirius Black. You can call me Sirius, Uncle Sirius, or Padfoot if you like. I'm your godfather Harry."

"I have a godfather?" Harry asked in surprise.

Sirius nodded.

"Do I have a godfather?" Iris asked.

"You do Iris. His name is Severus Snape. He's a potions master and is currently a potions professor at Hogwarts too."

Harry's ears perked when he heard the name. "Wait, you mean the Severus Snape? The youngest ever, multi-awardee, world-renowned potions master who wrote The Art of Potioneering and The global guide of potions ingredients? That Severus Snape?"

Sirius looked completely shocked at Harry's reaction. Does Harry know Severus? Also was Sevvy that famous?

Iris rolled her eyes. Harry may be a genius but he liked potions most of all and he can be a bit of a "fanboy" about it.

Harry turned toward his sister. "Iris, do you think we could exchange godfathers?" Harry asked.

"WHAT?!" Sirius cried in shock. Draco bawled up laughing.