
The Domineering CEO's Petite Wife, Sisi

The younger sister smirked. “Hehe, you will marry into their family first, and then I will follow suit. Once we’re both in the Shang family, don’t forget to humble yourself whenever you see me!” Song Si could only swallow her grievance and take her younger sister’s place by marrying the Shang family’s second young master. On the night of her wedding, the man with a blood-red blindfold sighed. “I’m disabled and I don’t feel like dragging anyone down with me. You may go.” Song Si felt sorry so she smiled softly, and said, “I’m already married to you, so let me take care of you from now on!” Suddenly, the man removed his blindfold to reveal a pair of devilishly charming eyes. His lips curled into a smile. “As expected of the woman of my choice. Only you are worthy of becoming the Shang family’s madam!” Song Si was shocked. “You…” Shang Yao pulled her into his arms and grinned. “The Shang family only has one young master. From now on, I’ll take care of your mother. For the grievances and injustice you’ve suffered in the Song family, I will return them the favor by a hundred folds!” Character Setting: Song Si - A charming young lady who is both sophisticated and sweet. Shang Yao - A domineering CEO. Two-faced, capable, and loyal.

Cold Charm · Urban
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40 Chs

Family Matters

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Song Si naturally knew what Song Jiang was thinking. She could feel everyone's distrustful gazes on her.

Song Yu looked like she was watching a show. She wanted to see Song Si make a fool of herself.

Song Si stood up under the pressure. She smiled and thanked Chen Hai, "Uncle Chen, thank you for speaking up for me."

Chen Hai nodded kindly. He did not have a good impression of Song Jiang. He only stayed in the company because of Old Master Jiang's past kindness to him.

Song Si continued, "Seniors, this matter is indeed quite a challenge for me, but I'm confident that I can do it well. Please give me some time. I'll definitely perform well."

Although Song Jiang had brought this up on purpose to make things difficult for her, Song Si also knew that if she wanted to get the recognition of this group of people, she had to do something.

This was a good opportunity.

Song Jiang did not expect Song Si to agree so readily. His expression turned awkward. Did he really have to give up the company to her?

Seeing Song Si's boldness, Chen Hai clapped and praised, "As expected of Old Master Jiang's granddaughter. How bold! I support you. If you need any help, just tell me."

"Thank you, Uncle Chen."

Song Si thanked him sincerely. Out of everyone, only he was willing to speak up for her.

Song Jiang was still thinking about how to answer Song Si when Song Yu suddenly stood up.

She said like a child in a fit of pique, "I want to try too! I'm also my father's daughter and have the right to inherit the company. If I can solve this matter, I want to be the acting chairwoman!"

Chen Hai revealed a disgusted expression. "Jiang Dong Corporation was built by Old Master Jiang. Miss Song Yu is the legitimate heir."

Song Yu could not stand hearing this and immediately retorted, "My father has been in charge of Jiang Dong Corporation for so many years. Even if he didn't make any contributions, he has worked hard. Moreover, that old man is already dead. Jiang Dong Company belongs to the Song family now!"

Chen Hai's face darkened. He hated it the most when others insulted Old Master Jiang. He pointed at Song Yu and scolded, "You uneducated fellow. If you have the ability, say what you just said again."

Song Yu was a little afraid and looked at Song Jiang for help.

Song Jiang also glared at her and cursed softly, "Do you think the situation isn't messy enough?"

Chen Hai's reputation in the company was quite high. Song Jiang usually had to give him some face. Song Yu actually dared to challenge him in person. She was simply looking for trouble.

"Quickly apologize to Uncle Chen!"

Song Jiang shot Song Yu a look. Now was not the time to offend Chen Hai.

Song Yu hesitated for a long time before finally apologizing unwillingly. "I'm sorry."

Only then did Chen Hai sit back down. His expression was still ugly, but he did not want to bicker with a little girl, so he did not say anything else.

Song Si said expressionlessly, "With what you just said, you're not qualified to be the acting chairwoman of Jiang Dong."

"Song Si, you…"

Song Yu was about to curse back when she was stopped by Song Jiang.

Song Jiang said unhappily, "Alright, this is the company. If the two of you want to quarrel, go home and quarrel."

He was here to make things difficult for Song Si today, not to let the shareholders watch their family drama.

Song Yu shut up obediently.

Compared to letting Song Si take back the company, Song Jiang was naturally more willing to hand the company to Song Yu. After all, Song Yu was on his side.

Song Jiang pretended to speak helplessly, "My two daughters are my precious babies. It's not good to be biased toward anyone. How about this? Whoever solves the issue of the raw stone supplier will be the acting chairwoman.

"Everyone, please raise your hands if you agree to this solution."

Song Si silently looked at Song Jiang. This old fox was really cunning.

The shareholders discussed softly. In the end, most of them raised their hands.

Chen Hai was very dissatisfied with this. "You guys aren't grateful at all. When Old Master Jiang was still alive, he treated all of you well! Are you going to help others bully his granddaughter like this?"

Xu Hui waved his hand. "Old Chen, you're not in the position to be talking about this. This is their family matter, after all. Why should we outsiders interfere? It's Chairman Song's right to hand the company to whoever he wants. Don't talk too much."

Seeing that the two were about to argue again, Song Si said, "Enough!"