
The Dominance Equation: Unveiling Darkness

In a world where humans and supernatural beings coexist, Eijin, a young mutant with extraordinary powers, embarks on a dangerous mission. With the help of his allies and lovers, who possess their own unique abilities, Eijin confronts evil supernatural beings and navigates power struggles among different factions. As their powers intertwine, so do their relationships, creating both strength and danger. Love blooms amidst the darkness, providing solace and strength in their relentless battle. As Eijin and his allies face the encroaching darkness, they must confront their fears and discover the true extent of their abilities. The fate of the delicate balance hangs in the balance, as they uncover the truth behind the darkness threatening their world. In a realm where humans and supernatural beings coexist, their journey is filled with danger, testing their courage, loyalty, and the enduring power of hope amidst a world shrouded in darkness.

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53 Chs

Chapter 28: The Lighthearted Moments

After the intense battle in the governor's mansion, Eijin headed home immediately. Feeling secure that the Shadowstrike team had captured the corrupt governor, he thought there would be no more incidents involving enhancing drugs for a while. However, he was certain that another incident would occur.

As he flew back home, he couldn't get the thought out of his mind: why were there powerful warlock and demons supporting Victor? It seemed that someone else more powereful was pulling the strings behind him.

He remembered Victor uttering the name Azrael, the demon king. Could it be that Azrael was the one pulling the strings from the shadows? According to their collected database, the demon king had died a decade ago during a full frontal attack to conquer the human world. Could there be another demon king?

He needed to go home and ask for Mara and Rachel's assistance in digging deeper.

As Eijin neared the rooftop of the mansion, he could see Mara and Rachel waiting for him. As soon as he landed and retracted his wings, Mara rushed towards him, embracing him tightly, full of worry. Rachel stood nearby, staring at him with a concerned look.

"Are you okay?" Rachel started. "It's not every day that you use a full energy blast." Her tone was filled with concern.

Mara continued to hug him, not wanting to let go.

"That warlock was incredibly powerful," Eijin explained. "I had no other choice."

"Your symbiotes need to store energy once more," Rachel said, just as Uno and Dos chimed in, "Master Eijin, dinner is served, and your hot bath is ready in your room!" they exclaimed in perfect synchronization.

"Thanks, Uno and Dos," Eijin replied with a smile. He then turned to Mara, his eyes filled with admiration. "And thank you, my brilliant beauty," he added, gently lifting Mara's chin. Mara's heart fluttered, anticipating something special - perhaps a kiss as her reward. With a shy smile, she closed her eyes, feeling her face blush as she sensed Eijin's lips landing on her. However, her excitement quickly turned to playful disappointment when she realized the lips she felt were not on her own, but on her forehead instead. Opening her eyes, she caught Eijin chuckling mischievously.

"What?" Eijin asked innocently, feigning surprise.

But as Eijin burst into laughter, Mara embraced him even tighter, a mischievous glint in her eyes, and leaned in to plant a surprise kiss on his lips. Eijin was taken aback, caught off guard, leaving him momentarily speechless. It took him a moment to compose himself, his lips still tingling from the unexpected encounter.

"You owe me that," Mara exclaimed teasingly, a playful smirk dancing on her lips.

Rachel couldn't help but contain her laughter, but feeling a twinge of playful jealousy, while Uno playfully covered Dos' eyes, pretending to shield her from the adorable and unexpected romantic comedy unfolding before them.

Meanwhile, the Shadowstrike team is now heading towards the city in their state-of-the-art high-tech vehicle. Their nanotech battle suits slowly transform into casual clothing. Calista is now wearing a black shirt and jeans, Rinoah is wearing a light blue blouse and shorts, Mika and Michelle are wearing short cute pink and black dresses, and Kristine is wearing jeans and a white tank top.

"Should we go back to the Pegasus club, girls?" asked Calista.

"I'm hungry, I'm craving for shawarma," declared Rinoah.

"Pizza!" interjected Mika.

"And when did you start eating pizza?" Michelle asked. "You're a vampire." And she laughed.

"I'm a hybrid," Mika pouted her lips.

"I know a place that serves all kinds of food that are suitable for all of us," Calista suggested before stepping on the gas. "There's this food House called Bluwich. The all-rare meat cooked pizza is oozing with fresh blood. You'll enjoy it, Mika," Calista explained to Mika.

"But you haven't asked the team leader," Michelle said.

"I don't mind as long as they serve food for humans," Kristine declared. Her arms and legs crossed as she sits on the middle of the back of the vehicle. Michelle and Mika are on her both sides.

"It's settled then!" Calista exclaimed.

These are the lighthearted moments after they have accomplished such a dangerous mission. And besides the common dangers they face, it is these light moments that deepen their bond. They are truly sisters in arms.

Inside the advanced ship, flying above the city on their way back to Shadowstrike headquarters, Selene sits in front of a high-tech table with monitors on both sides. On top of the table, a holographic figure of a woman appears, drying herself with a towel.

"Ma'am, the mission was a success," Selene declares with a proud voice. "The girls were outstanding," she adds, referring to the Shadowstrike team.

Meanwhile, in a state-of-the-art and highly secured penthouse not too far from the Shadowstrike skyscraper headquarters, it is revealed that Maria Grace is the one Selene is talking to.

"As expected of the girls," Maria Grace says proudly as she gently rubs the towel against her soft naked body to dry herself. It seems she has just finished a bath, and her alluring aura is simply captivating.

"And what did you find out about the old pervert?" Maria Grace asked Selene, referring to the governor. "Is there anyone above his pay grade connected to his illegal activities?" she added.

"We still have no evidence of anyone above him. It seems like he is the one at the top of it all. It appears that he is mass producing the enhancing drugs and selling them at a high price to mercenaries and different factions vying for power and position," Selene explained. "His connection to the leader of the Nocturne Coven is merely business. According to the report, the leader of the vampires is named Victor Blackwood. He buys these enhancing drugs to level up the powers of his underlings, allowing them to match our rocketing technology and potentially turn the tide against us humans."

"Extract all the details from that vampire," Maria Grace instructed Selene. "I believe there is someone more powerful pulling the strings."

"Victor is dead, ma'am," Selene answered. "He was killed by the mysterious ally of the girls."

"What?!" Maria Grace's brows furrowed. "But that was a highly classified mission. How was he able to intervene?"

"That's what I asked the girls when they reported it to me," Selene explained again. "But don't worry, it will just be a matter of time before we can unmask that mystery guy. Michelle managed to obtain a piece of his symbiotes."

"Symbiotes? So we're not talking about advanced nanotech?" Maria Grace asked curiously.

"Yes, ma'am. I've already instructed Michelle to analyze the sample in our laboratory," Selene said.

"Very well, give me the results ASAP," Maria Grace demanded as she pushed a touchpad on a holographic keyboard. As the holographic figures disappeared, her wet towel fell to the carpeted floor.