
The Domain of All

In a world where all come together, and all fight for survival by lying, scheming, killing, and doing whatever one can do to win, clash! Monsters, Demons, Angels, Gods, and many more fight to survive in this beautiful world, known only as ‘The Banished.’ Where some see it as hell, others see it as a tranquil and beautiful world. Will anyone be able to reach the ever expanding strength of this world or will they fall before they even start? Due note that this is a FANTASY novel and that there are certain things that won’t make sense or will, completely take a left turn. I will do my best to explain but, for fucks sake it’s a fantasy novel and not realism. This is my first novel. Please be kind (if you can) and try not to troll (again, if you can) but, criticism is gladly accepted and will always be welcome. Also note again that this is also a harem meaning the MC will have multiple women, I know that this is not a very favorite genre for some but, I don’t care if you don’t like it because it’s my novel and not yours. Read it if you want or don’t. Cover is definitely not mine all credit to the original and no I don’t remember the creator

DeathWalker · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Questions about Death

Polemos was running as fast as his legs could take him as what just happened to him had not only scared him but also made him wonder what his eyes as well as the scale Elder Spear gave him.

'She mentioned being drawn by fate by the scale, and she spoke about my eyes? I thought my eyes were seen as a curse or, is that only in this damn tribe I really need to get leave and explore this world. I have so many questions that need answers and this place definitely doesn't have the answers I need.' Polemos thought as he neared Carl's as he quickly rushed in but, when he noticed the individual who was inside speaking to Carl he was a little surprised but quickly ignored the individual.

Alyan just got done with buying the remaining spatial rings that Carl had ordered previously. But when he turned around and saw a rushed and frantic looking Polemos he smiled and spoke in an arrogant manner.

"Ah well if it isn't the Cursed Devil of the tribe Polemos the Mad One. If we weren't in this lowly merchant's tent I'd kill you where you stood."

But Polemos completely ignored whatever Alyan said as he currently had more important things going on then having to deal with a moron who couldn't see the bigger picture other than himself. As he walked right past him as he urgently needed to speak to Carl about what just happened to him,

When Alyan saw that he was being ignored his face flushed red in fury as he turned around and wanted to rebuke Polemos but before he could utter a single word he was cut off by Polemos and to even add more of an insult to Alyan he didn't even look at him.

"I don't have time for you right now and your damn self esteem issues Alyan. Now if you could kindly screw off and go and have fun with your girlfriend Jill that would be great."

When Alyan heard what Polemos said he was furious as well as confused as for one he had no idea who this 'Jill' was or is. But when he tried to speak up again he was cut off by blood like pressure from Carl.

"Leave Alyan, our transaction is done and I agree with Polemos go and have fun with your girlfriend Jill as something more important has recently come up." When Carl saw the look in Polemos's eyes he was bewildered as he couldn't recall Polemos ever having that look in his eye.

Alyan shook in fury when Carl told him to leave but when he tried to speak up again Carl increased his bloody pressure which made him clench his mouth shut as he stared daggers at the back of Polemos as he stormed out the tent.

After Alyan left the tent Carl looked at Polemos as he asked a question before Polemos was able to speak up.

"Alyan has a girlfriend named Jill?"

Polemos only slightly chuckled as he lifted his left hand and pointed at it with his right. But when Carl looked at his hand he saw nothing but just Polemos's calloused hand and looked at him in confusion. When Polemos saw Carl's confusion he shook his head and put his hands down.

"It's his hand Carl, his supposed girlfriend is his hand. But let's leave that alone. I have a few questions that need answers and I hope you can answer them and if not maybe the Minor-Oasis will." Polemos then took a deep breath to calm his nerves then spoke with a serious look in his eyes as well as his voice.

"When you told me that story about your Death Bells was the story that was told to you true or was that just a sales pitch in order to get you to buy it?"

Carl raised one of his eyebrows as he responded.

"What's a sales pitch?"

". . . . . . . . . ."

"So that was a sales pitch then huh. Why would that matter anyway it's not like you met Death right, like I said before they went well with my beard that's why I bought them." Carl was surprised to learn what a sales pitch was as he thought he could do something similar in order to make more money but when he noticed that Polemos didn't respond and was silent he was surprised further.

"Wait, you mean that sales pitch about Death watching you was true!"

"Apparently yeah and not only is she watching me, I've met her. And I'll be seeing her again as apparently our fates are held together by my eyes as well as a scale that Elder Spear gave me. Which brings me to my other question: do you have any information or books that talk about those who have purple eyes?" Polemos sighed as it looked like he really needed to leave the tribe and explore.

"Unfortunately no I don't have anything but, someone in the tribe might. You also said you had a scale that was given to you by Elder Spear could I see it?" Carl asked.

"Yeah sure I don't see why not anything can help as this is something I had no idea was going to happen." Polemos grabbed the scale from his necklace and handed it to Carl. "Plus none of the books you gave me mentioned anyone meeting Death and living. I mean normally when one does it's because you've died." Polemos spoke aloud as Carl was looking over the smooth black scale.

When Carl saw the scale and felt the smoothness of the black scale he was instantly interested in it but, after looking at the scale he wasn't able to recall anything about what or where it came from. He shook his head and he handed the scale back to Polemos and asked.

"Did Elder Spear tell you how he found it?"

"No, he only told me that it was a good luck charm and I assumed it was a rare or special fish scale but, it seemed I was wrong as it's definitely not a fish scale but something else." Polemos just held the scale looking at it as he released a sigh as he gripped it tight in his palm. Then asked Carl if he had anything to tie or hold the scale as he wanted to wear it.

Carl was a little surprised but didn't ask why and reached under his desk and grabbed a necklace that the scale could be put into and tossed it to Polemos.

"No charge, it's supposed to be a good luck charm, remember. Plus I hope you don't mind me asking, what did she look like?" Carl had a large smile behind his beard as he wondered what the Goddess of Death looked like.

When Polemos heard Carl's question he chuckled slightly as he put the scale into the necklace. He spoke about his experience with Death as he put it on and spoke truthfully.

"She was beautiful." As he looked at the necklace that held the scale and smiled. "She had pure white eyes, pale white skin, and a cold but soothing voice that you could fall asleep to for eternity. I swore when she was speaking to me she had a longing in her voice as well as excitement but, I think she was excited for how I'm going to present and kill Alyan."

Carl raised his brows when he heard Polemos speak of what Death looked like. As he was a little surprised.

"Well that's interesting."

"Yeah, I was not expecting Death to visit when I was just heading back after having a great 'talk' with Jar-roll. Was planning on fishing to help calm my mind as well make lunch as it was near time for it I think. Then next thing you know something felt off, it got eerily silent, and then she was right in front of me. I won't lie even though I said she was beautiful. I was scared, as death is a scary truth that we must face but still, deep down I was in utter awe of her." Polemos sighed as he continued to look at the scale in the necklace and looked up to Carl.

"Thanks for listening and answering what you could, Carl. And thanks, for the necklace, Elder Spear did say the scale was a good luck charm, just wasn't expecting the good luck to be Death herself." Polemos smiled as he thanked Carl for helping to try and answer his questions.

Carl just laughed as he waved it off. "It's no problem, I just wish I could help answer your questions better than what I gave. Just goes to show that you'll need to explore and gain the knowledge if you ever want to truly have the answers or, when she shows up, ask about the scale and your eyes. I mean she is a Goddess she should have the answers."

Polemos rubbed the back of his head as he looked at Carl. "I mean I guess I can when we see each other again. Well I'm off Carl gotta go and make something to eat as I'm famished."

Carl nodded as Polemos turned around and headed out the tent as he went back to his camp by the water source so he could finally calm his weary mind and try to relax. But as he was heading back, unbeknownst to Polemos he wasn't able to notice or feel the scale slightly pulse as if sending some type Mana into his body.

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