
The Domain of All

In a world where all come together, and all fight for survival by lying, scheming, killing, and doing whatever one can do to win, clash! Monsters, Demons, Angels, Gods, and many more fight to survive in this beautiful world, known only as ‘The Banished.’ Where some see it as hell, others see it as a tranquil and beautiful world. Will anyone be able to reach the ever expanding strength of this world or will they fall before they even start? Due note that this is a FANTASY novel and that there are certain things that won’t make sense or will, completely take a left turn. I will do my best to explain but, for fucks sake it’s a fantasy novel and not realism. This is my first novel. Please be kind (if you can) and try not to troll (again, if you can) but, criticism is gladly accepted and will always be welcome. Also note again that this is also a harem meaning the MC will have multiple women, I know that this is not a very favorite genre for some but, I don’t care if you don’t like it because it’s my novel and not yours. Read it if you want or don’t. Cover is definitely not mine all credit to the original and no I don’t remember the creator

DeathWalker · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Kiss of Death

When he removed the cloth he found an old and large map that only the Tribe Leader and Hunting Captains were supposed to have. And the best part was that it was extremely detailed; it even had the location of the tribe. It was something he had been looking for ever since he was reincarnated in this world.

"This is just perfect with all the details and the references in Alayahs journals. I should be able to hopefully find the bandits they were working with, hopefully, and even help me on my journey to the Minor Oasis." Polemos smiled devilishly as he looked and studied the map for a moment till he put it away in one of his rings then started to take down the tent and store it in his ring to sell later.

When Rose saw Polemos putting the gaudy and "lavish" tent she hissed as she lowered her head as he jumped atop and rubbed her head, sitting crossed legged.

"Let's head to camp and get packing Rose, we start our journey in the morning."

The sun was slowly starting it's descent bringing the end of the day as it slowly headed for the long night. As Rose and Polemos were heading back to their camp near the medium water source. He calmly looked across the desert as Rose swayed her head back and forth slightly.

'Finally, everything is done here. I can finally begin.' Polemos was lost in thought as he continued to look across the desert. But he was swiftly brought out of his thoughts as they reached their camp. Rose lowered herself as he slid off her head, softly landing on the sands.

"After tonight will be heading out Rose, luckily we don't have all that much to pack as it's just you and me but still, I've got a lot of things to do before we even head out."

Polemos sighed as he walked over to where he had made a fire previously as he threw some logs in and started a fire. After starting the fire he removed his bloodied kurta as he tossed it into the fire, he did the same with his harem pants and shoes, as blood also covered them. After he threw them into the fire he started walking over to the water source so he could clean himself.

After he was cleaned he put on a pair of black harem pants, boots, and a black tunic.

"Much better, felt bad having all that blood on me. Especially since it's from Alyan." Polemos stretched as he walked back to the campfire. "I should look at the note from that blacksmith and see if I can pinpoint the location of the Minor Oasis on the map. If not then I'll just follow the directions on the note."

When he reached the campfire he saw that Rose was laying in the sands by the fire as she was sleeping. He smiled as he let her sleep as he headed into his tent so he could try and study the map further and hopefully use the notes from Alayahs journals. When he entered his tent he made a solid block of sand from the ground as he laid the map across it, as he pulled out Alayahs journals and read through them again.

After re-reading the journals a frown formed on Polemos's face as he spoke softly to himself.

"Crap, I forgot that she never mentioned a location, just that they met near the damn Minor Oasis. Well let's hope the note from the blacksmith will provide something. If not then all this map is good for is the locations of all the monster or beast nests." He pulled out the note and read it again as he sighed reluctantly. "It only says that from my location all I'll need to do is travel south and I should reach it. Are they trying to be mysterious or hidden? Why, what's the point, aren't you supposed to be a place people travel to, Gods."

Polemos just rubbed his temples as the longer he looked at the map and tried to put a location for the bandit and Minor Oasis location fell flat.

'I really should have studied maps. Oh well I'll just keep it and update it when I can since it looks like it covers a huge area. Plus it is an old map, I wonder if it has anything important on it?' He thought as he continued to rub his temples.

"Well, at least I finally got a map, plus it seems there are multiple locations and spots that have some huge nests on the way south." He said as he looked at the map again and noticed there were many marks south on the map. "Good, it'll help me stock up before I reach the Oasis." He smiled as he put away all the journals and the note back into his ring. "It even gives a rough estimate of the strength of the nests also, huh it seems most of my hunts were in the north according to the map."

Polemos continued to study the map further as he made a plan to hit every nest that had the strength of a Special Elite or a True Acolyte at the ninth stage. He was able to find at least eight nests that would provide him with the perfect training grounds for not only himself but for Rose also. When he was done making his plans for his trip, he put away the map as he stood and stretched.

'Seems like I was looking at the map for a while. I wonder what time it is. I really hope I can find a pocket watch or something that can keep time, I miss my watch.' Polemos internalized as he opened the flap of his tent to an orange and setting sun. 'Looks like the night is just starting, I should head back into the tent and meditate.'

Polemos lowered the flap of his tent as he headed back inside and sat on the solid patch of sand cross legged and started his meditation.

Unknown to Polemos as he delved deeper into his meditation his black scale necklace pulsed, sending a black essence into his body.

He continued to meditate until he heard a cold and soothing voice. When he heard that cold and soothing voice he smiled as he opened his eyes. As a beautiful and angelic face, with a beauty mark near her left eye and long flowing black hair and a pair of beautiful white eyes.

Death was sitting across from Polemos with her hands in her lap as she smiled.

"Hello again Polemos, that was one amazing ritual."

Polemos smiled as he looked into Death's beautiful pure white eyes.

"Yes it was, it was something I had planned for a long time for Alyan."

She chuckled softly as she covered her mouth as she replied. "You must really enjoy my eyes as you seem to be lost in them. I wonder how the rest of my body compares?"

When she spoke about her body Polemos couldn't help but actually look. She had a devilishly wicked body along with her angelic face. Her waist was huggable as her breasts were full as they were pressed against her black and silvery dress. He clearly remembered the softness of her thighs as he looked at them and as he looked at her toned yet soft looking butt.

As he looked back into her pure white eyes he smiled as he spoke with a deep voice and answered.

"You're beautiful, unlike anything I have seen before. And I've seen many types of beauties in my life. Well in my current life you are the most beautiful I've seen so far."

"Oh, so far you mean." She smiled slightly as she heard his answer.

"Yes, so far. I've yet to begin my journey and so far I have seen some beautiful things. Such as the natural beauty of nature, the silvery night sky with the twin moons, the massive golden dunes of the desert, but your beauty has surpassed all that I have seen so far."

Death's eyes turned into crescents as she heard his reply. Then she gestured to her lap as she spoke.

"Would you like to lay on my thighs again? You seemed to enjoy them the last time we met."


Polemos didn't hesitate to answer as he turned around and laid his head on her soft and comfortable thighs, as a cold yet refreshing feeling filled his nose. She smiled as she rubbed her hands through his hair as she spoke.

"You're honest, blunt, mad, and so much more. You've taken to your bloodline perfectly even though it seems you have no idea about it." She continued to run her hands through his hair as Polemos closed eyes as he enjoyed her touch. But when he heard her talk about his bloodline he was indeed surprised.

"You must have heard of the legend or rumor in the tribe." She said as she grabbed the side of Polemos's face as she looked into his beautiful purple eyes. "Those who are born with purple eyes are bound to walk with death. It is a curse but, not as everyone has made it out to be, since I walk with you, death will follow, but only to your enemies…" she spoke soothingly as she continued to explain about his eyes as well as his bloodline.

Polemos continued to listen as he lay in her lap with his eyes closed. When she was finished he opened his eyes as he smiled as he reached and held her cheek and spoke in a loving manner.

"I don't care about the so-called curse of my blood hell, if anything I see it as a blessing as it allows me to speak and be with a beautiful woman."

When Death heard his reply, she smiled lovingly as she leaned into his hand and looked into his eyes.

"I'm glad you see it as a blessing as I will be following you on your entire journey." She smiled as she continued to look into his purple eyes. Then she leaned down as their lips almost touched. "When you're stronger, we will meet again, but before you leave, know that I can be very scary yet gentle." She finished as she sealed her lips with his.

Polemos woke with a shake as he saw himself back in his tent.

"I was just kissed by Death."

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