
(Chapter 10) Parkour?!

Maddie ran up the stairs, and broke down the basement door. But before she left the house, she grabbed some friends. Elizabeth and Sidney were still running until they came to a forest. Now, Elizabeth DID live close to the forest but for the girls it felt like the forest was miles away. But they kept going, for the sake of their own lives. Finally they found a large cave. Both girls were terrified because there could be a bear in there. But they realized that this cave was abandoned. Although there was blood all around it, the girls still went in. No blood could scare them now, they have seen far worse.

As soon as they walked in, they started hearing voices. And when they were really deep into the cave, they heard the same humming again.

"Its our parents!" Sidney said exited.

"I..I dont think that's our parents..." Elizabeth mumbled. From the dark, out came Elizabeth's water spraying barbie. But instead of spraying water, it was spraying blood. "We have been watching you since you were three~ Come play with us now! We can be friends forever!" The blood spraying barbie said.

But Elizabeth and Sidney were NOT going back to that house. If they did, Maddie would have locked them in the basement with her! And then they would have to pee in a bucket. Yuck!

They ran left until they found a bunch of tables and chairs. "What could these be doing here?" Elizabeth asked.

"It looks like...parkour?" Sidney said confused.

"Smart girl you are, Sidney. But that's not what you girls should be worried about. Maybe you should be worried about this room getting flooded instead! EHEHEHEHEHE!" The girls could hear Maddies whispers all around them. But when they looked behind them, they realized that the blood spraying barbie had pushed a giant boulder over the entrance, and now the only exit was the hole up at the ceiling.

And the room was slowly starting to flood.

The girls quickly climbed up the tables and chairs but it started to get slippery. It was so slippery that Sidney slipped! Thankfully Elizabeth caught her, but the water was now rising faster. And Sidneys last words were "You can do it" As she let go of Elizabeth's hand and fell into the water. Sadly, she didnt know how to swim..and drowned.