
The Doll Gamer - (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

I'm not a hero. I'm not even a functional human being. I'm just a living doll that does what it pleases without a care in the world. "Oh? Some more pots that need breaking. Is that a treasure chest? Mine now." OC SI. Gamer ability. Shameless. From the makers of Neville the Gamer is a new story of a sociopath stuck in the HP world with the gamer ability.

RedWall · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Chapter 6: Rematch and New Dungeon

Chapter 6

"Good, make sure to keep that core tight," Robert instructed as I went down for another pushup.

It was 7 AM but the team had been running drills for an hour already.

The other beater, a fourth year Ravenclaw named Simon, collapsed beside me.

Robert moved over to him, "Hey! I didn't say you could stop! You still have 5 more reps!"

"C-can't, anymore," Simon said, completely drenched in sweat.

Robert scowled at the poor teen and pointed at my direction, "You're giving up already. Look at Bell over there, he's done the same amount as you, and he doesn't even look winded! Isn't that right Bell!"

"I don't know, I could take a bre-"

"See! Cool as a cucumber! Now get down there and give me a another ten!"

I looked at the boy's struggling face, thinking how weak normal wizards were.

While it was true that magic did boost a wizard's vitality, allowing them to survive great falls or even deadly poisons that would kill normal people in seconds, the same could not be said for their strength.

Thanks to all this additional training I had finally reached STR 20 earlier this week, which would be the pinnacle of strength of normal people. I could lift about 500 pounds over my head with mild ease. Though even that much was nothing when compared to Hagrid who had an astonishing STR of 115.

Finishing the rest of my pushups I got up, and went to the weight rack, picking up a thirty-pound dumbbell.

A beater needed to have a lot of upper body and core strength since they had to hit back the bludgers which all traveled at 60 mph. As such, they needed to be the most athletic members in the team. Usually this meant that they were the brawniest of the bunch.

I was giving it my all, since a new quest had appeared on the first day of training.

[Quidditch Cup Glory]

Show everyone just how amazing you truly are by winning the quidditch cup.

Completion award: EXP 150,000

Increase closeness with Ravenclaw House

Random Skill Book

Ankle Bracelets of Flying

Completion Failure: None

The amount of experience was nothing to scoff at, plus the random skill book and ankle bracelets both seemed interesting.

With my current skills it should be enough. All I had to do was take out the other team's seeker first and then make sure that our team accumulated enough points to secure use the win even without the snitch. I just had to remember to control my strength in order to not kill anyone.

Our first match would be against the Hufflepuff team, right after Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Quidditch season would begin in November so we were only a couple weeks away.

On another pleasant note, I had become the undisputed leader of this year's Ravenclaws.

It should come as no surprise, since I was currently ranked 2nd in terms of grades and was in the quidditch team. The only reason why I wasn't first was because those first few weeks where I couldn't do magic, were bringing me down. Well that, and Hermione's relentless effort to not fall behind.

But all of that would change in the next semester seeing as I was able to raise my Spell Casting skill to level 9.

I could level most skills to level 10 in a few days, the only problem was that after 10 they became increasingly harder to level. For this reason, most of my current skills tended to be between 10 and 18.

A whistle sounded and everyone huddled around the Captain, it was time to do more drills.

(Scene Change)

"Hey Richard, do you think you can help me with my transfiguration homework?" Terry asked as soon as I stepped into the common room.

I put my hand out, causing the Ravenclaw to scowl before digging into his pocket and taking out 5 Knuts.

Placing the money in my hand he asked again, "So will you?"

"Sure, let me just run up to my room real quick," I replied, pocketing the money.

Lately I've started offering tutoring in exchange for a small fee, as a way to get closer to the other houses.

So far, only the first year Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs had come to me for help but that was to be expected. Slytherins were too prideful to ask a muggle-born like me for help and Gryffindor didn't like me on account of my friendship with Daphne.

Speaking of Daphne, she was coming along nicely. She had recently relinquished some of her power to Draco, making both her and him the co-leaders of the first year Slytherins. This was for the best, since now she had a scapegoat she could use if Slytherin house ever started getting out of hand. Plus, with Draco's prejudice being well known to the student body, it would make her appear better in comparison. After all who would you trust, the son of a known Death Eater, or the Daughter of Noble House who stayed out of the last war?

It also seemed that she finally realized my trap, seeing as she was taking every small opportunity to try and get me under her thumb, only to be left sorely disappointed when I outmaneuvered her.

Hogwarts was turning out to be an interesting experience, there was always something new. I had even been able to find the patterns behind the stairs' movements. Turns out that WIZ was great for finding patterns and calculations, which explained my sudden talent in transfiguration considering it was the most scientific of the classes.

Getting my books, I briefly pulled up my stats.

Charles Bell

Class: The Gamer

Level: LV 12 Next Level: 47.49%

HP: 230/230

MP: 340/340

STR: 21

DEX: 20

VIT: 18

INT: 29

WIS: 52

LUK: 13

Points: 0

Money: 3,187 G/ 2 S/ 16 K

Inventory: 184/250

Looking at the numbers, I was confident that I could beat the undead wizard, even with it being almost triple my level.

It was time for my payback.

(Zombie Dungeon)

I stalked the roof tops of the old suburban community trying to be as silent as possible.

Looking down at the street I saw the normal zombies bumbling around.

So far, I had yet to spot any wizard variant, making me believe that it would only show itself once I culled their numbers a bit.

[Sneak]'s level has risen by one.

[Sneak] (Active/Passive) LV 3 EXP: 0.0%

Description: Why fight then head on, when backstabbing is so much easier? Embrace your ninja side.

Passive: You become 10% harder to detect.

Active: By using mana, you can become invisible so long as you don't move.

Cost: 50 MP per minute.

I couldn't waste too much energy fighting the grunts so I took out my hand and aimed at the zombies' legs.

A simple jelly-legs curse would be enough to stop them.

"Locomotor Wibbly."

One by one they all fell down as their legs became as limb as noodles.

From then on, I cut off each of their heads and collected their drop loot.

This process went on until around the 100th zombie.

[You sense danger!]


It seems I didn't need to bother to look for it as it had taken the curtesy of apparating in front of me.

I unsheathed my rapier and held it tightly in my right hand while my other held the wand.

It gave a dry moan as it held up it's wand which was glowing with black mist.

I said nothing as I sent a cutting curse at it.

It responded by sending one back.

When the two curses clashed, mine was the one that was pushed back. An x shaped cut appeared on the ground in front of me.

As I thought, it was better than me when it came to magic.

Zombie Wizard LV 32

HP: 10,000/ 10,000

MP: 1,990/ 2,000

But that didn't change anything, it just meant I had to get creative.

"Flippendo!" I yelled out only for it to be blocked by a transparent shield.

That was enough however, as I took out a glass orb that contained grey smoke and smash it on the ground.

In seconds, the area was covered in thick white fog, making it hard to see more than a few inches in front of us.

With my wand and sword in hand I disappeared into the fog.

I felt a strong gust of wind try to dispel it, but it was no use.

While it could no longer see me, I could still manage to detect where it was by using the game map and a little bit of guess work.

"Confringo," I whispered pointing my wand at a point in the fog.

A jet of orange light pierced through the fog effortlessly.

I heard a screech and dodged out of the way as a barrage of cutting curse was sent in my direction.

Leaping out of the way I sheathed my sword and took out my crossbow and loaded an acid bolt.

Reading the pattern and direction of the cutting curse I pin pointed its location and pulled the trigger.

My ears picked up the sound of glass breaking before it was followed up by another unearthly scream.

Looking at the enemy's health bar in one of my open windows I saw it slowly start to decline.


Hearing the telltale signs of apparition, I scanned the area once more.

[You sense danger!]

Without thinking I activated [Flying] to jump into the air.

Escaping the radius of the smoke fog I looked behind me, only to see the area flash a red hue.

Landing I noticed that the expiration on the artificial fog was ending.

I momentarily frowned as I noticed that the undead wizard had stripped off its robe.

"Somehow, I don't feel like fighting anymore."

Parts of its grey mummified flesh looked to be partially melted giving it a more horrid appearance. The left side of its face must have taken the full brunt of the attack, as it had been stripped of any flesh leaving behind only a half-melted skull.

Briefly I noticed that its skin looked to be covered in some type of arcane runes.

However, what really bothered me was the fact that it hadn't been wearing any clothes underneath the robe.

In other words, it was naked.

I kept my face stoic even when it moved to face me. It roared in what must have been anger, but I was too distracted as something dangled from its legs before falling to the ground.

It noticed this too as it stared at that 'something' in bewilderment before releasing an even louder roar.

It was official, despite my eagerness to fight it, I was more than ready to put this whole thing behind me.

Aiming my bow at it, I released another bolt, only this one had a silver and blue liquid separated by a small glass divider.

It shattered, hitting that 'thing', with the two potions mixing.

This caused a chemical reaction which ended in a white explosion.

It waved its wand banishing the smoke only to see that its lower body was now incased in a block of ice.

It looked confused at the ice but when it looked up it gained a look of alarm when it saw I wasn't there anymore.

The icy bolt was only meant as a distraction and too keep it from running away.

Using [Charge] and [Sneak] I crossed the distance until I was only a foot away and turned myself invisible.

I looked as it swiveled its head trying to detect me, occasionally throwing a curse to the left where it most likely thought an enemy would be.

Looking at it's health I noticed that it still had 80% left.

Normally in games, this meant that the fight was far from over.

However, despite my ability, this was real life, and it followed a different set of rules.

I unsheathed my rapier I lopped off its hand containing the wand, disactivating my invisibility in the process.

It screeched as it held the stump in agony.

I took the wand and stepped on the hand, just in case it decided to have a mind of its own.

Taking the rapier, I stabbed it in the heart, taking a chunk out of its HP. I stabbed and sliced it for several seconds until only a small silver remained.

The fight had been decided as soon as it had lost its wand, this wasn't like a game where one could continue fighting until the bitter end.

With a final swing I cut off the head and watched it roll on the ground before it dissipated into black smoke.

[Gained 12,400 experience.]

Your level went up by 1.

Your level went up by 1.

Your level went up by 1.

The rest of its body soon disappeared as well, including the spare wand.

"Tch. So stingy."

What was left behind was a pile of gold coins, five red potions, a book.

"Oh, 20 Galleons isn't half bad for a single fight. I wonder what this potion is though?"

Lowest Grade Recovery Potion-Rank: Magical

A recovery potion. A lower-middle grade potion that instantly recovers 200 HP. Tastes like strawberry.

"Hmm? Is this good? I should research healing potions later? Now what about the book?"

Skill book: Life Drain- Rank: Rare

Technique possessed by some middle rank or above Undead that can absorb life force. It absorbs the target's life force and adds it to the user's life force. With training it is possible to transfer the user's life force to allies.

Great, this was exactly what I needed right now, a skill to recover health.

[Would you learn this skill?] [Yes][No]

You have obtained the skill 'Life Drain'.

[Life Drain] (Active) LV1 EXP: 0.0%

Technique possessed by some middle rank or above Undead that can absorb life force. It absorbs the target's life force and adds it to the user's life force. With training it is possible to transfer the user's life force to allies.

Effect: Drains 20 HP per minute

Cost: 30 MP

Seeing as it didn't say MP per minute, this meant that it only needed to be cast once.

Now I could deal damage and heal at the same time.

With my high mana regeneration, I really should invest some points into INT to raise my MP.

My personal goal for this year, was to raise my INT to 100, which would give me access to sixth grade spells.

Looking at the desolate battlefield I sighed, somewhat disappointed.

The fight I'd been longing for, left much to be desired.

I hardly got to use any of my skills.

Hearing moaning, I noticed a horde of undead trying to surround me.

"Oh good, targets for my frustration, maybe if I killed enough another wizard variant will appear."

Putting away my sword and wand for now, I decided to work on my hand to hand combat.

I shot into the mob of zombies, planting a knee into the chest of the nearest one. I felt as bone broke under my attack and it was sent flying backwards knocking down its comrades.

One of them lunged at me arms outstretch.

I bend down slightly and stepped into its reaches, then grabbed one of the arms and executed a over the shoulder throw. Before it could get back up, I stomped on its head, crushing it's skull with.

It disappeared in a wisp of smoke.

The others didn't look bothered by the fact that one of its own had just been slain as they attacked all at once.

(Scene change)

Climbing up the stairs to the dungeon's exit, I ripped off what little remained of my shirt and used it to wipe my face clean. The rapier hanging limply in my hand was broken at the hilt.

"Okay, that could have gone better."

Everything had been going great, as the normal zombies were easy to deal with, the problems however started when the undead wizard finally showed up.

Unlike its previous counterpart who favored cutting curses, this new one enjoyed explosion.

A lot.

Almost the entire dungeon was filled with craters were houses used to be.

At one point it had even managed to blow away my arm all the way up to the elbow. I had then gotten the status effect [Crippled] when it didn't grow back.

Thankfully it regenerated immediately after I downed a health potion, otherwise the trip back to the Ravenclaw Tower would be filled with awkward gawking.

After running for 10 minutes I was finally able to launch a counterstrike, killing it with a mana bolt.

What I failed to account for however was that during the fight, a lot of the normal zombies had gotten obliterated in the crossfire. Enough in fact to generate another wizard.

This new one was especially trick as it would fly in the air, while throwing elemental attacks.

At that point I had no choice but to escape as the entire dungeon was on fire, though it would reset itself after a few days.

"Well, at least now I know the potions work, and I managed to make quite a hefty sum even if most of it was left behind."

Using a cleaning spell, I got rid of all the dirt, smoke, and blood clinging to my body, then used the inventory to switch into my student robes. Lastly, I combed my hair back, looking as if I didn't just walk out of a hellish battle field.

"This dungeon is becoming a real pain to conquer. Those wizards also don't look to be the boss either. Perhaps it is time for me to go to another dungeon."

I finally pulled up my stats sheet and noticed that I had leveled up by a lot.

Charles Bell

Class: The Gamer

Level: LV 19 Next Level: 0.12%

HP: 54/280

MP: 20/350

STR: 21

DEX: 21

VIT: 23

INT: 30

WIS: 52

LUK: 15

Points: 35

Money: 3,234 G/ 8 S/ 2 K

Inventory: 120/250

However, what really interested me was the prizes that I had gotten from the second mini-boss. I got few more health potions and some type of parchment.

Blueprint: Enchanted Artifact Facility (Piece A)-Rank: Rare

Description: N/A

It had a picture of a machine that looked like convers belt and oven mixed together. From the title it was easy to guess that it made enchanted artifacts and to build it, I would need to collect all the pieces first.

I was reminded of those crafting games that I used to play on my phone back in my past life.

I had been under the assumption that this power worked like a standard RPG, but if this blueprint meant what I thought it meant, then that would open a whole new world of possibilities.

Plans were already starting to sprout in my mind. I would need to find the rest of these pieces as soon as possible.


Walking out into the courtyard the Slytherin Princess scanned the area for her target.

She found him only a couple feet away, laying underneath the shade of a tree with a book in his hand and a peaceful smile. He was waving his wand in a lazy fashion toward a group of four large dandelions that were swaying from side to side as if they were dancing.

She could also spot some other student of varying ages lingering near him.

As she neared closer, she began to hear the sound of music.

I say "High", you say "Low".

You say "Why?" And I say "I don't know".

Oh no.

You say "Goodbye" and I say "Hello, hello, hello".

I don't know why you say "Goodbye", I say "Hello, hello, hello".

It took her a second to realize that the sound was coming from the flowers.

'Dancing dandelions, original,' she thought with a roll of her eyes as she nudged his foot to get his attention.

The music stopped suddenly as he glanced up at her.

The widen of his smile didn't make her chest feel tighter she told herself.

"Well this is a surprise, what can I do for you Princess?"

She rather liked the way the word 'Princess' rolled off his tongue.

Looking at those still linger nearby she cleared her thought, "Ahem."

Seeing that there wasn't going to be anymore music, they scattered, with some of them walking away humming the song.

"You too guys, take five," Charles said to the flowers, then turned his gaze at the stoic blonde, "What do you think? I call them the 'Dandelions'."

The flowers all bowed to her.

"Pleasure love."

"Lovely to meet you."

"Come her often."

"I see you're a flower girl too," it said bending to look up her skirt.

Daphne felt her cheeks redden as she stepped back, crossing her legs before pointed her wand at the last one and shooting a spell that caused it to catch on fire.

Charles gave a sigh, "Great, you killed my lead vocalist."

With a scowl she threw a broom shaped parcel at him, "Here, it arrived today."

"Finally, you can't believe how much the Captain has been hounding me to get a good quality broom," the black haired Ravenclaw said, as he started to unwrap it before stopping and looking up with a confused expression, "I'm pretty sure I asked for Comet 260."

"They were out," Daphne said in a deadpan voice.

"They were out?" he said skeptically, "All of them?"


"I see… and you decided to get me a-"

"-Nimbus 2000, yes."

Raising an eyebrow Charles continued to speak, "Can I ask why?"

"I heard from Draco, that Potter had one. Thought you might need something to even the playing field," she replied trying to look considerate.

"Yes, I'm aware, but you do realize that I'm not exactly made of money, right?"

"Truly a shame, it's 300 Galleons," she said flipping her hair behind her, "however if you can't pay, I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement."

"Subtle, Princess, very subtle," the tall boy said with a roll of his eyes as he stood up.

She couldn't help but notice just how much taller he was than her as she took a step back.

Charles took out a bag that jingled with coins and handed them to the blonde Slytherin.

"302," he said.

Daphne took the money and weighed it testing before throwing him a curious look, "Are you sure you're not made of money?"


Pocketing the bag, she gave him a long look, "I'm curious to know where you keep getting all of this money?"

"Would you believe me, if I said I found the Founder's long-lost treasure?"


"Good, then you're smart enough to know I would never tell you willingly," he said taking a step forward.

Not one to backdown Daphne also took a step forward, "Are you saying you'd tell me if it was unwillingly?"

The Ravenclaw gave a cocky smirk as he pretended to brush some dirt of the blonde's shoulder, "Perhaps?"

"Hmm…" Daphne thought trying to distract herself form the rapidly beating of her heart.

"Anyways, thanks for the broom?" Charles said stepping back before walking away, leaving her alone in the courtyard.

She released the breath she didn't know she was holding, "He's trouble."

"Aww, look boys, she's blushing," one of the Dandelions muttered.

She didn't look at them as she pointed her want at them.

"H-hey wait-"


(Scene change)

"This doesn't seem that bad," I commented as I trotted the jungle like environment.

I was currently in the Plant Dungeon, found near the Herbology classroom.

The dungeon had a level requirement of 15, so I could only enter it recently.

I noticed there weren't a lot of monsters this time. The last one I had encountered was a level 17 Bowtruckle that was 9 feet tall, and that was over 20 minutes ago.

Hearing movement, I looked up and saw something glittery tumble from the treetops.

Bending down to pick it up, I saw that it was actually a miniature spear made of copper only 6 inches long.

Using [Flying] I performed a super jump and reached an overhanging tree branch.

Pulling myself up, I looked around trying to locate the origin of the noise.


Three branches up, I spotted something hiding in a cluster of leaves. I climbed up the trunk and made my way like a stealth cat.

As I parted the leaves, I quickly had to duck down as something flew at my face.

It landed on the branch behind me.

Thorn Spider LV 4

HP: 100


A common spider found in the Plant Dungeon. It has a strong poison as a result of eating a variety of poisonous insects. It likes hiding in the treetops and eating the occasional gnome. It is weak against fire and magic attacks.

The spider looked more like a giant tarantula mixed with a thorny seed pod. It was brown in color and was leaking some type of green venom form its fangs.

It stood up trying to make itself look bigger, hissing all the while.

"…Mana Bolt."

The ball of mana hit it, destroying it on contact, leaving behind only a Knut and a fang.

Collecting them, I was about to leave when I heard the bush rustle again.


Looking closer I saw what appeared to be a miniature person five inches tall stuck in a giant spiderweb along with a backpack made of leaves.

Girl Gnome LV 2

HP: 800/ 1100

MP: 50/50

A race known for their love of nature, these miniature creatures enjoy spending their days basking in the sun's rays and playing. They make their homes in hollowed out trees, just don't expect them to make cookies. They do however make some tasty honey. They are weak against all attacks and are a delicacy to most predators.

Status Effect: Poisoned

The amount of HP it had was surprising, considering it was only at level 2. It also didn't look anything like the gnomes found on outside, which had misshapen potato like heads and old people bodies. This gnome looked like a young brunet girl dressed in what looked like a green tunic and a green pointed hat.

I saw how it looked at me in fear when I reached for it, but luckily for it, I was in need of a guide.

Removing it from the giant web, I held it gently in one hand, and noticed that there was a dark patch of skin on her thigh that was leaking some green liquid.

"Sqee? Sqee sqee ee?" it seemed to be asking unsurely, and perhaps a little hopeful.

"Sorry, I can't understand you?" I said gesturing with my other hand.

"Sqeee…" it said looking down, before it flinched and held its leg. Looking up it gave me a tear-filled look, "Sqee, sqeeee Sqee?"

Times like this, I really wished there was a subtitle option available, but there wasn't. I already checked the menu window. Still the game decided to intervene at this time.

[A quest has been created]


A young gnome has requested for your help in returning to her village. The jungle is filled with many hungry predators who would enjoy making a meal of an injured gnome. Only a cold-hearted bastard would refuse a quest from such a cute creature.

Completion Award: 1000 EXP

Fauna Journal

Completion Failure: Enemy of the Gnomes.

While the experience wasn't that much, the fauna journal did catch my interest. Unlike the zombie dungeon which was mostly empty, this dungeon had a number of resources. I recognized many of the plants that I passed from my potion's book, meaning that this entire jungle was filled with potion ingredients.

"Fine, I'll help you," I told it with a nod before standing up.

It seemed to have understood me as it gave a joyous squeal. It then used one of its hands to point in the direction of its village. I collected its leaf pack that seemed to contain something heavy. She hugged it like her life depended on it and seemed to almost be afraid of letting it go.

I jumped down to the ground and made a note of where I was for future reference.


With the gnome acting as the guide, the trip went relatively smooth except for a few minor hiccups involving a curtain of vines that turned out to be some sort of snake-plant hybrid.

Along the way I collect different potion ingredients, at least the ones I was able to remember. The gnome didn't look to pleased at my destruction of nature as it crossed its arms and puffed up it's cheeks trying to look mad.

Rolling my eyes, I scanned the area and located a plant with blueish green leaves and chewed some of the leaves until it was mush. I then took it out of my mouth and applied the paste on the gnome's leg.

At first it looked disgusted at my actions, but quickly realized that the pain in her leg had lessened.

What I had just applied was paste made from a plant whose leaf carried a strong numbing agent. My mouth felt a tingly sensation, but it quickly disappearing as [Gamer's Body] took care of the effects.

After that, there were no longer any complaints, with the gnome occasionally pointing out other medical plants.

We reached a raging river about 40 feet wide.


"Yeah, yeah, I can see the water."

The force of the current was too much for me to swim across even with my strength, so that only left flying over it.

Stepping back, I too a running start then used all of my strength to jump, making it a 3/4 of the way there. Just as I was going to touch the water, I used [Flying] in a short burst to send me up in a small arc.

Reaching the other end, I was greeted with a new message.

[A skill has been created through a special action.]

[Double Jump] has been created.

[Double Jump] (Active) LV 1 EXP: 0.0%

Description: It's a me, the most iconic power of video game history. This will allow you to gain some extra height as you can create a temporary platform to kick off in mid-air. Number of platforms you can create before you need to touch a solid surface is 1.

Cost: 5 MP

"Useful," I thought.

I tested it out by jumping up slightly and activating it. Immediately a small glass platform formed under my feet which shattered into nothing as soon as I kicked off again.

This would certainly be more cost effective than using [Flying] to reach higher places.

The gnome girl looked curious and awestruck, waving its hands excitedly.

Nothing more happened as we quickly reached the base of a hill that had a grove of venomous tentacula growing around it, acting as a natural defense against predators.

Using a combination of [Double Jump] and [Flying] I cleared this obstacle easily.

At the top of the hill was a cluster of large trees planted in a circle.

When we neared it, we were met with a squad of gnomes all brandishing spears and bows. I stayed a respectful distance away from them as I placed the gnome girl on the ground.

They didn't lower their weapons until, an older looking gnome with a white beard and purple pointed hat burst forward and embraced the girl. It must have been the girl's father I realized.

They talked in rapid squeak, with the girl occasionally pointing to me.

[Quest: Pathfinder] Complete!

[You earned 1,000 Experience.]

[You obtained the item Fauna Journal.]

The aged gnome stepped forward and squeaked out something that must have been thanks at it bowed to me.

I was led to the village.


The Last Gnome Village

Description: This is the last known village of the gnomes. This once peaceful race of creatures has been hunted to near extinction by the inhabitants of the dungeon causing them to be weary of outsiders. They have built their village around a spirit stone which houses a dormant spirit that exhibits an aura of protection, keeping enemies at bay. This village works tirelessly to produce a mysterious honey like substance called Life Nectar, which they sacrifice a portion to the spirit stone.

The trees looked to be planted in a circle around a black stone boulder. Houses seemed to have been built into the trees with rope bridges connecting different trees together, making it look similar to the moving staircase at Hogwarts.

There must have been at least fifty gnomes that were peeking out from their homes, while the old gnome half carried the girl to the center of their little community.

A cluster of gnomes came out of one of the trees caring a small 20 oz jar filled with some honey like liquid.

Life Nectar- Rank: Rare

A precious liquid produced and revered by gnomes. They are only able to create a spoonful of nectar every full moon. Eating the nectar will cure most poisons and raise the user's maximum Health Points permanently.

At least this explained why the gnome girl had such a high HP despite only being Level 2.

I wouldn't mind getting my hands on some of this nectar, though I doubted they would be willing to just give me some.

The old gnome fed some of the nectar to the girl, and I watched as the leg which was almost completely black turned back to its normal color.

After a few more moments, the girl presented her leaf backpack to the old gnome who opened it almost worshiping. He opened it and took out a white round pebble that looked to be pulsing with with energy.

Spirit Stone- Rank: Very Special

Houses a dormant spirit. Can be used to ward a small area from others. Spirits can be bound to someone once hatched. The type of spirit depending on the sacrifices used to feed it while in it's dormant state.

It seems that the reason why the gnome girl was in the jungle was to collect another spirit stone for the village.

Honestly, I never expected for this dungeon to be filled with so many interesting things.

"Squee. Squeeee sque, sqeeeee?"

[A quest had been created.]

[Gnome Protector]

You can see how the gnome races struggles to live in this dungeon. Will you be their protector and help them rebuild their lost civilization?

Completion Reward: 5,000 EXP

Spoonful of Life Nectar x 1

Completion Failure: None

Do you wish to accept? [Yes][No]

Looking down I saw them look at me with hopeful eyes. The pure innocence in their eyes made the corners of my mouth rise up.


"Hey, Charles whatcha doing?" the brown-haired boy said as he noticed his fellow Ravenclaw sitting alone, eating a piece of toast with a jar of honey next to him. He was holding what looked like normal white stone next to his eye.

Charles looked up and put the stone away, "Oh nothing much, just enjoying some toast."

"Cool, can I have some?" Terry said reaching for a slice only for the plate to be pulled away.

"Nope. This is my special honey, I aint wasting it on you?"

"Aw come on man, don't be so sting," he said lunging for the plate again only for it to be moved further away, "What's so special about it anyway?"

"Well, it is the last of its kind."

"And the other?"

"It's mine, and I don't feel like sharing."

The boy gained a tick mark before lunging, "…Give me some of that toast!"

"Come at bro, better people than you have tried and died!"