
The Doll Collection Book 1

After the death of her maternal grandmother, Mila Anderson and her mother, Amy McNeil-Anderson, returns to Perth for her funeral. Three days after the funeral, Amy and Mila go to clean her mother’s childhood home, but Amy stumbles upon a room that wasn’t there before. Curiosity took over the mother-daughter duo; they unlocked the door to see a room filled with various porcelain dolls—each dressed in Victorian-style clothing. Mila took one of the dolls, then it said, “Free me, please!” the beauty said. Mila placed the porcelain doll on the shelf and told her mother for them to leave—---the doll looked at her with pleading eyes; “Don’t leave me; I want to go home!” it said. One week later, Mila kept hearing a little girl screaming—--while ignoring and not telling her mother. Finally, Amy notices her daughter’s dark circles—-and proceeds to ask; Mila finally comes clean~~~Amy hires an exorcist. But will the exorcist be able to get rid of her maternal grandmother’s misdeeds? Or Will the dolls seek revenge due to the trauma they endured?

FatouTangara98 · Teen
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15 Chs

Epilogue: Mila!

Two months later, since I came into Marlene's world and that clue, the younger woman at Tell-Tale bookstore told me I couldn't decipher it. I should ask Marlene or her dad about it. However, I don't know if I could fully trust this Marlene because Paulina could impersonate anyone she pleased. 

Then, suddenly, there was a knock on my door, and I quickly hid the paper underneath the mattress; "Who is it?" I asked. 

It's Marlene," she said as she approached me slowly. 

"Of course, but you know I must make sure it is you," I replied. 

"Why do you look like you ate the world's hottest pepper?" Marlene teased. 

'Mila, you mustn't show any weakness. Come up with a lie.' "I'm hungry, so do you have any chocolate, or maybe? We should walk around Esmein. We've been here for two months already, and every time I ask you, you always become a Debbie Downer. 

"I'm not a Debbie downer. We can't go out beside you because Esmein doesn't have much to offer like Melbourne," Marlene said. 

"Agreed., but I'm sure Esmein wouldn't be that bad," I replied

I grabbed the jacket Marlene bought for me, and we left the house. Her mother stopped us. "You guys are going out"?" her mom asked. 

"Yes mom, Mila wanted to go sightseeing around Esmein," Marlene replied.

'Her mother is wonderful. Her tan skin glows carelessly in the Esmein sunlight, and her black hair with a hint of white flows beautifully.' We bid farewell to Mrs. Caldwell and went on our merry way. 

I felt someone watching me, but I ignored it and continued walking beside Marlene. She showed me around Esmein and even showed me the statue of her father. Marlene's dad was the formerMarlene'st of Esmein for more than two years, 'I mean, I didn't know she was the president's daughter. How did Grandma Agatha manage to kill the president's daughter?' 

"Come with me," Marlene said. 

"Why are we hiding?" I asked.

She placed her hand on my mouth, gesturing me to shut up. I peeked and saw Grandma Agatha with the same black journal my mom and I found at her house. She was reciting spells, and the children were following her commands. 

"Oh dear sweet children, come and join me, and we shall have fun together," she said. 

I couldn't let her do this again; Grandma Agatha would be stopped today. I came out of hiding, and her eyes widened in shock, making her drop the journal. 

'Did she recognize me? She couldn't recognize me because Grandpa William and Agatha hadn't met yet. Unless...' 

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