
The Doll Collection Book 1

After the death of her maternal grandmother, Mila Anderson and her mother, Amy McNeil-Anderson, returns to Perth for her funeral. Three days after the funeral, Amy and Mila go to clean her mother’s childhood home, but Amy stumbles upon a room that wasn’t there before. Curiosity took over the mother-daughter duo; they unlocked the door to see a room filled with various porcelain dolls—each dressed in Victorian-style clothing. Mila took one of the dolls, then it said, “Free me, please!” the beauty said. Mila placed the porcelain doll on the shelf and told her mother for them to leave—---the doll looked at her with pleading eyes; “Don’t leave me; I want to go home!” it said. One week later, Mila kept hearing a little girl screaming—--while ignoring and not telling her mother. Finally, Amy notices her daughter’s dark circles—-and proceeds to ask; Mila finally comes clean~~~Amy hires an exorcist. But will the exorcist be able to get rid of her maternal grandmother’s misdeeds? Or Will the dolls seek revenge due to the trauma they endured?

FatouTangara98 · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 5: Amy!

Holding the food tray, I stood outside and heard Mila's conversation. She was asking something about my mom and saying that she would let someone take over her body. I looked inside, but no one was there, though I heard someone's voice. 

I didn't want to believe that Mila had the same visions I had as a child growing up in Perth with my mom. I understood why her father left her because of those dolls-they were human-like. 

Every time I asked my mom about it, she told me I didn't have anything to worry about, but now my daughter is seeing them, and I'm scared they'll take her away from me. I knocked on the door and overheard Mila saying, "My mom is here! Go before she sees you," she uttered. 

I opened the door with a smile and acted clueless because I knew what I must do in hopes of protecting my princess. I placed the tray on the chair, helped her sit up, and started to feed her. 

"Mom, It's not good! I want McDonald's, please," she pleaded. 

"Princess, you have to eat this to get better," I said. 

She pouted cutely but continued to eat the hospital food—they made chicken soup for her along with peas, but I know how much Mila loves fast food. I ensure she doesn't eat it daily and eats the food at home. I'm interrupted when my phone starts ringing. 

I fed her the last spoon and excused myself. I picked up the phone, and it was her dad. I explained everything; we decided to call an exorcist because Allen knew about my visions during childhood, though they stopped after I moved out of Perth. 

I didn't understand why Mila could see or converse with ghosts. I ended the call, went back inside, and saw that Mila had fallen asleep. 

I laid down next to her and stroked her hair gently; "Mom, please help me understand why Mila is having these visions," I murmured. 

Then, suddenly, there was a bright light in front of me. "Amy darling, don't worry. They won't dare do anything to her because I'll help her," my mom said. 

"Mom, Why did you keep those dolls there? What are you hiding from me?" I asked. 

"I'm not hiding anything, but I want to say I'm sorry," she said. 

"Why are you sorry?" I questioned, 

The light disappeared, and the words: I'm sorry echoed throughout the room. I didn't understand what she was sorry for and what she meant by saying they wouldn't dare hurt Mila. 

A week later, Mila is discharged from the hospital as her wound is slowly healing. Dr. Sloan strictly warned me not to let go of school. I agreed but wouldn't because I needed to ensure Mila's visions would completely disappear. So, I called an exorcist, and she's coming today. 

I was sitting with Mila in the living room, watching cartoons, noticing me pacing to and fro impatiently. She would've asked a question, but the doorbell rang—"Mom, Who is that?" Mila asked. 

"It's the exorcist I hired," I replied. 

"An exorcist?" Mila mumbled. 

She immediately turned off the television and ran to me, hugging my legs—- "Mom, you can't open the door," she said. 

"Mila, Why are you stopping me?" I questioned. 

"Because you can't hurt her! She's been through enough," Mila said. 

"Who are you talking about?" I asked.