
The Doll and the Prince | Tedros Pendragon

Lying led her father to a good ending. Lying will be the sole reason for her death. But what if she started lying for the sake of an Ever After? "I don't have a Happily Ever After if my true love isn't you." ______________ The School for Good and Evil fanfiction. Tedros x OC.

Lovely_01 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 2

Layna was escorted to the Charity tower by Professor Espada as the girl marveled at the pink corridors while they headed towards a room located at the end of a hall. The man knocked once, nodded to her, and left – but only after repeatedly reminding her not to make any contact with the Ever boys as it would "ruin the tradition," to which she agreed to every single one.

After entering the room, she was greeted by the sight of a grandiose office. Ceiling high bookcases made of fine marble decorated each side of the room except for the one opposite her, which was a pristine window that overlooked a sparkling lake that surrounded the School for Good. Illuminating the room were the gentle beams of sunlight that crept to a desk stacked with papers, a crystal pumpkin paperweight, a crystal pen, and a silver plaque that read:


Dean of Good

Occupying the desk was an older woman in a chartreuse high-necked dress, speckled with iridescent green beetle wings. Layna curtseyed, making the Dean of Good smile warmly at her as she stood up from her seat. Then, she motioned for the girl to sit on one of the mini couches and picked up a small glass bell to ring it.

It didn't take long for a seven-foot-tall nymph to arrive after Layna sat down.

"Two cups of chamomile tea with a tablespoon of honey, please." The older woman stated.

And off the nymph went. 

"Princess Etiquette will be a part of your curriculum, though it looks like you're already quite familiar with it, child."

Layna smiled sweetly. "Thank you, madam, but I still have more to learn."

Then, Dean Dovey, with graceful steps, sat on the couch opposite the girl.

"You know, Ever girls are scheduled to arrive next month." She started, her countenance similar to a comforting grandmother with the tender tone of her voice. "Don't you think you're a little too early for school, dear?" 

Layna's practiced smile became troubled, unsure of what to say. How does she explain going to school with the other girls to being transported – alone – after a mere blink without being labeled as a madwoman?

Or a liar?

"I think so too." she laughed softly, absentmindedly fiddling with her fingertips.

There was a short moment of silence, each waiting for the other to speak. Then, the nymph returned and placed two full teacups upon the glass table, one in front of the older woman and the other in front of Layna.  After the girl was dutifully served, she sipped the hot drink and murmured a gentle "thank you" before the nymph went out of the room.

"Layna of Maidenvale. You are as sweet as they say." The older woman mused as she took a sip of the steaming beverage. "I'm sure an old woman like me can handle your story, child."

With a simple statement, all of the girl's troubles departed as she allowed herself to trust the woman who had been nothing but kind.

"I... I was on the flower train with the other girls. We were all going to the School for Good, since today is the Welcoming." Layna's gaze went down to the teacup, tracing the curved edges of porcelain. "But before I knew it, I was already in front of the school. I waited for the others to arrive, but no one did. So I let myself inside, and the rest.. Well, Professor Espada led me to you."

After listening intently to the girl's words, there was a short silence that made the girl rethink her decision to tell the truth.

Maybe she should have been quiet instead. Even she was not sure if what she experienced was real.

Then, Dean Dovey placed her teacup down, ruminated for a moment, and nodded.

"I see."

Layna prepared herself for the disbelieving statements, so when she heard the dean's response, she was taken aback by how easily the older woman believed her. She knew that if the roles were reversed, she would at least be doubtful – if not completely unconvinced.

"You believe me?"

The older woman laughed. "Would you prefer for me not to?"

"Oh no, madam! I just thought that.. It's a questionable story, is all."

"Indeed, it is. But not if it came from you." Dean Dovey smiled. "After all, students invited to the School for Good wouldn't be the type to lie, Layna."

Although she meant to comfort the girl, Layna felt an unknown emotion creep into her chest as the lightly spoken words echoed within her mind.

Those who are Good are not the type to lie.

She brushed off the unknown feeling and returned to focus on the dean, who took a sip of her tea but frowned slightly when she realized that the drink had gone cold.

"I believe what you say dear. But I do have to correct you on one thing." She brought the cup down to her lap. "Since it seems as though you were brought back in time, it is best you know that the Welcoming is next month."

Meaning that Layna was a month too early for school.

Although she already guessed that she has indeed time traveled, hearing another person confirm the actuality of her experience made it all so real. But why did it happen? And why her? The feeling of the unknown made her feel uneasy, nervous, and scared. It was only when she felt the space beside her dip and a pair of hands encase her own that she realized she was trembling.

The older woman did not speak and allowed her to take her time processing the situation. At first, Layna has still yet to accept that she went back in time – maybe a dream? Even so, no matter how much she tried to force herself to wake up, she was still inside the room that now seemed more unnervingly spacious, almost as if it was consuming her. Or maybe she had mixed up the dates? But that would not explain how all the Ever girls were buzzing with delight as it was their first day of school before she was transported.

It was only when she was finally able to gather her thoughts and accept that she was indeed in the past that she realized she was looking at her reflection from the tea this whole time.

"I have a question, madam." she asked weakly, her voice so soft that it was just above a whisper.

"Ask away, child."

"Perhaps, you know why I am here?"  It was a futile question, but she hoped for any type of answer that would console her.

Dovey shook her head.


Layna could not help but sigh.

"But if there's one thing, dear," the old woman smiled with confidence, her eyes shining with the distinct light of profound knowledge, "there is a reason why you are here, and whatever it may be, I know it's for the sake of good."

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Layna plopped to the comfortable mattress of her dorm room, her sight upon the glorious fresco of clouds that blanketed the ceiling tiles with smiling cupids shooting love arrows from puffy perches. The girl blinked slowly, then closed her eyes to rest.

How exhausting.

Before being guided to the room, she was instructed that since classes for Ever girls start next month, she will have to occupy her time by studying in advance. There was no way for the girl to return to Maidenvale – after all, "the only way out is through a fairy tale." Layna was not particularly studious, but she was obedient, so she had no qualms and nodded quietly.

However, she was curious about one thing.

"Why do the boys start school earlier?" she asked, to which the older woman responded with a smile and a less-than-satisfying response.

"It's a requirement, dear."

Then, similar to Professor Espada, the Dean "highly recommended" not making any contact with the Ever boys, as it was a "tradition" for the school to only allow the girls and boys to meet during the day of the Welcoming. The short explanation only created more questions for Layna who had no option but to comply.

Not long after, the older woman asked a fairy to guide the girl to her room. Along the way, Layna noticed the fairy giving her befuddled glances, to which she ignored. Before the fairy left, wings twinkling with every flutter, he gave her a basket of books to read and a uniform to wear within the school's premises at all times.

And then she was alone once more.

She released another sigh. This was not how she pictured her first day to be.

Like any other Ever girl, she imagined she would be encountering old friends, learning how to be a princess worthy of a Happily Ever After, finding true love...

Which reminded her of one other thing.

She sat up and traced the soft fabric of her dress right above her heart.

She needed to find Chris, her soon-to-be savior.

Layna pulled the fabric that covered her breast down and observed the life-long curse brought upon by no other than her stepmother – The promise of death should Layna continuously lie.

The girl's pale chest was marred by conspicuous marks similar to cracked glass originating from her heart as if her skin was made from damaged porcelain. She traced a long line, remembering the excruciating suffering when she spoke of something that was not true and frowned at the memory. She can still describe how it felt to this very day; It was as if her skin was being carved by a sharp knife as her flesh was being seared by flames from within. Although it lasted for only a few seconds, nothing was more agonizing –

Except for the gentle smile of her stepmother when she saw Layna in torment.

"Oh, Layna. Lying is not good."

Lying is not good.

Lying is not good.

The girl thought that maybe, she should have thanked her mother for bringing this curse upon her. After all, her stepmother could be the very reason why she was in the School for Good.

However, she was tired of being afraid. Although she has been "good" her entire life, the fear of being punished should she ever say something untrue made her feel as though she couldn't breathe – all her life, she wanted nothing more but to be free.

And "Chris" would be the one to do just that.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"The Welcoming determines who amongst you is the ultimate prince!" Professor Espada's voice boomed throughout the room filled with exhausted, perspiring Ever boys who made themselves comfortable by sitting on the hard ground. Those who sat in front saw how his pointy mustache quivered with every syllable. They would have already snickered if they hadn't seen how one lad who failed to contain his laugh was made an example of. The poor boy was still recovering in his room.

"The crystal amongst stones, the sun amongst clouds..." he took the time to observe every boy in the class, his scrutinizing gaze making a few squirm. "The king amongst princes."

Tedros smirked.

"Of course, only the greatest prince can be matched with the most beautiful princess. And what happens when the two have matched?"

A boy raised his hand. 

"Yes, lad!"

"They make babies?"

There was a moment of silence before the class erupted into loud guffaws. However, the middle aged man was perceptibly unimpressed.

"Princesses abhor foul-mouthed donkeys who mistake idiocy for wit! Five hundred push-ups at the end of class!"  Professor Espada barked, successfully silencing the sniggering boy who received a bunch of "oooo's" from his peers. Then, the man looked at one boy in the class who was trying to keep his laugh yet failed to do so.

"Chaddick! Your answer?"

This time, the boy was able to hold his laugh yet was unable to maintain his serious facade. "Uhh, the prince wins?"

"Partly, but not the answer I'm looking for." The professor shook his head as he ran his gaze through the crowd and saw a red-head raise his hand.


"They have their Happily Ever After!"

Tedros' lips curved into a frown.

"Correct! The union of true love between the ultimate king and queen will lead their kingdom to glory and prosperity! Think of King Florian and Queen Letitia, King Robert and Queen Briar, King Arthur and Queen Guinevere!" The boy's frown turned into a deep scowl.

"However, before these boys turned into great kings, they all had to become the finest warriors to maintain honor and uplift justice." Professor Espada then lifted his sword and pointed the sharp edge to all of the Ever boys present. "For the Welcoming, we shall see which one of you is worthy enough to protect the princess from the hands of evil."

Tedros leaned his sculpted upper body back on a wall and closed his eyes, resting an arm upon his bent leg. He thought about how the professor left out what happens after "Happily" Ever After and scoffed.

"After sparring for three days, I believe everyone has gathered an idea of their standings."

All of the boys' gaze then turned to a boy resting peacefully at the back. Due to perspiration, a few strands of his golden hair clung to his skin the exact color of hot desert sand. It seemed as if his entire being was sculpted lovingly by an experienced artist; his muscles were well-formed and domineering, coolly reflecting the proof of difficult training since he was a young lad. His face was so alluring that it wouldn't be exaggerating for him to be compared to Adonis himself – from his sharp jawline to the natural cocky grin on his face, everything about him threatened the rest of the Ever boys.

Tedros deliberately took a moment to open his eyes as his lips curved back into his usual proud grin, taking in all of the eyes glued upon his strong figure. As far as he knew, the Welcoming was an opportunity for Ever boys to attract maidens by boasting off their strength and competence in Swordplay – and although it was evident that he had no need for it, Tedros was not about to lose to anyone.

After all, he had to let them know who was king.

"However, the competition has only started, so I advise you all to refrain from being conceited!"

Tedros rolled his ice blue eyes when he felt Professor Espada's sharp gaze upon him.

A fool would believe that.

"I think so too." A person beside him voiced, catching the boy's attention. "There is still a lot of time left before the Welcoming, Your Highness." the boy continued to mock the obviously overconfident blonde.

Instead of being annoyed, Tedros was amused. He turned to look beside him to see a familiar individual whom he repeatedly defeated during sparring. It was rather entertaining to watch the boy fail continually in attempts to overwhelm him, but Tedros did admire his foe's persistency and competitive nature.

"Only means I have more battles to beat you with." His deep voice retorted.

"Say whatever you want. Someday I'll wipe that smirk off your face when I win against you." Chaddick murmured.

"You say funny things. I'm sure Camelot will appreciate having a jester around when I'm king."

Chaddick was about to respond when Professor Espada gave both of them a warning look. Tedros, who did not feel like doing five-hundred push-ups, turned his attention back to what the middle-aged man had to say.

Not long after, his mind wandered to the Ever girl from earlier.

As far as all of them knew, all the girls were supposed to arrive next month. So why was she here so early?

He tried to recall the girl's face and only remembered how he thought she was pretty.

But that was it.

Tedros closed his eyes to rest, exhausted, as Professor Espada's booming voice proceeded to explain the basics of wielding a sword.

If he can't remember what she looked like, then she must be nothing special.