
The Dofus Seekers

It had been eight years since the Eliatrope traiter, Qilby was sent back to the White Dimention by a young Yugo. Now Yugo is leading the Eliatropes as King along with his Dragon brother Atamai. But not only do they lead the Eliatropes but Yugo and Adamai are now Fathers. Two Dofus had hatched revealing for Yugo an Eliatrope girl and her brother dragon. For Adamai it's the oposite. An Eliatrope boy and his sister dragon. Yugo had named his daughter Sarime and his son Soromalaiki.

AngelxYasutora · Anime & Comics
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Eliatrope Cousins

It had been eight years since the Eliatrope traiter, Qilby was sent back to the White Dimention by a young Yugo. Now Yugo is leading the Eliatropes as King along with his Dragon brother Atamai. But not only do they lead the Eliatropes but Yugo and Adamai are now Fathers. Two Dofus had hatched revealing for Yugo an Eliatrope girl and her brother dragon. For Adamai it's the oposite. An Eliatrope boy and his sister dragon. Yugo had named his daughter Sarime and his son Soromalaiki.

Adamai named his daughter dragon Yogipheramae and his son Kojumo. Yogipheramae was a white dragon just like her father but wherever there was blue on him She had red. While Soromalaiki was a black dragon like Adamai's caretaker Grougaloragran but there were blue wherever Adamai had blue.

Before the two Dofus hatched Yugo and Adamai had heard a legend from the oldest dragon that would soon be fuffilling itself once when their two Dofus hatch. The Elder dragon had told Yugo and Adamai to seporate the Eliatropes from their Dragon siblings as soon as the two Dofus hatched. Yugo was to take the two Eliatrope children to the world he gew up on and to raise them while Adamai would raise the two Dragon hatchlings on the other side of that same world.

Only when the time is right is when the Eliatrope and the dragon children would see each other. Yugo and Adamai did just that. Yugo took his newborn daughter and Adamai's newborn son to see the one person that raised him. His foster father Alibert. When Yugo arrived near his father's house his father was real happy to see him but at first he didn't recignize him.

"Long time no see....dad" Yugo said as he smiled.

"Y-y-Yugo....I-is it really you....y-you've grown so much since the last time I saw you" Alibert said.

"Where's Ruel" He asked as he looked around.

He looked down in sadness. "He's gone.....He died a year ago...I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how to reach you" He said.

"Oh.....Well anyway There's someone I want you to meet" He said as he looked at him and smiled then looked down at the stroller.

"Who do you have there Yugo" He asked.

"Meet your grandchildren My daughter Sarime and Adamai's son Kojumo.....Adamai has my son Soromalaiki and his daughter Yogipheramae I'll explain everything later but I was hoping if you would help me raise them" He said as he introduced the two Eliatope children to his father.

"My goodness Yugo they're so beautiful" He said as he looked at them in happiness as they slept. Yugo looked down at them and smiled.

"So will you help me dad" He asked again.

"You know I'm getting too old for this it was hard enough raising Chibi but I guess I could help raise a couple more what's the worse that could happen" he said. Yugo looked at him and smiled.

"Thanks dad" he said.

"Did you really think I would say no I just met my grandchildren" he said happily but qietly so that he wouldn't wake them up. "But they'll need hats"

"You're the best when it comes to making Eliatrope hats" Yugo said.

"You know it So how old are you now you have to be at least twenty five" He asked.

"I'm twenty dad" Yugo said as he chuckled.

"Really you're still so young" He said surprisingly.

"I'm not as old as you think" He said.

"So how old are the kids" He asked.

"They and their siblings just hatched out of their two Dofus this morning" He said just before he heard his daughter started crying. He gently picked up Sarime and gently started rocking her. "There there my child daddy's here now" He said as he bounced her.

"You seem like a natural Yugo it seems like you've been doing this your whole life" He said as he picked up Kojumo and started bouncing him when he started to cry.

"I learned a little by watching you raise Chibi" He said.

Later that night after Yugo had explained to Alibert on what was going on and why the Eliatrope children had to be seporated from their dragon bretheren, he was sitting in a chair gently rocking a crying Sarime singing her the luluby Alibert once sang to him and Chibi.

"How is Chibi anyway" He asked.

"He is fine he and Grougaloragran are a perfect team when it comes to training with the Wakfu" Yugo said as he rocked his daughter to sleep.

"Just like you and your own brother were" Alibert said.

"You know it" He said as he chuckled.

"I'm used to raising Eliatrope boys but now we have an Eliatrope girl in the family to bring up this will be something new for me" His father explained.

"Parenthood is something new to me in general" Yugo said.

"I'm curious Yugo Since both you and Adamai are in this world Who is taking your place as leader of the Eliatropes" He asked as he sewed and ear peice to a red Eliatrope hat.

"One of my children I had in a past life She and her sister are the same age as I am now.....Sarime and Soromalaiki are the first children I have had in this life" Yugo explained. He looked over and saw the hat his father was working on. "Tell me dad who is that hat for"

"For Sarime of corse She would look perfect in red while Kojumo would look good in a Royal blue at least that's my opinion" He said.

"I think that would look perfect on her" He said as he smiled. He looked down as he sees Sarime fast asleep and his tofu Az was sleeping aguinced his arm that was wrapped around her legs. 'I wonder how the remaining members of the Brotherhood are doing' He thought to himself.

"Oh that reminds me I heard from Queen Amalia a couple of days ago She told me to give you this the next time I saw you I'll just put this here for you" Alibert said as he put a letter on the stroller.

"Amalia's queen now" Yugo asked.

"She's been queen for a few years now but she still sneaks away from her duties to come and visit me every now and then to see how things are going" He said.

"Really How is she and the others" He asked.

"Queen Amalia is just fine but I haven't seen or heard from Percedal and Evangelyne for a couple of years now last I heard they are parents" He said.

Yugo smiled. "At least things are going well with them" He said.

Alibert looked at his son and smiled. "Ruel would be so proud of you right now You've grown up so much since your adventures with your friends" He said.

"I had a lot of fun with them back then It would be nice to see them again and have them meet Sarime and Kojumo" He said.

"I'm sure we'll see them again soon my son" He said as he finished sewing the last part of the red hat together. "There finished What do you think"

"It looks perfect dad" He said as he smiled. Alibert put the hat on Sarime and she smiled happily grabbing his long white mustache. Yugo chuckled. "I think she likes it and it looks great on her"

"I think it looks perfect on her Now it's time to make Kojumo's hat" Alibert said.

"Dad you can work on Kojumo's tomarrow it's getting late we should get to bed before the kids wake up again" Yugo said.

"True you're right plus I have to open the diner in a few hours Speaking of there are a couple of Cra kids that work here I'm thinking on handing the diner over to them when I retire soon They are sleeping in the spare bedroom I've kept your room the way it was when you left it" Alibert said.

"Cra Children" Yugo asked.

"Three of them The oldest is sixteen, The middle child is eight, and the youngest is still just an infant While the youngest is asleep the middle child works small jobs for me like measuring the ingrediance They work so hard with not only for me but taking care of their baby brother as well" He said.

"I will have to meet these Children tomarrow" Yugo said as he smiled.

The next morning Sarime woke up crying wanting her breakfast then Kojumo started crying. "Mr. Alibert who's here" Asked the Oldest of the craw as he braught in some groceries.

"My son Yugo came here last night with his daughter and nefew they're gonna be staying with us for a while" Alibert said as he chopped up the meat.

"Yugo you mean the one in your stories you tell us at night are about" The middle child asked as she fed her baby brother a bottle of milk.

"Yes Imari that Same one.....Lyome would you sharpen these knives for me before the customers start coming" He said.

"Yes sir" Said the oldest as he grabbed the knives from the shelf.

Minutes later Yugo came downstairs with Sarime and Kojumo crying in his arms. He looks over to see Imari put her sleeping baby brother in a play pin in the corner of the diner. He smiles at her. Just then he saw Az sitting on the edge of the play pin looking down at the Cra infant. Imari looks over at the Tofu and smiles.

"Ah There's Yugo now I just got their bottles made Let me give you a free hand" Alibert said as he walked over and gently took Kojumo from Yugo and handed him Sarime's bottle then gave Kojumo his bottle. "There we go you two were hungry weren't you"

"Thanks dad..So these must be the kids you told me about" He said as he looked at Lyome and Imari.

"It's nice to finally meet you Mr. Yugo I am Lyome, This is my little sister Imari and sleeping in the play pin is our baby brother Hikaoru Mr. Alibert told us a lot about you and your adventures with your Brotherhood" Lyome said as he and Imari bowed.

"It's nice to meet you both I am Yugo and this is my daughter Sarime and the one dad's feeding now is my newfew Kojumo" He said as he bowed back. Just then Az Pecked at his hat. "And this Tofu here is my best friend Az"

"Wow you really are an Eliatrope is it True are Eliatropes REALLY Immortal" Imari said with wide eyes.

Yugo Chuckled. "Well I woudln't say we are immortal it's just we are reborn from our Dofus" He said.

"You told me they were immortal" She said as she looked at her brother angerly.

"How was I supposed to know I only heard it from a friend of mine a while back" He said.

"Where's your brother Adamai" Imari asked.

"On the other side of the world" He said.

"Yugo when Sarime falls asleep you can set her in the play pin with hikaoru That way you won't have to walk all the way upstairs then all the way back downstairs for her and Kojumo" Alibert said as he put a now sleeping Kojumo in the playpin across from Hikaoru.

"Alright" He said as he rocked a now sleeping Sarime then laid her down in the pin between Hikaoru and Kojumo.

"Heyyy I was about to say that Mr. Alibert" Said Imari as she put her hands on her hips. The three men lauhged at her.

"Sorry Imari" He said as he tried to crab a large bag of rice from the pantry.

"Dad be careful...now that I'm here you should take a rest and not do anything today Just let me handle the cooking" Yugo said as he took the bag of rice down then set Alibert down in a chair.

"For goodness sakes Yugo I'm not that old" He said.

"Still you need to take a day off and let me handle things around here for a while" He said.

"If you say so I guess I should get started with Kojumo's hat then" Alibert said.

"That's a good Idea" He said as he started making the food.

An hour later they opened the diner/inn and their first customers walked in. With Each customer that walked in that lived in the Village were all surprised to see Yugo working there again. They were all Also surprised at how much he has grown within the last four years they've seen him. By the end of the day and the Diner was getting hardly any more customers Yugo introduced his daughter and Adamai's son to the villagers and explained that he would be raising them in the village.

"Well I'll be Yugo has a daughter of his own now" Said one of the villagers.

"It seems like just yesterday he was a young boy helping Alibert at the inn" said an older man.

"I'm sure if Ruel was still alive he would be proud to see the man you've become Yugo" Said a young woman.

"And he would've wanted to see what the young ones would turn into when they grow up" Said a young boy about the age of eight.

"She's got your eyes and Hair color Yugo I'm sure she'll be just as cute as you were when you were young" Said an older woman.

Yugo Chuckled. "Thank you everyone" He said.

That night Imari was giving Sarime a bath while Yugo was feeding Kojumo and Lyome was putting Hikaoru to sleep and Alibert had just finished Kojumo's hat. He placed Kojumo in the hat. minutes later Imari came down soaking wet with a sleeping Sarime in her arms smiling.

"She's all clean now Mr. Yugo Clean hair clean body and Clean diaper" Imari said.

"Thank you Imari but you don't have to call me Mister just call me Yugo and....Why are you all wet" He asked.

"uhhh She's a splasher just like Hikaoru is" She said as she smiled.

He looked at her suspitiously. "If you say so" He said.

"Imari it's about time you got to bed" Lyome said as he came down.

"Okay big brother Nighty night Mr. Alibert nighty night Yugo" Imari said as she handed Sarime to Alibert and bowed then headed up the stairs Lyome bowed and said his goodnights then fallowed his sister.

"So how long have you known these children dad" Yugo asked.

"A few years I met them about a month after you left their father died while traveling and their mother died almost a year ago giving birth to Hikaoru so I Offered to take them in and have them work for me in return for giving them a place to stay At first Lyome declined but I told him that the cold months were coming soon and after that he agreed" He explained.

"I'm glad you took them in dad if Imari wasn't here I don't know what I would do with Sarime when it comes to her bath and diaper changes and if Lyome wasn't here then the work around here would get even harder with your age" Yugo said.

"Are you saying I'm old" He said with a Raised eyebrow.

"Well you are getting a little slower with how you make the food and I think some help from Lyome and Imari would be good for you and you can sit down and rest when you want and now that I'm here I can teach them things like for Imari I can teach her how to cook while the kids are sleeping" He explained.

"Your right I am getting too old to get wood and they have been a big help even before you came here And it is about time for Imari to learn how to cook" He said.

"Which is a good thing I'm here to help with all that" He said.

He looked at his son and smiled. "It's good to see you again Yugo" He said. Yugo smiled back.

Four years have passed since the day he met the three cra children. It's a beautiful morning at the Inn Sarime whom was now four and Imari whom was now twelve were taking a bath together before they were starting their day. Yugo now twenty-four, Lyome now twenty, Kojumo now four, and Hikaoru now five were out chopping wood and picking greens for the Salads and food toppings. Alibert was napping in a chair in the corner where the Play pin used to be. Yugo hasn't heard from the remaining members of "The Brotherhood of the Tofu" since the letter from Amalia he had recieved from Alibert when he first returned home stating that everyone was doing just fine. Yugo and Lyome were Chopping wood while Hikaoru and Kojumo were picking the greens.

"Stay close so we can see you two" Yugo said.

"And don't run off too far" Lyome said.

"We won't" The two boys said at the same time.

An hour later they opened the Diner. Sarime and Imari were puttng flowers in the middle of the tables for beauty. In the middle of the afternoon Buisness started booming then by the end of the day buisness was still booming. "Wow This is twice as many customers we've had since yesterdays number" Imari said as she served a table.

"I've never seen this place so full before" Yugo said as he made an order.

"Even the rooms are booked" Lyome said.

"I think I might know why we're getting so much buisness" Imari said as she pointed to the three kids as they were singing.

"A meal and a Show how bout that" Yugo said as he put the plates on the counter and Lyome took them and placed them on the proper table.

It was beginning to be closing time but one more customer came in. "Remember you two once we close up today we have to get everything out of the Diner and clean the floors really good" Yugo said.

"Okay Daddy" Sarime said.

"Right this way ma'am" Imari said as she showed the woman to her table. "My name is Imari and I will be your Waitress this evening might I start you off with anything to drink" She writes what the woman asked for. "Alright I'll bring that out for you in just a second"

As Imari was getting whatever the woman asked for Lyome and Hikaoru started washing the empty tables putting the flower vases on the bar. When Imari came out of the kitchen with what the woman wanted the kids were playing in the kitchen away from the hot stoves and ovens. Sarime was talking to the boys quietly as Imari cam over to the bar and told Yugo what the woman wanted to eat. Yugo fixed what the woman wanted and put it on the bar and Lyome picked it up and placed it on the woman's table.

"Here you are Ma'am" He said.

"Alright guys What's this" Sarime said as she saw Yugo leave the kitchen. She summons a portal just below his feet which made him fall init then placed another portal above the portal she laid down before making him fall in an Infanant loop until he summoned his own portals to get out of her own.

He came out of a portal mere feet away from the table the woman was sitting in. he had his back towars her "Alright which one of you two did it" He said as he looked at the two Eliatropes.

"How do you know it wasn't Hikaoru" Sarime said.

"Because Hikaoru is a Cra child not an Eliatrope child" He said as he crossed his arms.

"HE/SHE DID IT" Sarime and Kojumo said at the same time as they pointed at one another.

The word Eliatrope made the woman pause. She turned to see the back of Yugo's hat as he was talking to the two Eliatrope children and her eyes widened. "......Yugo" She asked Questionably but surprisingly.

Yugo whom was once lecturing the two children when he stoped he slowly turned around and his eyes widened.