
the doctors dolls

the doctor was an Angel in a world of blight and poverty. a world that Marie was constantly entrenched in and doomed to become consumed by. that is before the doctor came. he descended like an Angel promising a change, a future worth living for but this doctor is not what he seems and the future he’s promised may not be not a happy one.

Hannah_Rocker · Horror
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

the assistant

After my examination the doctor flitted around filling out paperwork and putting away trash and tools. He quickly left after he finished, leaving me to ponder the day's events in silence.

My arm was bandaged with an abundance of thick gauze and pads. Thankfully I hadn't broken any bones or caused and serious damage to anything other than my skin. I'd probably be fine to go back to work tomorrow..I deep sigh puffed out from my lips as I leaned back into the stiff doctor's chair.

After a while the doctor finally returned with a folder full of papers that he was busy looking through. Apparently they were very important considering he nearly ran into a wall because of them.


"HM?! Oh yes hello little one. I'm so very sorry it seems I've gotten a tad bit distracted. How are you gini?" He said cheerfully.

"I'm alright doctor. My arm is starting to hurt again though." I muttered.

"You really shouldn't run your fingers over the bandages. It could cause them to come undone. There will be some pain, after all you did get some pretty deep lacerations, dear." I jumped as he spoke. My fingers had bed rubbing over the bandages unconsciously I hadn't even realized!

I immediately placed my hands under my thighs and stared at my feet in embarrassment.

"M' sorry doctor. I didn't notice I was doin it.."

"It's quite alright dear. An unconscious habit is perfectly normal! Everyone has at least one you know~" he chirped. I nodded along slowly. What he said seemed to make sense. Like when Dewey would tap his toes and wouldn't even notice till mama was yelling down his throat for it. Or when sprilla was swirling her hair..

"Damn it where are those damn pens I know I brought some in here.." he grumbled while angrily patting his coat pockets.

" ya left it on the counter behind ya before ya left, doctor." I said as I stood to reach for it.

I picked it up while he swung around to face me and handed it to him. He smiled and gently lifted the pen from my palm, his eyes never leaving mine as he did so. He had deep brown eyes that seemed oddly puppy-like. All down turned and sad at the edges. Little liver spots and small wrinkles framed his face and i could see where most came from. His eyes scrunched up and a big toothy smile, filled with bright white teeth mind you, completely took over his expression after a moment. I gave him a small nod and returned to the bed after another long moment.

He chuckled and returned to his folder of papers. "I gotta ask you some questions sweetheart, try your best to answer honestly alright?" I nodded and he began.


"Eleven and a half."

He chuckled, "and here I thought you were younger! Weight and height?"

"Uhmm 4'5 and 52 pounds?" He scribbled it down and glanced at me suspiciously. "My work makes us go to the doctor sometimes.." I explained. He nodded in understanding.

"Full name?" I sniffed bitterly. "D'ya really need all that doctor?" He nodded and tapped His pen impatiently.

"…evangiline jaris mobden." I finally managed to sputter out.

"That's a lovely name little one! Why does it say Gigi in your files?"

"That's the name I go by." He tilted his head in confusion, like a cat, clearly wanting me to go on. "My grandmas name was 'vangiline. She was an evil old bitty who made me miserable for to damn long. She rots in hell now. Good riddance." I grumbled.

"Oh I see! So why did you pick Gigi then? And what's your date of birth?"

"Dunno. It just happened. June 9th 1891."

"Ah, my niece was born then! I'm happy you found a name that stuck with you darling!" I nodded and sighed.

"Ok I'll speed it up hunny! Are you taking any medicines?"


"do you have any allergies?"


"Pistachios! And have have you been diagnosed with anything before?"


"Wonderful! That should be everything for today sweetheart. Do you live close to here?" He ask cheerfully as he opened the door and smiled at me happily. I thought about it and realized I didn't exactly know where I was. Or how to get home at all.

"Uhm…is there a trolly station near here? Or perhaps a map of the city…?"I stuttered out nervously. He chuckled and put his hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump in surprise. I quickly rushed out of the room and fell in step with the doctor as he guided me out into the waiting room.

"There's a very nice trolly station with a big map about a ten minutes walk from here. Now I can't in good faith let you go all by your lonesome sweetheart so I'll walk you down to the station and make sure you get home safely alright?" I felt a bit embarrassed and indignate at the offer but it was clear that the good doctor insisted, despite I'm sure his large work load. Perhaps he's doing this to get a break in the sunshine?

I adjusted my skirt and shirt. My stockings were scruffy and stained and my clothes didn't really match and the fabric was dirty and scratchy.

I felt horribly out of place amongst the well dressed and polished ladies and gentlemen of the doctors office. Pale young ladies with silk handkerchiefs, dressed in matching satin skirts and waist coats and blouses all sitting and chatting quietly in their flower hats and perfect black boots. The perfect posture, and perfect manners, and perfect makeup just to see the doctor! It was a completely different world from what I was used to. A world I only saw through windows, across rail tracks, and in news clippings.

The doctor came back as I was tugging on my skirts and twisting the fabric in my hands bitterly. He was wearing a nice black brimmed hat with his black suit and a spotted red tie.

"Alright Gigi! Let's get moving!"