
The Doctor: My Super Benevolent System

Qin Feng was admitted to the hospital for an internship and unexpectedly obtained a world-class medical system. After three months, his usual life was changed. A family member of a deranged patient slits the doctor's throat with a knife. Her blood was splattered all over the floor, and it was serious. The injured is Deputy Director Chen Yuan-fang. At this time, the hospital could not find a suitable person to operate on her. It's about to miss the best first aid time! When everyone was helpless, a rescue that shocked them began. ...... I am a contract writer for China Literature (Yuewen). If you want to read the Chinese version, you can go to QiDian. It's more updated than the English version.

LiBinBin · Urban
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354 Chs

Emergencies for pregnant women

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing a diagnosis, reward cash: $100. ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing a hemostasis, reward cash: $200. ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing a diagnosis, reward cash: $100. ]


Next, Qin Feng started the consultation.

Every time a patient is terminated, the system can be rewarded more or less.

Although it is a small amount of money, it can't stand the number of emergency patients!

After receiving more than 20 consultations in one day, there was an extra $4,000 in the bank account!

This is more than one month's salary for his internship!

$4,000 a day, $40,000 ten days, $120,000 a month!

A year is close to 1.5 million!

This has caught up with the annual salary of the chief physician of the top three hospitals in first-tier cities!

Qin Feng was a little excited after silently calculating the account.

'There will be no shortage of money in the future. '



Qin Feng started the first night shift, and Zhao Yitian followed his time.

The night is usually the busiest time for the emergency department because there will be many emergencies.

Just after 12 o'clock, the ambulance brought a critically ill patient.

Due to the reasons of Deputy Director Chen Yuanfang, only Director Zhou is on duty in the emergency department, and then he went to the operating table.

"Qin Feng, are you really just an intern?"

Zhao Yitian, who was sitting next to him, looked at him and asked curiously.

Qin Feng has a black line, this has been asked him many times in the past few days.

"Dr. Zhao, I'm really an intern, and I won't graduate until a year later."

"Why do you even know how to suture the carotid artery?"

Zhao Yitian still couldn't figure out this question.

When he first came to the hospital for an internship, he felt like a fool.

Because a lot of what is taught in schools is written knowledge, there are not many people who can really use it clinically.

The emergency department is the most tested of diagnosis and clinical.

He sat beside Qin Feng these days and hardly said a word.

Because Qin Feng did not miss a single diagnosis of the patient!

Simply perverted!

"Doctor, doctor."

Qin Feng sighed, thinking about how to prevaricate when suddenly there was an anxious voice at the door.

Immediately afterwards, a man walked in with the pregnant woman beside him.

It's so timely!

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and he quickly sat upright.

"What's wrong?"

The pregnant woman sat down with difficulty, her face full of pain, and her forehead was full of sweat.

Qin Feng found that the situation was not right and asked quickly.

"I don't know, my wife has been complaining about stomach pain since the afternoon."

The man was also sweating profusely, and said quickly,

"I just got off work, and when I got home, I found that she was in severe pain, and she couldn't eat anything and always had nausea, so I quickly sent her over."

Qin Feng suddenly became nervous when he heard the words.

It has been almost ten hours since the afternoon, how did the pregnant woman survive such a long time?

"Tell me, where does it hurt?"

He looked at the pregnant woman and asked.

"Ouch~ Doctor, I'm in terrible pain here."

The pregnant woman raised her arms with difficulty and pointed to her right lower abdomen.

Qin Feng reached out and touched it lightly.


The pregnant woman cried out in pain immediately, her body throbbing uncontrollably.

He retracted his palm, frowning slightly.

It felt as hard as a plank just now, and there was obvious rebound pain.

A possibility suddenly popped into his mind.

But he wasn't sure, because there were many symptoms of lower abdominal pain.

And looking at the big belly of the pregnant woman, she is at least eight months pregnant.

If it is really diagnosed, I am afraid it is not a trivial matter!

Zhao Yitian, who was beside him, saw this situation, and his expression immediately became serious.

Something is not right!

"How about Qin Feng? Can you?"

He immediately approached Qin Feng's ear and asked.

Qin Feng shook his head, and his hands quickly beat on the keyboard.

"Doctor Zhao, please call a stretcher."

Zhao Yitian hurried out after hearing the words. He tore off the form and handed it to the man, and said solemnly.

"Take your wife for an ultrasound and electrocardiogram right away.

Wait, add another MRI, be quick! "

"Doctor, is my wife all right? She's still pregnant with a baby!"

When the man saw Qin Feng's expression and tone, he immediately became anxious.

"Don't worry about it, give it to me as soon as the inspection report comes out, do you hear?"

Qin Feng heard the sound of a stretcher in the corridor, shook his head and said.

The man nodded frantically and clenched the checklist in his hand.

"The stretcher is here!"

Zhao Yitian and the head nurse Liu Juan behind him had already rushed to the door with a stretcher.

Afterwards, the pregnant woman was put on a stretcher by four people together. At this time, the pregnant woman's face turned pale in pain.

The beads of sweat kept falling, and the back was soaked wet.

Seeing the pregnant woman being pushed away, Qin Feng couldn't help but hang up.

"Qin Feng, what's going on?"

"Doctor Zhao, I suspect that the pregnant woman has acute appendicitis."

Hearing Qin Feng's diagnosis, Zhao Yitian only felt his scalp numb instantly, opened his mouth wide,

"You...how sure are you?"

"Although there is no confirmed diagnosis yet, it is estimated that this is the case."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, Zhao Yitian suddenly became nervous.

Acute appendicitis during pregnancy is a terrible thing!

Ordinary people get appendicitis, whether it is chronic or acute, it is easy to solve.

This is a very small operation, even if the attending doctor like Zhao Yitian can perform it.

But pregnant women with acute appendicitis, it is very dangerous.

Acute appendicitis during pregnancy is easy to spread, prone to necrosis, perforation and peritonitis, and the disease develops very quickly.

This is due to congestion of the pelvic organs during pregnancy, as is the appendix.

At the same time, the uterus continues to grow and the abdominal organs move up.

When the appendix is ​​inflamed, the omentum cannot be effectively wrapped, causing the inflammation to expand and aggravate, which in turn leads to peritonitis.

After inflammation stimulates the uterus, it induces uterine contractions leading to miscarriage and premature birth.

Severely can lead to fetal hypoxia or even death!

"But the abdominal pain in pregnant women is not just appendicitis. Why are you sure it is this?"

Zhao Yitian was also worried and asked with a frown.

"So I need to do basic examination and B-ultrasound. She can't do CT. I added an MRI (a multifunctional imaging technology)"

Qin Feng nodded and affirmed.

There are also many cases of abdominal pain during pregnancy, such as premature labor, renal colic, placental abruption, and uterine fibroids.

Therefore, the diagnosis of the disease is extremely important!

Once the diagnosis is wrong, it is likely to put the pregnant woman and the child in the womb at risk.

Fortunately, there are not many people at night, and the machine is free.

He opened the express service again, and in about ten minutes, the man ran back panting with a few inspection reports.

"Doctor... Doctor, the report is here."

Qin Feng reported the results, and his eyes suddenly sank after taking a look at the diagnosis and images.

He then handed the report to Zhao Yitian and said in a low voice.

"Look at it."

Zhao Yitian reported the results, and his expression froze after only one look.

Sure enough, acute appendicitis!

And the appendix has been inflamed and ruptured, and the pus with bacteria is obviously oozing, very close to the uterus.

Here's to trouble!

"What now? Director Zhou is still on the operating table."

"It's too late, we can only do the surgery and wait for Director Zhou to sign.

Doctor Zhao, please ask which director of the obstetrics and gynecology department is on duty tonight, just in case. "

Qin Feng shook his head and said solemnly.

He found through B-ultrasound that the appendix of the pregnant woman was partially covered by the uterus.

If normal, it is the best outcome to have the appendix removed without affecting the continuation of the pregnancy.

However, if the inflammation continues to develop, or if the uterus is heavily shielded, appendix surgery cannot be performed.

Once the appendix perforation is complicated by diffuse peritonitis and the pelvic cavity is infected, a cesarean section can only be performed first.

This was not the result he wanted to see, but he still prepared for the worst.

Although Qin Feng has also signed up for the [World-class Cesarean Section], this kind of surgery is still better for doctors in the obstetrics and gynecology department.

"Okay, then I'll contact the obstetrics and gynecology department on standby."

Zhao Yitian nodded without refusing and walked out quickly.

"Nurse Liu, immediately arrange the operating room, notify the anesthesia, and prepare for the operation!"

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

When Liu Juan heard his words, she turned and ran away without any hesitation.