
The Doctor and The CEO

Rachel, CEO of a big conglomerate woke up after being in a coma for 3 months. She ran away from her home and running away didn't do her any good and she ended up getting entangled with a few dangerous people, she thought her life would end but surprisingly she was alive and was being cared by a handsome doctor, Daniel. Unbeknownst to her there are some hidden enemies she needs to deal with and she can only with the support of her gang of friends and the doctor she developed a crush on. ... Once the rapid pounding of their hearts calmed down, Daniel pecked her lips lightly and again confessed, “I love you Rachel” Rachel smiled back at him, “I love you too” “Should we continue our drive or return back home?” Daniel asked. “Let’s continue” “You sure? Are you not tired?” Daniel was still concerned about her. “You think only a kiss can tire me?” Rachel replied boldly, she too was not sure where this boldness came from but she suddenly felt courageous. Daniel was surprised by her words but he was not the one to back down, “Well should we find out what can tire you?” Daniel leaned forward and whispered in her ears, his eyes looked hungry for more. The bold Rachel of earlier disappeared and she became shy and shrank back ... Disclaimer: The cover photo does not belong to me, if the owner has a problem please let me know I'll remove it

Reyram · Urban
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343 Chs


Rachel reached London Kings Cross railway station. She wanted to take an immediate train which was ready to leave. Rachel went to the ticket counter and asked "Can you please tell me which train is ready to depart right now?"

Man at the counter informed her, "Train to Edinburgh will leave immediately".

Rachel asked "What is the price?"

Man replied "85 Pounds". It usually is cheaper but since she was booking on spot it was being sold at a higher price.

Rachel asked "What is the duration of travelling? Please issue me one ticket."

"Around five hours" He informed her and issued the ticket to her.

She gave money to the person sitting at the counter.

The train arrived and she boarded it.

Rachel settled in the train as the train started, she thought 'This is the first time I am travelling by train and that too alone. I have preferred the train as the London city alone had 12 railway stations which would be difficult to find out which one she opted.'

Rachel was further thinking 'This train will reach Edinburgh which is the capital city of Scotland and a busy place, so it will be better if I go to a small town so that nobody can recognize me.'

Rachel immediately took her smartphone, she turned off the location tracker on it and started searching small towns near Edinburgh. She found Peebles, a county town, within Scottish Border. Edinburgh to Peebles is 36 km and she can take a cab from the railway station which is a 40 minutes journey.

Rachel thought this place will be appropriate and she can think what to do later. She was very tired and took a small nap. Journey duration was around 5 hours.

Train reached Edinburgh station, Rachel got down from the train and she walked towards the cab stand. She took the cab to the town called Peebles.

Peebles lies at the confluence of the river Tweed and the cuddy. It is the best town in Scotland with very less population. It is a tourist place famous for its art gallery, local museum, town library and market.

As the car was passing towards the bridge which is the main entrance to the town, Rachel was mesmerized by the beauty of the town. She was thinking that she never went to a countryside which is pollution free without any Industries and the noise of vehicles. This town was very calm and less populated.

Rachel asked the cab driver to take her to a hotel with modern facilities and a riverside view. Cab driver took her to the Philipburn hotel which meets Rachel requirements. Rachel paid money to the cab driver, took her bag and entered the hotel.

Hotel was set in a 4-Acer private garden with views of Ettrick water, Rachel thought it was the perfect place. She entered the hotel and took a room.

Receptionist: Ma'am for how long would you like to stay.

Rachel: May be for a week.

Receptionist: Ma'am we would like to offer our services. We will provide a tourist guide for local historic attractions . You can go for shopping and many outdoor activities. If you wish you can contact us and we will provide our services to you.

Rachel said "Thank you, let me inform you if I need anything else" and asked her to send lunch to her room.

Receptionist said thank you and Rachel left to settle in the room.

Rachel was enjoying the riverfront view holding a mug, sipping coffee. She is feeling so relaxed that she has never felt so relaxed in these two years of span. When she was announced as the CEO of the company, she immediately took the charge and never had a vacation. She was so busy with her new ventures she never took time for herself.

Next day morning she planned to visit a museum. She thought to go by herself. She started walking towards the museum which was at a walk-able distance. She visited the museum till the afternoon. Later on she had lunch and thought to visit the local market for shopping, which is very famous.

While walking towards the market all of a sudden one person snatched her hand bag and started running away.

She panicked and shouted "Catch the thief".

A person who saw this started chasing the thief and after a few seconds was able to chase him and catch him.

The thief then threw the bag away and escaped. This guy then took the bag and brought it to Rachel who too was trying to keep up with their speed. Rachel was stunned by seeing the handsome person standing right in front of her.

He then introduced himself as Andrew and apologized for not being able to catch the thief.

Rachel "Please don't apologize, thanks a lot for getting my handbag, I am Rachel" she extended her hand and both greeted each other.

Andrew asked her "Are you new to this place?"

Rachel said "Yes I am"

Andrew Chuckled and said "Yeah I thought so, you have to be very careful here, although our town is calm and safe there are people who try to steal from people who are new to this town."

Rachel then nodded her head and said "Oh I'll be careful. Can we go to a nearby cafe, I want to treat you as a thanks"

Andrew hesitated but Rachel insisted so he agreed, then they went to the cafe which was nearby. After settling, Andrew said to Rachel "This is my native place. You can ask any help in case of need. please take my visiting card" he handed a card to Rachel.

Rachel and Andrew had pastries and coke. They had a conversation about the town and Rachel was shocked to know that the population of town is very less.

He further continued that all young people are moving to cities for employment and because of Pebbles being a tourist site it had few visitors and therefore some families were still surviving.

Andrew asked her about where she was staying and she replied that she had checked in Philipburn hotel. He said he would come till the hotel to drop her so that she won't encounter any more thieves and asked if she would mind if he does so, Rachel shook her head and was rather thankful to him for being so considerate.

Finally they both reached the hotel and exchanged pleasantries, then Andrew left the place.