
The Divine Wolf... or?

Ark is a young Swedish man. Growing up without the loving care of parents had a big impact on his life and his personality turned out rather cold, even though he is a good person. His life ends abruptly when he suddenly dies of a rare disease, but his story doesn't. In fact, he gets reincarnated in a world of swords and magic... as a wolf? Follow Ark as he tries his hardest to evolve and survive in this new world fraught with danger, after all, power is everything. I have a discord as well if anyone wants to join, but its nothing special. Link: https://discord.gg/fhBASQ4

Tyrone_Bedoire · Games
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250 Chs

Another day, another spoiled brat.

Even though they had come here to enjoy themselves a little, it seemed like it wasn't going to go according to Ark's original plan. The annoying voice seemed to come from a rather plump young man that was seated at a table a couple of meters away from them. The plump young man was currently flirting with the waitress, or as most would call it, harassing her. His behaviour was quite honestly disgusting, as he wouldn't let her return to her work in peace. 


Ark wasn't stupid, and he could quickly figure out that this guy was someone rather important in this town, probably a noble of some sort, otherwise the waitress would've just told him to fuck off. Ark hated stuff like this, and he sometimes wondered what went through these people's heads when they did stuff like this. The waitress looked disgusted and troubled by this noble's advances on her, but there wasn't much she could do.