
Chapter 384 How did this lamp go out just like that! (2 in 1)_4

"'They' didn't even deign to kill me."

"So I lived for a very long time, a very long time, indeed. Although it was just a few short years, I lived longer than many people do."

"I succeeded, you know."

"Even I think of myself as The Joker, who knew only how to crack jokes, to entertain others, and to cling to life at all costs."

"The weak can only survive in this way."

"But does it matter? No, it doesn't. Nothing is more important than living. Oh, but you wouldn't understand, after all, you're already dead."

Flask: "..."

Li Changge opened his eyes.

There was no ripple in that star-like twinkling gaze.

"So, I've decided, this time too, I will go to the very end, the very end, the very end. It's said that the person who makes it to the very end can live again."

"Many people say, living requires a reason."

"But does living really need a reason?" Li Changge shook his head, his smile growing: "Does it? It doesn't. Does it? It doesn't. Does it?"