

'Death — will there be a third one?' Ling Feng thought as he looked at the headless body below, his body. 'There was no need to be so cruel, was there? This bastard! he severed my head!'

As his head fell to the ground, his thoughts came to an end — darkness devoured everything.


"Doctor, how is my bro's condition?" A youth who looked to be around 17 - 18 years old asked, "It's already been a month, yet there's no sign of him waking up."

"His condition is stable, and his injuries are also recovering normally," A man in his 40's, wearing a white coat and gold-rimmed glasses, replied, "He should be waking up any day now."

"I hope it's as you say." The youth said with an anguished expression, "It's all my fault; I shouldn't have drunk so much that night."

Every time the youth remembered his brother jumping in front of the truck to save him, his heart warmed. But following the warmth was a great pain, guilt, and remorse. From drinking and playing around to his brother lying in the hospital, it happened in a few moments. Drunk, he was rambling aloud and staggering around on the footpath when the stupid he started to walk towards the road.

Just when he walked a few steps, a truck rushed towards him at high speed, seemingly wanting to crush him. Though the truck driver braked as soon as he could, it was in vain. Right when the truck was going to smash him, someone pulled him with great force and threw him on the footpath behind him.

After rolling on the ground, he sobered up. Immediately standing up, he looked ahead and felt as if someone smashed his head as his mind went blank. The truck had stopped, and a person lay some distance away from it, covered in blood. Looking carefully, it was his brother who was walking with him a few moments ago.

"Ambulance! someone call the ambulance!" Someone shouted, and a crowd immediately gathered around the young man lying on the ground. The youth also rushed towards his brother. By now, his mind had cleared up, and he could think clearly.

Soon, the ambulance arrived and brought him and his brother to the hospital. The doctors immediately brought his brother to the emergency operation ward, while a nurse took him to another emergency ward. He only had some bruises on his body, and so, he was good to go after a regular checkup and some medicine. His brother suffered many external and internal injuries.

Though the injuries didn't endanger his life, his head took some damage which sent him into a deep sleep. Even after a month, his brother didn't wake up. Anxiousness tortured the youth at all times. He and his brother had come to this city far away from their home to have some fun. He now thanked the gods that his brother made him turn off his phone before they left. Otherwise, he wouldn't know how to explain it to everyone back home.


"Doctor, I will go check out my bro's condition." The youth sighed and walked towards the door of the office, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"It is what I should do," Xu Dingfeng replied as he took off his glasses and placed them on the table before him, "Let me know if your brother wakes up. I will also check on him again in the evening."

Leaving the doctor's office, the young man walked towards the elevator while thinking, 'Wang Xiao, ah, Wang Xiao, what the fuck have you done! If something happens to brother, you better forget about remaining in a single piece. Even if everyone else forgives you, Sis will certainly rip your limbs apart!'

Pressing the elevator's button, he soon entered the elevator and went to the third floor. Arriving at the entrance of the ward where his brother stayed, he pushed open the door and entered. In front of him lay a young man on the hospital bed, appearing to be in a peaceful sleep.

"Bro, when are you going to wake up? It's already been a month; everyone must be getting anxious back home. Ai, if I knew this would happen, I would have listened to father and gone to the company to learn from him." Wang Xiao sat down on a stool next to the bed as he spoke, "It's good there aren't any major scars, and your handsome face is also good as new. Otherwise, Sis, she would rip off my face..."


Wang Xiao suddenly heard a grunt, and his words got stuck in his throat. He immediately jumped to his feet and looked at his brother. Ling Feng slowly opened his eyes in confusion. 'What happened? Didn't I die just now?' As these thoughts came to his mind, a bright light pierced his eyes. Ling Feng immediately closed his eyes and raised his hand to cover them. But the moment he tried to move his hand, pain coursed through his stiff body and his arm fell back.

"Awake! my bro is awake!" Wang Xiao yelled in excitement and rushed out of his room, "Doctor, nurse, my brother woke up! Someone, quickly come and check my brother's condition."

As Wang Xiao rushed out, he didn't even take the elevator and directly ran down the stairs. Ling Feng's mind, on the other hand, was confused. 'This voice, it sounds familiar. Who is it? How come I am not dead? Didn't that little bastard, Xing Chang, severe my head? I am sure I die...'

As he tried to remember what transpired before, a sharp pain assaulted his mind and memories started to flood in — memories that he hadn't touched for a long time. The latest thing he remembered was saving his stupid drunk brother and getting hit by a truck.

'What the fuck is going on? That fucking Wang Xiao! Ai, I must rip a limb off his body!' Ling Feng thought and sighed with some difficulty, 'It seems I have returned. That familiar voice from before seemed to be that bastard, Wang Xiao.'

Ling Feng had no difficulty accepting his current situation. He had died once and transmigrated into another world. In that dog eat dog world filled with Cultivators all around, he had fought his way to the peak. In the end, he died again — got murdered, to be precise. So, if he returned to the time before his transmigration, it wasn't that hard to accept it. He had heard legends of ancient gods that could alter or even reverse time. Probably, some ancient god took mercy and reversed time for him.

'Whatever, there's no use thinking of what has already transpired!' He thought, 'I should first arrange my memories.'

"Eh..." The moment Ling Feng tried to arrange his memories, he realized that his memories before transmigration appeared to be very clear, but the memories after his transmigration seemed to be distant. 'What happened?' He was stunned by this discovery. It appeared as if someone artificially placed those memories in his mind, just like a memory inheritance.

Though those memories belonged to him, he didn't feel attached to them. But after thinking for a while, he heaved a sigh. It was no different from the time he had transmigrated. At that time, his memories from before were just like this. Though they were his own, he didn't feel very attached to them. 'It seems to be a side-effect of transmigration. Well, there's no harm done anyway. Not like I had any attachment left in that world. LingLing was not by my...'

"LingLing!" The moment he remembered the name deeply branded on his soul, Ling Feng immediately sat up with a shout, with his hand reaching out. But soon, pain assaulted his entire body as he swayed. Just at this moment, Wang Xiao also returned to the ward with the doctor, Xu Dingfeng, following behind him. Seeing Ling Feng's pained expression and his swaying body, Wang Xiao rushed to support him.

"Bro, don't get up." Wang Xiao helped Ling Feng lay back down and said, "Doctor Xu is here. Let him check your condition first."

Wang Xiao then stood to the side and gestured towards Xu Dingfeng, "Please..."

Xu Dingfeng came to the side of the bed and took Ling Feng's pulse. After doing some routine checks and confirming that there were no major problems, he said to Wang Xiao, "His externals wounds will not cause any issues. His internal injuries have also recovered by a great margin. Only, his body is very stiff and will be in pain for a while when he tries to move. He should be alright after a few days of rehabilitation. I will take my leave now. You can come to me if there's anything." [Note: I made this up, so don't take it seriously.]

"Thank you, doctor!" Wang Xiao then walked the doctor outside. After saying a few more words, he returned to the room and sat near the bed and asked Ling Feng, "Bro, are you alright? You don't feel any discomfort anywhere, right? Can you feel all of your limbs? How about your vision, hearing, smell, taste, and sound? What about your little brother, does it sta..."

"Shut up!" Ling Feng said in a low voice, "Little bastard, if not for you, would I be in this condition? Ai, those novels aren't trustworthy at all! Where's my new life in a new world, where are the beauties, where are the godly treasures! Bastard, Truck-kun, I got tricked!"

"Bro, you wouldn't have gone insane, right?" Listening to Ling Feng blabbering nonsense, Wang Xiao felt that his brother's brain might have shortcircuited after the accident. What new life? What beauties? What treasures? It was already great that he got to keep this life. How could the Truck-kun in real life be so magical?

"Fuck you! You are the one who has gone insane!" Ling Feng asked, "How long have I slept for?"

"Hehe, Bro, it seems you are still my Bro. I was worried some old bastard might have taken over your body!" Wang Xiao replied, "It's already been a month."

"A month?" Ling Feng was stunned, "Fucked! We are fucked!"

"Eh? What happened, Bro? Are you worried about the people back home?" Wang Xiao asked. Though they had been away for a month and a half, their situation wasn't that bad, right? They could just think up some excuse. Why was his Bro getting so worked up?

Ya! Thank you for reading! I hope you liked this. Don't forget to leave a comment. And don't feel shy or bad when leaving criticism. Honest criticism is most welcome.

Right! I wanted to remind you that this is a work of fiction. I made up everything. It has nothing to do with reality. Country names are made up, cultures are stolen with some made up, and all that. Don't think too much into things. Enjoy!

Arougacreators' thoughts